I am starting this new discussion thread as a fork from the Medeek Truss Plugin thread since the Medeek Floor extension will now become a stand alone extension/plugin.
Its icon(s) will be:
This new plugin will ultimately replace the floor joist/truss module currently found in the truss plugin.
Similar to the complex roof module the designer will be able to create any polygon shaped floor outline, and edit the shape by moving/adjusting the edges.
There will be a tool for creating and editing holes within the floor.
There will also be a tool for creating polygon shaped floor coverings (ie. carpet, tile, wood, pergo etc...) with an associated label and optional sqft callout. These floor coverings will be situated on top of the sub-floor and can be individually edited.
Eventually the floor assemblies will also be integrated with the estimating module currently found in the wall plugin (this will be moved to the Medeek Project extension in the near future).
There will also be an option for gypsum on the underside of the floor with a user editable offset (ie. 5.5 inches).
I have a few more ideas for this new extension but I would be interested in hearing what ideas you might have that would make this extension have even more utility for you and your workflow.
Per discussion and input this morning from a valued mentor/adviser I've added a few more items to the list:
1.) A tool for adding in mid-span blocking where the user can specify a location, extant and type of blocking.
2.) A blocking tool (also need this for the wall plugin) which will allow the user to create special blocking for point load conditions etc...
3.) An in-floor beam tool similar to the in-column wall tool of the wall plugin. The wall plugin already has a beam tool but this is for stand alone beams.
4.) Option for cavity insulation within the floor assembly, however an additional parameter which allows the control of the batt thickness since it may not be the same depth as the floor cavity.
5.) With the floor covering tool provide a vertical offset parameter. I may also set it up so that multiple layers are possible.
I've been thinking about this plugin some more as I've been occupied with upgrading the javascript/ruby interactions within the wall plugin.
Some floor framing plans are very simple, while others are considerably more complex.
I need to make the plugin as flexible as possible so it can accommodate the more complex floor variants.
One issue I'm trying to address is how to best handle floor plans that have floor joists running in different directions within a single floor plan/assembly.
My proposed solution is to limit the direction of the floor joists in any given assembly to one direction. Then to allow for a complex floor assemblies I will need a tool to suppress the rimboard along any given edge of the floor assembly. This will then allow for the butting up of floor assemblies next to each other to get the desired floor framing layout.
This particular edge tool will have three options for any given edge of the floor assembly: rimboard, no rimboard, or ledger.
First look at the main toolbar for the plugin:
1.) Draw Floor
2.) Edit Floor
3.) Move Floor Edge
4.) Edit Rim Joist
5.) Engineering
6.) Global Settings
Most of these tools are fairly self explanatory, number 4 is probably the most interesting. I will allow the user to customize each rim joist per floor edge (if desired), or remove it entirely. This will come in useful where there are multiple floor assemblies abutted next to each other.
There will also be additional context menu tools (ie. regen floor assembly). One context menu tool I am thinking about adding in is a way to select a given edge as the starting point for the floor joists/trusses. This will allow the direction and spacing of the floor joists to be aligned to any edge along the floor outline.
There will need to be another completely separate toolbar and tools that deals specifically with holes cut into the floor.
Lots of little details to still work out and even though much of the code base can be recycled from the other plugins there is still a lot of work involved to produce a completely new plugin with the capabilities that I envision for this new architectural tool.
First look at the floor opening toolbar:
1.) Draw Floor Opening
2.) Move Floor Opening
3.) Edit Floor Opening
4.) Delete Floor Opening
First look at the floor covering toolbar:
1.) Draw Floor Covering
2.) Move Floor Covering
3.) Edit Floor Covering
4.) Delete Floor Covering
The colors are a little bright for me, I may have to subdue them a bit to get the right look.
First look at the floor beam toolbar:
1.) Draw Floor Beam
2.) Move Floor Beam
3.) Edit Floor Beam
4.) Delete Floor Beam
If the floor beams align with the joists/trusses things are fairly straightforward, however if the in-floor beams are perpendicular or oblique to the joists this becomes a bit more interesting.
I will have to give some serious thought to this module in order to make it as flexible as possible.
So far this is a total of four toolbars. I may need one additional toolbar for misc. items such as mid-span blocking and/or a blocking tool, but I can address these items later once I have established the core functionality of the plugin.
Am I missing anything obvious?
For the floor covering module I think an option for 2 or 3 layers should be sufficient for most cases:
In this case I am modeling/representing the carpet and its pad.
Tile floors usually require some time of cement board underlayment.
Pergo and hardwood floors may also have an underlayment of some type or another.
Openings cut in the floor assembly will also cut through the floor coverings if they intersect. This will allow for interior holes within a floor covering.
Development was paused on this extension at the beginning of March, I apologize for the delay in its initial BETA release. Development will begin in earnest again starting June 1st, with an estimated ETA of Sept. 1st.
Will tHIs plug-in be part of the BIM package?
Quote from: mrramsey on March 21, 2021, 08:42:21 AM
Will tHIs plug-in be part of the BIM package?
Yes, it will be the 4th plugin within the mdkBIM bundle.
I've finally wrapped up my recent move (Utah -> Missouri) and the dust is beginning to settle some. The next few weeks I will be working in earnest on the Floor plugin and try to get it put together and released before the end of the summer and prior to the upcoming SketchUp Basecamp.
