Changelog - Medeek Floor
This Changelog is a list of all of the signficant updates and modifications that have occurred with the Medeek Floor extension since its inception in September of 2024. The most current versions/revisions are listed at the top.
- Added Roof Sheathing within the Advanced Options.
- Added the following membrane types to the Roof Sheathing Module: BUR, MB, TPO, EPDM, PVC.
- Enabled multi-ply insulation with the roof sheathing module.
Version 0.9.9y - 12.04.2024
- Added Steel Decks w/ Concrete Slabs (Verco®): B-36, N3-32, W2-36, W3-36, SV, DV.
Version 0.9.9x - 12.01.2024
- Fixed a bug with the SUBTRACT_JOIST feature.
- Updated the algorithm for large span Open Joist floors.
Version 0.9.9w - 11.25.2024 thru 11.29.2024
- Fixed multiple bugs with metric units within the attribute libraries and edit menu.
- Fixed a bug with offset joists and metal bracing, blocking and insulation.
Version 0.9.9v - 11.24.2024
- Added a "Web Shield" option for PinkWood (PKI) I-Joists.
- Fixed multiple bugs with the floor preset module.
- Fixed a bug related to metric units within the edit menu.
- Updated (Manufacturers: LP and PinkWood) links on the Floor plugin website.
Version 0.9.9u - 11.23.2024
- Added the "CFS" floor family: ClarkDietrich, JoistRite and TotalJoist.
- Added additional logic for non-standard joist sizes for Open Joists (TriForce).
- Addressed some minor bugs with metal bracing and other advanced options for top chord bearing trusses (Open Web and Steel).
- Added a built-in steel material option for rim joists.
Version 0.9.9t - 11.19.2024
- Added the "Open Web" floor family (RedBuilt™: Red-L, Red-M, Red-S, Red-M, Red-H).
- Added the following TriForce Open Joists: OJ3-14, OJ4-14, OJ3-16, OJ4-16.
- Added the "Steel Truss" floor family (Nucor®: K-Series).
- Added a removal parameter for sill plates.
Version 0.9.9s - 11.13.2024
- Added the "Open Joist" floor family.
- Added the following TriForce Open Joists: OJ3-11.875, OJ4-11.875.
Version 0.9.9r - 11.10.2024
- Added a "Sheathing" tab to the Global Settings.
- Added floor sheathing and ceiling gypsum parameters to the Sheathing tab of the Global Settings.
- Fixed a minor bug with the perimeter offset (wall mode) in the floor draw menu.
Version 0.9.9q - 11.10.2024
- Added a perimeter offset parameter within the edit menu for floors drawn in "Wall" mode.
- Added two "Wall Mode Options" to the Floors tab of the global settings: Perimeter Offset and Move Walls.
- Connected the "Move Floor Edge" tool to the Medeek Wall API so that moving floor edges (Wall Mode Only) can also move walls.
- Updated the Draw Flooring tool so that floor coverings can be applied to slabs, slab-on-grade foundations and floor trusses.
Version 0.9.9p - 11.08.2024
- Added a "Wall" draw mode to the floor draw tool.
- Enabled "Perimeter Options" within the edit menu of the floor tool.
Version 0.9.9o - 11.07.2024
- Added a Material X-Offset parameter for the floor covering material.
- Added a Material Y-Offset parameter for the floor covering material.
- Added a Material Rotation parameter for the floor covering material.
Version 0.9.9n - 11.06.2024
- Enabled "Openings Options" within the edit menu of the floor covering tool.
Version 0.9.9m - 11.04.2024
- Added a "Wall" draw mode to the floor covering draw tool.
- Enabled "Perimeter Options" within the edit menu of the floor covering tool.
Version 0.9.9l - 10.31.2024
- Fixed a bug with the floor covering tools (floor covering selection): Move, Edit, Regen and Delete.
Version 0.9.9k - 10.30.2024
- Added floor coverings with an underlayment option.
- Added the floor coverings toolbar with the following five items: Draw, Move, Edit, Regen and Delete.
Version 0.9.9j - 10.25.2024
- Added a vertical offset parameter for deck fascia/wrap.
- Added an air gap parameter for deck fascia/wrap.
- Changed the deck "wrap" to deck "fascia in the menus.
- Enabled deck/floor fascia independent of floor sheathing or deck boards.
Version 0.9.9i - 10.22.2024
- Added the following layers/tags to the global settings and deck module.
Version 0.9.9h - 10.21.2024
- Enabled custom overhangs for decks.
