Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin

Started by Medeek, July 04, 2016, 12:45:47 AM

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Version 1.5.2 - 09.28.2019
- Fixed a critical performance bug that affects all the modules within the extension.


If you are noticing a slowdown of the plugin performance after multiple edits to a foundation assembly or footing, this fix will resolve that issue.  This issue affects all previous versions of the plugin.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Talking with a customer today leads me to believe that a tool for a grade beam might be useful.  My current workaround is to create two separate strip footings, one on top of the other as shown:

The problem with trying to use the strip footing tool to create grade beams is that it does not allow for top bar placement.  Additionally, there is no FPSF option for strip footings.  Let me know your thoughts on this, is this a feature you would like to see added to the plugin?

If I do add it, what other, grade beam specific, parameters might need to be added?

View model here:
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.5.3 - 12.12.2019
- Updated Slab and SOG reinforcement, replacing components with groups to increase performance.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.5.4 - 12.19.2019
- Enabled an "orthogonal mode" for polygon slab and SOG draw menus.
- Added the ability to delete points in the polygon slab and SOG draw menus.

Clicking the "Ctrl" key will enforce orthogonal mode while using the draw tool. Currently the orthogonal mode will restrict the user to 45 deg. increments.

While selecting the points for a foundation outline the user may accidentally select an incorrect point. By clicking the left arrow key the user can delete the previously selected point (or multiple points).
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


The orthogonal mode seems to work as expected in most cases however if one enters in a segment length manually (text input) the following segment inferencing seems to be problematic. 

After further testing I'm not entirely satisfied with the draw tool(s) and "orthogonal mode", some improvement is needed.  This also applies to the draw tool for complex roofs, it has the same issue since it is based off of the same code.

I will be working on this for the rest of the day, or until I have resolved the issues fully and the performance is satisfactory.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.5.5 - 02.06.2020
- Enabled an "orthogonal mode" for the polyline stemwall draw menu.
- Fixed a bug in the text input method of the draw menus for: polyline stemwalls, polygon slabs, polygon SOG, and strip footings.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.5.6 - 02.11.2020
- Added an option for column base hardware for all column footings.
- Added the following Simpson column bases to the built-in library: CB66, CBSQ66

View model here:
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I've only added two (low poly) column bases thus far, obviously there are many more (just open a Simpson's catalog).  If you have a specific part you would like to see added to the built-in library please let me know.

Similar to the electrical plugin, the user can simply drop their column/post base SketchUp components into the library sub-folder of the plugin to use them with the column footing tool.

The vertical offset parameter was specifically added for cast in place bolt groups so the depth of embedment can easily be adjusted as needed.

As seen in the screenshots the hardware is always centered on the footing with the rotation parameter allowing for any degree of rotation.

This update was per a customer request.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.5.6b - 02.16.2020
- Added the following Simpson column bases to the built-in library: CBSQ44, CBSQ46, CBSQ86, CBSQ88

View model here:
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.5.7 - 03.04.2020
- Updated the polyline stemwall draw tool to terminate (point selection) with the "Enter" key instead of the down arrow.
- Updated the strip footing draw tool to terminate (point selection) with the "Enter" key instead of the down arrow.

I've never been really happy with using the down arrow as the termination key for the polyline stemwall and strip footing tools, it was always a placeholder until I could figure out how to use the Enter key instead.  I've now enabled the plugin so that the Enter/Return key can be used.  I have not disabled the down arrow key so actually either can be used at this time but eventually I will remove the down arrow key so that only the enter key will terminate point selection for the two draw tools.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


I'm utilizing key code 36 for MacOS, however I need to verify that this is actually working for everyone as it should. If you are using the Foundation plugin on a Mac please download this latest version and let me know if the Enter key will now allow you to terminate a polyline stemwall.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


After some further testing I think I will switch from the Enter key to the End key to terminate point selection. The problem with using the Enter key is that it conflicts with the manual entry of a segment length.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.5.7b - 03.05.2020
- Updated the polyline stemwall draw tool to terminate (point selection) with the "End" key instead of the "Enter" key.
- Updated the strip footing draw tool to terminate (point selection) with the "End" key instead of the "Enter" key.

For now the point selection termination will be either the down arrow or the "End" key.  Using the "Enter" key causes a conflict when the user is manual entering a dimension for a segment length (key in the dimension and then click enter).  Until I can figure out how to resolve this conflict this will be the key assignment for terminating both polyline stemwall and strip footings.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.


Version 1.5.7c - 03.05.2020
- Added the "Enter" key method to the strip footing and polyline stemwall draw tools for point selection termination.

After a couple of tries I think I've finally got it right now. One should be able to use the Enter/Return key to terminate point selection as well as still use the down arrow (for users who are in the habit of using the down arrow now).  I apologize on the back and forth on this fix, sometimes things just don't go as smoothly as planned.
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson, P.E.