Looks like I've got most of the basic Global Settings all put together now. Fairly basic to start with, I'm sure as this progresses it will diverge from the initial template quite a bit:
Progress is slow but steady.
Here is a first look at what the updated Floor plugin Layer tab in the Global Settings looks like:
I just realized that the Layer Control in the Project plugin does not have a control in place for the new Floor plugin, there is always more to do.
The edit menu and draw menu are pretty much done now, just a few more tweaks and error checking and we might be able to start creating our first real floors with this thing:
I was going to include the blocking as an advanced option but after some further thought it seemed like it might be more intuitive to have the blocking be similar to beams and openings, where you can really customize the location and size etc... of each row of blocks independently.
I usually have a pretty good idea how I want things to go even before I start coding but sometimes you get halfway into it and you realize that an alternative method or system would be more optimal.
How is the floor plug in coming along? I like what I see so far. Are we ready for BETA or are we kicking the can down the road again?
Nathan, Cant wait to see how the flooring plugin integrates with the other plugins with BIM package.
Hopefully, You'll have all the script finished soon.
Starting to work on it today, its been a while.
I see February 1st has come and gone. Are we getting any closer to having a floor plug-in? Can you update us on progress and issues that are holding up the project?
The progress has been slowed by some ongoing health issues I've personally encountered however progress is being made and I am carefully coalescing on a new plugin which will replace the existing module in the Truss plugin. Also as updates have been made with various licensing updates within the other plugins I have been migrating those updates into this new plugin. I apologize in the significant delay with this new plugin but please remember that I am still a one man show and I am spread very thin across the development of six different plugins now. Each plugin requires a certain amount of attention as bug fixes, updates and feature requests all consume time and energy.
I realize that people are chomping at the bit for this new plugin and I have been working on it diligently for the last two to three weeks. The biggest holdup has been going back through all of the code and bringing it up to speed with the other plugins. There have been quite a few incremental changes to the other plugins with regards to licensing, materials, layers etc...
For instance the plugin material library back end was originally coded based off of the 2022 version of the Wall plugin. I just updated all of the code now so that it is keeping in line with the most current version of the Wall plugins material library code base.
So right now I'm spending a few more days making sure everything is modern and up to speed with the other plugins.
I might actually designate the initial release a BETA number but I'm still not decided on that yet.
Right now the plugin is all torn apart as I continue to add in a few additional features like presets and the "remove joist list" option:
This is my current desk setup, I've just added the big monitor to my left which gives me more screen real estate and improves my coding efficiency. This is where all the magic happens, at least for now.
I also initially used the slab-on-grade code for moving edges of the floor perimeter but now that I'm testing it more extensively it appears that I should probably switch to the code I use for the complex roofs, so some additional adjustments required there as well.
This is how the sausage is made, one line of code at a time.
The draw and edit menus are working great (all HTML) but I've decided I might as well add in "floor" presets since I know that request will be coming down pike if I don't add it in initially.
Also after using the current menus and given all the I-joist options (sizes and manufacturers) it seems almost cryptic in many ways unless you are intimately familiar with the various manufacturer's product numbers. I'm not saying now but maybe at a later date (after the initial release) I will add in a small SVG graphic into both of these menus which give a simple preview (cross section) with dimensions of the selected I-joist product. It would certainly make the menus a bit more graphic and exciting and actually be minimal work to implement, thoughts?
Just like you can do roof connections in the Truss plugin I am also enabling this feature within the Floor plugin as well as custom subtractions (SUBTRACT and CUSTOM).
I've been pushing the plugin all afternoon trying to find ways to break it and a few things eventually did jump out at me. One of which is the rim board algorithm and the sill plate algorithm (essentially the same algorithm but utilized differently). Other than that the basic joist (framing) algorithm seems very robust at this point no matter what strange configurations I try to attack it with:
My initial framing method for the rim joists was to simply bevel/miter the joints, which makes sense if things are non-orthogonal but in practice when things are orthogonal the joints are usually lapped, at least that is what I've always seen in the field. If they are lapped then the question becomes do you lap the long or short parallel to the joists themselves. What I've always seen is the long rim joists are perpendicular to the joists however the user may want some control over this, so it is probably best to make this user definable (yet another option).
I will put my thinking cap on and start a new day tomorrow...
I think what I will do is provide three options for the joint treatment of both sill plates and rimjoists:
1.) Lap
2.) Reverse Lap
3.) Miter
Option #1 will be the default. When reverse lap is instantiated the long sided boards will run parallel with the joists. Most floors will be orthogonal and contain an even number of sides, so that makes things fairly straight forward. However, there is the possibility for odd sided floors (ie. 3, 5, 7, etc...), in such a case you will usually end up with a non-orthogonal corner somewhere along the perimeter of the floor. Even if option 1 or 2 is selected, if there are non-orthogonal corners I will simply miter those (for now). In the future I may add an additional global setting which also allows for lapped non-orthogonal corners, but right now I don't want to spend too much time in the weeds on this.
Here is an example of the three options for handling joints of both sill plates and rimjoists. Note that they are independent of each other:
How soon should I release the BETA version? I'm currently checking the floor preset functionality and I will also look at the addition of insulation (bat or fill) tomorrow. The gypsum (ceiling) seems to be working great, but eventually I will add in battens because I know someone will request it, but it is not top priority right now.
