Development and Updates for the Medeek Truss Plugin

Started by Medeek, November 07, 2015, 03:06:39 AM

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Version 1.3.3 - 02.28.2016
- Added Bowstring truss type, configurations: (6/6).
- Metric input enabled for bowstring truss type.

View model here:

I'm not sure how common place this truss type is anymore so I will add the advanced options at a later date if requested by a user.  I can also add in other configurations with more panels if needed (ie. 8/8, 10/10).
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Added Bowstring truss type, configurations: (8/8).

View model here:

Initially I wasn't really sure how to lay out this type of truss, especially the webs and panel distances.  Then after some thought it occurred to me that the length of each top chord segment should be roughly equal to best approximate the circular shape of the truss.  After some checking of existing shop drawings my theory tested correct.  The length of each top chord segment is equal in length.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


28' Bow Barrel Truss (8/8) study.

View model here:

Gable end trusses for this type are a bit of a question right now.  I can add this one into the plugin if there is some call for it, but I may hold off until a request is made since the code will be somewhat tedious with all the separate members that make up the top and bottom chords.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.3.4 - 03.02.2016
- Corrected a bug in the metric unit template module.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.3.5 - 03.04.2016
- Added Bow Barrel truss type, configurations: (8/8).
- Metric input enabled for bow barrel truss type.
- Corrected a bug with the webs of the bowstring truss type.

View model here:

Gable end option is also available (not shown in image above for clarity) for this truss type.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I find the bow barrel truss very interesting.  Its very similar to a flat truss in a lot of respects but then you essentially create pitch breaks at all the panel points and add some camber to it.

View model here:
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I'm thinking the next thing I might tackle is an octagonal rafter roof. Something along these lines:

My time allotted to work on the plugin is very limited right now so I'm trying to decide if this would be something of interest for current and potential users of the plugin.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.3.6 - 03.06.2016
- Added Double Howe and Triple Howe common truss types.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Common (Double & Triple Howe) truss types.

View model here:
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Nine different truss profiles currently available within the Medeek Truss Plugin:
- Common
- Attic
- Monopitch
- Scissor
- Tail Bearing
- Dual Pitch
- Bowstring
- Bow Barrel
- Floor (System 42)

View model here:

Are there any truss types I am missing that you would like to see added to the plugin?
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.3.7 - 03.06.2016
- Added Soffit Cut within Advanced Options for common fink truss type.

After I'm certain that this feature is robust I will add it to all other truss types and rafter roofs.  For now it only applies to roofs that use a common fink truss (non-raised heel).
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Here is one way to frame an octagonal roof.  The basic hip elements were first created with the plugin.  This is a study of this type of roof to see what is required to add it into the plugin:

View model here:

Another method would be to use an 8 faceted center block.  Dewalt's framing book goes into some alternative methods in some detail.  I prefer the method I have shown above because it is much easier to extrapolate the framing method to include elongated octagonal roofs.  8 common rafters and 8 hip rafters come together at the peak, seems like it would be a real pain to try and fasten these at the peak, perhaps someone could enlighten me on how a carpenter would actually put this together.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.3.8 - 03.10.2016
- Added wireframe (temporary) graphics to the truss positioning tool.
- Added Boise Cascade BCI® I-joists: 4500, 5000, 6000, 6500, 60, 90.
- Rim joist option enabled for BCI floor joists.
- Removed drop down list for all overhang lengths (truss & rafter roofs). Overhangs are now users inserted values.

The screenshot above shows the wireframe that is displayed for common truss types. 
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


This is a study of hip roof framing where unequal pitches meet at the hip (90 deg. to each other). In this case the birdsmouth cut is 3.5" for all jack and common rafters. The hip rafter is dropped and off center so that it lines up with the roof planes.

I assumed that the governing design criteria was that the sub-fascia line up hence the steeper pitch roof has a smaller overhang.

View model here:

I haven't gone through and created the calculations yet for the plugin but the one thing that jumped out at me was the necessity to offset the hip rafter slightly from the hip centerline when a dropped hip rafter is employed.  Please review the model and let me know if there are any problems with the way this comes together.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Another study of hip roof framing where unequal pitches meet at the hip. The birdsmouth cut is 3.5" for all jack and common rafters. The hip rafter is dropped and off center so that it lines up with the roof planes. The hip roof combines a 12:12 pitch with a 6:12 pitch.

View model here:
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.