In order to better document the development of the Medeek Truss Plugin I have created this forum and topic. Please feel free to post to this topic directly or start your own on related subjects.
I have the raised/energy heel working now for a fink truss where a vertical member and strut is required (heel height greater than 12" approx.). Still working on the wedge and slider cases, they are actually easier to calculate and program, but I figured I would tackle the difficult one first.
When the angle between the strut and top chord exceeds 10 degrees I then apply a scarf cut to the strut at its centerline (try a raised heel height that exceeds 24" and you will notice the difference).
Here is an example of a fink truss with a 18" raised heel. Notice there is no scarf cut at the top of the strut where it meets the top chord.
For the fink truss all raised heel types are now active:
The algorithm is now smart enough to determine when to use a wedge, slider or vertical member with strut. Depending on the heel height, and the pitch a wedge is either a 3.5" or 5.5" deep. Likewise the slider is also auto selected to be either a 3.5" or 5.5" member.
I've also setup the plugin so it is now an .rbz file and can be installed from within SketchUp (preferences).
Another important change is the wrapping of the geometry creation portion of the script so that any changes to a model can be easily reversed with "undo"
I've had a number of requests for monopitch or monoslope trusses. Shown below is a sample of potential configurations of this type of truss. Has anyone ever seen a (5/3) or (6/4) or a (3/1) monopitch truss? The first number is the number of top panels and the second number is the number of bottom panels to clarify.
Monopitch and Attic trusses are the next items I will tackle.
I've had a good bit of experience dealing with attic trusses in my own designs. The big difference in configuration is the use of a piggyback where the truss height gets too tall for shipping. I think it it would be cool to allow a user variable that enforces a max height and then draws a piggy back truss or the simpler configuration based on span, pitch and this max. truss height specified by the user:
Also with this type of truss I've noticed that the top chord section where no triangulation is present (diagonal ceiling) the truss depth is often inadequate for insulation. Hence the need to split the top chord as shown in the first drawing with the overhanging portion 2x4 or 2x6 and the upper top chord 2x8 or deeper.
The piggyback is usually a small king post truss composed of 2x4 members all around. The ceiling web of a piggyback is often 2x6 but I've seen 2x4 as well.
With more elaborate and longer spanning attic trusses I've even seen the bottom chord turned into an integrated floor truss where more depth is needed.
The simplest attic truss only involves six members:
Then to further increase the complications added a raised heel, typically not needed though since this type of truss is generally 8/12 pitch or higher.
If anyone has any other features or additional options that they would want to see included in an attic truss design please chime in. This one really intrigues me, much more challenging than the common truss types.
The left and right overhangs can now be set independently, however the right overhang defaults to match the left overhang to help speed user input:
I've also created a new page for the plugin with some basic documentation:
Just an FYI, the energy heels are enabled fully for the fink truss but not for any other truss type and the TRIAL version is actually not limited in any way. I will probably keep it that way until the plugin is significant enough to actually warrant charging for it.
I'm testing the attic truss. At the moment I've only got one configuration which is probably about right for an attic truss that spans about 24-28 feet. You can see below that pushing it out to span 36 feet is a bit of a stretch:
The piggyback option is enabled by enforcing a max. height in the inputs.
This is the same truss I used in my 28'x48' garage:
Now I need to work on the energy heel option for this truss type.
22' truss, notice the change in the web configurations as compared to the 24' truss.
There still may be a few kinks to work out in the algorithm that determines how many webs to place but overall I'm pretty pleased with what I have so far.
I've officially added the attic truss updates to the plugin so they are now live.
Trusses are now created as components with each individual member of the truss a group. Arrays of trusses are multiple instances of the same component.
I think this plugin may actually have some potential now.
A couple more screenshots for fun. A well designed truss is a beautiful thing to behold:
I really appreciate everyone's feedback, this has helped guide me in the right direction on all of this and improved my understanding of SketchUp immensely.
I don't think a metric version would be too hard to create. It would be cool if I could somehow have a configuration file of sorts so that imperial or metric could be semi-permanent setting that can be switched within SketchUp. Not really sure how to do this within the API but I will add that to the todo list.
I'm assuming the units of interest would be millimeters, correct me if I'm wrong. I think I will also open up the pitch variable so any pitch can be chosen instead of limiting it. I would also like have it in the settings where someone can manage the default values and choose between degrees or x/12 for the pitch.
I'm not really familiar with the metric lumber sizes. Would you want the variable completely open or limited to certain metric standard sizes?
Howe truss type is now active.
The latest plugin version is 1.0.4. I would highly recommend downloading the latest version since I have also spent some time this morning cleaning up my code and removing global methods and variables so that I don't clash with other extensions or modules.
Monopitch trusses are also now live:
Currently the 2/2 and 3/3 configurations are available, more of this truss family will be added after I address the metric issue and a few of the other requested items.
Currently I am dumping the trusses at the origin (0,0,0) since that seemed like the most natural thing to do but I can see where a more intuitive placement system makes more sense and would eliminate the additional steps needed to move the array of trusses into place and possibly rotating them.
I like the idea of selecting a rectangle which auto-sizes and orients the trusses.
Adding a quick launch icon should not be too much trouble either.
I've added a toolbar/icon which admittedly is more convenient than having to open up the extensions menu item.
I'm not entirely sure I'm happy with the icon set I've created but it is really hard to make much of a 24x24 or 16x16 square.
I'm looking at adding in scissor trusses. Below is a matrix of common scissor truss configurations. Once they get much larger than a 6/6 I think they probably go to site assembled half trusses, I'm not entirely sure since I don't have any drawings or diagrams of anything larger than a 6/6.
For the common truss types I've configured the plugin to detect the SketchUp template units and display a metric UI. I've also replaced the x/12 system with degrees for the metric interface. All member sizes and other dimensions are open for the metric interface as well.
Go ahead and give it a whirl, if it checks out then I will go ahead and update the attic and monopitch UI with the metric option.
To get the latest version login to the Account Manager here:
Click on the plugin link.
Your order number and data will appear, click on the order number, then click on the Download Now button, this will be the latest version.
All licenses currently purchased are permanent, this means you are entitled to all upgrades in the future. At some point I may move to a yearly license so that those licenses will only entitle the user 1 year of upgrades and then after that they will be required to purchase an upgrade to get the latest version. I don't want to make the licensing a burden to the users but I also want to be fair to myself if I spend alot of time and effort adding in more trusses and features.
You will notice that the License type in the Account Manager lists the License as permanent. This license and order is associated with your Client ID in the database. As long as you have access to your Client ID and can login you have access to the latest plugin.
With the truss plugin I have been primarily focused on typical MPC wood trusses however the potential for other truss types does exist. I'm wondering if some of the more exotic timber truss types can be codified in a similar way so that one can generate possible configurations and experiment with their design.
One interesting truss type that comes to mind is the Hammer Beam truss/frame as shown below:
Some other variants (and probably quite a few more):
Any thoughts on these types of trusses? Would there be any interest or need? Would it be appropriate to add these types of frames/trusses into this plugin or would a separate plugin be a better option?
I was thinking about adding the scissor truss family to my SketchUp plugin until I realized that the calculation of the scarf of the bottom chord was a bit more complicated than your typical common truss with a zero pitch bottom chord. When I actually sat down and did the math it became clear how much more complicated it actually was. If anyone cares to check the math I would be very grateful. I will probably run it into AutoCAD tomorrow and graphically check the geometry against the equation, they should give the same result.
Notice how the bearing width factors into the scarf and ultimately affects the entire design of the truss (web placement, panel lengths). This is why the truss companies require the bearing width before they can quote you on scissor truss package.
Makes one appreciate computers a little more when you realize that the software, once programmed, can take care of all these detailed calculations without us giving it a second thought.
The equation was spot on, my faith in trigonometry is restored:
Version 1.0.5 - 10.24.2015
Added Scissor truss type, configurations: (2/2), (4/4).
Metric input enabled for scissor truss types.
In certain instances the scarf length of the bottom chord becomes less than the bearing length, the logic checks for these cases and inserts either a 3.5 or 5.5 heel wedge as required.
I've been adding truss types/families as requested by users and member of this forum and others. The list of families continues to grow and my current todo list is:
Common (tail bearing)
Dual Pitch
Gambrel Attic
Mono Scissor
Vault or Cathedral
Of course this is only a small sampling of the potential truss families and types.
Beyond the basic truss families I would like to have the plugin also have the option to generate gable end trusses for each family was well as all the raised heel variants (wedges, sliders and verts). The gable end trusses are more complicated than originally thought since structural and dropped gables also need to be included. Dropping the top chord 1.5 or 3.5 inches also further complicates the matter since this change in drop involves a different geometry.
Instead of dumping the trusses at the origin I've had requests for the ability to locate the truss array based on selection of a bounding rectangle. I need to give this some serious consideration since it will probably make this plugin that much more valuable and efficient to use.
I'm also thinking about more complex situations such as entire hip sets and valley sets.
Then there are transition gable end trusses and transition gable end monopitch trusses, which may or may not be worth adding.
On a completely different note I've also considered adding in timber framed trusses (ie. hammer beam trusses etc...) however I think a separate plugin dealing specifically with timber framing would be more appropriate.
I have no idea how long it will take me to accomplish all of this. I have become faster at adding truss types as I've settled into a standard procedure for adding each truss family. However, each truss family takes at least 2-3 hours to add in and then that only includes 1 or 2 configurations whereas I should probably add at least 4 to 5 configurations for each truss family.
I will probably continue to chip away at this as time allows and as interest grows.
As you can probably tell trusses are intensely interesting to me and that will probably keep me going regardless of the interest levels.
Version 1.0.6 - 10.25.2015
Added floor truss type, Modified Warren - System 42.
Metric input enabled for floor truss types.
Top and bottom bearing option enabled for left and/or right end of floor trusses.
Ribbon cut option (top) enabled for left and/or right end of floor trusses.
One central chase that can be position relative to the left end of the truss. If the chase becomes closer than 1/4 the span to either end it will flag the user and re-position. Also some logic to check the chase size to span ratio and absolute max. chase size (24").
System 42 or 32 floor trusses using the modified warren configuration which seems to be the most popular for this type of floor truss. Top bearing configuration includes an additional slider for extra strength and a vert. Note the change in diagonal directions when comparing a top to bottom bearing floor truss, I was not aware of this until studying them in some detail. Typical panel length is 28" but this can also be set by the user to any value.
I figure if you need more than one chase it isn't to hard to manually edit the component and copy a couple of the vertical members over and then trim out the diagonals.
Floor trusses 40' span, 60' bldg. length, 24" deep.
Notice these are top chord bearing trusses with the diagonal webs reversed from the bottom bearing trusses in the previous post, this is by design.
Various configurations of a vaulted or cathedral truss:
Various configurations of dual pitch trusses:
Using the Medeek Truss Plugin and the housebuilder plugin I was able to create this simple model in about 3 minutes:
I would like to be able to create this type of model in the future:
This model was created in Solidworks and probably took a day or two to assemble. Notice the gambrel attic and the gable end trusses. That ability I would like to add into the plugin.
This next model was also created in Solidworks and only shows the foundation and framing, the entire model represents about a month of work including the drawing set.
I would like to see a plugin that is capable of generating this level of structural detail in a couple of hours instead of weeks. Is this possible?
On a related note, does a plugin exist for creating SOG and stemwall foundations?
I've got gable end trusses working for king post trusses:
I haven't made this latest update live just yet as I need to update all of the other truss types to make sure it does not break anything.
The other thing I am changing is the second user prompt box that allows one to enter in the number of trusses. I have now switched to a building length and the logic spaces the trusses based on the this length and the truss on center spacing. Gable end trusses can be switch on or off. Spacing of the gable studs is another user input.
Version 1.0.7 - 11.03.2015
Trusses can now be positioned and sized via three mouse clicks, with the option for manual overide in the dialog windows.
The number of trusses is now based on the spacing and building length.
Floor trusses with top chord bearing now are positioned properly.
Hopefully I haven't broken the metric inputs with the latest revision. I will test further tonight but so far its looking really good.
Version 1.0.7 took a while to pop out. The big improvement is the ability to click with the mouse at three corners and place the truss set without any additional rotating or translating.
In literally seconds I can now put a floor and a roof on 4 walls using the truss plugin and the Homebuilder plugin:
Of course the gable walls are not quite right but you get the idea. I may have slightly misunderestimated (a word created by GW Bush) SketchUp and what one can do with it.
The biggest hurdle was to learn how to create and properly set up a "tool" within the API. Adding different truss types is much more fun than working through that mess.
I'm also thinking it might be useful to have an option to put sheathing on the roof and/or floor?
I'm also looking for a good plugin that does stemwall and slab on grade foundations, if anyone has recommendations please advise. I may use my own plugin for my own practice in order to quickly mock up certain structures and provide visuals. With the right tools I think SketchUp can be a very effective and quick turnaround platform.
Version 1.0.8 - 11.04.2015
- Added Weyerhauser TJIĀ® I-joists: 110, 210, 230, 360, 560, 560D.
- Rim joist option enabled for TJI floor joists.
Only a rectangular configuration is available currently. If I can figure out how to code a polygon version of this that would be much more impressive (ie. pick the points that define the perimeter of the foundation and the plugin generates the complete floor layout).
This is straying a bit from trusses but I figured if I'm going to include floor trusses I might as well make floor joists available as well, just a small bit of code to get there.
I'm considering adding the following advanced options to roof trusses:
1.) Sheathing
2.) Fascia
3.) Rake Board (Gable Overhang)
4.) Outlookers (Structural vs. Non- Structural, Horizontal vs. Vertical)
5.) Vent Blocks
6.) Gable End Trusses (Already in progress: Dropped top chord and structural variants)
This would then provide a fairly complete roof framing solution.
For floor trusses (adv. options):
1.) Sheathing
2.) Gable End Floor Truss (Ladders)
3.) Ribbon Board
For floor joists [TJI and dimensional lumber] (advanced options):
1.) Sheathing
2.) Midspan blocking at user selected bearing points.
3.) Sill Plate (for floor framing on top of concrete foundations)
Please suggest other options that might be handy to have.
I thought about multi-ply girder trusses but I think for now it is not too hard for the user to simply create another instance of the truss component and manually stack them up to create double or triple ply trusses.
Another interesting thought I had is what would it take to codify an algorithm for creating a typical dormer:
However, this may be a bit ambitious at this point but I think it could be done.
Version 1.0.9 - 11.05.2015
- Added separate toolbar icons for floor trusses and joists.
- Created separate submenu items under the Medeek Truss Plugin Extension for roof and floor trusses.
The main menu was getting a bit cluttered and not so user friendly so I split it out into "Roof" and "Floor", hopefully this makes more sense.
As I've been contemplating adding gambrel attic trusses to the truss plugin I've had to give some thought to what constitutes a good gambrel design. I've looked into this before but my conclusion is that no matter the lower and upper pitch of the roof a good looking design seems to be always achievable if the lower and upper legs of the roof are more or less equal in the length. To that end I've devised a simple spreadsheet calculator that will quickly throw out the numbers and display a graphic of the gambrel profile:
I'm not saying this is a hard and fast rule but it seems to give decent results. Minor variations (ie. L1 not equal to L2) are generally okay but if one leg is significantly longer than the other the gambrel profile becomes distorted.
The math to come up with this equality and generate the coordinates of the overall roof height and the pitch break is rather interesting and for those mathematically inclined is given below. Note that the equation ends up being a quadratic equation with the positive root extraneous:
I'm working on the advanced options for roof trusses and I'm looking at the fascia board. I've come up with three different configurations for the fascia that I've seen in practice and in the architectural books that I have.
Which method of the three below do you prefer? or is there another configuration that I have missed?
Note that I am only interested in the sub fascia if there are additional trim boards that is up to the architect or designer.
I think I will include the option for either of the 3 variants since it isn't too much more to code and I'm getting quite a mixed reaction from different builders and designers. I guess everyone has there preferred method.
Another quite common fascia treatment is to use a 2x6 sub fascia with a 1x8 finish fascia (primed spruce or cedar).
However, I am mostly interested in the sub fascia and then I'll leave it up to the designer/architect to dress it up further as needed.
I'm trying to make the roof framing as easy as possible and basic structural items such as trusses, fascia, outlookers are all automated, then the designer can concentrate on the finish work (ie. ridge caps, trim fascia, barge boards, cupolas).
In the advanced options I would like to included the following options:
1.) Sub Fascia
2.) Sheathing
3.) Rake/Barge Board
4.) Vent Blocking
5.) Outlookers (Structural vs. Non-structural, Horz. vs. Vert.)
6.) Gable End Truss (Structural, Dropped top chord)
The link to the Medeek Truss Plugin is:
The link to the Changelog for the plugin is:
I have also been researching vent blocking for trusses and I've seen a number of ways to do this both in practice and what is available within the code books. Specifically blocking over braced wall panels becomes more critical and necessary but even for non-braced wall segments there is the possibility of truss roll over and I would highly suggest blocking in all situations.
Raised heel trusses further complicate the matter. A number of resources I have found online that were interesting:
The SBC has a fairly lengthy discussion on heel blocking at this paper:
Raised heel trusses with large heel heights are given a "truss block" treatment.
However, APA paper SR-103A (2014) goes into some detail about using only the wall sheathing extended over the top plate in low wind speed areas.
The USDA has done some testing here:
The heel blocking/bracing at heels of raised/energy trusses becomes more of an issue when a shearwall or braced wall panel is located beneath that segment of the wall line.
An article in the SBC Magazine:
The 2012 IRC:
A paper that sums it up quite nicely:
This was an interesting paper I have never seen before even though I subscribe to this publication:
Angled bird blocks seem to be the norm around here (Western Washington) however vertical blocking inline with the ext. wall framing seems to be the more acceptable and approved method. A max. 2" space is usually allowed for venting purposes however as a structural engineer I like to see full height blocking to the roof sheathing/diaphragm especially over shearwalls or braced wall lines.
I can probably provide two to three option for blocking once I have arrived at a consensus on what is the most popular method(s) for blocking at the truss heel. Please feel free to chime in with suggestions or preferences in this regard.
Version 1.1.0 - 11.08.2015
Added advanced roof options for Common, Scissor and Attic truss types.
Sheathing option enabled under advanced roof options.
Rake Board option enabled under advanced roof options.
Fascia (Flush, Dropped, Beveled) option enabled under advanced roof options.
2x6 fascia and rake boards with gable end trusses. I would show the sheathing but it covers up the trusses and then there is really nothing to look at.
Just playing around with SketchUp a bit today and trying out the new sheathing, rakeboard and fascia capabilities in the plugin.
The roof of this simple structure took all of 10 seconds to create, the rest about 20 minutes. I didn't realize Simpson Strongtie hardware is available in the 3D warehouse, good to know.
I'm not going to say anything about lateral bracing of this structure, just modeling for fun.
One can go so far as to put all of the H1 ties in. I could waste an entire day messing around in this software, way too much fun.
I should be working on my regular work but SketchUp has an addictive hold on me at the moment. Trying to do a bit more complex roof line below. Immediately some things that pop out are the inherent complexities that occur when roof lines meet. The question is how to setup the plugin to automatically handle these situations, this will not be easy. I was able to easily trim and delete unnecessary rake and fascia boards as required. The trusses themselves need to be more dynamic so that one can adjust the overhang to zero as required. It is easy to select a number of component instances and make them unique and then adjust as required. In the second image I've copied an instance of the queen post truss to create a girder analog.
The other thing that needs some attention is the ability to easily create a valley set that frames over the larger roof line. I've got some ideas on this one, its going to take some interesting math but its not impossible.
I need to be able to select a face from a truss (truss top chord) even when the entire truss set is nested within a group -> component -> group. I'm going to assume this is possible, even though I don't know how to do this yet. If I can do this I can see a path to creating the valley set code which will allow one to insert a valley set behind a given truss set and have it frame over the main roof, conforming to the main pitch of the roof. At this point I'm only going to make it work if the two ridge lines are perpendicular. If they are different than 90 degrees the calculations are going to be a nightmare, I'll put that one on hold for a later time when I feel particularly ambitious.
Version 1.1.0 - 11.10.2015
Gable end trusses enabled for the Fink truss type and all raised heel variants.
I may need to adjust the vertical studs slightly for the raised heel with slider. I haven't yet determined the best way to frame that situation out.
On a slightly different note I'm thinking about creating a plugin for wall framing and other misc. framing related items for residential construction:
- Walls
- Floors
- Stairs
- Dormers
- Foundations
- Posts and Beams
- Square and Round Footings
Any great ideas on names. Its going to be something like Medeek Framer or Medeek Construction but I just don't want to make it too narrow in scope since I will probably wrap a number of things into it.
I like the housebuilder extension but I think a lot more can be done based on this initial concept.
Items I would like to see are more flexibility in defining openings, double trimmers, double king studs, double window sill plates.
I would also like to have the ability to create portal frames per the IRC standard. As well as classify certain wall segments as shearwalls and automatically insert the holdown components (Simpson HDU series) into the wall.
For structural engineers I've got some ideas for a plugin called Medeek Structure which will do lateral load analysis for wind and seismic similar to the Woodworks Shearwall software that I currently use on my local engineering projects.
I haven't even looked at traditional roof framing, its been all trusses and some floor joists until now.
Hip roof framing is very complicated especially with intersecting roof lines:
Actually let me rephrase that, any roof can get very complicated with intersecting roof lines whether it is framed out with trusses or more traditional rafters and beams.
