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Development and Updates for the Medeek Wall Plugin

Started by Medeek, March 04, 2017, 08:59:31 PM

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For a triple casement window I am thinking a single frame with three sashes, does this seem reasonable?

Also I was thinking about oval and round windows earlier today and they are really one in the same, the only difference being the aspect ratio (height/width).  A round window is an oval window with an AR = 1.0:

Hence the window height and width will drive the shape of the oval, really no different than a rectangular window.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Oval / Round windows are certainly something new and a bit more challenging but now that I've got the algorithms worked out the rest is just a matter of generating the code.

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 0.8.7 - 07.18.2018
- Added oval and round windows to the window draw and edit modules.
- Enabled trim, casing and window installation for oval and round windows.

I haven't enabled shutters or grilles yet for this window type, it is not high on my todo list unless I receive additional requests for these features.

The trim and casing options are also pretty much plain jane for now.

Let's see if I can't knock out the Garage Door module this evening.

I also thought it might be helpful to reiterate that if you are an educator (teacher, professor, school) or a student I am offering full licenses of all my plugins for educational use.  All that I ask is you provide some form of student ID or other proof that you are associated with an educational institution.  The educational licenses provided to educators also allow installation on up to 50 seats.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I have been primarily focused on the imperial/US units during the development but I also realize that a lot of current users are utilizing the plugin in metric units.  I am not at all familiar with construction and construction documents in metric units so I need a little help here.

What I am talking about is the callouts for windows and doors.  What is the appropriate way to show these callouts in metric units?  What is common or accepted practice?
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 0.8.7b - 07.19.2018
- Added a 5-Lite Circular Grille for all window types.
- Enabled all standard grille types for oval and round windows.

View model here:

This grille pattern was added per customer request, also note that it can be applied to any of the other rectangular window types (picture, single hung, slider).

Lately I've been having so many smaller feature requests that it has been hard to focus on some of the big ticket items.  I am doing my best not to be side tracked by these minor items and to just add them to the todo list so I can attend to them at a later date. 

The todo list is now over three pages long, so rather than shrink it has continued to grow.  Honestly the amount of items I'm currently looking at is really the work of an entire team of programmers, not just a single person.  So if my progress seems rather slow at times then it probably is.

I've been trying to get some of my kids (teenagers) interested in helping out with some of the coding over their summer break but they seemed to be more inclined to spend their time playing computer/console games.  I call them the Angry Birds or Pokemon Go generation.  All of this technology is great but unless it is harnessed correctly it seems more detrimental than good.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I was using a metric template last night to work on updates to the metric window and door call outs, when it became painfully obvious that the metric side of the house has way more bugs than I care to admit.  Obviously I have focused most of my efforts and attention on working with imperial/US units, so many of these minor issues have managed to slip by me.

I am going to spend the rest of the day or whatever it takes to go through the entire extension with a fine tooth comb and clean up some of these (metric only) bugs.  I'm finding that most of them are typos or something very simple, however I do need to get this done.

My sincere apologies to are international (metric) customers who have had to deal with this and I appreciate your patience with me.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 0.8.7c - 07.20.2018
- Addressed a number of miscellaneous bugs related to metric templates.

I've also utilized the Australian standard for window and door call outs when using metric templates.  If someone would like to have a different call out system implemented for metric units I can do that as well, I just need specifics and what country or name to associate with that call out system.

This is a critical bug fix release and addresses a number of bugs having to do with metric units but also affects some issues that are also with imperial/US units.  I would highly recommend updating to this latest version at your earliest convenience.

Locating windows and doors along a wall in meters should now work as intended.

I'm am reasonably sure there are more bugs with the metric version of the plugin since I have not fully tested it in every possible scenario.  If you notice anything please feel free to contact me.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I've introduced a start and end parameter for the wainscoting which allows for partial wainscoting on exterior walls:

View model here:

This feature has been requested a number of times in that last month so it managed to float to the top.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 0.8.7d - 07.22.2018
- Added a start and end parameter for exterior wainscoting, which allows for partial wainscoting of a wall panel.
- All window grille types extended to half glass and full glass doors (single/double).

Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Ext. Wainscoting is complicated.  Currently all I have is Mode 1 in the logic:

For example in Mode 3 you may start with full height brick then drop down to a half height and then terminate all on one wall panel.

With the start and end offsets set to zero the result for any of the different modes would be exactly the same, they really only come into play when you begin offsetting the wainscoting from the right and/or left.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 0.8.8 - 07.24.2018
- Added an additional "mode" parameter for exterior wainscoting, which allows for multiple configurations of partial wainscoting.

There are now four modes however there are other modes possible but I think I have spent enough time on this for now until further requests propel this to the top of the list again.

View models here:
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Nathan....  I need to say you do remarkable work and give so much more!!  I don't know what's on your priority list but if I could tickle this
in requesting the concrete block wall addition again I will...  Your entire operation is unique and impressive to say the least.  I'm enjoying the
your daily forum diary too...  My nephew is a Civil engineer just about to achieve his P.E.   :)

Thank you, Jim S


Quote from: saakejam on July 24, 2018, 05:34:27 AM
Nathan....  I need to say you do remarkable work and give so much more!!  I don't know what's on your priority list but if I could tickle this
in requesting the concrete block wall addition again I will...  Your entire operation is unique and impressive to say the least.  I'm enjoying the
your daily forum diary too...  My nephew is a Civil engineer just about to achieve his P.E.   :)

Thank you, Jim S

Email me with a few more specifics with regards to CMU walls, any drawings or diagrams would also be useful.  For example how do you want lintels handled or modeled.  Do you have currently any models I can study etc...
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 0.8.9 - 07.25.2018
- Added the CMU framing mode for concrete block wall construction.

Currently the CMU mode is mostly the same as the "No Framing" mode with a few subtle differences:

1.)  Concrete block texture is applied to vertical and horizontal faces of the wall solid to simulate a block wall.

2.)  Round openings in the wall are cut out to follow the curve of the window or door.

3.)  Description of the group (solid) has CMU in the text.  This will be important in later releases as the estimating and engineering modules are developed and implemented.

As I receive further input on this new wall type I'm sure additional features will need to be added to fully bring the CMU wall framing mode up to speed.

View model here:
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.