I'm thinking I will push out the opening and beam modules after I release the BETA, they will complicate things and may take a few weeks of tweaking and testing before they are ready for prime time. The opening module will be the higher priority of the two.
I've created the template for the integration with the estimating module, but this will also require further fleshing out. In addition there will need to be updates to the cost database and weight database modules that integrate materials for the floor assemblies.
I'm honestly not sure how useful the connection function is as compared to the Truss plugin, but it will be a feature since most of the heavy lifting is already done.
The CUSTOM and SUBTRACT feature will be similar to the Truss plugin, it is in place and appears to be working as it should, further testing would be prudent.
The I-Joist libraries (sizes and types) is much more organized than the previous system and should be easier to maintain and if required more manufacturers can be easily added. I may also add in a "custom I-Joist" option which would allow one to specify the full set of dimensions for a custom sized I-Joist (depth, flange depth, flange width, web width, web material etc...)
Similar to the Truss and Wall plugins, one can specify a comma deliminated remove list to remove specific joists from an assembly.
Still lots to do but it is almost close enough to the finish line to think about putting it out there and start garnering feedback and suggestions.
Added a "Floors" tab to the global settings, I'm sure this tab will get more populated as development progresses.
The tool tip in the draw and edit menu.
Batt and Blown insulation are now enabled:
In the Materials tab of the Global Settings you can switch between the more realistic textures/materials for lumber and pressure treated lumber:
I've updated the algorithm for non-orthogonal cut lumber so that even angled cuts will now show an end grain texture:
Goldplating for sure, but I think the proper material helps visualize better what is actually going on within the construction project.
First look at a mitered rim joist:
I know, no one builds it this way but I'm just covering all my bases.
I just need to test the sill plate algorithm tomorrow morning and I think we are ready for an initial BETA release.
Good Morning, The floor extension looks great, cant wait to add it to the suite.
Thank You,
First look at a mitered sill plate (pressure treated).
Notice that I don't have an end grain for LSL or PSL materials yet, not a huge deal but something to add to the todo list when things slow down a bit.
A reverse lapped rim joist with a regular lap on the sill plate:
I think I will forego the "solid" option for the rim and sill for now. If requested I will add it in but I don't consider it a priority right now.
The Move Floor Edge tool is working as it should:
Version 0.9.0 - 09.08.2024
- Created the Medeek Floor Plugin, utilizing SketchUp's Ruby API.
- Added the draw floor tool with the ability to create I-Joist and solid sawn (lumber) polygon shaped floors.
The Floor extension can be downloaded directly here:
Note that this is a BETA release and does not include all of the future planned functionality (ie. openings, beams etc...) I am only posting this release in a few select locations to allow power users to test it out first and help me further debug and refine it. After approximately a week I will send out a notification to all users letting them know that the release is now publicly available. Hopefully in that time I can catch the most glaring bugs and issues so that my inbox does not become swamped.
Also all those who have been issued licenses in the last year or so will have their expiration update date of their license automatically renewed so that it will be active for one year starting from tomorrow's date (09/09/2025).
I desperately need to work on the hole tool and the floor covering tool. These two additions will make the plugin truly powerful. At this point it is not much better than the previous floor module in the Truss plugin (other than the ability to create polygon floor outlines).
There will be instances that hangers will be utilized however joists that are cut at diagonals will complicate the matter somewhat, I'm not even sure what hardware is available in that regard, I will have to spend some time researching that one and then coming up with a clever algorithm.
Please email me any feedback directly to nathan@medeek.com, any and all feedback is appreciated.
I've already updated the database so anyone who holds a license for the plugin has now had their license renewed for a full year.
The current todo list in no specific order:
1.) Floor Coverings: Tile, Carpet, Hardwood etc...
2.) Floor Openings: Stairwell and Crawlspace or ladder access
3.) In Floor Beams
4.) Blocking: Mid-span blocking, custom blocking, edge blocking
5.) Ledgers: customize each edge or side of an assembly with a custom ledger or rim joist setting.
6.) Hardware: Joist Hangers, Beam Hangers, diagonal bracing, deck holdowns
7.) Railing: for decks
8.) Custom Joist Doubling: ability to double any number of joists in the array
9.) Custom Joist Offset: ability to offset any number of joists independently.
10) Global Joist Offset
11.) Max. Joist Span Indicator: Engineering related
12.) Diagonal deck boards
13.) MPC Wood Floor Trusses
14.) Steel Trusses (not high priority)
Feel free to help me add to this list.
Version 0.9.1 - 09.10.2024
- Enabled doubling of individual joists.
- Enabled offsetting of individual joists.
- Enabled global offsetting of joists.
- Added a duplicate floor check to the regen module for all floor types.
- Updated the javascript logic within the License tab of the Global Settings.
**Tutorial 1** - Extension Overview (19:43 min.)
Version 0.9.2 - 09.11.2024
- Enabled a overhang for deck boards.
- Enabled a global offset for deck boards.
- Fixed a bug with floor presets.
Version 0.9.3 - 09.12.2024
- Fixed a critical bug in the Draw Floor menu.
- Added a status icon (Draw Mode: Polyline or Face) in upper right corner of the Draw Floor menu.
- Added the Draw Mode parameter to Floors tab of the Global Settings.