If I incorporate traditional framing I would like for the user to be able to indicate the perimeter of the ext. walls and for the logic to be smart enough to handle any possible configuration. Consider the custom home with guest house below:
Just to determine the proper placement of the ridge and valley lines requires some serious algorithms. The technique I used to do it manually simply involves drawing isolines moving a fixed increment in from the ext. wall line. These are really no different than contour lines on a topographic map. The vertexes created by the intersection of these lines indicate the location of hip rafter, flying hip rafters and valley rafters. When the isolines merge into one line then you have a ridge board.
This process is known as the straight line skeleton:
An interesting implementation of a straight line skeleton algorithm is at this link:
Version 1.1.1 - 11.14.2015
- Gable end trusses enabled for all monopitch truss types.
- Added energy/raised heels for monopitch trusses (3 variants: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
Currently there are only two versions of the monopitch truss available (2/2 and 3/3).
The truss set below shows a monopitch truss set with gable ends and a 36" raised heel.
I've also added advanced options for monopitch trusses (sheathing, rake and fascia).
Version 1.1.2 - 11.16.2015
Metric input enabled for monopitch truss types.
Given the slopes of the dual pitch truss and the span calculate the distance between the left bearing and the peak:
However, you might notice that we are assuming the buttcut and top chord depth is equivalent for both sides. If the slopes are different then this will mean that the heel heights will be different. Should the heel heights be the same?
Outlookers enabled under advanced roof options for Common, Scissor and Attic truss types.
Not really sure what is the best treatment of the outlookers at the peak of the roof and consequently what is best way to space them. Measure them from the peak or the eave/fascia?
One thing worth noting here is that structural outlookers are also enabled but I have not yet coded in the dropped top chord gable end trusses that would match structural outlookers, something for another day. Due to the option of vertically or horizontally oriented outlookers the configuration of a dropped top chord gable end truss can take two configurations. For attic trusses this gets even more complicated at the gable end, hence I haven't even attempted the gable end truss option for attic truss types yet.
The hot items on the todo list right now are:
- Tail Bearing Trusses
- Gambrel Attic Trusses
- Dual Pitch Trusses
- Rafter Roof (Gable and Hip)
- Valley Truss Set
- Hip Truss Sets
If you feel like something should take precedence over these items please advise.
Version 1.1.3 - 11.21.2015
Outlookers enabled under advanced roof options for Common, Scissor and Attic truss types.
Gable end trusses enabled for (2/2, 4/4) scissor truss types.
Outlookers get a little complicated depending on whether they are structural or not. Typically around here we see them at 24" on center and they are usually structural. The top chord of the truss is dropped either 1.5" or 3.5" depending on if they are oriented horizontally or vertically. With structural lookouts the first lookout from the eave is usually non-structural since the dropped top chord truss will have a special slider attached to top chord to achieve the overhang. See image below:
Usually the sheeting goes on starting at the bottom so based on that the lookouts would be measured from the bottom edge of the sheeting so that they line up with the seams every 48".
I've seen a single vertical placed the ridge when the outlookers are vertical however what is common practice when the outlookers are horizontal?
Notice the different configuration of the top chord when the drop is only 1.5" (oriented flat).
If the overhang is zero then this slider or splice goes away.
A dropped top chord with flat orientation might look something like this:
Without an overhang the gable end truss becomes:
Note that the outlookers would probably be spaced from the bottom at 24" on center.
Vertical structural outlookers with 12" overhang and 16" gable overhang:
Outlookers enabled under advanced roof options for Monopitch and Attic truss types.
Version 1.1.4 - 11.25.2015
Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Common (Fink) truss type.
Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Common (Fink) truss type with raised heel (vertical w/ strut).
Version 1.1.5 - 11.25.2015
- Added Double Fink common truss type.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Common (Double Fink) truss type.
Version 1.1.6 - 11.26.2015
- Added Fan and Mod Queen common truss types.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Common (Fan & Mod Queen) truss types.
Four more common truss types still need to be added:
- Double Howe (6/6)
- Mod Fan (8/4)
- Triple Fink (8/7)
- Triple Howe (8/8)
For very large buildings one could also consider:
- Quad Fan (10/5)
- Quad Fink (10/9)
- Quad Howe (10/10)
- Quin Fan (12/6) ...
A quad fink truss (10/9) with a raised heel (slider):
Valley Sets are here:
Proceed with caution though I just put it together so it is still a bit rough around the edges. Further testing and refinement is necessary but it seems to be working fairly decently.
Currently the main roof plane and two points need to be selected rather carefully I'm not sure I can do much about that, if not I will need to document in some detail how to use this function.
I've addressed a few bugs with the valley set algorithm and tested it in as many configurations and orientations as possible. It it more solid now. I suggest downloading the latest version of 1.1.7 that I just uploaded to the server.
Note that the plane of the main roof that is selected needs to be a rectangular shape at the moment to properly register (1st point selected). I usually just select the top face of one of the top chords of the trusses. The second point should be at the centerline of the last truss of the secondary roof line and at the ridge (peak) of this truss, the third point is also at the ridge (peak) but at a point towards the main roof. I really need to put the manual together to document this feature and how to use it, or at least a video.
I also updated the geometry algorithm slightly so that it adds additional verts a 48" o/c when the valley trusses get too large. This is keeping in line with standard practice on these types of valley sets. I can also make this an input if someone requests that it be such.
This update was not that complicated (valley sets) other than trying to figure out how to place the set based only on a plane and two points. Obtaining this information and then figuring out the math and code to compute the vertical distance between the bottom of the first valley truss where it rests on the main roof plane and the peak of the secondary roof line was the slightly painful part. The actual geometry of the valley set was surprisingly easy to code.
The real challenge will begin when I try to add some hip sets, I may push that out for awhile.
Here is an example of a large valley set with a Monopitch Primary Roof and a Common Secondary Roof. Notice the pitch of the monopitch roof is 6:12 while the secondary roof is 12:12.
Rather than calculate the overhang for the secondary roof it is just as easy to to trim the truss tails back and adjust the fascia so that it lines up with the fascia of the main roof after the fact.
Even with all the automation of certain tasks there is still a good bit of manual editing required when complex roof lines are involved however I find that SketchUp has a very intuitive interface for trimming solids and once the basic geometry is there the rest is usually not too much trouble.
With the main roof sheathing:
Version 1.1.8 - 12.07.2015
- Added Gable Rafter Roof.
- Advanced options enabled for gable rafter roofs (sub-fascia, outlookers, sheathing, and rakeboards).
- New submenu item and toolbar icon added for rafter roof type.
- Plugin divided into multiple files for ease of management.
Structural outlookers for this type of a roof are still somewhat of a question. If they are horizontal it makes sense to notch the gable rafter but what if they are vertical?
Version 1.1.8 - 12.08.2015
- Structural Outlookers enabled for gable rafter roofs (vertical & horizontal).
Notice in this case I have left the gable rafter in place but notched clean through it, so essentially it is blocking. However, I have also given the option for removing the gable rafter entirely. You will also notice that the gable rafter is the same depth as the outlookers, when you choose "CUSTOM" for the gable end rafter it allows one to specify the depth of this rafter.
When structural outlookers are used in a vertical orientation it is common practice to have them bear directly on the double top plate of the gable wall (balloon framed to roof). If there is some configuration that is standard in your neck of the woods that I am missing please let me know. I am currently providing three different configurations for the gable end rafters.
I think I am ready to now attack the gable rafter roof with glulam beam.
Admittedly the user interface is still very rough around the edges. One thing I've started working on is making the default values assume the last values inputted by the user. The code is fairly simple but updating all of the different menus is tedious because I have quite a few truss types now. This should make creating multiple truss sets in a document even quicker since parameters like roof pitch, overhangs and heel heights are typically the same for a given structure.
To test this functionality currently, download the latest version 1.1.8 and test the common truss types (Imperial Units). I will be updating all menus so that this functionality is present.
With regards to the configuration of the outlooker near the outside corner of the roof, to be perfectly honest I've actually never given it too much thought other than I've always seen it framed that way. I suppose one could frame a diagonal outlooker to fully catch the corner but in that case then the other two would be cut short. My theory is two fold:
1.) The weight of the gutter and rainwater make the eave more heavily loaded.
2.) The sub-fascia is being supported by the rafter tails which is turn is holding up the lower end of the barge board. As such I would think one would want to provide support for the sub-fascia as close to the corner as possible.
The corner could probably be framed out either way, one of the boards ends up getting cut and does not provide much bending resistance.
Another thing worth noting is the rafter tails (with large rafters as shown) are usually trimmed to the bottom of the fascia or slightly higher and then a closed soffit is attached. Since the rafters are components it is very easy to go in and make this trim cut to all the rafters so I leave it to the user to make this modification instead of another option.
On the same token the ridgeboard would probably be trimmed as well. I need to look at that a little closer.
I'm wondering with my rafter roof if I should provide an option to draw ceiling joists?
Version 1.1.9 - 12.10.2015
- Added Gable Rafter Roof with Glulam Beam (all advanced options enabled).
Here is quick model of the wall framing associated with a gable roof with a glulam beam:
Beam Pocket with 6x6 post:
Gable wall and eave wall intersection:
Overview of Model:
I've added an extra input for the beam which allows ones to specify the overhang of the beam from the outside of the wall. With zero overhang the beam will be flush with the wall framing and not exposed. If the beam overhang is less than the gable overhang, the fly will be as shown below (up to the roof peak). If the beam overhang is greater than the gable overhang it will project past and the fly will adjust accordingly. The beam overhang is not restricted in any manner.
I remember a few years back when I was in college and working a side job as a construction laborer we framed up a roof similar to this. The rafters were large I-Joists (TJI 560 equiv.) and were hangered from the glulam beam. The beam was probably almost 2 feet deep. I just remember I was glad I was cutting the blocking on the miter saw and not the one at the peak of the roof setting the rafters into the hangers.
With that being said I am wondering how often I-Joists are used in this type of application versus common lumber. I can probably add in an option to use them instead of common lumber. One question I have though is what to do at the other end, where they bear at the wall. I would need to study this further.
With I-joist roofs don't think I would model in any of the web stiffeners, otherwise the model gets too heavy, same goes for small fasteners and hangers.
I haven't even considered the option yet with the rafters resting on top of the beam (dropped ridge). The I-joist manufacturers do not allow notching at the top end and therefore a beveled bearing plate or strip is required with web stiffeners on both sides of the I-joist. Their detail shows a strap across the tops of the I-joists tying them together across the beam, I'm pretty familiar with this detail from some local jobs I've done recently. However, I'm also wondering about the beveled strip on top of the ridge beam, how is it made, thickness at the butt etc...
With common sawn rafters how would you typically handle a dropped beam? Would you use a beveled strip or would you apply a birdsmouth cut at the ridge? I think I've seen both details but what is the preferred method if there is one.
The problem is I'm not out in the field enough so I never get to see this stuff actually go together very often.
When the plugin is loaded in a metric template it will now utilize a web dialog with metric sizes for glulam beams. The menu and glulam beam sizes are currently listed at the following link:
I probably don't list every combination possible or manufactured in each respective country or jurisdiction but hopefully I list the most common sizes. So far I have entered in data for the United Kingdom (Great Britain), South Africa, and Australia (and New Zealand).
I can enter in more countries if provided the data (width, depth, locale name and ply thickness). Now that I have the web dialogs and html files setup it is not a big deal to add more entries.
When the plugin is loaded in inches or feet then the US sizes or AWC NDS tables are loaded. So far I have only found one country that still uses the old units.
Added dropped beam options for Gable Rafter Roof with Glulam Beam: Notched rafter and Bevelled plate.
Version 1.2.0 - 12.13.2015
- Added ceiling joist option for Gable Rafter Roof.
Note: In the image shown I have raised the ceiling joist 24", the default is zero, or resting on the top plate of the wall.
With regards to outlookers and I-joist roofs I also noticed in the TJ-4000 (Detail O) they only show the outlookers in a vertical orientation. Are we allowed to do a horizontal orientation (outlookers laid flat)? And if so how do we make that attachment?
Various configurations of a cambered truss:
Things have been a little slow on the plugin development and also on visits to my plugin page the last few days as I have been busy working on some local engineering projects and have not had the time to work on any new features.
Then all of sudden this morning I noticed things were going a little wild on the site with a ton of traffic. Turns out my plugin has somehow found its way to the top of the stack on Extension Warehouse:
Not sure how it ended up there but my server has registered a serious uptick in traffic.
Version 1.2.1 - 12.16.2015
- Added gable end trusses (ladders) and ribbon boards to the floor truss type (Warren - System 42).
- Sheathing option enabled under advanced floor options for floor trusses.
Version 1.2.2 - 12.21.2015
- Added TJI Rafter Roof with Glulam Beam (all advanced options enabled).
- Added dropped beam option for TJI Rafter Roof with Glulam Beam: Bevelled plate
Note, the birdsmouth cut at the lower bearing point. What I am not showing is the additional web blocking (stiffeners) required at this bearing point and at the ridge beam, see TJI-4000 ( for more details.
Version 1.2.2 - 12.23.2015
- Structural outlookers notched around TJI top flange when oriented vertically, as per TJI manufacturer's structural details.
The tails of the TJI joists at the overhangs is left untrimmed however it is very easy to trim the tail of the rafters as shown below to customize to your particular roof requirements.
Version 1.2.3 - 12.29.2015
- Added Hip Rafter Roof.
A square hip roof (pyramid):
I still need to add in the advanced options for this roof type (sheathing, fascia etc...) I'm also thinking about ceiling joists and how best to configure them. For low pitch hip roofs the ceiling joists near the hip ends will clash with the hip jack rafters unless they are oriented parallel to the jack rafters.
A more complex hip roof combined with some trusses. Note I have not trimmed back all of the rafters in the top image.
I initially generated the hip roofs (two rectangles) and then deleted the appropriate members and trimmed the common rafters to create the valley jack rafters and cripple jack rafters. The valley rafter was created by copying an instance of one of the hip rafters and moving it into place. The end result is:
Overall the process has been simplified by having the hip roof feature in the plugin. Trimming the members is the most time consuming, perhaps a more efficient trim tool can be devised so that intersecting members can be easily trimmed back to clean up a complex roof. Ultimately it would be cool to have the plugin automatically handle even more complex roofs such as this but that would take some serious programming.
Also note that I used a raised heel for the trusses so that the heel height and gutter line of the trusses matches that of the rafters.
Testing out the hip roof feature with some more complex roof lines:
The thing that jumps out at me right away is the ease with which I can generate the basic roof lines and most of the rafters. This particular roof required (4) rectangular roofs to generate all of the lines. The only thing that is missing is the valley rafters. To make this feature more functional for complex roofs I only need to have a tool that can generate valley rafters and trim back members to create the cripple rafters.
The roof planes line up perfectly, which was expected but pleasing none the less.
This is unrelated to the functionality of the plugin but I managed after two days of pulling my hair out to somehow get the PayPal Express Checkout to work on the site. A number of clients had been requesting the PayPal option rather than use their credit cards over the internet.
Looking at cantilevered trusses tonight. The use of a wedge, slider or strut depends on the amount of the overhang and in some cases if the overhang (cantilever) is within the scarf cut of the top chord no additional member is required, see image below:
Notice how the web strut is centered over the point of bearing with the long cantilever. Also notice that the panel point placement of this fink truss was not altered with the addition of the cantilever.
Basically this will be a new truss family and I'll start with the fink truss and take it from there. If anyone has shop drawing from truss plants they are willing to share that show different configurations of a cantilever truss, that would be very helpful.
Version 1.2.4 - 01.08.2016
- Plugin integrated with the Medeek Truss Designer (
- Engineering of common fink truss enabled.
When a new truss is created (common truss types only for now) the parameters are specified within the dynamic component attribute library. Opening the component options allows one to change some of these values.
The new engineering icon ( allows one to automatically transfer all of the truss design parameters directly from SketchUp to the Truss Designer for engineering checks.
The current Medeek Truss Plugin menu now has 5 icons:
The available items are the following:
1.) Draw Roof Truss:
- Common
- Attic
- Monopitch
- Scissor
2.) Draw Floor Truss:
- Floor Truss
- TJI Joist
3.) Draw Truss Set:
- Valley Set
4.) Draw Roof Rafters:
- Gable Roof
- Gable Roof w/ GLB
- TJI Roof w/ GLB
- Hip Roof
5.) Engineering Calculations:
- Truss (common truss types only)
Note that the menus show additional items that are either being worked on or are planned for future releases.
The truss component in SketchUp is not fully dynamic yet, however if you right click on the actual truss component and open the Dynamic Component -> Component Options dialog box you will see that you can change some options associated with the truss. The items grayed out you cannot currently change but I would like to try and make some of them dynamic as well.
if you make a change here and then proceed with the engineering you will notice the new values are then sent to the calculator. The dynamic attributes revealed in this dialog are what is being sent to the calculator for engineering.
I've done some maintenance on the beam calculator in preparation for integration with the Truss Plugin:
Version 1.0.1 - 01.10.2016
- Updated javascript front end so that selected options are properly retained.
- Updated total load (reactions) to include applied load and selfweight over total span. Results now more closely agree with WoodWorks Sizer Software.
- Inputs now include option for Total Span and Clear Span.
- Removed beam configurations that are not yet complete.
- Beam graphic now shows span geometry with supports.
At some point I need to come up with a slicker interface that allows for multiple point loads and supports but that is a job for another day.
Version 1.2.5 - 01.10.2016
- Plugin integrated with the Medeek Beam Calculator.
- Engineering of North American glulam beam sizes enabled (Western, Southern Pine).
Screenshot of the Beam Calculator that will pop up when called from the plugin:
So far I only have glulam beams as an option in the plugin but I will probably add LVL, LSL, PSL and Solid Sawn and those can also be analyzed with this same interface.
First tutorial video:
Engineering Video:
The SketchUp model used in the video can be found here:
Valley Truss Set:
Hip Roof Framing:
SketchUp model used in the video can be found here:
Testing the limits of the Medeek Truss Plugin with complex hip roofs. Note that the roof primitives have not been trimmed back. This is primarily a study to determine what additional programming would be required to generate this type of roof automatically:
This for me would be the holy grail of hip roof framing...
As you can see there is still a tremendous amount of work that can be done here. To that end I've started a KickStarter project which if successful would allow me to devote at least 4-5 months of my undivided attention on the programming of this plugin:
I have been giving some thought to dormers and how to specify them. Below is a dormer design I framed in Solidworks a few years back for a garage design:
Of course the numerous ways in which one could frame a dormer is probably beyond the scope of this discussion but I would like to consider what geometry needs to be determined in order to orient and size the dormer.
After some thought I think the following points, planes and lengths would define the geometry of a typical dormer:
1.) Main Roof Plane
2.) Attic Floor Plane
3.) Offset from exterior wall below (how far the dormer is out of plane from the ext. wall below).
4.) Pitch of Dormer roof
5.) Dormer width
6.) Dormer height (distance from attic floor plane to top plate of dormer wall)
7.) Window width, height, and header depth
8.) Dormer wall thickness (2x4 or 2x6)
9.) Dormer rafter depth
10.) Position of Dormer along length of building
Items 2,3 and 10 can be combined into a single point selection.
Pondering complex hip roofs this afternoon and considering the graphic below:
A few rules seem to emerge:
1.) An outside corner will always create a hip that is 45 deg. from each leg of the corner.
2.) An inside corner will likewise always create a valley 135 deg. from each leg of the corner.
3.) Where two hips or flying hips meet a ridge will extend 135 deg. from each hip.
4.) When two valleys meet at 90 deg. they will terminate and a ridge will extend at 45 deg. from each valley.
5.) With a building with walls only running north-south or east-west all ridge lines will always be north-south or east-west.
6.) Likewise all hips, valleys and flying hips will be oriented northwest, northeast, southwest, or southeast.
7.) When a valley meets a ridge, (they will always meet at 45 deg) a flying hip is generated that is 90 deg. from the valley and 135 deg from the ridge.
8.) When two valleys meet at 180 deg. from each other, the result will be either to flying hips perp. to the valleys or the degenerate case of 4 valleys and 4 ridges.
9.) When a valley and a hip meet each other at 180 deg. then two ridges that are 45 deg from the valley will be the result (typical L shaped roof).
10.) When 4 hips meet the result is a pyramid.
There may be a few other degenerate cases I'm missing but I think that covers it.
Our natural world can always be broken down into simple patterns (mathematical relationships). When you identify those patterns and then act on them to your benefit that is when it becomes engineering.
Variation in plate heights, pitches, overhangs and even mixing hip and gable (half hip, dutch gable) further complicate the matter. To begin with I need a algorithm to generate the roof planes, then the framing just falls out from there. To create the roof planes I need a fairly robust straight skeleton implementation.
Version 1.2.6 - 01.18.2016
- Sill plate option (advanced) enabled for top and bottom bearing floor trusses.
Work on the manual is progressing however for those interested the red colored boards in the image are called "ribbon boards". This is fairly typical for floor trusses. The notch purposely left in the truss to accommodate the ribbon board is called the ribbon cut or ribbon notch. Continuous ribbons provide stability for installed trusses, and also provide a solid nailing surface for the edge nailing of floor sheathing. This eliminates the need for larger and more expensive “rimboard” solutions required by dimensional lumber and other engineered wood products. 2x4 lumber is common, but any dimension of 2x lumber can be used for the ribbon board.
Similar to the complex hip roofs I need to program the floor truss/TJI module so that it can automatically frame out any non-rectangular floor plan.
Version 1.2.6 - 01.19.2016
- Added Solid Sawn Floor Joists (metric and imperial)
- Sill plate and Sheathing options (advanced) enabled for TJI and Solid Sawn floor joists.
Version 1.2.7 - 01.26.2016
- Added advanced roof options for hip rafter roof (sheathing, fascia).
