Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin

Started by Medeek, July 04, 2016, 12:45:47 AM

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I've been thinking about adding in a retaining wall feature that auto sizes the rebar and qty. based on my typical retaining wall details:

For stemwall foundations I typically check the footing width (bearing pressure) and min. rebar for shrink (ACI 318-11), see engineering calcs per this PDF:

I could easily incorporate this type of engineering calculations into the plugin, however I'm still trying to figure out how to have the plugin output PDF reports, or Excel spreadsheets, which would be necessary if engineering reports become part of this plugin.

Same sort of thing with square or rectangular footings can be done:

With stemwalls or pony walls (not necessarily retaining walls) that exceed 24" in height (but not in excess of 48") I like to add #4 bars cont. horizontal at 18" o/c.  Logic could be incorporated that adds in additional stemwall and foundation wall rebar per a number of prescriptive criteria, IRC tables etc...

Currently it is entirely up to the users to specify rebar size and qty. with both stemwall and slab on grade foundations.

Stemwall foundations allow you to place rebar at the top of the wall  (5" below top, qty. 1,2, or 3 bars) and rebar at the bottom of the wall (3" above bottom, qty, 1,2, or 3 bars).  It also allows placement of bar in perimeter footing and interior footings (qty 1,2 or 3 bars).  Bar sizes range from #3 to #8 and similar sized metric equivalents for the metric templates, I can always add more sizes if requested.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.0.6 - 12.03.2016
- Added a "Layers" tab within the global settings.
- Enabled custom layers for both stemwall and slab on grade foundations.

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I've been working on the polygon slab-on-grade this weekend and by extension the polygon stemwall foundation as well.  The interactive "tool" portion has been difficult mostly because I don't understand a lot of that portion of the code (blackbox to me), but I'm almost there with it. 

I would like to be able to create a foundation with any shape or size simply by drawing a polygon, point by point.

A simple example would be something like this:

Note, the interior floor beams at 12' on center.  Using an Web dialog I should be able to allow the user to easily add in as many floor beams or bearing walls as required. 

Once I have the foundation working correctly then I need to extend the floor truss/ floor joist module so that it can also handle polygon shaped structures within the Truss Plugin, then we will have a full package.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Has anyone ever seen a stemwall framed liked this?

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Or like this?

These two methods seem to be fairly popular in Oregon, I've never seen a floor/stemwall constructed this way any where else.

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


The argument for this construction method is the sheathing height is decreased because the rim board is eliminated.  However, in my mind the cons outweigh the pros:

1.)  There is a thermal bridge through the stemwall at the corner where the floor meets the wall.
2.)  Stemwall construction would become more complicated and time consuming.
3.)  Proximity of the I-Joist to the concrete could be problematic, requiring additional measures and more time and effort.
4.)  The crawspace height is reduced making it harder for other subs to install and work in and moisture from the ground is more likely to be an issue.
5.)  Nut and Washer of anchor bolts protrudes into floor sheathing and bottom wall plate, requiring additional notching.
6.)  If you want to run plumbing or electrical down through the wall bottom plate and into the floor, this is nearly impossible with this configuration.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I'm trying to determine if its easier to write a module that draws the anchor bolts or just bring in the component (pre-drawn).  I've never brought in a component before so something I need to explore further.  The other thing I feel is key is to make sure any of these minor components are modeled in such as way as to remain fairly lightweight within the model.  No one is going to want to use a feature that bogs down their overall model.  That is my one big gripe with using the 3D Warehouse models, the polygon count on most models is usually outrageous.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I need some input from the foundation and truss plugin users. I've decided to pre-model certain things like Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc... With Nuts and Bolts I'm planning on using a cosmetic thread so that the polygon count is minimal. As I've been experimenting with the bolts and nuts I'm wondering if I should eliminate the 30 deg. bevel on the head of the bolt and nut, it looks nice but adds quite a bit of complexity and polygons to the model. Any thoughts on this?

You would sacrifice some realism for a smaller model...
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.0.7 - 03.19.2017
- Added 1/2" and 5/8" Dia. Anchor Bolt option to stemwall and slab on grade foundations.
- Anchor bolt lengths are nominal 10", 12" and 14", square washers are 2"x2" or 3"x3".

View model here:

The anchor bolt, washer and nut are three separate files that are loaded in as components.  Then the nut and washer components are inserted inside the bolt component and exploded so only the solid group(s) remain.  Its pretty amazing what you can do with a robust API and a little bit of Ruby code.

It took me most of today to figure out how to do all of this since I'm in uncharted territory but now that I've got it kind of figured out it opens up the possibility for a host of other things (holdowns, windows, doors, vents etc...) for this plugin and the others I'm working on.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


The cosmetic threads actually render quite nicely as does my rebar material/texture.  I just realized I have not added any custom materials into the foundation plugin.

As you can see from the image the orientation of the J-bolts is the same regardless of the wall, however it would not be a couple more lines of code to orient them all facing in or facing out or some other combination.  Curious how the contractors actually install these, is the orientation important
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


The orientation isn't critical. The j bolts are install after the cement sets up for a bit so they don't sink. You should look at adding in vents too.


I agree, I've been talking to a few other contractors out there and most of them don't pay alot of attention to the orientation of the J-bolts into the concrete, they let the concrete set up a bit and then stab them in.

I'm adding in the custom materials, stemwall foundation below is an example:

I will need to roll another revision probably tomorrow to get this update out there.

Any additional thoughts on adding in vents and what is standard construction in your locale as well as what type/brand of foundation vents/inserts are used.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


The ICC codes call out a minimum of a one vent within 3 feet of each corner.  It shouldn't be to much trouble to create the openings in the stemwall and place some vents:

For a rectangular building (4 sides) should I place 4 vents or 8 vents?  Provide only the openings or also provide a generic foundation vent (lightweight geometry?)

Moving an opening is actually very easy within SketchUp, when it comes to a solid wall like this.

What is the typical header thickness between the top of the vent hole and the top of foundation?

Vent size seems to be 16"x8" for most vents I've seen.

With regards to vents there are the cheap plastic ones you can get a Home Depot or Lowes and and then there are a whole ton of more expensive louvered metal manufacturers of vents and flood vents.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.