I was thinking about hanger hardware for the joists but then I realized that things are quite a bit more complicated with these polygon floors. For example look at this floor:
The situation gets interesting for the first six joists in the array, they would require four hangers each rather than just the normal two. I'm going to have to really put on my thinking cap for this one.
And then you have the additional complication of non-orthogonal edges which may require special skewed hangers... Fortunately those are probably not as common so I can probably ignore that case for now.
I may have to bounce some ideas off of @DanRathbun and the other great minds on this forum to devise an efficient algorithm.
At first glance I think I can examine each joist individually once they've been trimmed/cut and count the number of edges that run parallel to the joist (x-axis or y-axis). For a regular lumber joist the total number of pieces will be the number of horizontal (long edges) divided by four. That will tell me how many hangers I actually need.
I can then cycle through this collection of edges finding all of the terminal vertices/locations and assign to each one a direction (left facing or right facing). From there it is simply a matter of running a for loop and placing the hangers. I think this will work but it may not be optimized yet.
I also just realized that there is the possibility for some joists to be doubled, which will naturally require a different hanger, so the hanger selection will require two parameters, one for single ply an one for two ply. However, there may be a situation where you want there to be hangers only on one side of the floor (ie. a deck with a ledger and beam supported on the other end) so four parameters for hanger selection:
1.) Start Hanger (1X Ply)
2.) Start Hanger (2X Ply)
3.) End Hanger (1X Ply)
4.) End Hanger (2X Ply)
Version 0.9.3b - 09.12.2024
- Fixed a HTML/Javascript bug in the Draw Floor menu.
Not sure why anyone in their right mind would create a floor like this but it seems like the hanger algorithm is holding up even when I throw the kitchen sink at it. I will have to test a few more things and then I'll probably release the joist hanger update tomorrow.
It would be nice is one could specify every terminal end of joist (ie. hanger or no hanger and even specify a size). However I'm probably not going to go that granular yet.
Version 0.9.4 - 09.16.2024
- Added joist hangers to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Added a built-in library of face mount and and top flange hangers.
Tutorial 2 - Joist Hangers (19:57 min.)
Version 0.9.5 - 09.18.2024
- Added a joist direction arrow to the draw floor tool.
- Added a "debug mode" parameter to the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Fixed a bug with deck board placement.
- Fixed a bug with the deck board offset parameter.
I have had two requests now for metal bridging or bracing so I took about an hour and modeled up a Simpson TB27 between 2X10 joists @ 16" on center. It actually looks really nice:
However some things immediately jumped out at me:
1.) I based my TB27 off of the ICF file on Simpson's website so it is dimensionally accurate, however to do that takes quite a bit of time. Modeling like this is fun but very time consuming and one thing I never have enough of is time.
2.) This is the TB27 configured for 2X10's on 16" centers, now think of all the other permutations (including I-Joists). To make this look right would require a preconfigured component for each case. The number of permutations is at least 130 or more.
3.) If you also consider custom offsets of specific joists then it gets even more crazy.
My thinking is that if I do want to enable something like this it will need to be less detailed geometrically (just a basic representation) and drawn on the fly using an algorithm that checks joist depth and spacing. Rather than specify the exact part number (ie. TB20, TB27, TB30 etc...), just specify that it is metal bridging.
Version 0.9.6 - 09.19.2024
- Fixed a bug with metric floor presets.
- Fixed a bug with the insulation module.
I am changing up the way in which I do subtractive geometry from the way I've done it with the other plugins in the past.
If you enable Subtractive Geometry in the global settings you can use the SUBTRACT keyword to cut holes through everything as per normal. However you will now also have two other options:
SUBTRACT_SHEATH: This keyword will only subtract through sheathing, flooring and deck boards.
SUBTRACT_GYPSUM: This keyword will only subtract through gypsum
I may add others as the need arises or additional requests are made.
SUBTRACT_FRAME: This keyword will only subtract joists, rim joists and insulation. I will probably extend this keyword to include in-floor beams once that feature is added.
This brings the number of subtraction geometry options to four.
I think this method is far superior to the system I employed in the Truss plugin and eventually I will update all the plugins with a similar system which will allow more granular control over these types of boolean subtractions within assemblies.
Adding in the advanced floor options into the Global Settings:
I am working on adding in metal bridging with some associated parameters:
I was going to combine the metal bridging with the solid blocking however after some thought I realized there might be cases where you might combine both forms of bracing in one floor (solid blocking and metal bridging). Hence I need a separate module for blocking. Unlike the wall blocking floor blocking may be regular lumber or I-Joist blocking so that further complicates the matter slightly.
The parameters for the blocking module will probably be:
1.) Blocking Type: Lumber/I-Joist
If blocking type is Lumber:
Blocking Width: 1.5 in (default)
Blocking Material: Lumber / PT Lumber / LSL / PSL / LVL etc...
If blocking type is I-Joist
Blocking I-Joist Family:
Blocking I-Joist Type:
other general parameters are:
Row Spacing: 96 in. (default)
Stagger Blocking: Yes/No
Remove Row: empty by default
Quite a few more parameters ( 8 ) to add into a number of files, this will keep me busy for a couple of days at least.
First look at metal bridging (I-joist and Lumber):
Geometrically a lot simpler and more lightweight than the preconfigured component that I made based off of the Simpson IFC model. I'm using my galvanized texture/material but I may change it slightly. There are quite a few parameters that one can adjust to customize the look and feel of these metal bridging straps, hopefully that should make things configurable enough for most power users.