( (
I've uploaded a test L-Shaped structure with a hip roof:
I've created both hip roof primitives with the plugin, that was the easy part.
I then placed a valley rafter with its centerline (top) inline with both roof planes. I think I've got it right. What I am unsure of however, is the best way to terminate the framing at the intersection of the valley, lower ridge and flying hip. Once I have a handle on how a carpenter would actually construct that junction I think I can proceed to start work on a secondary roof module for both hip and gable rafter roofs.
The secondary roof module will allow one to add secondary roof geometry to a main roof and have it automatically adjust the rafters accordingly.
The intersection of the supporting valley rafter, valley rafter and lower ridge I had framed incorrectly. The corrected method is shown below:
Also note that the segment of the supporting valley rafter between the upper ridge and lower ridge would need to be beveled or "backed" otherwise it clashes with the sheathing. I noticed this when I originally added the supporting valley rafter but confirmed my suspicion when perusing DeWalt's carpentry and framing handbook this morning. I probably should have pulled this book out before beginning this study but it only confirmed everything I had managed to discover myself once I started examining the model.
This is my first crack at a dutch gable roof framed with rafters:
Without the sheathing:
Please examine the model here: (
Dutch Gable Rev. 2:
Same as previous except for doubled up common rafters at dutch gable.
Dutch Gable Rev. 3:
Doubled up gable common rafters with the dutch ridge/ledger is sandwiched between them. Found a paper by Larry Haun, Mar. 1995 "Framing a Dutch Roof" that was published in Fine Homebuilding magazine, that describes a very similar method of framing.
View model here: (
Disregard the common rafter sizes they are undersized but look at the method of sandwiching the dutch ridge/ledger between the last common rafters. I would probably also install some blocking between the double gable common rafters. I'm also not showing all of the ceiling joists and bird blocking etc...
If the roof gets large enough then one could go to a double ply dutch ridge, or even a deeper LVL member, assuming there is no internal support available from internal walls.
Version 1.2.8 - 02.02.2015
- Added Shed Rafter Roof with Ledger (all advanced options enabled).
- Added ceiling joist option for Shed Rafter Roofs.
- New submenu item and toolbar icon added for secondary (minor) roofs.
View model here:
I used this option to create a monitor style roof line but it can also be used for porch roofs, carports etc... I still need to add a standard shed roof with and upper and lower birdsmouth cut.
More "Fun with Roofs".
This roof was generated by first creating a hip roof primitive then deleting all but 3 components which were then copied and rotated into place for the lower roof hip corner. The shed roof /w ledger component was created with one primitive and then copied and rotated into place. Overall a fairly painless process now that I am somewhat familiar with navigating my way around SketchUp. The fascia required a couple of trims.
The pyramid at the top required no manual intervention. Approximately 10-15 minutes of work for a fairly substantial roof.
View model here:
Testing the real world application of the Medeek Truss Plugin. This model combines a double fink truss, raised heel fink truss, monopitch truss and shed roof with ledger. While creating the shed roof special attention to the birdsmouth cut was required to ensure that the fascia height of the rafters and trusses lined up. Also note the use of the raised heel type truss on the upper roof portion. Structural outlookers were specified for all gable overhangs.
5:12 pitch roofs with rafters and trusses 24" o/c. I did not apply a level cut to the rafter overhangs but that would probably be a given. Span of the double fink is 48 feet with 2x6 top and bottom chords.
View models here:
If anyone has some real world applications using the plugin that they are willing to share I would be very interested to see how it is being used and it would also give me some direction for further development and improvements.
I added the porch roof using the hip roof and shed roof primitives. I'm wondering if it might not be worthwhile to add in a feature to create this type of combination roof automatically. Shed Roof w/ ledger & hip ends.
View updated model here: (
Note, how close the ledger is to the rim joist. The porch roof diaphragm will actually stiffen up the region of the wall where the stairway is to some extent, in general the use of a "wind beam" is probably advisable if platform framing is used and a quick check of the numbers should be done.
Started the manual as a MS Word document however that did't work so well for hyperlinks. Starting over with an html manual page:
Couple of pages up, only about 25 more to go...
Version 1.2.9 - 02.12.2015
- Added Shed Rafter Roof (all advanced options enabled).
- Added ceiling joist option for Shed Rafter Roofs.
- Initial menu now defaults to last picked option of session for that sub-menu item.
A typical application might be a clerestory roof with a upper shed roof and lower shed roof with a ledger board:
View model here: (
Version 1.3.0 - 02.14.2016
- Added tail bearing truss type, configurations: (Fink).
- Metric input enabled for tail bearing truss type.
- Advanced options enabled for tail bearing truss type.
View model here:
I have shown 3 configurations of the same roof to display the differences with non-structural vs. structural outlookers (horz. & vert.). I am not exactly sure how to treat the gable end truss for this truss type since I have never dealt with this type of truss before. Any sample outputs showing the gable end truss with a dropped top chord for a tail bearing truss would be very helpful.
I am currently investigating the best method to construct the gable end wall and truss with a tail bearing truss. Show below are 3 different possible configurations:
1.) Structural Outlookers (Vertical)
2.) Non-Structural Outlookers (Horizontal)
3.) Structural Outlookers (Horizontal)
This is just one possible method of framing the gable end wall into the gable truss with a 2x4 outlooker. Option 3 shown above is somewhat of a question, not sure how that heel joint would come together.
View the model here to analyze the different configurations: (
Alternatively one could balloon frame the wall at the gable ends and attach a ledger for the ceiling:
View model here:
In my opinion a partially sloping wall gets complicated to frame. From an engineering standpoint the balloon framed wall is also the strongest option.
Version 1.3.1 - 02.15.2016
- Added Triple Fink and Quad Fink common truss types.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Common (Triple & Quad Fink) truss types.
Triple Fink @ 70' w/ 2x6 chords
Quad Fink @ 80' w/ 2x6 chords
View model here:
I've been looking at a number of garage designs recently that employ an attic or storage truss. I'm finding that a lot of them tend to use raised heels to allow for more head room while having a lower roof pitch (ie. 6/12 - 8/12). I'm thinking about adding in raised heels for the attic truss type in the plugin.
A quick mock up would look something like this:
View model here:
Ignore the unbalance in the panel lengths, in practice and in the plugin they will be properly balanced.
What I do have a question on is the use of a top chord splice as shown in the above image so that the overhangs do not have to be as deep as the top chord in the non-triangulated region of the truss. I have never seen a splice used on a attic truss with a raised heel, I don't see why it can't be done but it is always nice to have a confirmation that someone else is doing this sort of thing in practice.
Version 1.3.1 - 02.17.2016
- New submenu item and toolbar icon added for global settings.
Started to code in the dual pitch truss, the top chords, king post and bottom chord are there just need to add some webs:
Just an FYI, my previous post in Nov. had a sign switched in the last step of the derivation for Span 1, corrected in the plugin to a minus sign and everything is comes out perfect.
Here is a Dual Pitch 2/2 - 3/3 truss with a 12:12 pitch and a 4:12 pitch.
Still working on the gable end trusses and the advanced options involving structural outlookers.
I will be looking at raised heel scissor trusses next, those sound challenging and interesting. Please post or send me examples of any raised heel scissor truss examples or shop drawings. The combined pitches of the top and bottom chord with a wedge, slider or vertical web and strut will require some serious calculations and ample logic.
Version 1.3.2 - 02.23.2016
- Added Dualpitch truss type, configurations: (2/2-3/3).
- Metric input enabled for dualpitch truss type.
- Advanced options enabled for dualpitch truss type.
View model here:
Mono Cathedral trusses with heel wedge:
View model here:
A quick study of the general shape and layout of a 6/6 bowstring truss with different radii:
Version 1.3.3 - 02.28.2016
- Added Bowstring truss type, configurations: (6/6).
- Metric input enabled for bowstring truss type.
View model here:
I'm not sure how common place this truss type is anymore so I will add the advanced options at a later date if requested by a user. I can also add in other configurations with more panels if needed (ie. 8/8, 10/10).
Added Bowstring truss type, configurations: (8/8).
View model here: (
Initially I wasn't really sure how to lay out this type of truss, especially the webs and panel distances. Then after some thought it occurred to me that the length of each top chord segment should be roughly equal to best approximate the circular shape of the truss. After some checking of existing shop drawings my theory tested correct. The length of each top chord segment is equal in length.
28' Bow Barrel Truss (8/8) study.
View model here:
Gable end trusses for this type are a bit of a question right now. I can add this one into the plugin if there is some call for it, but I may hold off until a request is made since the code will be somewhat tedious with all the separate members that make up the top and bottom chords.
Version 1.3.4 - 03.02.2016
- Corrected a bug in the metric unit template module.
Version 1.3.5 - 03.04.2016
- Added Bow Barrel truss type, configurations: (8/8).
- Metric input enabled for bow barrel truss type.
- Corrected a bug with the webs of the bowstring truss type.
View model here: (
Gable end option is also available (not shown in image above for clarity) for this truss type.
I find the bow barrel truss very interesting. Its very similar to a flat truss in a lot of respects but then you essentially create pitch breaks at all the panel points and add some camber to it.
View model here:
I'm thinking the next thing I might tackle is an octagonal rafter roof. Something along these lines:
My time allotted to work on the plugin is very limited right now so I'm trying to decide if this would be something of interest for current and potential users of the plugin.
Version 1.3.6 - 03.06.2016
- Added Double Howe and Triple Howe common truss types.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Common (Double & Triple Howe) truss types.
View model here:
Nine different truss profiles currently available within the Medeek Truss Plugin:
- Common
- Attic
- Monopitch
- Scissor
- Tail Bearing
- Dual Pitch
- Bowstring
- Bow Barrel
- Floor (System 42)
View model here:
Are there any truss types I am missing that you would like to see added to the plugin?
Version 1.3.7 - 03.06.2016
- Added Soffit Cut within Advanced Options for common fink truss type.
After I'm certain that this feature is robust I will add it to all other truss types and rafter roofs. For now it only applies to roofs that use a common fink truss (non-raised heel).
Here is one way to frame an octagonal roof. The basic hip elements were first created with the plugin. This is a study of this type of roof to see what is required to add it into the plugin:
View model here: (
Another method would be to use an 8 faceted center block. Dewalt's framing book goes into some alternative methods in some detail. I prefer the method I have shown above because it is much easier to extrapolate the framing method to include elongated octagonal roofs. 8 common rafters and 8 hip rafters come together at the peak, seems like it would be a real pain to try and fasten these at the peak, perhaps someone could enlighten me on how a carpenter would actually put this together.
Version 1.3.8 - 03.10.2016
- Added wireframe (temporary) graphics to the truss positioning tool.
- Added Boise Cascade BCIĀ® I-joists: 4500, 5000, 6000, 6500, 60, 90.
- Rim joist option enabled for BCI floor joists.
- Removed drop down list for all overhang lengths (truss & rafter roofs). Overhangs are now users inserted values.
The screenshot above shows the wireframe that is displayed for common truss types.
This is a study of hip roof framing where unequal pitches meet at the hip (90 deg. to each other). In this case the birdsmouth cut is 3.5" for all jack and common rafters. The hip rafter is dropped and off center so that it lines up with the roof planes.
I assumed that the governing design criteria was that the sub-fascia line up hence the steeper pitch roof has a smaller overhang.
View model here:
I haven't gone through and created the calculations yet for the plugin but the one thing that jumped out at me was the necessity to offset the hip rafter slightly from the hip centerline when a dropped hip rafter is employed. Please review the model and let me know if there are any problems with the way this comes together.
Another study of hip roof framing where unequal pitches meet at the hip. The birdsmouth cut is 3.5" for all jack and common rafters. The hip rafter is dropped and off center so that it lines up with the roof planes. The hip roof combines a 12:12 pitch with a 6:12 pitch.
View model here:
Version 1.3.9 - 03.14.2016
- Out-to-out span of trusses in the trial version are now limited to a range of: 16 ft. (5m) - 32 ft. (9m).
Version 1.4.0 - 03.15.2016
- Added LP SolidstartĀ® I-joists: 450, 530, 18, 36, 56.
- Rim joist option enabled for LPI floor joists.
Version 1.4.1 - 03.16.2016
- Added Soffit Cut within Advanced Options for Gable Roof and Gable Roof w/ GLB.
Coming up on the 6 month anniversary of the plugin (April 7). I'm pretty excited with the amount of work I've been able to do on it. I would really like to get to some more big items on the list like secondary roofs and dormers but that will take a few days of uninterrupted programming which is really hard to come by at the moment. Lately, I have been addressing mostly minor items that I can knock out in a a couple of hours. I usually don't start into a big project unless I think I can complete it in one go since it is really hard to partially complete it and then try to jump back into it at a later date. The higher the complexity the more this holds true.
I've been considering transition trusses and what it might take to add them into the plugin. Below is a quick study of this type of roof. I am curious to know if a common truss is butted up next to a transition truss for sheathing purposes. Also notice the scissor transition, this situation is a little complicated, not exactly sure how to deal with it.
View model here:
For clarity I have removed all of the common trusses in the image below:
I think it would look something like this:
however I think the framing at the lower peak would be more correct if the top chord members abut like this:
This is a re-visit of the unequal pitch hip roof a few days back. Larry Belk, an experienced architect whose advice I highly regard, has suggested that an alternative way to handle this type of roof is to raise the top plate and thereby allow the overhang to remain constant around the roof:
View model here: (
Compare with hip roof 7:
and model: (
A few things pop out at me here.
First the raised top plate method allows the constant overhang with the continuous fascia, overall this is more aesthetically pleasing.
Second the hip rafter is no longer at the corner but is jogged in some amount onto the higher wall.
Third, the higher wall actually is protruding through the sheathing of the lower pitched roof in the model. Obviously the higher wall needs to be trimmed back some to deal with this.
For the plugin I think I will probably go with option 1 above initially but at some point it would be good to have a checkbox that allows one to choose either of these two options, the code is going to get ugly.
Version 1.4.2 - 03.19.2016
- Added energy/raised heels for attic trusses (1 variant: vertical w/ strut).
- Addressed some minor usability issues with the attic truss menu and options.
View model here: (
I've had quite a few people asking for this update so stayed up most of the night and knocked it out. Note, that the raised heel option is currently limited to attic trusses with a span of 24 ft. or greater. The reason for this is the way my logic currently works with spliced top chords. If this becomes an issue I will spend some more time on it to encompass attic trusses with a lesser span. I still do not have the gable truss, metric input or structural outlookers for this truss type, yet more items for the "todo" list.
Thinking about dormers today and attic trusses:
View model here:
2-ply girder trusses on each side of the dormer with ladder framing between. I haven't bothered to show all of the main floor framing geometry (doors, windows, stairs etc...) My question is what would be the best route for the infill framing above the dormers.
1.) Ladder frame perpendicular to trusses.
2.) Install a ridgeboard hangered between the girder trusses and a lower header and install rafters parallel to the trusses?
Note that the manual creation of the dormers took about an hour whereas the attic truss main roof and dormer roof were created with the plugin and only took about 5-10 minutes. A dormer routine would be useful.
Version 1.4.3 - 03.20.2016
- Added Scissor truss type, configuration: (6/6).
- Added energy/raised heels for scissor trusses (2 variants: wedge and vertical w/ strut).
- Addressed some minor usability issues with the scissor truss menu and options.
View model here:
Polynesian 4/4 truss is working:
However, I haven't released this latest update yet, I still need to enable gable end trusses and advanced options for this truss type before it is ready for prime time.
The inputs are similar to all other truss types except you have two top chord pitches and a pitch break length measured from the left butt cut of the truss.
Version 1.4.4 - 03.21.2016
- Added Polynesian truss type, configurations: (4/4).
- Metric input enabled for polynesian truss type.
- Added gable end trusses for polynesian truss type.
I'm not sure where this type of truss is commonly used but whenever I see one I think of a bus stop or train station:
Advanced options are not yet enabled for this truss type yet, so sheathing, fascia, rake will have to come later.
After adding Bowstring and Bow Barrel trusses the only common other round truss type is the Barrel Vault. The problem with this type of truss is the webs get messy or at least hard to predicate because of the interplay between the vault and the pitched roof above it. In an effort to better understand this type of roof/ceiling configuration I've created the matrix below:
High Res. PDF copy here:
I am trying to predict the max. height of the vault given a specific roof pitch and and vault width to span ratio. Perhaps I am recreating the wheel and some architect or designer has devised a method to create the perfect barrel vault given a roof pitch and other criteria.
I would be interested in what other opinions are on this matter.
Using a typical Barrel Vault 8/7+4 or 8/7+2 configuration I come up with the following triangulations. I'm sure there are other methods of configuring these webs but for the purposes of the plugin I think these solutions will suffice for now:
High Resolution PDF copy here:
Based on this matrix I've been able to come up with a simple algorithm for the triangulation of this truss type. I'll admit the barrel vault truss is one handsome devil.
A 9:12 barrel vault truss with a 16' wide barrel:
Same truss as above but in SketchUp:
View model here:
Version 1.4.5 - 03.24.2016
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Scissor (4/4) truss type.
I guess I somehow missed enabling structural outlookers for scissor trusses. Anyhow this issue was brought to my attention this evening so I've tried to rectify it as much as possible. After delving into the code I realized that the scissor truss module needs a major rewrite and cleanup so I was only able to get structural outlookers enabled for the 4/4 configuration. Later next week I will jump back into this module and work on the 2/2 and 6/6 configuration.
I had someone ask me if it would be possible to create a small house or cabin based entirely on a raised heel attic truss profile, probably with some skylights for light. I've never seen this type of design before but I don't see why it might not work. Has anyone ever seen something like this done? Basically an attic truss with a raised heel (48') resting directly on a stem wall foundation with post and beams or something similar.
The one issue I could see is if there were no windows for a bedroom (no egress) that was midway the length of the structure. The design shown is 36' wide, 42' long with a 21' wide attic room. 6"x24" stemwall foundation, with a 12"x6" footing.
Typically large attic trusses are quite expensive so it would seem that this would be an expensive way to build a house perhaps there is some other reason that makes this method of construction viable?
View model here:
Another look at the cambered truss:
Version 1.4.6 - 03.26.2016
- Added Cambered truss type, configurations: (6/X).
- Metric input enabled for cambered truss type.
- Added gable end trusses for cambered truss type.
Six variants of the (6/X) configuration dependent on the ratio of the camber width to span. Notice that in all cases the top chord has six panels, the bottom chord varies from 4, 5 and 6 panels.
View model here:
Second look at cathedral trusses (6/X) family:
The logic required to triangulate these type of trusses becomes tedious.
I've been meaning to add in cathedral trusses for quite some time and I finally had the chance last night. Configuration (3) shown below for a catheral 6/X truss:
Now I only need to code in the other six configurations and its ready to release as a new update.
A breakdown of the configurations for the Cathedral 4/X family:
Version 1.4.7 - 03.28.2016
- Added Cathedral truss type, configurations: (4/X, 6/X).
- Metric input enabled for cathedral truss type.
- Added gable end trusses for cathedral truss type.
Note, that not all configurations have webs enabled however the top chords, bottom chords, gable end trusses and all advanced options are enabled.
Just as a word of warning this plugin is far from a polished or finished product. There are still a lot of loose ends that need tying up. Case in point I have not yet enabled gable end trusses for the attic truss type. The reason is the complication of dropping the top chord for structural outlookers where the attic truss has a spliced top chord. Below is an example of a attic truss with a dropped top chord that I have encountered in the past but I don't know if this is the best method of handling this situation.
I would like to enable structural outlookers for attic trusses in the next few days just to wrap this up. Any thoughts or suggestions or examples of similar configurations are very much appreciated.
To further clarify the framing details with regards to attic trusses and structural outlookers I've created a sample model with a proposed dropped top chord gable end attic truss:
Please download and review the model here:
I've also included the infill wall framing to help put everything into reference (light green).
Is this the appropriate way to frame an attic truss (gable end) with structural outlookers?
Six possible end details for a flat truss (Pratt 4 panels), there are probably others but these seem to be the most common:
1.) Mansard w/ Parapet
2.) Parapet
3.) Mansard
4.) Overhang
5.) Cantilever
6.) None
Both Mansard configurations can also have an optional overhang as shown. The Parapet configuration should allow for customizing the thickness of the parapet wall.
View model here:
This truss type with its many end configurations would work well with an HTML UI, that is the direction I will be going with future user inputs and interfaces since the ability to customize is unlimited.
With the flat trusses I will initially offer both Howe and Pratt with the ability to utilize a low slope or zero slope.
Version 1.4.8 - 04.01.2016
- Added Mod Fan common truss type.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Common (Mod Fan) truss type.
View model here:
With the addition of the Mod Fan (Triple Fan) the line up of common trusses is complete. I still need to add in raised heels and structural outlookers for some of the configurations.
Theoretically I could add in additional configurations of the Fink and Howe truss types for extremely large roofs but the largest I've ever seen is a raised heel Quad Fink (10/9). Large spans beyond 70'-80' are probably not practical as far as a single span common truss roof. At that point you pretty much go with large flat roofs with interior columns and girders and all steel construction (think Walmart or Cosco).
Tray truss algorithm:
A more complex algorithm would be required for a non-centered tray.
Tray Trusses working now I just need to enable gable ends and advanced options:
Note the three large trusses are all 36' span with different tray widths and different web triangulations.
View model here:
Version 1.4.9 - 04.04.2016
- Added Tray truss type, configurations: (AUTO).
- Metric input enabled for tray truss type.
- Added gable end trusses for tray truss type.
Version 1.5.0 - 04.11.2016
- Added Mono Scissor truss type, configurations: (2/2, 3/3).
