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Messages - Medeek

If I enable some turn outs and volutes I will need to adjust for these but also I need to provide some additional parameters so one can fine tune the placement of the handrail and its termination:

Tutorial 56 - Flared Stairs (4:53 min.)

First look at an inverted T-Shape staircase with a straight and a curved flare:

Since I've been focusing on updating the stair module the last week I've had quite a number of requests for various things.  One request is the ability to flare out the bottom of the stairs.  I can add in this functionality however to start with it would be very rudimentary (just a modification to the treads and risers as shown):

I'm not entirely sure how one would go about in-fill framing the flared portion, nor do I think there is any established or standard way to do this, I could be wrong.  Any thoughts or ideas in this regard?   I should probably ask first if this is something that you would all want or even need.
**Tutorial 55** - Complex Stairs (9:57 min.)

Version 3.7.8 - 12.17.2024
- Added the following L-Shape and U-Shape winders: 2, 3, 4 and 6 step.
- Added the following two step angle winders: 30, 45 and 60 degrees.
- Added the following T-Shape stairs with landing: T, TL, TR
- Enabled double landings for all landing and winder configurations.

First look at double landing configurations with 2-step and 3-step L-winders:

First look at a two landing staircase:

Tutorial 54 - Stairs with Landings (13:27 min.)

Version 3.7.7 - 12.12.2024
- Added a "Calculated Parameters" section to the edit menu of the stair module.
- Added the ability to create L-Shape, U-Shape and Straight runs of stairs with landings.

Switching between landing and no-landing:

Tutorial 21 - Roof Sheathing (7:13 min.)

Version 0.9.9z - 12.07.2024
- Added Roof Sheathing within the Advanced Options.
- Added the following membrane types to the Roof Sheathing Module: BUR, MB, TPO, EPDM, PVC.
- Enabled multi-ply insulation with the roof sheathing module.

Tutorial 20 - Steel Decking (8:19 min.)

Version 0.9.9y - 12.04.2024
- Added Steel Decks w/ Concrete Slabs (Verco®): B-36, N3-32, W2-36, W3-36, SV, DV.