As noted per the Simpson literature the crossing straps should not be in direct contact to avoid screeching noises when they move under load. Hence the default 1/8" gap, but this can be modified as can be seen in the menu.
I've also included a thickness parameter for the straps. The correct thickness for a 20 gauge strap is probably around 0.035" however I've rounded the default value to an even 0.04".
Version 0.9.7 - 09.23.2024
- Updated the SUBTRACT feature with three other options.
- Added seven advanced options in the Floor tab of the Global Settings.
- Added metal bridging to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Added solid blocking (Lumber and I-Joist) to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Fixed minor bugs in the HTML menus and preset system.
Tutorial 3 - Metal Bridging and Blocking (10:28 min.)
One click toggling of the joist direction:
I found myself constantly switching between 0 and 90 degrees and even though two mouse clicks isn't much it is still too tedious. The one click "toggle" icon is just a more convenient option.
Also in the "draw" menu one can click the polyline or face icon in the right hand corner of the menu to toggle between draw modes, I also find this easier to do and more intuitive than using the "up arrow" hot key, (both methods are now available to the user in the upcoming release).
First look at a couple of staggered joist floors (solid sawn and I-Joist):
Joist length is set to 96" with a 24" lap.
Now I just need to give some thought to the blocking and bridging modules and figure out how best to handle a staggered joist floor. Some extra logic is probably necessary.
Also an adjustment to the code for metal bridging, but I'm not sure if one would use metal bridging in this situation, seems like you would want solid blocking to sandwich everything nice an tight with staggered joists, further feedback and adjustments probably required:
Each new option to double, offset, remove or stagger the joists adds in further complications for bracing (blocking and bridging), hangers and insulation.
I am going to have to come up with a whole new algorithm for hangers when staggered joists are employed...
With insulation you end up with this:
I'm not 100% satisfied with this but I'm not sure how else to deal with it when the staggered joist present such an irregular cavity to fill. As such the volume on insulation calculated will be slightly under the actual insulation required which will make the data sent to the estimating module a bit inaccurate.
Version 0.9.8 - 09.27.2024
- Made the polyline/face icon (draw mode) in the draw menu clickable.
- Added a joist direction toggle button/icon to the draw and edit menus.
- Added a stagger joist option to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Updated the insulation, blocking, metal bridging and hanger modules to accommodate staggered joists.
So yes, staggered joist present a few issues. For example if the blocking doesn't land in the lapped region of the joist layout you end up with this:
Right at the moment I'm not sure how to address this or actually determine when the blocking lands in the non-lapped sections of the layout. The easy way out would be to do a boolean subtraction using the joists themselves, but then I would need to separate the resulting (multi-body) group into a bunch of groups/solids, this one is a bit of headache.
With staggered joists I am tracking how many rows of joists I need, the joist length and lapped length, so given that information (three variables) I can then run a quick check on each blocking row to see how it pencils out. This little block of code does the trick:
if @Spanno < 2
stoffset = 'NEG'
lapcount = 1
for lapi in @Stjarray
if (distx > lapi[0]) && (distx < lapi[1])
stoffset = 'LAP'
elsif distx < lapi[0]
if lapcount.odd?
stoffset = 'NEG'
stoffset = 'POS'
elsif (distx > lapi[1]) && (lapcount == (@Spanno - 1))
if lapcount.odd?
stoffset = 'POS'
stoffset = 'NEG'
lapcount = lapcount + 1
As one can see there are really only three possibilities for the blocking: Lapped, Positive or Negative.
The end result is this:
Problem solved. Now I just need to apply this same logic to the metal bracing and implement it. Insulation is somewhat different so I still don't have a good solution for that one just yet. (https://global.discourse-cdn.com/sketchup/original/3X/d/8/d88dd2dbcd6c05222e9d2d8ab7f5ceedfebcb064.jpeg)
Metal bridging now updated for staggered joists:
After another three hours of some productive thought and hacking away at some rather large blocks of code (and a few choice words) I managed to pull together a fairly efficient and robust algorithm for the cavity insulation between those irregular joists.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you "Batt Insulation with Staggered Joists":
I'm exhausted, tomorrow I might take a small break.
First look at skewed hangers with staggered joists:
A little bit more complicated than regular joists due to the offsets but overall its pretty much the same routine. Pretty excited that I actually can get this to work, at first I wasn't really sure if it was even feasible.
Version 0.9.9 - 10.01.2024
- Further updated the insulation, blocking, metal bridging and hanger modules to accommodate staggered joists.
- Added skewed hanger options into the Floor tab of the Global Settings.
- Added skewed hangers to the Draw and Edit menus.
- Added the following skewed (45 degree) Simpson hangers into the built-in library: SUL24, SUL26, SUL210, SUL214, SUL1819, SUL18111, SUL18114, SUL2069, SUL20611, SUL20614, SUR24, SUR26, SUR210, SUR214, SUR1819, SUR18111, SUR18114, SUR2069, SUR20611, SUR20614
- Updated and added a new subtraction mode to the SUBTRACT feature: SUBTRACT_JOIST
- Added Subtractive Geometry (Joist) in the General tab of the Global Settings.
Version 0.9.9b - 10.01.2024
- Updated the Floor tab of the Global Settings with additional parameters for joist construction.