- Metric input enabled for mono scissor truss type.
- Added gable end trusses for mono scissor truss type.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Mono Scissor (2/2, 3/3) truss types.
When the raised heel option is selected the pitch of the bottom chord may equal the top chord creating a half vaulted parallel chord truss.
View model here: (
Raised heels are also enabled for this truss type, the combination of structural outlookers (vert & horz.) with the raised heel (wedge, slider, vert) makes for some interesting combinations and for some challenging logic/programming in order to get it all right.
Updating the hip roof module so that an appropriate wireframe is displayed while using the roof positioning tool:
I will roll a revision once I've finished updating all of the rafter roof types with updated wireframes (preview graphics).
Version 1.5.1 - 04.16.2016
- Added Dutch Gable Rafter Roof (all advanced options enabled).
- Added wireframe (temporary) graphics to the roof positioning tool for rafter roofs.
View model here:
I still need to setup ceiling joists for hip and dutch gable roofs.
A nested dutch gable roof created with the plugin. The roof is initially generated by creating three dutch gable primitives and then deleting and trimming certain elements. The most time consuming is the creation of the two valley rafters. I think it might be helpful to have some sort of valley rafter tool if I can figure out a good way of doing that.
View model here:
Looking at the half hip roof next. Fairly cut and dried but I'm a little undecided how to handle the birdsmouth cut of the hip rafter where it intersects the discontinuity of the gable wall. I will probably use the same birdsmouth cut on the half hip rafters as the other common rafters of the roof.
View model here:
Per user request:
Version 1.5.2 - 04.18.2016
- Added energy/raised heels for small span attic trusses (less than 24 ft.), 1 variant: vertical w/ strut.
- Added some additional logic to improve the triangulation of the upper attic of attic trusses.
When I get some more time I will add in slider and wedge raised heel options for the attic truss type but at that moment it is low priority since most users seem to favor a fairly tall raised heel when utilizing it with attic trusses.
Version 1.5.3 - 04.20.2016
- Added Mono Cathedral truss type, configurations: (2/2, 4/4).
- Metric input enabled for mono cathedral truss type.
- Added gable end trusses for mono cathedral truss type.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Mono Cathedral (2/2, 4/4) truss types.
- Added Mono Scissor truss type, configuration: (4/4).
View model here:
I manually modeled this truss type about two months ago and I have been meaning to add it in, finally got it done tonight.
Manually created model here:
Version 1.5.4 - 04.21.2016
- Added a graphical user interface (GUI) for the selection of the truss type in the "Draw Roof Truss" sub-menu.
- GUI can be toggled with previous drop down menu within global settings.
As you can see there is only one global setting at the moment but now that I have the interface and back end properly setup it won't take much to add in a number of other global values. At some point I will probably have enough parameters that I will need to enable some sort of tabbed html front end for the global setting menu.
With html web dialog boxes I am not sure how well they work on a Mac, the whole sync vs. async issue is a real problem for web dialogs and Macs. I only test on a PC so I can't guarantee 100% compatibility on a Mac. So far I haven't had too many complaints.
Here is a preview of the Geometry Input (GUI) menu for the upcoming gambrel attic truss.
Notice the preview pane which gives a basic profile of the truss and attic space. I still need to add some dimensions and some other symbols (pitch, bearing walls, etc...) to the preview graphics but it is mostly there and functioning quite admirably.
The GUI is html with javascript and SVG (scalable vector graphics) for the image. The nice thing is that changing any of the inputs will instantly update the dimensions and preview image allowing one to fine tune the truss geometry before proceeding further. For gambrel roofs this ability to adjust the proportions of the roof relative to each other is very important in my opinion. See my previous gambrel study here: (
Since the menu is primarily composed of html, javascript and SVG you can actually beta test it external to SketchUp here:
Updated screenshot of the gambrel attic menu:
This is getting pretty close to the final form that this menu will take.
It's actually really amazing what can be done with SVG and javascript, definitely not my forte but after this exercise I feel like I can probably construct anything with this combo if required.
Version 1.5.5 - 04.29.2016
- Added Gambrel Attic truss type, configurations: (AUTO w/ piggyback trusses).
- Added a graphical user interface (GUI) for gambrel attic geometry input.
A reset button would be useful to return the GUI to the default values. There is still a lot of work to be done with the gambrel attic truss type:
- Advanced Options
- Gable Trusses
- Default or Reset Button
- Metric Input
View model here:
With the graphical menus you will notice a slight delay once the "submit" button is clicked. This is to allow for a quick display of a status message, however I'm finding this delay to be annoying and may eliminate it altogether to speed the use of the new GUI.
Also note that with gambrel attic trusses the non-graphical geometry menu is still an option if you turn off the GUI flag in the global settings. For some people this may be easier but I think the new preview pane is a major design asset when it comes to this type of roof.
I'm thinking it might be useful to implement this same type of preview/GUI for regular attic trusses so that one can preview the configuration before committing. Now that I've been down this road once it won't be such a struggle. Most of the other truss types are fairly simple and a preview image is probably not warranted unless the users say otherwise.
I feel that the preview window goes a long way in helping explain what each term is in the input geometry menu but I may also add in some pop up windows (?) that display diagrams or other explanatory notes to help the less educated users.
This is the level of detail I am aiming for with the advanced options for gambrel attic roofs (minus the truss plates):
Notice the structural outlookers with gable end trusses and the prow roof (option). I've got my work cut out for me.
I am wondering how many of your designers/architects/contractors/builders out there have used Open Joist products?
I was thinking I might add their product line to the Floor Joist/Truss module.
Version 1.5.6 - 05.11.2016
- The plugin now automatically checks for updates.
- Option added in Global Settings to adjust frequency of "check for updates" or to disable this feature entirely.
I've also added in the Open Joist (TriForce) floor truss but it is not quite ready for release so I have disabled it until the next version release.
For large agricultural buildings a double inverted truss can be employed to provide a large vaulted span for machinery:
I am wondering if this truss type is still commonly used by anyone for this type of application and whether it would be of interest, enough for me to add it into the growing list of trusses within the plugin.
Also if anyone has any shop drawings they could send me that would be very helpful.
A quick study of a double inverted truss by taking two 24' howe trusses and joining them to form a double truss. Note that the 4:12 pitch of the original trusses is maintained and the interior vault is exactly 8:12 pitch.
View model here:
My question with this configuration is how the top and bottom chords at the peak should butt up? For example should the bottom chords at the peak have a double scarf cut or a single scarf cut? Some shop drawings would help in determining what is common practice.
Version 1.5.7 - 05.15.2016
- Added Scissor truss type, configurations: (4/2, 6/4).
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Scissor (4/2, 6/4) truss types.
View model here:
I also updated the pause in the truss selector GUI from 700 ms to 400 ms. Still more work to be done with raised heels and structural outlookers for some of these configurations but its getting close.
Coffer Truss Algorithm:
This is assuming that the coffer span is centered on the truss. A non-centered coffer algorithm could get significantly more interesting and difficult.
This map shows where the Truss Plugin is being utilized:
Note, this is only registered users and not all installations of the trial version. Also note that addresses have been dumbed down to City, State, Country so that the privacy of registered users is upheld.
Version 1.5.8 - 05.22.2016
- Added metric input for Gambrel Attic truss type.
- Added a graphical user interface (GUI) for metric gambrel attic geometry input.
Gambrel Attic (metric) GUI
I also show the industry standard feet-inches-sixteenths.
Version 1.5.9 - 05.29.2016
- Increased top chord pitch limit from 12/12 to 18/12 for the following Scissor truss types, configurations: (2/2, 4/4).
- Heel web logic revised to accommodate steeper pitches for bottom and top chords of scissor trusses.
- Increased top chord pitch limit from 12/12 to 18/12 for valley truss sets.
16/12:12/12 Scissor Truss with an 18" raised heel:
Notice that the steep pitch of the bottom chord changes the way the heel web and bottom chord meet at the bearing point. The additional logic listed in the changelog notes deals specifically with this issue.
View model here:
I will probably add the symmetric cathedral truss type next:
View model here:
The web configurations will use an "auto" triangulation algorithm similar to the tray truss type.
Version 1.6.0 - 06.08.2016
- Corrected a bug with raised heel fink trusses and structural outlookers.
Various configurations of a 16' King Post Truss:
View model here:
With a raised heel note the use of either a wedge, slider or vertical web with strut.
Version 1.6.1 - 06.11.2016
- Added Coffer truss type, configurations: (AUTO).
- Metric input enabled for coffer truss type.
- Added gable end trusses for coffer truss type.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Coffer truss type.
- Building parameter menu (2nd) and advanced options menu for trusses now default to last picked options of the session for that sub-menu item.
Various configurations of a 40' coffer truss shown below:
The web triangulation algorithm automatically determines which configuration is appropriate based on the span between panel points. This simplifies the geometry input menu but does take some control from the user.
View model here:
Version 1.6.2 - 06.14.2016
- Added Symmetric Cathedral truss type, configurations: (AUTO).
- Metric input enabled for symmetric cathedral truss type.
- Added gable end trusses for symmetric cathedral truss type.
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Symmetric Cathedral truss type.
Various sizes and configurations of a symmetric cathedral truss:
View model here:
Modified an existing truss roof to make it a half hip truss set:
View model here:
This will be my first venture into more complex truss systems. I figured I would cut my teeth on the half hip (Jerkin Head, Tudor Hip) truss set first before attacking the more complex full hip variants of which there are many.
After sketching this model up and examining the geometry I now have a number of questions:
1. Are my roof planes correct? Note that I have drawn the apex of the hip roofs at the edge of the last full truss and not at its centerline. Not entirely sure what is common practice in this regard.
2. I've shown some non-structural outlookers along the rake. What would the outlookers along the half hip portion look like?
3. If I use structural outlookers how would those be framed in over the hip section?
4. Does the apex of the half hip typically coincide with the next truss or could it land somewhere between trusses? ie. the half hip length is some multiple of the truss spacing.
5. Is the hip section usually the same pitch as the rest of the roof? There is really no reason why it has to be.
6. As the length of the half hip increases the depth of the gable end truss decreases as does the first inboard truss. What is the practical limit for the minimum depth of the first inboard truss?
7. Does anyone have some shop drawings of this type of truss set that I can study?
As previously noted the web dialog from the plugin can actually be used external to SketchUp to explore gambrel attic geometry:
Imperial Units:
Metric Units:
I might develop this into a web based app which would allow one to generate 2D AutoCAD geometry (.dwg) of the truss profile.
With non-structural lookouts would you frame them something like this? This question is mostly directed at the contractors and carpenters out in the field who actually have to build these roofs. Typically as an engineer I never worry about these details especially when they are non-structural.
In my opinion they aren't really doing a whole lot, much better to drop the gable truss and then cantilever them from the first in board truss (ie. structural outlookers).
Hip Truss Algorithm:
Outlookers oriented horizontally with gable end truss top chord dropped:
View model here:
Version 1.6.3 - 06.19.2016
- Added Gable Dormers to the Minor Roof Sub-Menu (dormer walls only).
For now only the walls of the dormer are created:
View model here:
I am still ironing out the details on how to best model the roof geometry. I will probably offer either a rafter or truss option. Other details such as multiple windows will also come later.
For now please test the metric and imperial wall creation. I will probably need to post a tutorial video on how to use this feature since it involves selecting the main roof plane (top of a rafter or truss) and then two points that define the width/exterior corners of the dormer.
Testing the dormer (wall) feature out with a gambrel attic truss:
These dormers have a typical gable profile but it might be useful to have a gambrel dormer option as well to match with a gambrel style roof. Note that I have not shown all of the ladder framing in the model. On a roof like this it could get quite extensive.
To generate the dormer roof I just used my rafter roof feature and then trimmed the elements back manually.
View model here:
Same barn with a few more details. For gambrel attic advanced options I should also include the option for a crow's beak as shown in this model and the option to set the extension.
View model here:
Under advanced options for gable roofs (truss and rafter) I am thinking about adding a "roof return" option. Any thoughts on "greek returns":
The images above shows a roof return with a gable termination, alternatively this could end with a hip termination as in below:
Or with a full greek which stretches across the entire span:
Does anyone have any specific framing details on how best to frame these roof elements?
As far as the logic to add them into the plugin it won't be a big deal, just an additional module that plugs into the advanced roof module.
To simplify things I would used the same pitch on the returns as on the main roof. The three variables would be:
1.) Return Type: Gable, Hip, Full
2.) Length of the Return
3.) Extension beyond Rake
A quick study of a hip return:
Notice the inboard hip rafter does not terminate at the gable wall when the return length is too short. This poses some interesting framing given this situation, note the return on the right side of the roof is this case, not entirely sure how one would support/terminate the hip rafter in this situation.
When the return length allows the hip rafter to terminate at the gable wall then the framing is fairly straightforward.
The hip rafter will terminate at the gable wall when the return length is greater than or equal to twice the total return extension (Rakeboard Width + Gable Overhang + Return Extension).
The other question that I have is how to apply the sheathing to these small odd shaped roof segments. How far up under the overhang should the sheathing extend?
View model here: ( (
This is an excellent link:
They run the outside hip rafter back to the gable wall and don't run the barge rafter (rake board) to the fascia like I've shown, maybe I've got this wrong...
This method would allow for sheathing of the return without having to notch around the barge rafter. I call this the floating barge rafter method:
Compare with extending the barge rafter all the way to the fascia board:
Version 1.6.4 - 06.27.2016
- Added roof return option within the advanced options menu for common, scissor and vaulted trusses, configurations: (HIP).
View model here:
This option is available for most typical triangular shaped trusses.
I will be adding the gable and full return at a later date, currently only the hip return is available. Another limitation is that the return roof pitches currently default to the main roof pitch. I need to add some additional code that will allow the pitch of the return portions to be set independent of the main roof pitch.
12:12 main roof with a 8:12 hip roof return. The interesting part is the hip rafter
where the return meets the main roof plane. The dropped hip rafter is off center so that it supports the sheathing from both planes. The calculations might prove challenging.
Version 1.6.5 - 07.07.2016
- Added energy/raised heels for polynesian truss type (1 variant: vertical w/ strut).
- Fixed HTML truss selector menu so that window size no longer truncates truss images.
View model here:
This is an example of a 24' x 24' garage that I would like to build on my property this summer or the next.
View model here:
I created the foundation and roof with minimal effort using my own plugins. The walls were created initially with the housebuilder plugin however I then manually edited the walls. Note that the top plates overlap properly as they should.
Also note that the garage door wall is a double portal frame. I would like for my wall plugin to automatically create this standard type of portal frame (PFH) both single and double (ie. Garage Door Option). Notice the embedded Simpson Strong-Tie STHD14 holdowns.
I like to use 2x jamb boards around the door perimeters when the stem wall projects above the concrete slab, this may be atypical constructon for others. Local contractors like to embed a pressure treated nailer into the concrete.
In theory I should be able to create this exact model using the Foundation, Wall and Truss Plugin and do it all within 5 minutes or less. That is the goal.
With the wall plugin I will have the standard linear wall tool but I would also like to have a rectangle wall tool that will immediately throw up 4 walls given three user selected points, similar to the truss and roof plugins.
This is a quick study of a post frame roof using doubled trusses with 2x6 purlins @ 24" o/c. This is pretty typical for a pole barn or post frame building constructed locally:
View model here:
Notice how the rake and fascia boards are raised above the trusses so that they are flush with the roof plane and purlins. The overhang can be achieved a number of ways but one method is to extend rafters from an inboard purlin and also attach to the post as shown.
There are a number of other ways to frame the overhang, a quick search online will attest to this. Sometimes a header is used between posts which allows for a truss spacing which is closer than the post spacing.
Purlins position right at the peak seems fairly standard, based on some plansets that I have.
When you add end walls with posts you can usually eliminate the doubled truss at the gable ends and you often will see a gable end truss that has girts (horiz. members) instead of studs.
With a purlin roof I almost need to create a separate menu item and module to properly deal with it.
Here is an interesting double truss design but with scissor trusses:
Version 1.6.6 - 07.15.2016
- Added roof battens option within the advanced options menu for common, scissor and vaulted trusses.
- Battens can be offset from the fascia board.
- Battens at peak option enabled.
View model here:
Currently this feature is only available for truss roofs, I still need to add it to hip and gable rafter roofs.
If sheathing is enabled with battens, the battens are placed on top of the sheathing.
Version 1.6.7 - 07.21.2016
- Added a counter battens option within the battens menu for common, scissor and vaulted trusses.
View model here:
Counter battens can be applied with our without sheathing. The counter battens are centered on the trusses below therefore their spacing is not independently controlled.
Based on my research it appears that counter battens are usually only applied when battens are laid on top of a sheathed roof. However I have left the option open to apply them without the sheathing in case one wanted to apply them directly to the truss top chords over a vapor barrier.
I can add another input field into the menu which will allow the offset from the peak:
Offset from Peak (mm):
I can also put in another option that will allow for the equal spacing between peak and eave battens with the spacing input serving as the max. batten spacing if this option is enabled:
Spacing Peak-to-Eave: YES/NO
I think this will then give you the flexibility you need to make this feature actually useful in real world applications.
Another thing to note is that the battens will work with the roof returns option but I currently have no logic in place to deal with the extension at the eave. I may need to give this some more thought:
Version 1.6.7 - 07.21.2016
- Added a counter battens option within the battens menu for common, scissor and vaulted trusses.
- Battens (at peak) can be offset from peak.
- Peak-to-Eave spacing enabled when "battens at peak" option is selected.
This was a very small update so I just tucked it into the latest revision.
I haven't had any time this week or even this weekend to dive back into it yet but the icons for the Medeek Tools Menu (trim and extend for now) will look like this:
Version 1.6.8 - 08.20.2016
- Added the Medeek Tools toolbar with Trim and Extend icons.
- Added the trim function for (solid) groups and components.
Only the trim function currently works with this latest release. I'm also not completely satisfied with the trim function as it tends to break down when dealing with components that have tranformed instances. I am still working on this one. The main reason I've released it is for a few of my SketchUp mentors to have the ability to test the trim function and hopefully help me work the bugs out of it.
I've created a SketchUp model tonight using the truss and foundation plugins to further examine a structural design I am working on.
View and download model here:
I think I will probably add a TJI roof that allows one to use two glulam beams with cantilevered rafters as shown in this model, this configuration seems to be fairly popular.
Again I apologize for the delay in development, first it was my new job and then I re-injured my rotator cuff (old injury from 10 years ago) which has made sitting at my desk for prolonged periods very difficult.
This morning I sat down and thought about hip sets since I've had some recent requests for the their addition to the plugin. What I show below is a fairly standard step down hip set with, with the midwest variant shown at one corner and the standard variant at the other corner.
View model here:
Note, I have not shown all of the internal webs for clarity, those will be generated automatically and not be user definable.
Please review carefully and let me know if anything looks amiss. I will also be adding in other variants of the hip set but I figured I would start with these two.
A stepdown hip set provides a girder truss, with a hip jack truss running from the corners up the ridge until they meet the hip girder.
The Midwest hip set also provides a girder truss, with hip trusses that step up to the peak.
However in a Midwest hip set, you run a rafter (dropped) up from the corner of the front wall to the hip girder.
All the bottom chords of the end jacks run to the hip girder, allowing for better attachment of the drywall on the ceiling.
This is the Northeast Hip Set variant:
View model here:
In a northeast hip set, you will find a short jack truss starting at the corner and running up the hip ridge. This hip jack stops at a sub-girder. All end jack bottom chords run to the hip girder, allowing for better attachment of the drywall on the ceiling. Hip cats must be field cut and installed between the hip trusses. Works well with dual-pitched hip systems.
This is the California Hip Set:
View model here:
The problem I am having with this variant is the conflict between the 2x6 hip rafter and the top chords of the step down hip trusses.
The revised california hip set with a stacked hip rafter:
View model here:
A stepdown or midwest hip set with a drop-in purlin frame:
View model here:
There is some minor conflicts at the top chord of the frame with the hip trusses and at the peak but I don't think it is worth worrying about.
I have found that for manual editing of members the "trim" function is becoming a very valuable tool, it has already saved me a lot of time when adjusting webs and chords as I adjust or drop some of the hip truss top chords. I strongly suggest that everyone upgrade to the latest version (1.6.8 ) to take advantage of the improved trim function. I now need to get the extend function working.
A smaller (16' span) standard terminal hip set attached to the main roof with girder truss and valley set.
View model here:
The addition of the hip sets into the plugin will allow the creation of more complex hip roofs with minimal manual intervention.
I now just need to hunker down and get some heavy coding done to make all of these hip set variants a reality. Once I have one the rest will fall out fairly easily since the overall logic for all the variants are quite similar. I've spent the last 2-3 days reviewing some texts and shop drawings to make sure I've got things more or less correct with my models/templates. So far no one has complained too loudly about any of the configurations so I think it is now time to proceed and add the hip sets into the plugin.
Version 1.6.9 - 09.14.2016
- Added some enhancements and wireframe (temporary) graphics to the valley set function.
- Fixed bug in the trim function.
- Fixed bug in the roof battens option.
I've been slowly working on the stepdown hip truss set. Its been a bit more complicated than expected. I've also decided to make it auto select the common truss type by span but also allow the user to manually select the common truss type as well, yet another level of complexity. In addition I would also like to enable raised heels which again adds to the complexity of the required logic and amount of code required to make this work.
The user will be able to select the hip setback. This is usually 3x or 4x the truss spacing (ie. 6ft, 8ft with 24" o/c truss spacing). I could restrict this to some multiple of the truss spacing but I think I will leave it completely open ended for the user.
Once I have the initial module complete I will then add into the advanced options the ability to use a drop-in purlin frame.
