Job No.


1. Site & Building Data

Roof Type: Gable  
Wind Speed (ult): 115 mph
Exposure Category: C  
Enclosure Class: Enclosed  
Building Width (W): 24 ft.
Building Length (L): 30 ft.
Eave Height (he): 12 ft.
Foundation Height (hf): .5 ft.
Roof Pitch: 4 /12
Eave Overhang (OHe): 1 ft.
Gable Overhang (OHg): 1 ft.

2. Parameters & Coefficients

Topographic Factor (Kzt): 1.0
Directionality Factor (Kd): .85
Roof Angle (θ): 18.43 deg.
Mean Roof Height (h): 14.00 ft.
Ridge Height (hr): 16.00 ft.
Pos. Internal Pressure (+GCpi): +0.18  
Neg. Internal Pressure (-GCpi): -0.18  
Velocity Pressure Exp. Coeff. (Kh): 0.85 @ z=h
Velocity Pressure (qh): 24.43 psf
End Zone Width (a): 3.00 ft.
Zone 2/2E Dist.: 12.00 ft.

3. Design Assumptions and Notes

Code Standard: ASCE 7-10
Geometry: Regular-Shaped Bldg.
Height Class: Low-Rise Building

4. Design Loads

Top Chord Dead Load: 10 psf
Bottom Chord Dead Load: 5 psf
Truss/Rafter Spacing: 24 in. o/c

4. Design Wind Pressures: MWFRS Envelope Procedure

Load Case A: Transverse Direction
Surface GCpf Design Pressure (psf)
(w/ +GCpi) (w/ -GCpi)
1 0.52 8.22 17.01
2 -0.69 -21.25 -12.46
3 -0.47 -15.84 -7.05
4 -0.42 -14.54 -5.75
1E 0.78 14.66 23.46
2E -1.07 -30.54 -21.74
3E -0.67 -20.85 -12.05
4E -0.62 -19.50 -10.70
2OH -0.69 -16.86
2EOH -1.07 -26.14
3OH -0.47 -11.45
3EOH -0.67 -16.45
2OH+W -0.69/-0.7 -33.96
2EOH+W -1.07/-0.7 -43.24
a) (+) and (-) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from surfaces.
b) External Pressure Coefficients linearly interpolated from Fig. 28.4-1 ASCE 7-10.
c) Design building for all wind directions, 4 load patterns per load case.
d) Total horizontal shear shall not be less than that by neglecting roof wind forces.
e) Min. wind load for enclosed or partially enclosed bldg.: 16 psf wall, 8 psf roof.
f) Design pressures are for strength design, multiply by 0.6 for ASD.
Wind Loads 2905 Shady Oak Lane Verona, WI 53593 24-09
Gregory A. Karn, AIA ARCH-AIDE, LLC Architects
8194 N. Riley Rd. Verona, WI 53593
ph. (608) 335-8159
9/13/2024 1
Job No.

Load Case B: Longitudinal Direction
Surface GCpf Design Pressure (psf)
(w/ +GCpi) (w/ -GCpi)
1 -0.45 -15.39 -6.60
2 -0.69 -21.25 -12.46
3 -0.37 -13.44 -4.64
4 -0.45 -15.39 -6.60
5 0.40 5.37 14.17
6 -0.29 -11.48 -2.69
1E -0.48 -16.12 -7.33
2E -1.07 -30.54 -21.74
3E -0.53 -17.34 -8.55
4E -0.48 -16.12 -7.33
5E 0.61 10.50 19.30
6E -0.43 -14.90 -6.11
2OH -0.69 -16.86
2EOH -1.07 -26.14
3OH -0.37 -9.04
3EOH -0.53 -12.95
2EOH+W -1.07/-0.7 -43.24
3EOH+W -0.53/-0.7 -30.05
a) (+) and (-) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from surfaces.
b) External Pressure Coefficients linearly interpolated from Fig. 28.4-1 ASCE 7-10.
c) Design building for all wind directions, 4 load patterns per load case.
d) Total horizontal shear shall not be less than that by neglecting roof wind forces.
e) Min. wind load for enclosed or partially enclosed bldg.: 16 psf wall, 8 psf roof.
f) Design pressures are for strength design, multiply by 0.6 for ASD.

Torsional Load Cases
Surface Load Case GCpf Design Pressure (psf)
(w/ +GCpi) (w/ -GCpi)
1T A - 2.05 4.25
2T A - -5.31 -3.11
3T A - -3.96 -1.76
4T A - -3.64 -1.44
5T B - 1.34 3.54
6T B - -2.87 -0.67
a) (+) and (-) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from surfaces.
b) Pressures designated with a "T" are 25% of full design wind pressures.
c) Torsional loading shall apply to all 8 load patterns using the figures shown.
d) Design pressures are for strength design, multiply by 0.6 for ASD.
e) Torsional Design Exceptions: One story bldg. with h ≤ 30 ft,
   Two stories or less framed with light frame construction,
   Two stories or less with flexible diaphragms.
Wind Loads 2905 Shady Oak Lane Verona, WI 53593 24-09
Gregory A. Karn, AIA ARCH-AIDE, LLC Architects
8194 N. Riley Rd. Verona, WI 53593
ph. (608) 335-8159
9/13/2024 2
Job No.