- Fixed a minor bug with the hanger module for double ply staggered studs.
- Fixed a bug in the Draw and Edit menus so that all hangers in the library are properly displayed.
- Added the following skewed (45 degree) Simpson hangers into the built-in library (skew_hangers): SUL410, SUL414, SUL214_2, SUL210_2, SUL26_2, SUR410, SUR414, SUR214_2, SUR210_2, SUR26_2
Version 0.9.9c - 10.03.2024- Enabled diagonal deck boards with the addition of a Board rotation parameter.
- Enabled 2-Ply rim joists with our without an air gap.
Version 0.9.9d - 10.03.2024
- Fixed critical bugs with saving of floor presets.
- Improved robustness of floor attribute library and data lookup methods.
Some incremental improvements but necessary.
Note that the last few updates prior to this update introduced a number of new features that effectively disabled the saving of floor presets. Please download this latest update to restore the ability to save floor presets.
Double rim joists with air gap, lapped and extended:
A quick test of the non-orthogonal floor types shows that the algorithm holds up as it should:
Version 0.9.9e - 10.04.2024
- Updated 2-Ply rim joists with air gap to extend joists that are in a lapped configuration.
- Updated the Floor tab of the Global Settings with even more parameters for joist construction.
- Added the following face mount Simpson hangers into the built-in library: MIU1819, MIU18111, MIU18114, MIU18116, MIU18118.
Tutorial #4: Deck Boards (6:42 min.)
Tutorial 5 - Rim Joists and Sill Plates (5:47 min.)
**Tutorial 6** - Skewed Joist Hangers (5:03 min.)
**Tutorial 7** - Subtractive Geometry (10:57 min.)
**Tutorial 8** - Staggered Joists (5:06 min.)
One additional parameter for removing specific rim boards:
Tutorial 9 - Custom Blocking (6:26 min.)
I am currently working on the floor covering tool which will then become the code template for the floor opening tool. Once I have those two big items completed I think we will finally have a mostly usable plugin.
I am sure there will be requests for additional features and/or changes to the functionality but the core of the plugin will be mostly in place. At that point I will test the plugin in as many states as possible and attempt to discover any final bugs or issues, then within a couple days I will probably release Version 1.0.0.
Further integration with the estimating module will also be something on the todo list in the weeks ahead.
As always please feel free to chime in with any specific requests or items you feel need to be addressed. I take all feedback and suggestions very seriously and I take everything under consideration. Ultimately I will weigh every idea in the balance and based on its relevancy and time considerations your ideas may quickly become a reality within this plugin or any other plugin in the Medeek family.
Very instructive video showing off all of the Medeek plugins but I think one of the first to show the Floor plugin actually in action:
**Tutorial 10** - Creating a Deck with a Face (9:33 min.)
Version 0.9.9f - 10.17.2024
- Enabled (cosmetic cutting) of individual deck boards.
- Enabled removing of individual rim boards.
The cutting of deck boards was per user request.
Tutorial 11 - Cutting Deck Boards (6:05 min.)
Giving myself a rest from the code for a few days to work on a more complicated test model has helped me realize that polygon openings within floors are crucial. Yes, I can probably squeak by with a rectangular opening tool but it will leave all us wanting and at times probably a little frustrated with the plugin because of this limitation.
After some further thought I realized that the (10) following parameters previously outlined for an opening header:
1.) Header Type: Lumber, PT Lumber, Timber, PT Timber, I-Joist, LSL, LVL, PSL (note this will also set the material for these members). Down the road I may also add a steel option.
1a.) Header Depth: Not applicable to I-Joist headers
1b.) Header Width: Not applicable to I-Joist Headers
1c.) I-Joist Family: Only applicable to I-Joist Headers
1d.) I-Joist Type: Only applicable to I-Joist Headers
2.) Header Ply: 1,2,3
3.) Start Extension: positive or negative value accepted
4.) End Extension: positive or negative value accepted
5.) Start Hanger: None or a list of hangers to choose from
6.) End Hanger: None or a list of hangers to choose from
Are really not any different than the parameters needed for an opening trimmer. Functionally and conceptually there is no real difference between the two (just that one typically hangs off a joist and the other hangs off of a header). I just came to this realization tonight as I was looking at my manually drawn rim joist solid around the stair opening in my model (see images in previous posts).
What this means is that I will proceed with a polygon floor opening tool rather than a simple rectangular opening tool and then code in the ability to edit each edge/side of the opening and configure each independently. I'm not entirely sure how I will setup the edit menu for floor openings but I will do my best to make it as intuitive as possible. This will be a bit challenging and interesting at the same time. Essentially the HTML menu will be somewhat dynamic.
Very interesting how Tony is using ChatGPT to create the random string to insert deck board cuts, never even considered this possibility.
After watching Tony's video I realized we probably need a couple additional advanced options for floors/decks with deck boards enabled. The two that immediately jump out at me are:
1.) Trim Band or Picture Frame
2.) Deck Wrap
Both of these can easily be achieved since they are very similar to my existing rim board code.
In fact, I can even enable a remove option for each of these modules similar to the rim board module. The parameters shall be:
1.) Trim Band: Yes/No
2.) Trim Width
Trim Thickness: Typically one would set this to the same thickness as the deck boards but I better provide this just in case.