This is an example of the wireframe (temporary) graphic that is shown while creating a valley set.
I've repackaged the .rbz file this morning so that when it installs into SU 2017 the extension will have the appropriate hash file and appear as "signed". I have not yet rolled the revision (1.7.0) which includes the updates for stepdown hip truss sets, there is still substantial work before I am ready to release that module and version.
Version 1.7.0 - 12.04.2016
- Added a "Layers" tab within the global settings; roof, wall and floor components can be assigned to specific layers.
- Enabled custom layers for the common fink truss.
Note that I have only enabled custom layers for one type of common truss (fink). To enable custom layers for all other truss types, rafter roofs and other misc. items will take a few hours of going through each module of the plugin and adding in the "layers" code or conditional statements. My arm/neck is not holding up very well but I thought it would be nice to at least get this out there for the most common truss type for testing purposes and feedback.
I've had a number of people asking about adding in the connector plates for the trusses. After giving this some thought it doesn't seem like too much work to implement. I will try and work on this today and this evening.
I've already added in the option into the global settings:
Plate thickness can be set by the user (inches or mm). The default will be 0.0575 inches (1.46 mm) which is the total thickness of a typical Mitek M-16 connector plate:
If I could find some additional help for programming that would be useful right now. I've come to the realization that I cannot realistically program all of the stuff I have planned. I really need to expand this beyond a one man show.
Version 1.7.1 - 12.08.2016
- Added truss connector plates within the global settings, plate thickness can be specified.
- Added a "roof_mpc" layer for roof truss plates, connector plates can be assigned to a specific layer.
- Enabled metal plate connectors for the common fink truss.
As with the recent layer upgrade I have only enabled connector plates for the common fink truss. This is to provide a test bed for the connectors then once the interface is fined tuned I will roll it out for all truss types.
At the moment the plate sizes are hard coded in. I am still trying to decide on the best method to use so that the connector plates can all be sized by the user. The objective is to make this a flexible as possible while at the same time not over complicating things.
View model here:
What I think I will do is add in one more option in the global settings which allows one to toggle the plate sizing to either auto or manual.
If auto is selected I will create a basic algorithm that looks at the truss span, truss pitch and depth of the TC, BC and webs and then sizes the plates accordingly. I already have such an algorithm built into my Truss Designer here:
If manual is selected I will have an additional html input screen appear that shows the location and size of each plate as well as the outline of the truss. The input will look similar to this:
As each plate is adjusted it will immediately change in size showing exactly the configuration of the truss with its connector plates. This involve quite a bit more coding however once I create one such html input, creating more will not be such a big deal. Each plate will be labeled P1, P2, P3 etc... Typically the location and rotation of each plate will have an optimal setting that does not need user input or adjustment.
The only question now is how to handle the gable end trusses. I think for now I will auto-size the plates on them using the same heel and peak plate sizes as the common trusses. For the the vertical studs I can use an algorithm that looks at stud length and then chooses either a 1.5x3 or 2x4 plate for connection to the top and bottom chords.
Adding connector plates adds a whole new level of complexity, but there have been enough requests for it that I think it is a valid endeavor. After all this is the "Truss Plugin" and I might as well get the trusses right.
Enabled connector plates for the common gable truss:
There gets to be quite a bit of geometry when you start modeling all of the plates, especially the gable trusses with all of their vertical studs.
View model here:
As an interesting side note, one can turn off the truss layer and then measure the volume of the steel plates which yields 113.85 in3. Multiply this by 0.284 for mild steel and you end up with a total weight of 32.3 lbs. That is actually quite a bit of steel plates in this rather small truss package. No wonder the truss plate manufacturers like Mitek make so much money on the sale of truss plates, the volume of steel is definitely there (194 plates).
The weight of the wood can just as easily be computed, making an assumption on the wood species (G, specific gravity of the wood), and moisture content (typically 19% at dry service conditions).
The appropriate equation to use for the density of wood can be found in the AWC NDS:
For DF No. 2 the density would be 34.2 lbs/ft3
The volume of the wood is 22.06 ft3, multipled by 34.2 lbs/ft3 yields a total weight of the wood at 754.5 lbs. Steel plus Wood = 786.8 lbs.
It may be useful to provide weight information at both the truss component level and the entire truss assembly, wood, steel and total weight.
Enabled metal plate connectors for the 4/4 and 6/4 scissor trusses:
Each truss type and configuration needs its own special function to locate and auto-size each plate. The code required is not difficult since most of it can be recycled but it is still time consuming to generate for each and every truss type with all of the many possible configurations. I have not even considered raised heel trusses yet. At some locations (ie. heel plates on a scissor truss) the truss configuration may cause the plate to fall outside of the perimeter of the truss in this case some additional logic is required to check for these instances.
View model here:
When it comes to plates and connectors there is also the bolted plate connected trusses with larger timber members used for more architectural and ornamental work. I am wondering if there is any interest in having a separate module for those truss types?
Something along these lines:
The current TODO list:
1. Hip Sets (Stepdown, California, Midwest, Northeast, Terminal) with and without drop-in purlin frames as applicable. Hip truss algorithm per June 15, 2016 post.
2. Flat Trusses with html input.
3. Barrel Vault, Clerestory, Studio Vault, and Double Inverted trusses.
4. Html menus for each truss type.
5. Update the manual and create more video tutorials.
6. Extend connector plates and layers to each truss and roof type.
7. Open Joist Floor Trusses.
8. Polygon entry for floor trusses/joists versus currently available rectangular assemblies, also add in a function to cut a hole in the floor for a stair way or other opening. See Jul. 2, 2016 post.
9. Dutch and Half Hip truss sets (See Jun. 14, 2016 post).
10. Gable roof with solid sawn beam.
11. Gable roof with "two" glulam or solid sawn beams. (cantilevered rafters).
12. Html menu for each truss type for manual connector plate sizing.
13. Add the roof to the gable dormer, see June 19, 2016 post.
14. Hip and Shed Dormer.
15. Gable, Hip and Dutch Gable Roof Minor.
16. Engineering for Rafters, Joists and Sheathing.
17. Bring the truss and beam engineering into the plugin versus an external link to my engineering site. This would require porting all of my Perl code into Ruby.
18. Add a dual pitch gable rafter roof.
19. Add raised heels to each truss type that currently does not have this feature.
20. Finish adding bird blocking option.
21. PDF or HTML output (printable) showing details of a truss assembly (ie. shop drawings and layout)
22. Update order system allowing $20 yearly license renewal.
23. Further investigate materials (colors) for specific layers.
24. Allow "editing" of a truss, floor or roof assembly.
25. Timber trusses (with bolted plates).
26. Complex hip roofs, this is related to roof minors (item 15). Need to devise a straight skeleton algorithm.
27. Integrate more tightly with other plugins as opportunity arises (ie. Estimator etc...)
28. Gable end trusses for gambrel attic and attic trusses.
29. Complete all configurations of each truss type and verify that each advanced option is correctly working (ie. polynesian truss needs more configurations).
30. Add gable and full returns to the roof return option, currently only the hip return is available.
31. Transition trusses.
32. The Trim function seems to be working now I need to work on the Extend function.
33. Steel and hybrid steel floor trusses.
34. Explore adding in a stairway module and deck module, however these may become part of the upcoming Wall Plugin.
35. In the advanced options for gambrel attic trusses create an option for a crow's beak, see June 20, 2016 post.
I know I'm missing a few items that I have on one of my paper lists but I can't find it right now.
The question is, other than item 1, what are the highest priority items on this list?
I've been basically sidelined since end of August so I am anxious to get this operation (neck) done with and over and really begin again in earnest to advance the development of the plugin.
My new job keeps me busy but not so busy that I can't spend a few hours each night plugging away at this list and weekends are certainly my friend in that regard.
Please feel free to let me know what other items should be added to the list.
I need to review some of my old files (local residential designs) to get a better idea of timber truss designs but out of curiosity I attempted to manually create a sample timber truss to see how long it took me create one. About an hour into it I had come up with this:
View model here:
- King Post truss with 4:12 pitch, 12" overhang and 1/4" buttcut, span 28'
- 6x10 Timbers (TC, BC, King Post)
- 3/8" Thick Connector Plates
- 5/8" DIA. Heavy Hex Nuts and Bolts
- 2 Rows of Bolts
- 4.5" between rows of bolts
- 4" bolt spacing between bolts in a row
- Plates offset from timber by 3/4"
- Bolts offset from end of plates by 2"
- Bolts offset from edge of plates by 1.5"
- No washers
This particular connector plate configuration uses two additional bolts at the apex of the heel plates, many other variations are possible.
Please feel free to comment. This example is just a concept to give me a better idea of the design parameters and issues with this type of truss.
Version 1.7.2 - 12.16.2016
- Enabled custom layers for roof returns, battens and counter battens.
- License renewal enabled in Medeek Account Manager.
I like the new addition of the layers, it helps being able to hide certain aspects of the model. This has led me to think it might be useful to somehow implement materials (colors, textures), either at the layer level or based on the geometry (ie. specific color or texture for the I-joist web -> OSB wood).
Version 1.7.3 - 12.17.2016
- Added a "Materials" tab within the global settings; Auto material assigment (colors and textures) is now an option.
- Enabled materials and custom layers for floor trusses and joists.
- Enabled materials for common trusses: metal plate connectors, lumber, and OSB.
View model here:
A big thanks to those on the SketchUcation and SU board who helped me with the custom materials part of the API, the SketchUp community is a great asset.
By default the metal plate connectors, custom layers and auto materials is turned off in the global settings.
- Enabled metal plate connectors for floor trusses.
View model here:
Looking through some old plans I've managed to dig up I came upon a couple of designs by another engineering firm.
Typically when I've dealt with truss designs I always seen a scarf cut on the bottom chord with the top chord remaining un-notched. In this other example the bottom chord is kept intact and the top chord is scarf cut or notched, while still allowing a continuous section to extend for the overhang with a depth equal to at least 1/2 the top chord depth. I think the picture below explains this far better than I can with words:
For MPC trusses I am used to seeing a 1/4" butt cut, however for timber trusses what is more appropriate?
Which method above would go with (arch. and structural reasons)?
View model here:
Plates applied to the top truss:
- Truss Type: King Post
- 6x10 TC, 6x8 BC, 6x6 kingpost
- Plate thickness = 0.25"
- single row of bolts with two bolts per row.
- connector plate width = 4.0"
- Bolt Dia. 3/4"
- Bolt Edge Distance (timber) = 4.0"
- Bolt Edge Distance (plate) = 2.0"
- Bolt Spacing = 4.0"
- Bolts and Washers not shown.
View model here:
This particular joint on a gambrel attic roof I am finding particularly difficult to plate:
Luckily I have a few samples to use as guides. Given my web configurations at this joint this seems to be the most reasonable method to plate this joint. Note that the plate should touch the interior corner and the exterior of the lower top chord but at the same time not project past the lumber into the spaces. Also the plate is rotated so that it is parallel to the upper top chords pitch.
The algorithm I devised to do this is quite clever I think but can be boiled down to a few concise lines of code:
# Plate 2 (Gambrel Left)
x2 = @W2x2 - (mpcyy)/(sin(@Phi2))
y2 = @W2y2
m2 = tan(@Phi2)
x1 = @X2
y1 = @Y2
m1 = tan(@Phi1)
x0 = (y2 - y1 - m2*x2 + m1*x1)/(m1 - m2)
y0 = y1 + m1*(x0 - x1)
xoffset = (mpcxx/2.0)*(cos(@Phi2)) + (mpcyy/2.0)*(sin(@Phi2))
yoffset = (mpcxx/2.0)*(sin(@Phi2)) - (mpcyy/2.0)*(cos(@Phi2))
mpcx = x0 + xoffset
mpcy = y0 + yoffset
mpcrot = -@Phi2
MedeekMethods.metal_plate mpcx, mpcy, mpcxx, mpcyy, mpcrot, "PLGL"
# Plate 2 (Gambrel Right)
mpcx = @X5 - mpcx
mpcy = mpcy
mpcrot = @Phi2
MedeekMethods.metal_plate mpcx, mpcy, mpcxx, mpcyy, mpcrot, "PLGR"
This joint has been the most difficult so far, everything else has been cake.
Version 1.7.5 - 12.24.2016
- Enabled metal plate connectors for valley truss sets.
- Enabled materials and custom layers for valley truss sets.
Merry Christmas to all.
Version 1.7.6 - 12.26.2016
- Enabled metal plate connectors for monopitch trusses.
- Enabled materials and custom layers for monopitch trusses.
View model here:
Version 1.7.7 - 12.31.2016
- Enabled materials and custom layers for gable, hip, shed, TJI and dutch gable rafter roofs.
Version 1.7.8 - 01.02.2017
- Enabled materials and custom layers for gable dormers.
- Added advanced options for gable dormers, enabled exterior wall sheathing option.
View model here:
This is an example of custom layers and materials implemented in the Medeek Truss Plugin and Medeek Foundation Plugin and used in one model:
View model here:
Turn off the sheathing layers first to reveal all of the structural framing etc...
Regular walls were created with the Housebuilder plugin.
The trim tool in the Truss Plugin was used quite successfully to manually trim back the dormer roof framing and sheathing.
Spent some time this morning traversing through the common truss code updating some of the truss types so that I can enable energy/raised heels for all common trusses as well as enable custom layers, materials and connector plates.
As I've developed the plugin and added new features I used the fink truss as the cutting edge, so everything having to do with this truss type is pretty much up-to-date, however some of the other truss types are seriously lagging so a little house cleaning is in order.
It may be a few days before I can release this latest version since there is a lot of tedious work ahead.
Raised/Energy heels add another level of complexity to the equation. Below you can see that various heights of a raised heel on a simple King Post truss requires different configurations and hence separate plating routines:
This also affects the gable trusses as well, below is a fink truss with its gable counterpart:
View models here:
I'm still house cleaning. I've now got the King Post and Fink truss fully cleaned up with connector plates enabled for all possible configurations (raised heel, non-raised heel, structural, non-structural). I've only got 10 more common truss types to work through, see list below:
Queen Post
Mod Queen
Double Fink
Double Howe
Mod Fan
Triple Fink
Triple Howe
Quad Fink
Version 1.7.9 - 01.15.2017
- Enabled metal plate connectors, materials and custom layers for the common king post and howe trusses.
- Added energy/raised heels for howe truss (3 variants: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Metal plate connectors now enabled for king post, fink and howe raised heel/energy trusses.
I'm still investigating "real world" applications of the plugin to determine where the weakness and deficiencies are. Here is an example combining a dutch gable rafter roof with some raised heel trusses. Now that the raised heel feature is fully active for many of the common trusses it is actually quite easy to measure and then match the heel height of the rafters.
View model here:
I am interested in how others are actually using the plugin and where it is falling down for you, please feel free to send me models or post on the forum with your "real world" design issues with regards to the plugin. This will help drive future development and prioritize the more important items on the todo list.
Raised heel double fink truss with connector plates:
I added this one today and will roll it into verson 1.7.9b.
Another item I have been putting off is the heel blocking. I'm planning on offering two variants (vertical and angled), with the option to draw in the ventilation holes (typically 2" in diameter in my region, with 3 holes per 24" o/c spacing) if desired:
Obviously this is not a hot item since no one has bugged me about it but I have not forgotten it, just put it aside up until now.
With raised heels this may become a bit more complicated requiring more options, (ie. a V-cut instead of the typical bird holes). More input from builders would be useful in this regard.
I've got the plywood material working quite well in the plugin, and the ability to toggle between it and OSB in the global settings. I have a few more other features and edits and then maybe I will role a revision tomorrow or Sunday.
I actually like the plywood look much better than the OSB.
OSB or Plywood will now be an option for the floor sheathing:
The new sheathing tab in the global settings:
As time goes on I will probably add in more options for wall cladding and interior wall cladding (ie. gypsum) as well as the ceiling logic I discussed in a previous post.
I'm now working on the gable end wall sheathing option and the roof cladding option.
There are also two new options in the "General" tab which allow one to toggle the default setting for gable end trusses and advanced options (roof, floor etc...).
Version 1.8.0- 01.22.2017
- Enabled roof cladding for common trusses.
- Added nine "IKO Cambridge" architectural shingle colors into the roof cladding material library.
- Added "plywood" material for roof and floor sheathing.
- Added a "Sheathing" tab into the global settings.
- Added entries in the "General" tab of the global settings to toggle default settings for gable end trusses and advanced options.
View model here:
Initially I was just going to texture the exterior face of the sheathing for the roof cladding but then I realized that there may be cases where there is roof cladding but not sheathing or vice versa. In the end I went with a separate layer, material and extrusion for the roof cladding, this allows one to get more granular with the structure and in my mind closer to reality.
Thinking about sheathing and cladding advanced option for the valley truss set. Typically the valley truss set is placed on top of the main roof sheathing:
View model here:
If I create the sheathing and cladding just right then it will be easy for the user to manually trim the secondary roof sheathing and cladding with my trim tool and then optionally union them up with the built in Union tool. I may need to make a video showing exactly how to perform this task.
The valley truss set now has sheathing and cladding added as an option. You still have to manually trim the secondary roof's sheathing and cladding and then union it to the valley set's but with the trim tool this is very simple to do:
View model here: (
Call me crazy but I want to build something like this on my 10 acres so I can see all the way to the beach.
Given my wind speed (155mph ult.) and seismic zone (D2) I am probably looking at some serious holdowns at the first level (HDU 11). I would have to run the numbers but it would probably work. I would probably also sheath it with 5/8" plywood inside and out for some serious shearwall action, at least on the the first two floors. I would probably also frame the first two floor with DF No.2 2x8 studs or 2x6 studs at 12" o/c. I'm thinking spiral staircases between levels to save as much floor space as possible and to make it more interesting. Minimal windows on the first three levels and then the top level would have a lot of windows for the view. 11-7/8 TJI 210 for the floors with 3/4 sheathing T&G, 16" o/c.
The structure is 16'x16' with grade to top plate height of 38'8".
The roof is 6:12 pyramid hip with 2x8 rafters, I may go with a steeper pitch though.
On a structure like this overturning is a serious threat, I would need to check the dead weight of the structure and see if the seismic or wind forces could potentially lift the foundation right out of the ground. The solution is to increase the dead weight of the structure especially at the base, by upsizing the footing and stemwall. You will notice my stemwall is 10" thick, 36" deep and a 24"x12" footing, even this may not be enough.
Anyone design something goofy like this before. I don't know if my county building dept. would give it an approval though even if its engineered (stamped).
Since I have now have roof cladding enabled I figured it only made sense to have some sort of wall cladding enabled for the gable end walls:
The advanced options now allow one to specify wall cladding, the settings can be adjusted in the "sheathing" tab of the global settings. I currently only have 4 different colors of Hardiplank Siding but I will add more as requested and I can find textures that I like or create. It should also be noted that it isn't too hard to swap out the texture for the user's custom textures.
I'm also thinking about adding an option for an air gap between the wall sheathing and the wall cladding in the case that someone wants to use brick as their cladding option. For standard veneer brick in the US the air gap is usually 1" if my recollection is correct.
I will try to roll these latest additions into a new revision here shortly.
Version 1.8.1 - 01.29.2017
- Enabled gable wall cladding for common trusses.
- Added four "HARDIPLANK Cedarmill" siding colors into the wall cladding material library.
- Enabled sheathing and cladding for valley truss sets.
Here is a simple structure created with the Truss and Foundation Plugins along with Housebuilder:
I like Housebuilder but I really feel like I need to develop my own Wall Plugin since it will tie in better with my Truss Plugin and allow the user to create the different sheathing and cladding options on the same layers.
Creation of the foundation and roof both took less than 30 seconds to create. The walls, windows and doors did require manual editing. I also realized that it would be useful to allow the option for wrapping the floor framing in wall sheathing and cladding so that this can be unioned with the appropriate sheathing and cladding on the walls above. I will add this into the Todo list.
Thanks for the fantastic plugin (Truss). If you developed a wall tool that worked in tandem with the foundation and truss packages, that would be fantastic (Id buy that...).
I use ProfileBuilder2 to give my components a cost value (you can add multiple cost attributes to an object such as material cost, labor, accessories, management, etc.), and with Medeek Truss I can tag and rename the components in the truss set accordingly. I can then export a component report to create a detailed estimate.
If a wall tool with headers and beams was available, similar to HouseBuilder but more like Medeek Truss, that would be great.
Thanks again for a great plugin; I look daily for updates!
Can you also assign a cost value to groups as well as components? I am curious how you are doing this with ProfileBuilder2. Is there anything with the Truss Plugin that I should do differently to make it easier to integrate with ProfileBuilder2?
I am seriously considering starting on the Wall Plugin. I've realized that the new sheathing and cladding options I've added in recently need a similar Wall Plugin to mesh with. Housebuilder is pretty good but doesn't quite do enough in my opinion. It need more advanced options. I also would like to see better treatment of the wall framing at corners, I think a lot can be done in this regard.
The main attribute of ProfileBuilder2 was to allow you to 'extrude' shapes like for crown molding. As it advanced, the ability to add components to the extrusion was added such as posts and pickets at whatever interval is specified. Basically Housebuilder does the same thing by placing a stud at a specified interval and height.
The addition of a pricing component is something that I am taking full advantage of, as I can either price a layer (so if something is extruded on a layer it lets me pick how to price it...volume, surface area, etc. It also allows pricing of material, so the roofing surface of your truss could be priced by giving that particular material(s) a square foot or square price. If you group something and name it (component) then you price the item. If you group several things and click on the group, you can easily give that 'thing' a price (or many prices) but it 'names' it such as 'Group#252'. If you print out a report it's better to name the group 'Skylight #2' so you know what it is.