5. Wind Load Calculations

1.) Lateral Loads - Transverse Direction:

Lateral Loads on Roof Diaphragm with Positive Internal Pressure
30 ft.
6.00 ft.
24.00 ft.
67.3 plf
50.2 plf
50.6 plf
28.4 plf
1039 lbs
915 lbs
50.0 plf
38.0 plf
73.3 plf
51.0 plf
62.7 plf
40.5 plf
8.6 plf
6.8 plf
39.5 plf
27.5 plf
3.3 plf
2.3 plf
1 ft.
1 ft.
a) (-) signs signify wind lateral forces acting opposite to the direction of the arrows shown.
b) Strength design values multiplied by 0.6 to obtain ASD values.

Wind Base Shear (ASD)
Load Case A: Transverse Direction
Load Case Walls (lbs) Roof (lbs) Roof Overhangs (lbs) Total Lateral Load (lbs) R1 (lbs) R2 (lbs)
Positive Internal Pressure 2592 -451 -186 1954 1039 915
Negative Internal Pressure 2592 -451 -186 1954 1039 915
Roof Pressure = 0 2592 0 0 2592 1390 1202
Min. Pressures (8 psf, 16 psf) 1656 576 90 2322 1161 1161
a) Bottom half of wall neglected in tributary area calculations.
b) Strength design values multiplied by 0.6 to obtain ASD values.
Wind Loads 2905 Shady Oak Lane Verona, WI 53593 24-09
Gregory A. Karn, AIA ARCH-AIDE, LLC Architects
8194 N. Riley Rd. Verona, WI 53593
ph. (608) 335-8159
9/13/2024 3
Job No.

2.) Lateral Loads - Longitudinal Direction:

Lateral Loads on Roof Diaphragm with Positive Internal Pressure
24 ft.
3.00 ft.
21.00 ft.
51.4 plf
39.6 plf
36.2 plf
18.5 plf
22.9 lbs
91.0 lbs
136.5 lbs
242.7 lbs
1031 lbs
947 lbs
a) (-) signs signify wind lateral forces acting opposite to the direction of the arrows shown.
b) Strength design values multiplied by 0.6 to obtain ASD values.
c) Where the length of building (L) exceeds 4X the mean roof height (h), wind drag forces should additionally be considered.

Wind Base Shear (ASD)
Load Case B: Longitudinal Direction
Load Case Walls (lbs) Gable Ends (lbs) Roof (lbs) Total Lateral Load (lbs) RA (lbs) RB (lbs)
Positive Internal Pressure 1484 493 0 1977 1031 947
Negative Internal Pressure 1484 493 0 1977 1031 947
Roof Pressure = 0 1484 493 0 1977 1031 947
Min. Pressures (8 psf, 16 psf) 1325 461 0 1786 893 893
a) Bottom half of wall neglected in tributary area calculations.
b) Strength design values multiplied by 0.6 to obtain ASD values.
Wind Loads 2905 Shady Oak Lane Verona, WI 53593 24-09
Gregory A. Karn, AIA ARCH-AIDE, LLC Architects
8194 N. Riley Rd. Verona, WI 53593
ph. (608) 335-8159
9/13/2024 4
Job No.

3.) Roof Truss Reactions:

Roof Truss/Rafter Reactions: Transverse End Zone
221 lbs
118 lbs
Max. Horz. ① = 69 lbs
Max. Uplift ① = 221 lbs
a) Strength design values multiplied by 0.6 to obtain ASD values.
b) Windward loads may be positive or negative depending on pitch of roof.

Roof Truss/Rafter Reactions (ASD)
w/ Positive Internal Pressure
Load Case Horizontal Load (lbs) Gross Uplift (lbs) Net Uplift (lbs) U1 (lbs) U2 (lbs)
Transverse Int. Zone 35 589 116 91 24
Transverse End Zone 57 812 339 221 118
Longitudinal Int. Zone 41 531 58 62 -4
Longitudinal End Zone 69 736 264 187 76
a) Gross Uplift calculations do not include any counteracting roof dead loads.
b) Net Uplift calculations include counteracting roof dead loads multiplied by 0.6 per load case (7) ASCE 7-10.
c) Strength design values multiplied by 0.6 to obtain ASD values for wind loads.
d) Loads based on truss spacing calculated at 24" o/c.
e) Negative values for horizontal load indicate load acting in windward direction (tranverse load cases).
f) Negative values for uplift indicate net downward force (zero uplift).

*Disclaimer: The calculations produced herein are for initial design and estimating purposes only. The calculations and drawings presented do not constitute a fully engineered design. All of the potential load cases required to fully design an actual structure may not be provided by this calculator. For the design of an actual structure, a registered and licensed professional should be consulted as per IRC 2012 Sec. R802.10.2 and designed according to the minimum requirements of ASCE 7-10. The wind load calculations provided by this online tool are for educational and illustrative purposes only. Medeek Design assumes no liability or loss for any designs presented and does not guarantee fitness for use.
Wind Loads 2905 Shady Oak Lane Verona, WI 53593 24-09
Gregory A. Karn, AIA ARCH-AIDE, LLC Architects
8194 N. Riley Rd. Verona, WI 53593
ph. (608) 335-8159
9/13/2024 5