3.) Trim Overhang
4.) Trim Corners: Lap, Reverse Lap, Miter
5.) Trim Material
6.) Remove Trim: Empty by Default
1.) Deck Wrap: Yes, No
2.) Wrap Depth
3.) Wrap Thickness
4.) Wrap Corners: Lap, Reverse Lap, Miter
5.) Wrap Material
6.) Remove Wrap: Empty by Default
Version 0.9.9g - 10.19.2024
- Enabled wrap for decks.
- Enabled a trim band (picture frame) for decks.
Note that these two feature can only be used when the deck board option is turned on.
Tutorial 12 - Trim and Wrap (6:42 min.)
Version 0.9.9h - 10.21.2024
- Enabled custom overhangs for decks.
- Enabled double trim band for decks.
- Fixed a number of minor bugs related to custom (removal) trim bands and overhangs.
Tutorial 13 - Custom Deck Board Overhang (9:09 min.)
Version 0.9.9i - 10.22.2024
- Added the following layers/tags to the global settings and deck module.
Two different floor assemblies adjacent and forming one deck. Where they contact I've removed the overhangs, wrap and trim (on one assembly) using the new features recently added. Maybe there is enough functionality now to actually create some real decks.
I will be adding two additional parameters to the deck wrap:
1.) Wrap Vertical Offset: A positive or negative value can offset the wrap up or down.
2.) Wrap Air Gap: This parameter puts and air gap between the deck rim joist and the wrap, typically used where siding or some other form of skirting is inserted behind the wrap board.
Again, this update is per customer request, please keep those ideas and feedback flowing, it only makes the plugin better and more powerful.
Version 0.9.9j - 10.25.2024
- Added a vertical offset parameter for deck fascia/wrap.
- Added an air gap parameter for deck fascia/wrap.
- Changed the deck "wrap" to deck "fascia in the menus.
- Enabled deck/floor fascia independent of floor sheathing or deck boards.
Version 0.9.9k - 10.30.2024
- Added floor coverings with an underlayment option.
- Added the floor coverings toolbar with the following five items: Draw, Move, Edit, Regen and Delete.
Version 0.9.9l - 10.31.2024
- Fixed a bug with the floor covering tools (floor covering selection): Move, Edit, Regen and Delete.
Still working on this algorithm but at least I have the tool setup now so one can switch it into Wall mode and then select the specific walls that will eventually determine the perimeter of the floor covering:
Everything you do is awesome and ultimately bringing so much value to your extension, but if you could add a forum chat "next step/improvement" here to inform us of what you are thinking of doing next and if you want to chat some idea over, we can all get together beforehand to help you hopefully save time and resources before you even do any coding?
Version 0.9.9m - 11.04.2024
- Added a "Wall" draw mode to the floor covering draw tool.
- Enabled "Perimeter Options" within the edit menu of the floor covering tool.
When drawing floor coverings you can now toggle between polyline, face or wall mode. Wall mode will allow you to select any number of Medeek walls (in logical order) which will define the boundary or perimeter of the floor covering. At first I was going to make this a fire-and-forget type of draw mode but instead it makes sense to retain the association even after the initial floor covering is created.
If any of the walls are deleted or somehow the "link" is broken the floor covering assembly will resort back to its "point" mode and the save points generated by the walls. So it will or should fail gracefully in these cases. Also note that there is a wall side associated with each wall assembly, this can easily be changed from EXT to INT or vice versa as needed.
I will make a new tutorial video showing this increased functionality and it should further help explain how this new system works and how to use it. I've been testing this feature for almost five days now so I think it is fairly robust but I am sure there may be specific cases that may defeat my algorithms. Bottom line, this is brand new so proceed with some caution.
Quote from: Daniel Gates on November 03, 2024, 05:51:56 PMEverything you do is awesome and ultimately bringing so much value to your extension, but if you could add a forum chat "next step/improvement" here to inform us of what you are thinking of doing next and if you want to chat some idea over, we can all get together beforehand to help you hopefully save time and resources before you even do any coding?
Please add a new thread within this board for any suggestions or questions you may have, you should be able to do that once you are a registered user.
Tutorial 15 - Floor Coverings with Walls (11:47 min.)
Version 0.9.9n - 11.06.2024
- Enabled "Openings Options" within the edit menu of the floor covering tool.
Tutorial 16 - Floor Coverings with Openings in Walls (7:59 min.)
Version 0.9.9o - 11.07.2024
- Added a Material X-Offset parameter for the floor covering material.
- Added a Material Y-Offset parameter for the floor covering material.
- Added a Material Rotation parameter for the floor covering material.
I will probably add in the same offsets and rotation parameters for the underlayment as well, but I will hold off for now until it is requested. I really want to get back onto the floor opening tool.
Version 0.9.9p - 11.08.2024
- Added a "Wall" draw mode to the floor draw tool.
- Enabled "Perimeter Options" within the edit menu of the floor tool.
Tutorial 17 - Linking Floors and Walls (11:09 min.)
I apologize I got so interested and focused on the wall draw mode for floors that I completely forgot about the updates I made to allow for drawing floor coverings on slab etc... I will drop those updates into the very next release which will probably be this weekend.
As requested here is the edit menu with an offset parameter added to the Perimeter Options:
Version 0.9.9q - 11.10.2024
- Added a perimeter offset parameter within the edit menu for floors drawn in "Wall" mode.