This is the first video I watched that got me hooked, so I purchased and am using daily...
And this one shows how you can isolate groups of materials for framing, possibly exactly what Medeek could integrage
So far I have not really had the opportunity to use my own plugin on a real job, other than some minor conceptual structural models.
Last night I had the opportunity to model a garage/office as part of a real world study for a building design.
This further re-emphasized how much I need to put together my own Wall Plugin, something I might seriously wade into this weekend.
View model here:
Its 25Mb because of the vehicles I inserted from the 3D Warehouse, it would be nice to have more lightweight test vehicles to use as space fillers and sizers, does anyone have any suggestions?
The 18.5' highbay/garage only needs to be 16' in height and the 2nd floor of the office space needs 9 ft ceilings:
Note the valley truss set, and how I was able to easily tie these two roofs together. For simple roof lines I'm pretty happy with what the plugin can do.
When combining different roofs on complex structures I often find myself having to delete the outlookers, overhang and gable end truss on one end of the roof assembly. Then today I had a request from a user to enable the ability to limit the gable geometry to only one end. Based on this I will try to set up another option for the gable end truss option which allows for only the creation of one side with the gable end geometry. This means I will have to rework some of the advanced options to make sure it is compatible but I think I can make it happen fairly quickly.
In response to a recent request about gable ends of the roof assembly I have created an additional option in the "Gable End Trusses" option when creating common trusses. The new "Front" option only creates the gable end truss and gable end geometry on one side of the truss assembly and leaves the other side open as shown below:
This should come in handy when creating roof assemblies that butt up against walls and other complex configurations (ie. T-shaped buildings requiring Valley Sets etc...)
I've also been slowly working away at bringing all of the common truss types up to speed. The Modified Qeen Truss (Mod Queen) now has plates, raised heels, structural outlookers, layers and materials:
Most of the non-common truss types still need me to go through and integrate plates, layers, raised heels and materials, the amount of work needing to be done is staggering. This plugin is far from a polished, finished product, even after more than a year's worth of time and effort.
I'm quite familiar with all of the industry names for various configurations of roof trusses (ie. Fink, Howe, Mod Queen, King Post, Queen Post, Double Fink etc...) What distinguishes these trusses from each other is the configuration of the webs of the truss which is dictated by the number of panels of the top chords and bottom chords. For example the Howe truss is four top chord panels and four bottom chord panels (4/4). Most diagrams show up to a Triple Howe truss (8/8). What is not typically shown is an (8/6) and (8/7) truss, is there any reason for this? These two configurations seem perfectly valid to me, I would call them a Triple Queen and Fan Fink truss respectively. Has anyone come across either of these two configurations?
Actually I would change the name of the Fan Fink to Double Fan.
The next size up would be:
Quad Fan 10/5
Double Mod Fan 10/6
Triple Fan 10/7
Quad Queen 10/8
Quad Fink 10/9
Quad Howe 10/10
As the number of panels increase in the top chord the number of potential variations increases. So for a four panel top chord truss the number of variations is three, the general pattern is:
(2/x) truss = 1 possible configuration
(4/x) truss = 3 possible configurations
(6/x) truss = 4 possible configurations
(8/x) truss = 5 possible configurations
(10/x) truss = 6 possible configurations
(12/x) truss = 7 possible configurations
The common fan truss now has raised heels, plates, materials and layers:
I apologize for the slow progress. I've had some 12 hour work days last week so I didn't have much left in the tank once I got home, usually just eat and then went straight to bed.
Version 1.8.3 - 02.12.2017
- Enabled metal plate connectors, materials and custom layers for Fan trusses.
- Added energy/raised heels for Fan truss (3 variants: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Roof slope can be toggled between Pitch or Degrees (input) for common trusses in the global settings.
Currently the metric template forces the roof slope to degrees however in the imperial templates (inches, feet) the user can select between Pitch or Angle for common truss types. I will need to update all of the truss types with this global setting option.
Version 1.8.4 - 02.14.2017
- Enabled roof cladding for gable and hip rafter roofs.
- Roof slope can be toggled between Pitch or Degrees (input) for gable and hip rafter roofs in the global settings.
To create this roof was not an entirely automated process but I'm slowly getting there. The trim tool comes in really handy for creating valley and jack rafters but ultimately it would be nice to auto create L-Shaped, T-Shaped and U-Shaped roofs.
View model here:
Version 1.8.5 - 02.18.2017
- Enabled roof cladding for dutch gable and TJI rafter roofs.
- Added TJI rafter roofs with dual glulam beams.
- Added Soffit Cut within Advanced Options for TJI Roof w/ GLB.
View model here:
First new roof type in added in quite a while. Lately I have been focusing most of my effort on cleaning things up and making sure all the options are working correctly for each roof type and configuration.
Soffit cuts with TJI (I-Joist) rafters gets a bit interesting but I've finally implemented it:
Same house, just a lookout between the beams:
View model here:
Trying out the Rayelectron Rendering plugin, I'm fairly impressed.
Version 1.8.5b - 02.23.2017
- Addressed minor bug with "Front Only" gable end scissor trusses.
- Addressed minor bug with soffit cuts and TJI rafter roofs with dual glulam beams.
Working on 2 ply and 3 ply headers as well as LSL headers:
Version 1.8.6 - 02.25.2017
- Added 2x sawn lumber and LSL headers for Gable Dormers.
- Enabled interior wall sheathing (Gypsum Wall Board) for Gable Dormers.
- Enabled ceiling sheathing (Gypsum Wall Board) and ceiling battens for common trusses.
An example dormer created with the dormer tool and the gable roof created with the common truss tool. Note that I have enabled all of the cladding, sheathing and GWB in the global settings.
View model here:
When you select "YES" for the gypsum ceiling in the advanced options of common trusses and additional dialog is presented which then allows for manually adjusting the GWB thickness, ext. wall inset, and ceiling battens (size, spacing).
You will notice that in the global settings within the "Sheathing" tab a couple of new items have been added for Gypsum Sheathing.
Now I just need to enable ceiling sheathing for vaulted truss and rafter roofs, yet another large task added to the todo list.
Attic and Gambrel attic trusses will require not only ceiling GWB but also the attic GWB on walls and flat and sloping ceilings.
With the addition of all the interior and exterior cladding, the plugin can now generate the majority of the structural features of a roof.
This probably pertains more directly to the Wall Plugin I have been working on but I could also test out the concept with the dormer module.
If the user enables the exterior wall cladding I could also enable a further option which will draw the corner and window trim as shown. This option would only become active if the cladding option is selected. I would create a new tab in the global settings for the all of the trim options (size, material etc...)
I'm also considering a rudimentary door and window module that can auto-fill the window and door holes in the Wall Plugin, however I don't know if architects and designers would find any use for it since they may be inclined to use more sophisticated 3rd party window and door plugins.
The reason I am considering this is that it would further automate the creation process and I have yet to find a window and door plugin that I am 100% satisfied with.
Raised heel fink truss roof with 1.5"x1.5" ceiling battens and 5/8" GWB at a 5.5" wall inset.
Tomorrow is my birthday. Given all of the health issues I've had the last few months I'm just happy to still be kicking. My neck and general constitution is still not quite right but at least I'm functional and for that I am very grateful.
In response to the overwhelming positive vibe I've received from the SketchUp community during my downtime I would like to offer the following offer to current users of the plugin who currently have a non-expired license/serial number:
1.) By March 2, 2017 (offer ends midnight Mar. 2) post on this forum or the other SketchUp forum a screenshot or rendering of a current project you are working on that you have utilized the plugin. Give your company name or state "for personal use". Also describe what features you primarily use within the plugin (ie. trusses, rafters, floors etc...) Please try to make the picture such that it shows the output from the plugin as clearly as possible.
2.) Send me an email with the time and date of your post and your name/company name and I will then extend your license out for another full year from the existing expiration date (add an additional year to your license).
My reason for doing this is primarily to see how you are using the plugin in the real world. Is it making any sort of meaningful impact? Does it actually get used, or do people purchase it out of curiosity and then never actually use it?
I also want to give back a little to those who continue to support the plugin and its development. Hopefully a few of you will take me up on this offer since I am really curious to see how the plugin is actually being used by real architects and designers.
I've been giving some though to the soffit and fascia and I realized that in many cases the design may call for a closed soffit:
I've seen soffits constructed with plywood and also metal (aluminum, vented).
Also the fascia I am creating currently should be more properly labeled the sub-fascia since in many cases the true fascia board is a thinner 5/4 or 1x material. If metal is used then the sub-fascia is covered over with a fascia cover:
Then of course we get into the whole boxed soffit at the corners:
I would like to get some input in what you would like to see with closed soffits and fascia. I am thinking it might be useful to have a completely separate section in the global settings that deals specifically with closed soffits, fascia and corner treatment (ie. boxed corners vs. non-boxed)
Medeek Truss vs. MS Physics:
Pretty clear the house didn't have a chance.
I'm actually very impressed with the collision detection of MS Physics, an amazing extension.
I've been reviewing my Todo list lately and it really hasn't shrunk much, if anything it has grown a bit as I've added some new features in the last month and more catching up needs to be done with various truss types.
I only work on this project part time and on the weekends as much as possible, so my progress since September of 2016 has been quite slow (took a new job with the City of Ocean Shores).
Currently the Truss Plugin has seen the most development but I am also spread between the other separate plugins as well:
Medeek Wall Plugin
Medeek Structural Plugin
Medeek Foundation Plugin
Medeek Deck Plugin
The structural and wall plugins will be just as complex and involved as the Truss Plugin and will require a couple years of my full time attention to get where they need to go.
When I step back and look at everything I want to accomplish there is just no way, given my current situation, that I can achieve it. It would be nice to also be able to hire some help in knocking out some of the coding, realistically there is only so many hours in a day and only so much one person can do.
I would really like to work full time on all of this as I see it has some serious potential and I'm also very excited about it but my previous attempt at using KickStarter to raise some working capital did not amount to much.
I was watching Shark Tank last night and I was thinking would this type of business even have a chance in that setting? Anyhow, I am open to any ideas you might have in how to really blow this thing up and get it going.
Version 1.8.7 - 03.26.2017
- Added energy/raised heels for double howe truss (3 variant: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Metal plate connectors now enabled for double howe trusses.
Back to updating all the truss types with metal plates, raised heels and all other advanced options.
Recently I've had a couple requests for bobtail/stub end trusses.
When specifying how to truncate the truss, what lengths are typically used to control the location of the stub end(s)?
1.) Stub or heel height.
2.) Nominal span minus stub length
Then of course to further complicate matters there is the double bobtail truss which is really nothing more than a raised heel truss with unequal heel heights
So rather than add in a completely new category of trusses I suppose I could just allow the user to specify a heel height for both the left and right side of the common truss. Currently the first menu has the option for a raised heel which is then applied to both sides of the truss. I think I could just update to be:
Raised Heel Left: YES/NO "Defaults to NO"
Height Height Left (in.): "Defaults to 12" if no user entry"
Raised Heel Right: YES/NO "Defaults to NO"
Heel Height Right (in.): "Defaults to SAME AS LEFT"
Version 1.8.8 - 04.28.2017
- Added energy/raised heels for mod fan truss (3 variant: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Metal plate connectors now enabled for mod fan trusses.
I'm very impressed with this plug-in. Looking forward to seeing the wall framing one as well.
Any ETA for the completion of the hip truss portion of the app?
I know programming for this portion is likely extremely complex but the lack of complete hip truss automation is the biggest impediment to using this in a working environment us.
**Fun with Roofs - Episode 1**
My 9 year old son took one look at this roof and then said "Don't build this in Florida, you'll create a sink hole".
View model here: (
The hip truss portion is about 60%. Between being busy at work and recuperating from my surgery I'm still not 100%, but I do plan on working on the hip truss module next. That is definitely high on the priority list.
Version 1.8.9 - 05.01.2017
- Added energy/raised heels for triple fink truss (3 variant: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Metal plate connectors now enabled for triple fink trusses.
I'm trying to figure out the correct way to frame the stairwell as it joins up with the floor diaphragm above.
It's hard to show exactly what I mean with sectional views, the best thing is to view the 3D model and you will see what I am talking about.
I am working on the polygon and hole tool for I-Joist and Solid Sawn floors. When you actually frame out this opening would you just use rimboard around the perimeter as I have shown?
I can't speak for others, but with the floor opening supported by bearing walls below, as you have modelled here, then, yes, I would line the opening with rim boards (as compression members only). These are cheaper than structural I-joist and easier to fasten together for this purpose.
Of course, if the opening is not supported by lower walls then the opening must use the structural I-joist for doublers and trimmers around it. Rim boards are not allowed for bending members I believe.
And if the floor is framed from sawn lumber instead of I-joist then the structural members are the same as the rim board material anyway.
I've got to fix my wife's computer today so that will probably stop me from getting any real meaningful work done on the plugins but at least I've been able to throw together a first draft for the office I want to build. Any thoughts on improving the design, sometimes once you get an idea in your head it is hard to see outside the box.
I haven't shown the doors or the front porch which will probably be quite small and pressure treated lumber.
- 32'x24'
- 5:12 or 6:12 roof with asphalt shingles
- two rooms
- 9' ceilings
- stemwall foundation with crawlspace
- carpet throughout
- 5/8" wallboard
- 3068 doors, (1) 4040XO, (3) 5040XO
- 11-7/8" I-Joists at 16" o/c
- studs DF No. 2, 2x6 @ 16" o/c
- sheathing will probably be 1/2" plywood, I don't like OSB in our climate.
- Siding Hardiplank or cedar siding, my budget may call for T11 though.
- Electric wall cadet heaters
- 50 AMP sub-panel from house
- 16" overhangs at eaves and gables with gutters and downspouts and 4" drain lines away from building.
All the end details are working. This is an example of a Mansard Parapet truss with 5 panels and different overhangs:
Now I just need to work on the plates and advanced options.
Version 1.9.0 - 05.27.2017
- Added flat truss type, configurations: flat, monopitch, pitched.
- Metric input enabled for flat truss types.
- Added gable end trusses for flat truss types.
- Enabled the following end details for all flat truss types: None, Overhang, Cantilever, Mansard, Parapet, Mansard w/ Parapet.
Plates and advanced options are still in progress. With the amount of configurations available with this truss type it will probably be a while before these next elements are in place.
The flat truss type is very configurable and with a little adjustment of parameters you can also easily create a (non-attic) gambrel truss using the flat pitched option.
Here is an example of a small commercial building with a flat truss roof (parapet):
Download model here:
The flat truss is the first new truss type added to the plugin in 11 months. This brings the total number of truss types to approximately twenty two depending on how you classify the variants of the flat truss:
View model here:
The flat double pitched truss allows for a user driven asymmetric ridge location as well as differing left and right heel heights. This opens up virtually any possible truss geometry even a negative pitch if one is so inclined:
I thought I was done with flat trusses but it was pointed out to me that I also need to consider top chord bearing configurations for this truss type.
I've created a simple matrix below with top and bottom chord bearing flat trusses. I'm not sure if these make sense, please review and feel free to comment.
The model can be downloaded here:
Top chord bearing usually involves the following steps:
1.) Trimming the heel web up a specific vertical amount (vertical offset).
2.) Insertion of a secondary heel web next to the trimmed (bearing) heel web.
3.) Trimming the bottom chord back to the secondary heel web.
4.) The diagonal web next to the heel is slightly altered by the addition of a secondary heel web.
5.) Certain configs require an additional heel web on the outside of the trimmed heel web: Mansard, Cantilever, Mansard w/ Parapet.
I can easily make this all happen and open up the option for top chord bearing flat roof trusses however I want to make sure it is right first.
The top chord bearing option is almost complete for the flat trusses. Here is a preview with a Mansard /w Parapet on the left side and a cantilever on the right side. The bearing widths can be set independently as can the parapets heights now.
I'm not entirely satisfied with the UI for this truss type, a proper html UI would be much more intuitive but time consuming to create. Yet another important item on the todo list.
The plugin is starting to stray into some fairly exotic truss territory.
Wood Gusset plates are on my mind this morning (for those of us crazy enough to build or own trusses):
Of course this option would be pretty much useless without the engineering to size the plates and check the fasteners. I will be giving this some more thought in the near future.
I think I've beaten the flat truss to death but I noticed after perusing through a number of flat truss shop drawings that the modified warren is also a popular web configuration. Its not too big of a deal to enable this configuration. The flat truss will then have the option between a pratt or mod warren web configuration.
Quote from: Medeek on March 01, 2017, 09:48:52 AM
Hopefully a few of you will take me up on this offer since I am really curious to see how the plugin is actually being used by real architects and designers.
I'm not an architect or designer (in recent decades I've done mostly software), but I have a purpose and your plugin has served me well. We are determining whether we can afford to build a second house on some land we own in Vermont. To do this we need a design and it has to serve two purposes: Cost and aesthetics; your plugin has served the second for us. Here's what we did:
We found a design on the Internet that we liked. One of its failings was too low a roof pitch for our taste (we live in a cape). Another was its ceiling height; since the house has to be small, we felt that 9' ceilings would help it feel more spacious. So I learned enough Sketchup to model the house. We tried different wall heights and roof pitches to be sure that we will like the way it looks. As the overall size and inside layout changed, we repeated the tests. That's now past and we're refining the inside design.
So far, we've used it for a preliminary quote of building and erecting the shell with SIP walls with trusses including sheathing. This appears to be the lowest cost method of getting the SIP benefits, although we won't go this route if the builder resists. But it was a good place to start; we now know that we're in the ballpark.
The quote was done with two alternatives: (1) 9' walls with 5" energy heel trusses; and (2) 9.5' walls with 5" drop-heel (or, we've also seen, dropped chord) trusses. The latter, for it's higher wall costs, was touted as providing easier and more complete air sealing. We don't know yet which alternative our (unknown) builder will prefer, if either.
I mentioned the drop-heel trusses for completeness. It's apparent that you (like me) are driven by this, so it's yet another potential item to add to your lists.
Thanks for all your efforts,
@ Fred H
Thank-you for your posting on your recent house project. People actually using the plugin for "real" work is what makes me think all the hours I have dumped into this aren't totally in vain.
I am interested in these drop-heel trusses you have described. Please feel free to email me some pictures or drawings, I am not familiar with this configuration but if it something that I'm missing from the plugin I would definitely be interested in adding it in.
Hopefully the plugin made it quicker and easier to generate the roof geometry, that is the intent at least. I really need to get to work on the wall plugin to round out my plugin family.
I think a lot more people fab their own trusses than we realize. I don't disapprove but I do think that quality control is imperative. One bad joint in a truss can cause the entire truss to fail which in turn may cause a catastrophic failure of the roof system.
Some jurisdiction will require an engineer's stamp on any site built trusses, as they should, but there are many situations (ie. agri structures, small buildings) where there is no oversite by a building official or engineer. For those situations it would be useful to have an easy to use truss calculator that even the lay person could utilize and understand.
From my side there is some risk and liability associated with this, especially since I have no way to confirm the workmanship of the construction. If someone were to utilize my calculator and design a truss with plywood gussets, and assuming that they built it per the calculations and input the correct snow loads etc... but the construction was shoddy and it failed would I still be liable? Probably so. That is why I have hesitated on releasing the wood gusset portion of my Truss Designer (web based).
I've seen a lot of great site built trusses.
I actually think a well constructed plywood gusset plated truss with glue and nails will out perform a metal plated truss. It's not the craftsmen that worry me its the DIYer who has limited experience building things and does not take the time and effort to do a quality job.
Trusses are unique structural elements that require special attention to the connection between members (joints).
One method to address the lack of quality control is to overbuild the truss slightly. This method is actually used to some degree in the manufacturer of MPC wood trusses.
Enabled mod warren webs for the double pitched flat truss configuration:
The truss shown above is an asymmetric double pitched top chord bearing flat truss with a mod warren web configuration and cantilever ends. That is quite a mouthful.
I have not added the top chord bearing option and the mod warren webs to the other flat truss configurations yet (flat, monopitch, pitched), however I will if specifically requested. There a much hotter items on the plate.
Quote from: Medeek on May 30, 2017, 01:56:27 PM
Hopefully the plugin made it quicker and easier to generate the roof geometry, that is the intent at least. I really need to get to work on the wall plugin to round out my plugin family.
The plugin was crucial for us to choose a roof pitch. It was why I purchased the plugin and I'm very pleased.
The wall plugin (which I haven't looked at yet) would be useful if we don't use SIP walls. Although, this detail will probably be handled by our contractor.
Quote from: Medeek on May 30, 2017, 01:56:27 PM
I am interested in these drop-heel trusses you have described. Please feel free to email me some pictures or drawings, I am not familiar with this configuration but if it something that I'm missing from the plugin I would definitely be interested in adding it in.
I've lost the references to drop chord trusses. I do a lot of searching on my phone while kind of watching TV. The phone doesn't keep the records for long and I researched this weeks ago. But I remember the description and the points -- although I'm not technically able to evaluate their correctness, so I'd appreciate it if someone else did.
Description: A chord below the top of the wall that the ceiling is attached to. Think of a long squared U (e.g. └───┘). Of course, some spans would require additional vertical members for support.
Benefits claimed:
1. No bracing or blocking needed (vs. energy heels, particularly more than 5.25") as the wall provides the necessary structure.
2. Air sealing should be easier as the complexity of top plates, etc. is above the sealing level; just the ceiling and ceiling to wall seals.
3. Avoids ceiling lift in winter because the structural bottom chord (my terminology) is the same temperature as the top chord. Note that this requires the drop to contain enough of the insulation to expose the structural bottom chord.