- Enabled double trim band for decks.
- Fixed a number of minor bugs related to custom (removal) trim bands and overhangs.
Version 0.9.9g - 10.19.2024
Version 0.9.9f - 10.17.2024
- Enabled (cosmetic cutting) of individual deck boards.
- Enabled removing of individual rim boards.
Version 0.9.9e - 10.04.2024
- Updated 2-Ply rim joists with air gap to extend joists that are in a lapped configuration.
- Updated the Floor tab of the Global Settings with even more parameters for joist construction.
- Added the following face mount Simpson hangers into the built-in library: MIU1819, MIU18111, MIU18114, MIU18116, MIU18118.
Version 0.9.9d - 10.03.2024
- Fixed critical bugs with saving of floor presets.
- Improved robustness of floor attribute library and data lookup methods.
Version 0.9.9c - 10.03.2024
- Enabled diagonal deck boards with the addition of a Board rotation parameter.
- Enabled 2-Ply rim joists with our without an air gap.
Version 0.9.9b - 10.01.2024
- Updated the Floor tab of the Global Settings with additional parameters for joist construction.
- Fixed a minor bug with the hanger module for double ply staggered studs.
- Fixed a bug in the Draw and Edit menus so that all hangers in the library are properly displayed.
- Added the following skewed (45 degree) Simpson hangers into the built-in library (skew_hangers): SUL410, SUL414, SUL214_2, SUL210_2, SUL26_2, SUR410, SUR414, SUR214_2, SUR210_2, SUR26_2
Version 0.9.9 - 10.01.2024
- Further updated the insulation, blocking, metal bridging and hanger modules to accommodate staggered joists.
- Added skewed hanger options into the Floor tab of the Global Settings.
- Added skewed hangers to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Added the following skewed (45 degree) Simpson hangers into the built-in library (skew_hangers): SUL24, SUL26, SUL210, SUL214, SUL1819, SUL18111, SUL18114, SUL2069, SUL20611, SUL20614, SUR24, SUR26, SUR210, SUR214, SUR1819, SUR18111, SUR18114, SUR2069, SUR20611, SUR20614
- Updated and added a new subtraction mode to the SUBTRACT feature: SUBTRACT_JOIST
- Added Subtractive Geometry (Joist) in the General tab of the Global Settings.
Version 0.9.8 - 09.27.2024
- Made the polyline/face icon in the draw menu clickable.
- Added a joist direction toggle button/icon to the draw and edit menus.
- Added a stagger joist option to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Updated the insulation, blocking, metal bridging and hanger modules to accommodate staggered joists.
Version 0.9.7 - 09.23.2024
- Updated the SUBTRACT feature with three other options.
- Added seven advanced options in the Floor tab of the Global Settings.
- Added metal bridging to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Added solid blocking (Lumber and I-Joist) to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Fixed minor bugs in the HTML menus and preset system.
Version 0.9.6 - 09.19.2024
- Fixed a bug with metric floor presets.
- Fixed a bug with the insulation module.
Version 0.9.5 - 09.18.2024
- Added a joist direction arrow to the draw floor tool.
- Added a "debug mode" parameter to the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Fixed a bug with deck board placement.
- Fixed a bug with the deck board offset parameter.
Version 0.9.4 - 09.16.2024
- Added joist hangers to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Added a built-in library of face mount and and top flange hangers.
Version 0.9.3 - 09.12.2024
- Fixed a critical bug in the Draw Floor menu.
- Added a status icon (Draw Mode: Polyline or Face) in upper right corner of the Draw Floor menu.
- Added the Draw Mode parameter to Floors tab of the Global Settings.
- Fixed a HTML/Javascript bug in the Draw Floor menu.
Version 0.9.2 - 09.11.2024
- Enabled a overhang for deck boards.
- Enabled a global offset for deck boards.
Version 0.9.1 - 09.10.2024
- Enabled doubling of individual joists.
- Enabled offsetting of individual joists.
- Enabled global offsetting of joists.
- Added a duplicate floor check to the regen module for all floor types.
- Updated the javascript logic within the License tab of the Global Settings.
Version 0.9.0 - 09.08.2024
- Created the Medeek Floor Plugin, utilizing SketchUp's Ruby API.
- Added the draw floor tool with the ability to create I-Joist and solid sawn lumber polygon shaped floors.
For a more in depth look at the development of the plugin and related discussions please visit the Medeek Forum.
If you have any questions about the Medeek Floor Plugin or its development please contact us.