- Added two "Wall Mode Options" to the Floors tab of the global settings: Perimeter Offset and Move Walls.
- Connected the "Move Floor Edge" tool to the Medeek Wall API so that moving floor edges (Wall Mode Only) can also move walls.
- Updated the Draw Flooring tool so that floor coverings can be applied to slabs, slab-on-grade foundations and floor trusses.
Version 0.9.9r - 11.10.2024- Added a "Sheathing" tab to the Global Settings.
- Added floor sheathing and ceiling gypsum parameters to the Sheathing tab of the Global Settings.
- Fixed a minor bug with the perimeter offset (wall mode) in the floor draw menu.
Two releases in one day, I'm running out of letters.(https://global.discourse-cdn.com/sketchup/original/3X/8/1/81f5ef64fb1f3792f8a9ad2cde2dd1c8d5484fc3.jpeg)
**Tutorial 18** - Moving Walls with Floors (9:17 min.)
First look at a TRIFORCE Open Joist floor:
There has been some call for this product line so I am working on the algorithms so that it can be configured properly. It is a bit more complicated due to the directional nature of its trimming panel (only one end can be trimmed).
Version 0.9.9s - 11.13.2024
- Added the "Open Joist" floor family.
- Added the following TriForce Open Joists: OJ3-11.875, OJ4-11.875.
First look at some RedBuilt (Red-W) open web floor trusses:
It isn't too big of a stretch to also include some steel open web trusses/joists:
First look at a Nucor/Vulcraft (K Series) steel floor truss (top chord bearing):
Currently these are defined by 13 parameters but I may need an additional four in order to specify a top chord extension and the bottom chord extension on both ends.
Various configurations and example usages of top-bottom and bottom-top for open web (Redbuilt) and steel trusses (K Series):
Version 0.9.9t - 11.19.2024
- Added the "Open Web" floor family (RedBuilt™: Red-L, Red-M, Red-S, Red-M, Red-H).
- Added the following TriForce Open Joists: OJ3-14, OJ4-14, OJ3-16, OJ4-16.
- Added the "Steel Truss" floor family (Nucor®: K-Series).
- Added a removal parameter for sill plates.
Version 0.9.9u - 11.23.2024
- Added the "CFS" floor family: ClarkDietrich, JoistRite and TotalJoist.
- Added additional logic for non-standard joist sizes for Open Joists (TriForce).
- Addressed some minor bugs with metal bracing and other advanced options for top chord bearing trusses (Open Web and Steel).
- Added a built-in steel material option for rim joists.
Let me know on any other floor framing system(s) that I should add.
Version 0.9.9v - 11.24.2024
- Added a "Web Shield" option for PinkWood (PKI) I-Joists.
- Fixed multiple bugs with the floor preset module.
- Fixed a bug related to metric units within the edit menu.
- Updated (Manufacturers: LP and PinkWood) links on the Floor plugin website.
They now have this new option called "WebShield":
I have been giving MPC floor trusses some more thought since this is the last big floor system type that is not part of the plugin yet. The example I've shown below was created with the existing floor truss module of the Truss plugin. I created three separate assemblies to give me the geometry needed to end up with this final model (some manual editing required, but doable in about 1-2 minutes). The common trusses themselves are not too much trouble the algorithm already exists for their geometry and placement. However I will need to come up with some new logic for the gable (ladder) trusses shown:
Version 0.9.9w - 11.25.2024 thru 11.29.2024
- Fixed multiple bugs with metric units within the attribute libraries and edit menu.
- Fixed a bug with offset joists and metal bracing, blocking and insulation.
Tutorial 19 - Steel Trusses and Joists (18:19 min.)
Version 0.9.9x - 12.01.2024
- Fixed a bug with the SUBTRACT_JOIST feature.
- Updated the algorithm for large span Open Joist floors.
Rather than insert a fictitious joist size that does not actually exist I decided to insert two short joist products back to back. This seems to be the typical way to handle large span floors with this product (similar examples are given in the product literature). This update was also by customer request.
The update to the SUBTRACT_JOIST feature is a critical update and I highly recommend updating to this latest version if you are using that functionality. Since the boolean subtraction of the joists happens before the final floor assembly is created I had to account for the pre-transformation of the joist geometry and include this within the subtraction method.
Since I added the steel trusses I've had some call for steel decking. I will look at adding in Verco Decking by Nucor, they have quite a complete product lineup for floors and roofs and it is well documented (so I can get it dimensionally accurate):
The example shown is a W3-36 (FormLock) steel deck with 6.5 inches (total slab thickness) of concrete topping it. If I provide the steel decking it makes sense to also provide an option for the concrete as well (at any thickness).
Are there any specifics decking types anyone would like to see added or additional options? The decking will be able to rotated zero or ninety. I will also provide an overhang parameter (and removal list) similar to the deck board options.
Version 0.9.9y - 12.04.2024
- Added Steel Decks w/ Concrete Slabs (Verco®): B-36, N3-32, W2-36, W3-36, SV, DV.
Tutorial 20 - Steel Decking (8:19 min.)
Version 0.9.9z - 12.07.2024
- Added Roof Sheathing within the Advanced Options.
- Added the following membrane types to the Roof Sheathing Module: BUR, MB, TPO, EPDM, PVC.
- Enabled multi-ply insulation with the roof sheathing module.
Tutorial 21 - Roof Sheathing (7:13 min.)