My potential application:
* To be certain of all three benefits I'd need a drop equal to my insulation depth -- 15+" for R50 cellulose -- to expose the entire structural bottom chord to the same temperatures as the top. This adds that same 15+ inches to the top of my SIP walls to leave the bottom chord above the insulation. My estimated cost of doing this is $515/inch, I doubt that it would be worth it.
* If I use a drop of 15 - 4.625 (minimum 9/12 heel) = 10 then the top of the bottom chord would be close to the surface of the insulation, and might yield benefit 3. But this would cost about $5K, which is probably not worth it to me.
* If I use a drop the same as the energy 5" heel I get the first two benefits. This might be worth the cost of $1575.
Note that my cost analysis is entirely dependent on my use of SIP walls. Other construction has much lower material costs, which is what effected my costs. This analysis makes me more interested in investigating non-SIP walls. (Particularly after I found InsulationDepot dot com this morning, which sells recycled insulation.
Implementing drop chords in the plugin will require more point identification than a common truss. Obviously, the inner points of the walls will need to be marked -- as these are the ends of the dropped chord. But overhangs are possible too: my design has an overhang above the front door. (This is easy with a Fink truss, as i just extended the roof line.) I don't see any easy way of doing this with a drop chord truss; I hope you do.
I found the references again. The most complete is from the Alaskan Housing Finance Corporation, (, page 13. It has advantages and disadvantages, with drawings showing their use. This was the most complete information I found
Foard Panel has some good detail on what they term a "dropped heel truss", which seems identical, (
This: ( shows a dropped chord in a flat truss.
I found a few other references to them, but they are redundant with the above information.
In the global settings I've added a setting to switch between metal and wood connector plates. Initially I will only enable wood plates for some of the more typical common trusses (ie. fink, howe, queen and king), if this feature proves to be popular I may enable it for more truss types.
Version 1.9.1 - 06.09.2017
- Added plywood gusset plates for common fink trusses.
- Enabled a "WOOD" plate type option in the global settings.
*Note that the wood gussets are currently only available for the Fink truss, if anyone needs them enabled for a different truss please let me know.
Added plywood gusset plates for raised heel common fink trusses.
View model here:
Note that there are currently no calcs associated with these WGC trusses. If you are going to build your own trusses I would strongly suggest you find a local structural engineer to assist in specifying the plates sizes and fasteners, especially if the truss span is greater than 16 feet and your snow loads are greater than 25 psf in your region.
When I engineer WGC trusses I will also call out a waterproof glue as well however I don't take the glue's strength into the calculations. This provides another margin of safety and also the rigidity of a glued and nailed gusset plated truss is superior in my opinion to your typical MPC truss.
Every member is critical in a truss, however some are more stressed than others. Your top and bottom chords should never be anything less than a No. 2 DF. I would suggest No. 1, No. 1 & Btr. or Select Structural. The webs of a typical truss are usually stressed quite a bit less than the chords and sometimes you can get away with stud grade lumber but I would suggest DF No. 2 on all webs as well. A strategically placed knot can easily ruin an entire truss.
Just as important as the materials is the level of care taken in cutting the members and assembling the truss. All joints should fit tightly together so that members in compression can bear directly on their adjacent members. Also realize that tension members may experience load reversals in high wind or seismic events so even tension members are no exception to the rule.
The correct fasteners and fastener size is critical. The nails will be in single or double shear and the joint connection is relying entirely on this shear strength of the fasteners to hold together. Fasteners too close to the edge or ends of a member are not as effective, so fastener placement is also critical.
I am curious how the two truss types would compare in a burn test, which one would stay intact longer. My suspicion is that the plywood gussets would char and slowly burn however the metal plates would heat up and loose their strength quickly and fail.
I know most people don't do this but I would personally stress test each truss before installing it on the intended structure. Mostly what you are looking for is a uniform deflection across all the trusses so that they can load balance properly. If a truss is defective this test should help ferret out this data even though visually the truss may look acceptable.
Just for the record the algorithm to size and position the mid top chord to web plate (Plate 2) is a real piece of work:
gamma2 = 3.14159265358979 * 0.5 - @Phi
length2 = @Pldim2 * 0.5 -1
p3x = @Swx4 + length2 * (cos(@Theta2) / cos(gamma2 - @Theta2))
p3y = @Swy4 - length2 * (sin(@Theta2) / cos(gamma2 - @Theta2))
p2x = p3x - (@Tcd + length2) * cos(gamma2)
p2y = p3y + (@Tcd + length2) * sin(gamma2)
p1x = p2x - @Pldim2 * cos(@Phi)
p1y = p2y - @Pldim2 * sin(@Phi)
length4 = sqrt((@Strx4 - p1x)*(@Strx4 - p1x) + (@Stry4 - p1y)*(@Stry4 - p1y))
zeta2 = atan((p1y - @Stry4)/(@Strx4 - p1x))
length3 = length4 * sin(zeta2 + @Theta3) / sin(3.14159265358979 * 0.5 + @Phi - @Theta3)
p4x = p1x + length3 * cos(gamma2)
p4y = p1y - length3 * sin(gamma2)
if @Theta2 > gamma2
p2x = p3x - ((@Tcd + length2) / (cos(@Theta2 - gamma2))) * cos(@Theta2)
p2y = p3y + ((@Tcd + length2) / (cos(@Theta2 - gamma2))) * sin(@Theta2)
Actually had to use the Sine Law: (
Its funny because my 15 year old daughter just covered trigonometry in her math class and she told me she would never use this stuff so why learn it.
I've been thinking about site built trusses some more and trying to apply some rational thought to how best to nail together a WGC truss. If you consider nails in single shear, 8d nails spaced at 4" between fasteners with a row spacing of 1" and and end spacing of 1.5" you end up with something like this.
Those are 8d common nails so they aren't very big but spaced at 2" between nails in a row I would be afraid of splitting that bottom chord.
Looking at this I'm fairly convinced that going with longer nails that are in double shear and clinched give more bang for the buck, allow less nails and thereby less chance of splitting the truss members. Thoughts?
Nailing from both sides is not reasonable in my opinion, there is no way to line up the nails easily from one side to the other, better to just nail from one side which bring me back to nails in double shear.
Using a 10d common nail (.148 x 3) and with 1/2" of protruding nail to clinch I get this layout:
with the backside looking something like this:
I probably don't need a 2.25" end distance (15D) on the plate edge toward the inside of the truss but I am using Table C11.1.6.6 from the NDS Commentary (NDS 2012).
If you compare the capacity of a single shear and double shear connection in most cases you get double the capacity, see results for a 10D nail into DF and Structural 1 Plywood below:
So returning to our previous example we now have 2180.9lbs/176.3lbs = 12.4 => 13 fasteners in double shear, rather than 25 fasteners in single shear, a much more reasonable number of fasteners
Spent some time Sunday night and yesterday evening working on the stepdown hip truss set. Given the shear number of trusses involved in one of the these assemblies I'm figuring it will be the rest of the week before I will see the light at the end of the tunnel, but progress is steady.
The stepdown hip truss set is mostly finished. I probably have a couple more days of work setting up raised heels, internal web algorithms, and advanced options.
Advanced options are now configured: fascia, sheathing, cladding, gypsum, ceiling battens.
Girder trusses can be single or double ply, I can add more plies if requested.
I've also added the option to use a drop-in purlin frame, see image and model below:
View model here:
Items still needing attention:
- Error check in metric mode.
- Internal webs for hip trusses
- Internal web algorithm for end and hip jack trusses.
- Raised heels
- Enable soffit cut for jack trusses and hip trusses.
- Enable plates for hip, jack and drop-in purlin.
- Setup the half-a-hip option (one end is a gable end).
The complexity of the hip truss sets makes them a bit of pain to program but when its all said and done it is a thing of beauty.
Once I have the stepdown hip set well on its way it will not be to difficult to enable the other styles of truss hip sets. The only one that is significantly different is the terminal hip set and the dutch hip set but even those will fall into place relatively easily.
Once I get all of the hip sets configured I'm half tempted to bump my price another $10, would that be too much of a stretch? I'm already at $30 for the plugin and I would like to keep it within reach of even the casual user.
Version 1.9.2 - 06.24.2017
- Added Stepdown hip set trusses.
- Enabled advanced options for stepdown hip sets.
Using the stepdown truss set as a primitive it is possible to generate some fairly complex roofs:
In this case I created two hip sets and then tied them together with a valley set. View model here:
This one way to do it but the more typical way would be to further customize the larger hip set so as to eliminate the valley set entirely.
Interesting how the larger girder truss ties into the smaller girder truss (3 ply). The smaller girder truss would need to be beefed up to handle this point load if there is no bearing wall below, and then the point loads from the posts supporting the girder truss (in wall) would probably need spread footings.
A few seconds to create the basic geometry and then about 10 minutes of trimming (with the trim function) and manual adjustments. I can see that the truncated hip set feature would be nice to have where hip roofs are tying into other roofs, similar to what I have enabled for the gable truss tool.
It was pointed out that stick framing the valley set is often preferred in some locales (ie. California). This is an example of a "California Fill".
I've seen them done this way up here in Washington but probably not as often.
I haven't shown the vertical studs and their pads only the sleepers, rafters and ridgeboard are shown, view model here:
Where the Fill connects back to the other roof do I have that correct? Do you install another rafter against the truss?
Notice that I did not bevel the 2x12 sleeper, just shifted it so that if lines up correctly with the roof plane, of course if this is mounted on top of the sheathing then the position will change accordingly.
Those double bevel cuts on the rafters would scare me, but then again I'm no carpenter.
Funny how everything has a "California" in front of it:
- California Corner (Ext. Wall Corner)
- California Fill
- California Hip Set
I guess the Californians are innovators.
Thank you for this.
For me, having the hip trusses sets now makes this plug-in complete. Anything after this is gravy!
I was working on the hip sets last summer before my neck injury took me out so I'm glad to finally get back to it and at least get one variant knocked out.
I probably should have gotten on to it in January but I was still not feeling 100% so I been only tackling the easy stuff and chipping at those one by one.
I still have all the other variants to complete as well as raised heels, then the plates.
Timber trusses with bolted connector plates is on my hot list as is completion of the attic and gambrel attic trusses.
My full todo list for the plugin is at least two pages of hand written notes so there is plenty more to do.
The holy grail would be to have the plugin convert any complex roof outline (face) into a full truss or rafter roof without any manual editing, that is my target.
Added energy/raised heels for stepdown hip set (3 variants: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
View model here:
Now the possibilities are limitless since you can match the heel height of any other roof (ie. rafter, TJI etc...)
Adding in this feature was not as bad I thought it would be but each truss type in the set must be considered and dealt with separately:
- Common Trusses
- Hip Trusses
- End Jacks
- Hip Jacks
- Corner Jacks
I am wondering if any one has some shop drawings for a truss roof like the one below:
I am trying to understand how the trusses are configured where the two roof lines meet at the interior corner.
I'm also looking for a full set of shop drawings for a California Hip Set, I'm seeing a few variations with this hip set I'm trying to determine the most typical way they are put together.
For those not familiar with truss hip sets, here is a primer:
6" raised heel with open end jacks and a drop-in purlin frame.
Version 1.9.3 - 06.25.2017
- Added Terminal hip set trusses.
- Enabled advanced options for terminal hip sets.
- Added energy/raised heels for terminal hip set (3 variants: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Added the option for open vs. closed end jack and single and double ply girders
View model here:
This style of hip set is typically used for spans less than 20 ft.
Here is a model of the L-shaped hip roof I am in question about:
View model here:
I think my love of trusses sometimes blinds me to the fact that most people don't really care to model the details of their roof. With that being said I don't think my time was wasted since I have learned an immense amount about programming a SketchUp Plugin and manipulating the API. However, I think it is now time to give the Truss Plugin a rest and focus my efforts on projects that will give me a better return for my investment. I'm not sure what exactly those projects are yet but I'm working on it.
Here we go again:
After a dismal turnout for the original truss plugin campaign I never thought I would consider another kickstarter campaign. However, I have recently been contacted by various companies/organizations seeing if I could further develop the plugins so they could use them on a almost daily basis. Based on these conversations I can see there is a real need for this type of modeling and the momentum appears to be picking up.
Another critical piece is my own level of knowledge and skill set with the SketchUp API. After spending the last two years working through the truss plugin I feel that I've finally reached a point on the learning curve where I am able to bring a lot to bear and ultimately push the development to a critical mass.
My limiting factor now is only my time and in order to devote more time to the project I need some backing.
I've been looking at some floor truss layouts and it appears that within a given truss set or assembly the chase will line up across multiple spans as I have shown here:
View model here:
Generating a new truss component for each separate span is not too difficult, similar to generating a new step down hip truss component every 24". One thing to note is that a polygon outline will only work for floor trusses if the angles are all orthogonal, at least the bearing walls where the trusses terminate.
I'm a little unclear how to deal with the ladder trusses at the transition between different spans, perhaps someone has a 3D model or pictures giving me some clarity in these areas.
It took me about 15 minutes to create this complex floor truss set using the rectangular floor truss tool (3 separate truss sets) and the trim tool, not terrible but it would be so much better if I could achieve the same result in a matter of seconds with no manual editing.
Cutting holes in the floor and having the hole cutting tool able to regen the proper trusses is also a hot item related to this discussion. That would make the floor truss feature actually functional as a real world design tool.
Another issue is multiple chases within a truss set. One central chase seems the most typical but two chases positioned within the central third of the truss span also appears to be quite common. So far I have not seen more than two chases in a given floor truss span, probably for good reason. The ability to create two chases rather than just one is now on the "todo" list.
Tutorial 5: Hip Truss Sets (24:32 min.)
On my Kickstarter campaign there was a recent comment regarding the pricing of my plugins. I have been giving this some thought recently and I thought I might also share my remarks on the board as well:
I agree that there is certainly an argument that I charge too little for these plugins and I have wrestled some with this problem. Others have also privately messaged me or emailed me with similar remarks and recommended that I bump my prices, sometimes tenfold.
The current reasoning behind my low pricing structure can be summarized with the following points:
1.) All of these plugins are currently in a developmental phase. Unfortunately, I have not been able to exert my full time efforts at this development so progress has been slow. I find it hard to charge a "fair amount" for a product that in my mind is still flawed and imperfect. My "todo" list is currently about 60 items and written out covers about 2 pages. To charge a "professional" price requires that one provide a "professional" service or product, I don't feel like I'm there yet.
2.) I have looked at some of the competition such as Pluspec and others who charge considerably more than I do. Again the sophistication of the their product exceeds my own so the price differential is warranted. But more importantly I'm not a huge fan of pricey design software, that is what has led me to SketchUp in the first place. The SketchUp community in general has adopted this mindset (in my opinion) and I don't feel that they would get behind an expensive solution.
3.) I am also trying to keep the plugin within the reach of the casual user (DIY'er), someone who simply wants to model up a single house or garage for their own personal use. In some cases the trial version of the plugin(s) will work for that but I have recently limited it quite strictly so any serious design work will require a registered license.
4.) I have also considered a subscription model, but my own distaste of that licensing mode has kept me from going down that road. Once your purchase a software you should be able to use it indefinitely as it stands. Additional payment should only be required if you are requesting an update or added functionality.
5.) What better way to discourage copy cats and the competition to price it too low as to make it worth their while. No one in their right mind will try to recreate what I have done with trusses when the payback is so little and the effort is so large.
With all of that being said I do think that the sweet spot, which still meets the requirements of the above points, may still be a bit higher than what I am currently charging. I need to find the correct amount to charge so that the above points are carefully balanced with the fact that I need to be able to justify the amount of time and effort I spend in developing these products.
If I ever do build my office I was thinking of doing some sort of cedar siding and then putting my logo or some of my other designs on the exterior:
View model here:
Some of my other designs are here:
I would love to know how you're doing the cladding. 8)
Version 1.9.4 - 07.08.2017
- Added energy/raised heels for triple howe truss (3 variant: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Metal plate connectors now enabled for triple howe trusses.
Below would be a typical example of a 60' span using a triple howe truss.
However, in most cases where the design calls for taller walls one would probably go with a steel building or CMU block walls. This was the case on a building I designed about 10 years ago (Wasatch Building Supply, Utah) that had 20 ft. walls. Its too bad I don't have an interior photo showing the trusses inside the warehouse roof, its quite a sight to behold.
Version 1.9.5 - 07.11.2017
- Added energy/raised heels for quad fink truss (3 variant: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Metal plate connectors now enabled for quad fink trusses.
This concludes the updates needed for common trusses. I still have a number of updates for all the other truss types to bring them up to speed.
I've updated the user map so that it now shows all users at once without a time lapse effect:
and a new combined map with both the foundation and truss plugin:
I'm a registered user of the truss plugin but I don't see a flag at my location. I have a paid serial number for the plugin....does that automatically register me or is there another step?
Try it now. The list somehow got reset that the map was working off of. Its a little complicated how I create the map.
Talking to my wife today about how much time I devote to all of the different projects I'm constantly involved with, in particular the plugins and my plans to launch the much needed wall plugin. I'm coming up on two years since I started the Truss Plugin and I am quite proud of how far it has progressed but I'm even more amazed at how much more there is yet to do.
As you all know I work a full time job and only get to this stuff in my free time which is pretty tough on the family since all my time and energy is devoted to my "work".
My wife feels like I need to cut back on something, which I can understand.
My work is simply work, it pays the bills and it is fairly stable and decent income.
My passion is my plugins and other structural and design programs ( that I have created and continue to create.
The last couple of days I've taken a hard look at the numbers and realized that the volume of customers is pretty good (currently about 350 active truss plugin users) but definitely not in the thousands or what I would consider "high volume" or "mass market". If it was in that range then I could easily offer the plugin at much lower pricing and it still could pay for the considerable time and effort that I put into it.
As it currently stands, given the number of customers or potential customers I think I'm seeing, the plugin(s) is more of a niche item and not so much a "mass market" item.
I guess what I am trying to say is that both myself and my wife think that in order for me to devote as much time as I do to the plugins I need to figure out a way to make it compensate me better for that time. The only two solutions I am seeing is increase the volume or increase the price.
My major argument up until now for increasing the price is that the plugin(s) are not finished nor polished products. However this is sort of a chicken and egg problem, more money would theoretically allow me to devote more time to the development which would make the plugin(s) more valuable and worth the additional cost.
Any ideas are welcome. Bottom line is I think there is a lot more that I have to add to the SketchUp community, I just got to figure out how to do it.
Fixed a minor bug with the tail bearing truss module. The user should now be able to input a roof pitch up to 16:12. This was such a minor fix that I'm not rolling a major revision, just a sub-revision: 1.9.5b.
Tonight I was thinking it might be kind of cool to enable an option for hip and ridge (cap) on hip roofs.
After about an hour of coding I generated this:
I've got the hip cap figured out at the eaves but I'm a little unsure how to terminate everything where the hips meet the ridge:
The hip and ridge is now fully implemented for hip roofs as shown.
It can also handle pyramid roofs where there is no ridge cap.
In the global settings I will setup and option to enable this feature and also an option to set the (ridge/hip) cap width and thickness.
Its too late tonight but I will see what I can do tomorrow about rolling out a new version.
View model here:
Hi Nathan,
I'm using your plugin to guide the "look" of a house we're not sure we can afford to build. Until we get it to look like we want we can't ask for any bids.
To break up a too-large roof expanse I wanted to add a dormer. Since that's not fully implemented yet, I thought I'd just do an additional roof. But the result is weird; it seems to be rotated a few degrees clockwise as seen from above.
I put the file on dropbox so you can look at it: ( I made the "dormer" using a Fink truss with a 9/12 pitch, 16.6025" energy heel and 24" overhangs and gables. The three points I used are the two vertical dotted lines on the front where they intersect the green wall, and where the horizontal dotted line intersects the brown wall.
Either I'm misusing the program or there's a bug. Would you please take a look?
Version 1.9.6 - 07.29.2017
- Added a hip & ridge option for all hip type roofs.
I will now need to setup hip & ridge for all other roof variants (gable, dutch gable etc...)
I'm quite pleased with the way this has come out. Within the global settings under the "Sheathing" tab you can adjust the width and thickness of the hip/ridge cap.
This option definitely adds a finished look to the roof.
Quote from: Fred H on July 29, 2017, 01:02:33 PM
Hi Nathan,
I'm using your plugin to guide the "look" of a house we're not sure we can afford to build. Until we get it to look like we want we can't ask for any bids.
To break up a too-large roof expanse I wanted to add a dormer. Since that's not fully implemented yet, I thought I'd just do an additional roof. But the result is weird; it seems to be rotated a few degrees clockwise as seen from above.
I put the file on dropbox so you can look at it: ( I made the "dormer" using a Fink truss with a 9/12 pitch, 16.6025" energy heel and 24" overhangs and gables. The three points I used are the two vertical dotted lines on the front where they intersect the green wall, and where the horizontal dotted line intersects the brown wall.
Either I'm misusing the program or there's a bug. Would you please take a look?
The vertical line next to your main entrance is offset from the exterior wall line, this is skewing your secondary roof (dormer) from the perpendicular to the main roof line.
Another hint: Click on the global settings and turn on layers and materials, this will let you peel back the roof and look at things easier.
Added a hip & ridge option for all gable truss roofs (sub. rev. 1.9.6b):
QuoteThe vertical line next to your main entrance is offset from the exterior wall line, this is skewing your secondary roof (dormer) from the perpendicular to the main roof line.
Thanks; I woke up this morning realizing that I must have done that and planned to delete or edit the message. I appreciate your looking at my model and the clarity of the explanation.
QuoteAnother hint: Click on the global settings and turn on layers and materials, this will let you peel back the roof and look at things easier.
