Job No.

Snow Load Report

1. Roof and Building Data

Ground Snow Load (Pg): 30.0 psf
Roof Pitch: 5 /12
Risk Category: II  
Eave-to-Ridge (W): 6.5 ft.
Terrain Category: C  
Exposure: Fully Exposed  
Thermal Factor (Ct): 1.10  
Roof Surface: Asphalt Shingles  
Roof System: Common Truss  
Spacing: 24 in. o/c
Overhang: 6 in.

2. Design Loads

Top Chord Dead Load: 7 psf 
Bottom Chord Dead Load: 10 psf 
SF (Slope Factor) = 1/Cosine(Φ) = 1.08 (Dead loads specified on a projected horizontal basis take into account the effect of the pitch via a slope factor.)
Adj. TCDL (TCDL x SF): 7.6 psf 

3. Design Assumptions

Code Standard: ASCE 7-10
Number of Plies: 1 PLY
Bottom Chord Pitch: 0 /12

4. Snow Load Calculations

Calculate flat roof snow load pf using the following equation:

pf = 0.7CeCtIspg


pf = Flat Roof Snow Load in psf
Ce = 0.90 = Exposure Factor, as determined by ASCE 7-10 Table 7-2 (Terrain Cat. C, Exp. Fully Exposed)
Ct = 1.10 = Thermal Factor, as determined by ASCE 7-10 Table 7-3
Is = 1.00 = Importance Factor, as determined by ASCE 7-10 Table 1.5-2 (Risk Cat. II)
pg = 30.0 psf = Ground Snow Load in psf

pf = 0.7CeCtIspg = 0.7(0.90)(1.10)(1.00)(30.0) = 20.8 psf
Snow Loads HENRY ROSE 24-117
Engineer Company Name
123 Street City, State 12345
ph. (888) 777-5555
2/10/2025 1
Job No.

A minimum roof snow load, pm shall apply to monoslope, hip and gable roofs with slopes less than 15 degrees using the following equations:

Where pg is 20 psf or less: pm=Ispg
Where pg exceeds 20 psf: pm=Is(20)

Roof slope is greater than 15 degrees, the minimum roof snow load, pm, does not apply.

For locations where pg is 20 psf or less, but not zero, all roofs with slopes (in degrees) less than W/50 with W in feet shall included a 5 psf rain-on-snow surcharge load. This additional load applies only to the sloped roof (balanced) load case and need not be used in combination with drift, sliding, unbalanced, minimum, or partial loads.

Roof slope in degrees (22.62°) is greater than W/50 = 0.1, the 5.0 psf rain-on-snow surcharge load does not apply.

Calculate sloped roof snow load ps using the following equation:

ps = Cspf


ps = Sloped Roof Snow Load in psf
Cs = 1.00 = Roof Slope Factor, as determined by ASCE 7-10 Sec. 7.4.1-7.4.4 and Figure 7-2
pf = Flat Roof Snow Load in psf

Roof surface (Asphalt Shingles) is considered a "non-slippery" roof. For a Ct = 1.10 the roof slope factor Cs is given by the solid line of ASCE 7-10 Figure 7-2b.

ps = Cspf = (1.00)(20.8) = 20.8 psf

Calculate unbalanced snow load for hip and gable roofs as shown in ASCE 7-10 Figure 7-5.
Unbalanced snow loads are required for roof pitches between 1/2 on 12 to 7 on 12.
Using the following equations:

γ = 0.13pg + 14 (snow density)
(drift height) [if lu < 20 ft., use lu = 20 ft.]
(width of drift surcharge)
(drift surcharge snow load)


γ = Snow density in pcf, not to exceed 30 pcf.
hd = Drift height in feet, as determined by eqn. or ASCE 7-10 Fig. 7-9.
lu = W = Ridge to eave distance in feet, windward side of roof.
S = 12/Roof Pitch
ld = Width of drift surcharge in feet.
pd = Drift Surcharge Snow Load in psf
Snow Loads HENRY ROSE 24-117
Engineer Company Name
123 Street City, State 12345
ph. (888) 777-5555
2/10/2025 2
Job No.

pwindward = 0.3ps = (0.3)(20.8) = 6.2 psf
pleeward = ps = 20.8 psf

γ = 0.13(30.0) + 14 = 17.90 pcf

= 1.44 ft. [lu = 20 ft.]

= 5.93 ft.

= 16.6 psf

On warm roofs apply a distributed 2pf snow load on all overhanging portions as per ASCE 7-10 section 7.4.5.
No other loads except dead loads shall be present on the roof when this uniformly distributed load is applied.

2pf = (2)(20.8) = 41.6 psf

6.5 ft.
7.6 psf
7.6 psf
20.8 psf
20.8 psf
10 psf
6 in.
 R1 = 488.9 lbs
R2 = 488.9 lbs 
Out-to-out Span = 12.0 ft.
R1 = D + S = 218.6 lbs + 270.3 lbs
R2 = D + S = 218.6 lbs + 270.3 lbs
Snow Loads HENRY ROSE 24-117
Engineer Company Name
123 Street City, State 12345
ph. (888) 777-5555
2/10/2025 3
Job No.
6.5 ft.
7.6 psf
7.6 psf
6.2 psf
20.8 psf
10 psf
6 in.
5.93 ft.
16.6 psf
 R1 = 392.8 lbs
R2 = 592.4 lbs 
R1 = D + S = 218.6 lbs + 174.2 lbs
R2 = D + S = 218.6 lbs + 373.9 lbs
6.5 ft.
7.6 psf
7.6 psf
41.6 psf
41.6 psf
10 psf
6 in.
 R1 = 260.2 lbs
R2 = 260.2 lbs 
R1 = D + S = 218.6 lbs + 41.6 lbs
R2 = D + S = 218.6 lbs + 41.6 lbs

Snow Loads HENRY ROSE 24-117
Engineer Company Name
123 Street City, State 12345
ph. (888) 777-5555
2/10/2025 4