I've done this in some versions, but since we're just working on the overall "look" right now we don't need that detail.
This afternoon I began to put together the HTML for the timber truss GUI (what I have so far):
I think I've reduced a metal plated (bolts) timber truss down to twenty (20) parameters.
Hopefully the preview panel will help simplify the entry of these parameters and give the user instant feedback on what each one does. With these sort of trusses the look and feel of the truss is every bit as important as the structural aspect so a preview is very important.
The preview panel will not only show the timbers but also the metal plates and exact position of each bolt.
Once the user submits "go", the timber truss module will draw one (1) timber truss with all of the timbers, metal plates, bolts, nuts and washers.
In the global options the user will be able to specify the bolt standard and the washer standard as well as set the material (color) for the plate and hardware.
As usual the design and programming is a little more involved than I originally anticipated but in the end it should be quite dramatic to be able to create a fully bolted and plated timber truss.
I'm probably going to need a full week to complete this, so given my current schedule and hours it will probably be 2-3 weeks before this is ready to release.
Regarding this post:
"...make the plugin(s) more valuable and worth the additional cost."
I meant to respond to this some time ago but, many other things always seem to intrude. I'm sure you can relate.
We are a modular building manufacturer that have, only recently, expanded into wood framed shop built structures. I have just started to included Sketchup and your plug-in in the design process, and I am still developing the means to use these apps in a complete design process (hopefully).
For our use, the truss plug-in would be mainly used to fill in some data for planning purposes, since we do not actually fabricate trusses. It would help to explain what people should see when the trusses are erected, plan roof lifting operations and provide weight data.
The floor truss/joist module is a different story. In addition to the previous items, it may allow us to actually produce shop drawings that explain how to fabricate the floors, produce cut lists and "pre-solve" assembly problems that inevitably arise on the shop floor. The highly anticipated wall framing app will hopefully allow us to do the same. These abilities would make the wall plug-in more valuable than the roof truss (only) plug-in and thus, easier to justify a higher cost than a mere $30, especially considering the price of similar extensions that run in AutoCad or Revit.
Visually, not a lot of progress:
But what you can't see is the algorithm to efficiently position and display the bolts.
For larger trusses I'm a little worried that the display is too small to show the bolt details, but I'm not sure what else to do about it.
Progress is slow but steady:
Now I just need to add the bolts to the peak and heal plates...
When I choose to add advanced roof options. The list of options are too long and can't choose ok at the end of the list to complete the build.
What is the size or resolution of your monitor?
Quote from: Medeek on August 16, 2017, 07:23:39 AM
What is the size or resolution of your monitor?
I've posted the Html Timber Truss input page at the link below so anyone can start putting it through its paces and offer me some feedback.
I still need to add in the algorithms for the bolts into the top chord and top of the king post, should be able to knock that out this evening.
I will probably need to add in some extra logic that deals with bolt placement at the heel joints especially when the scarf cut on the bottom chord extends below the centerline of the bottom chord.
I've got all of the bolts working now for each plate as well as the extra logic to make sure bolts don't get too close to the scarf line at the heel joint.
Please go ahead and test out the link I've given above.
If there are no major fixes then I am ready to implement this module into the plugin.
This is would be the typical output of the html input for the timber trusses:
I may add in the L1 dimension and the heel height dimension.
No major complaints or concerns with the way I have it currently configured, so far. I've starting creating the ruby code that does the heavy lifting. By the end of the week I should have something ready to go for timber trusses.
My goal is to also add in the Queen Post and Howe configuration for timber trusses, these other two seem to be the most commonly used.
There is a number of ways one could arrange the bolts on these plates or even configure the plates. I am trying to come up with the mostly widely accepted method that will make at least 75% of the user base happy. Hopefully I can achieve that.
At another level I am really happy about this latest edition to the plugin, I now have a better understanding and comfort level with designing bolt connected timber trusses and I can better address local customer requests in this regard.
The html webdialog is now integrated into the plugin and variables are passing correctly between the two:
Developing new modules, especially one with some many variables/inputs is a time consuming process.
I've uploaded a minor update which integrates the timber truss web dialog (won't actually create anything just yet) for those interested in testing it in SketchUp. It will only load up in Imperial/US unit templates for now. My main concern is cross browser issues that I'm not aware of but may pop up for other users who have their PC's configured differently than my own.
Let me know if there are any issues.
Version 1.9.7 - 08.26.2017
- Added king post timber trusses with bolts and metal plates.
There may be a few bugs to work out as I haven't had the time to test every possible configuration but it appears to be mostly working now. The metric version is not quite ready so the GUI defaults to the imperial units regardless of the template.
View model here:
I will add in the Queen Post and Howe configurations if requested by users and make any other corrections or adjustments as needed.
The permutations with this thing is ridiculous. The truss above has larger members with a wider plate width that allows for two rows of bolts.
We got about 50% the way there which in my mind is pretty good. I don't know that Kickstarter was the right venue for trying to stir up the momentum for a SketchUp plugin but I thought it's at least worth a shot. I sincerely appreciate all who have pledged their hard earned money and supported me in this endeavor. Your faith in me is the reason I keep plugging away at these tools.
I am currently pursuing other funding options. To produce a wall plugin that can do what the other "big boy" softwares can do will take a serious investment of my time and effort. I'm am figuring at least two years of solid programming to produce a polished product that has all the bells and whistles.
How I get there, I'm still trying to figure out. Currently I spend my weekends and a small amount of my time during the regular work week (usually going after the low hanging fruit). Surprisingly I am able to make some headway but progress is too slow in my opinion, somehow I will need to speed up.
Again I would like to thank everyone who participated in this campaign and for all of your pledges, it means a lot to me.
Looking at the code structure of the timber truss module and the html web dialog it doesn't appear to be too difficult to add in the Queen Post and Howe type truss. This addition will make this feature considerably more versatile and useful in my opinion since it should cover 90% of most timber trusses of this type used in residential and commercial construction.
I will make it a point to add in both additional truss types before moving on to something else.
Recently I have not had a lot of feature requests so please fire away.
The next big item on the list is the implementation of the straight skeleton algorithm and the ability to create any rafter roof shape, this is a big one. If I succeed, which I will, this should be tremendously valuable to many of the plugin users.
How to do this sort of thing for truss roofs becomes a bit more difficult since truss roofs are a bit more ambiguous and can be pieced together in a variety of ways. I think it is possible but I will need to give this one more thought.
The next big item which needs to be tackled is the ability to generate floor joists and trusses for any floor outline. I've already given this some serious thought and the path forward is clear to me but it will just take some focused coding time and debugging. Along the same lines, the ability to cut holes in the floor assembly (stairwells, access doors etc...) is also a hot item, I will address this at the same time.
Work on the Wall Plugin has begun in earnest but my free time right now is limited so meaningful progress is slow, especially as I am still devoting the bulk of my time towards the truss plugin.
I have exactly zero feedback on the timber truss module so I am curious if anyone has used it yet and if they are encountering any difficulties or other issues that they would like to see addressed.
- Is this feature useful?
- What would make it more useful?
- Would other timber truss types (timber rivets, etc...) be more useful?
Just because I find it fascinating and would like to add it to the plugin doesn't mean it has any real world utility, I've learned that through experience.
Plates are mostly there now just need to work on the bolts for the Howe Timber Truss:
Bolts and plates are now complete for the Queen and Howe Timber Truss types: (
Please feel free to test out the web dialog at the link above.
Now all that remains is to bring the javascript code into the ruby.
Hi Nathaniel,
Haven't been here for a while so I read through the later postings. I'd followed you on Kickstarter and was disappointed when you didn't reach the goal. I'd like to offer a couple of thoughts:
1) Your neck: My old eyes required me to move my head to see all of the screen, giving me stiff necks. I recently started using an ErgoMart Limbo desktop stand for my monitor. It has the bottom of the monitor resting on my desktop, allowing me to have all of the screen in focus without moving my head.
2) How I use the truss plugin: I was new to SU and couldn't understand how to create roofs, particularly since the pitch will be critical for us. So I just used your plugin to create the roofs, mostly ignoring the trusses. I suspect that many new SU users have the same problem. How about a separate plugin for beginners? It could create the roof surfaces, leaving the necessary information for the full program to create the trusses (or just hidden until the full program is purchased). The quick roof surfaces program could be your mass market product.
Best wishes,
Version 1.9.8 - 09.04.2017
- Added queen post and howe timber trusses with bolts and metal plates.
View model here:
Timber trusses haven't seemed to garner much interest or feedback but I do feel like it is a worthwhile contribution to the plugin.
There is more to be done with the engineering side but I will move on to something else unless customer feedback brings me back to it.
The big prize right now is the straight skeleton implementation. I have been mulling this one over for at least a year now.
The truss yard now has 23 different truss types/profiles:
Quote from: Fred H on September 04, 2017, 01:57:41 PM
Hi Nathaniel,
Haven't been here for a while so I read through the later postings. I'd followed you on Kickstarter and was disappointed when you didn't reach the goal. I'd like to offer a couple of thoughts:
1) Your neck: My old eyes required me to move my head to see all of the screen, giving me stiff necks. I recently started using an ErgoMart Limbo desktop stand for my monitor. It has the bottom of the monitor resting on my desktop, allowing me to have all of the screen in focus without moving my head.
2) How I use the truss plugin: I was new to SU and couldn't understand how to create roofs, particularly since the pitch will be critical for us. So I just used your plugin to create the roofs, mostly ignoring the trusses. I suspect that many new SU users have the same problem. How about a separate plugin for beginners? It could create the roof surfaces, leaving the necessary information for the full program to create the trusses (or just hidden until the full program is purchased). The quick roof surfaces program could be your mass market product.
Best wishes,
I have given this some thought but I'm still not sure how I implement it. Thank you for bringing up this concept. I will explore it further.
Version 1.9.8c
- Enabled option for F436 vs. F844 flat washers for timber trusses (in the materials tab within the global settings).
Tutorial #6: Timber Trusses
View model used in tutorial here:
Version 1.9.9 - 09.12.2017
- Added a hip & ridge option for gable rafter roofs.
- Fixed some miscellaneous bugs with rafter roof modules.
There were some really annoying issues with the rafter roof module that needed to be addressed. I still have more work in this regard since I need to go through all of the other rafter roof modules (glulam beam, dual glulam beam etc...) and clean a few things up but I made a fairly good dint in it this evening.
At some point I would like to also add roof returns to the gable rafter roofs, this should not be too big of an issue. Another thing to add to the todo list is partial roofs where a rafter roof butts up against a larger wall and/or roof.
The list never ends, but then I never quit, I'll probably still be working on this thing 20 years from now when I'm 65.
I've been thinking about multi-level roofs and how to deal with them.
Currently I don't see a good way to automate truss roofs, I think there will be some manual intervention required.
For rafter roofs though I think I can fully automate the process.
View model here:
As I previously mentioned I am slowing working on making all previous version of the plugin available here: (
Each new version adds improvements and fixes. Probably at some point once this plugin has fully matured then I might see a good reason to install a previous version, but hopefully I never get to that point where the plugin becomes bloatware.
I suppose the only reason to install a previous version is if you have an expired license and do not wish to upgrade, I can respect that, especially if you only use the plugin on a infrequent basis.
Starting to work on the straight skeleton algorithm today, complex roofs have got my attention.
The model below has a saddle point and this lends itself to some rather complex framing:
Even with the roof primitives and trim tool, which helped out tremendously, it still took me almost an hour to fully generate the roof framing.
The goal is to turn hours into seconds.
View model here:
If you really want a headache try and truss out this same roof outline:
After about 45 minutes I've given up, not because it can't be done but because the amount of custom truss profiles and manual editing required far exceeds my patience and determination.
Needing a break from the rigors of the straight skeleton code I realized that I have still not implemented the octagon hip roof yet. On a related note the circular roof could also use my attention:
View model here:
The number of rafters can be given by this equation N = 8 + 8n where n = 0,1,2,4 etc...
In this model n = 3
A turret roof:
View model here:
Working on adding in the inset floor joists per the details given by dpaul:
Parameters are the following:
1.) Stemwall Thickness (inset amount)
2.) Ledger Option: Yes or No
3.) Ledger Height
4.) Ledger Width
5.) Hanger Option: Yes or No
I'm still waffling on what to do if the hanger option is "yes". I was considering having the option of selecting one of the many Simpson-Strongtie hangers from a long list of hangers. However, no models exist for the bulk of these hangers and I don't have the time or data to try and model a bunch of them. Item 5 may not be feasible.
I also have a question on the ledger board option:
As you can see in the image the 2x12 PT dimensional lumber ledger is smaller in height (11.25") than the 11-7/8" TJI. In this case would the ledger be run flush to the bottom of the TJI or is this not a concern? I was thinking that one would probably call out an LVL or LSL ledger with felt backing between the ledger and the concrete so that the ledger matches the height of the I-joist. Additional information when the floor joists are I-joists or EWP would be helpful here.
View model here:
Version 2.0.0 - 09.30.2017
- Added a hip & ridge option for dutch gable rafter roofs.
View model here: (
Not exactly how I should terminate the hip cap where it meets the gable section of the roof. What I have now seems reasonable enough for presentation and estimating purposes.
Quite a bit of convoluted code to get those sections of hip cap just right, where there is a will there is a way.
Someone suggested that I try out Patreon:
Version 2.0.0b - 10.01.2017
- Enabled roof cladding for shed and shed w/ ledger rafter roofs.
View model here:
Version 2.0.1 - 10.04.2017
- Added (FULL) roof return option within the advanced options menu for common, scissor and vaulted trusses.
Version 2.0.1b - 10.06.2017
- Added ceiling joist option for Hip Rafter Roofs.
Inset floor joists for sawn lumber and I-joists is now running, (with and without ledger). I will need to test it further and then roll a new revision:
Version 2.0.2 - 10.07.2017
- Added the option to inset floor joists with ledger.
- Added the option to inset floor joists without ledger.
I just realized that today is the two year anniversary of the Truss Plugin, crazy to think that I've already been working on this thing for two years. Progress has been incremental but fairly steady. There are still some big obstacles and goals ahead.
The new inset option also works well if you are using joist pockets in the foundation:
This model was created with the Truss Plugin and the Foundation Plugin. Foundation wall is 8" thick with the pockets set at 2.25" deep and the bearing length of the joists set at 2". The floor sheathing layer is turned off for clarity.
View model here:
Version 2.0.2b - 10.07.2017
- I-Joists are branded with respective manufacturer's logo.
This morning I've spent some time reviewing my roadmap and my "todo" list. I'm still working on the straight skeleton implementation, and that is the big one right now. The small upgrades and fixes I've released over the last few days have been some low hanging fruit that I've gravitated towards to break up my heavier coding sessions. Its rewarding to achieve a few small victories and push them out when your bogged down and progress seems retarded.
The plugin as a whole has quite of bit of functionality but it also is very limited in many respects. This really jumps out at me when I try to model up some recent homes that I did structural work on a few months ago. The biggest issues seem to be:
- Inability to cut holes in floors or create polygon floor outlines.
- The same issue with roofs in that the plugin is only really good at rectangular roof outlines. The straight skeleton implementation will address this, at least for rafter roofs initially, truss roofs will be a much bigger problem.
- There is no function for editing a roof or floor assembly, it's fire and forget. This feature would be particularly useful when you botched one parameter and just need to go back and edit something minor rather than recreating the entire assembly (not that this is too difficult).
- I'm missing a good staircase creator/editor.
- Not all of the truss types are up to speed with all the recent advanced options, so much to do.
- The manual is almost non-existent.
The list of limitations goes on. The plugin has potential but its certainly a work in progress and far from the polished gemstone it needs to be.
With all that being said I feel like moving my price to $40.00 was and is probably a bit of an over reach. Personally I would not pay that amount for the functionality offered, its too much. I've dropped my price back down to $30.00 and the renewal price is now $20.00, hopefully this is more commensurate with the amount of functionality and utility offered.
At some point in the near future when I have fully addressed most if not all of the above issues then I will look at raising the price to its former level.
For those users who purchased the plugin at the $40.00 price I have no problem in extending your license a pro-rated amount. Please feel free to email me with your request for the license extension.
With the inset joists I thought it would be really cool to have the plugin be able to auto-select the correct joist hanger and insert it at both ends of the I-joist or sawn lumber. I quickly modeled up a simplified version of an IUS1.81/11.88 Simpson Face-Mount I-Joist hanger and with the addition of one simple function I was able to do this:
View model here:
I haven't yet released this most recent addition because I only have two sizes of hangers created so far. There are five typical flange widths and the following typical I-joists depths: 9.5, 11.875, 14, and 16. So if you do the math I need to model 20 different face mount I-Joist hangers and 20 top flange I-joist hangers (IUS and ITS series). For sawn lumber a similar situation exists for 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 and 2x12 joists.
I was considering using the official Simpson models from the 3D Warehouse but they are too complex, a minimalistic hanger gets the point across just as well.
When I get home from work I usually only have a couple hours to hammer away at things so some more low hanging fruit gets picked.
The IUS hanger family:
After giving it much thought I've decided that selling my plugins would be a bad idea. They've literally become a part of me, who I am and what I do. To part with them would leave a hole, so in the end this becomes an emotional decision for me rather than one that is solely based on monetary gain.
The Medeek plugins will continue as they are for the foreseeable future.
I've also noticed sales of the plugin has completely dried up over the last two weeks, I don't know if this because I was considering the sale of my plugin or if is indicating a saturation point. It does make me wonder if lowering the plugin price even further would drive a larger volume of users.
Lets say for example I lowered the price to $10.00, would I then expect a double or triple increase in sales? When I look at the number people who have actually installed the plugin it is well over 10,000 now, and I only started keeping track about a year ago, so the number could easily be double that. If the price was lower ($10.00) could I get at least 10% of the installed base to upgrade to a registered version, if so this type of marketing makes sense.
But then again perhaps I have hit an actual saturation point, where "real" users have all been potentially exposed to the plugin and everyone else is just testing it out but never will purchase it for serious use.
Ultimately, I am just trying to find a way to monetize my efforts more and somehow enable myself to spend even more time developing this plugin and all of others I've started cooking up.
Top flange hangers without a ledger:
This is a Simpson ITS1.81/9.5, this is the equivalent to the the IUS series but in top flange configuration.
Price dropped to $15.00 for a new license and $10.00 for a renewal.
The ITS hanger family:
The following hangers are included:
Version 2.0.3 - 10.13.2017
- Added the option to provide a face mount hanger for inset floor joists with ledgers.
- Added the option to provide a top flange hanger for inset floor joists without ledgers.
- Added an option in the global settings to enable or disable manufacturer's logos.
Version 2.0.3b - 10.14.2017
- Face mount hangers added for solid sawn floor joists.
LUS210 (this hanger used by both 2x10 and 2x12 joists)
Version 2.0.3c - 10.14.2017
- Added Red Built Red-Iā¢ I-joists: 45, 65, 90, 90H, 90HS.
Version 2.0.3d - 2017.10.15
- Added PinkWood SAFEjoistsā¢ I-joists: PKI 10, PKI 20, PKI 23, PKI 35Plus, PKI 40, PKI 50.
This I-joist manufacturer has a pink protective coating on the ends. The purpose of the end coating is to protect the joist against moisture penetration.
In addition, PinkWood offers Class A and Class B Fire Rated joists often referred to as "SAFEJoists". These joists are protected with an intumescent Fire Rated Coating, and have tan colored coating on the web.
Manufactured in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Now that I've got things configured correctly it is quite easy for me to add in new manufacturers and their entire series of I-joists. If you are interested in seeing a particular brand added to the plugin please feel free to contact me.
A request today for the barrel vault truss. I had been working on the algorithm for this truss type about 18 months ago but the lack of interest caused me to stop. Below is a matrix of potential configurations:
If anyone has some shop drawings for this truss type that they are willing to share I would be grateful.
I will try and knock this one out next week. I will probably utilize an html/svg UI since the look and feel of this truss type will be important to the designer (barrel height and barrel width).
I've got some direction on how to deal with engineering for beams and joists, not high on the priority list right now but I've been giving it some thought:
At first gathering the geometric information from the model seemed the most challenging aspect of this problem but after giving it more thought, dealing with multi-span beams with various distributed and point loads is also not a trivial problem. My current beam calculator is very limited in this respect and can only handle very simple loading on a single span.
And yet even with the simplicity of the span and loading the logic and calculations required is fairly substantial. The output of the beam calculator will attest to this.
To properly analyze a multi-span beam with complex loading requires some magic from my engineering texts (ie. matrix analysis). Since beams and joists are one dimensional as compared with trusses (two dimensional) the math is not nearly as cumbersome but it should prove to be a bit of a challenge.
Version 2.0.4 - 10.21.2017
- Added Parallel Chord (vaulted) truss type, configurations: (2/2, 4/4, 6/6).
I will still need to enable structural outlookers and plates for this truss type, but everything else should be there:
- Roof Cladding
- Roof Sheathing
- Gable Wall Cladding
- Gable Wall Sheathing
- Ceiling Gypsum
- Ridge Cap
View model here:
The updated truss menu:
Version 2.0.4b - Added the 8/8 configuration:
I don't know if is something I will add in right away but it has been added to my list. I think that making the gutter a solid makes it easier to work with manually and that the top being covered or solid does not really affect the appearance detrimentally.
View model here:
I've been contacted by a truss designer who uses Mitek software. He wanted to know if there was a way to bring my truss models directly into the Mitek Engineering software. Apparently there is a .mxf file format that is already utilized by a Revit plugin to do this exact thing. If I can get the specifications of the .mxf file format I can probably setup an export feature which will allow the full truss assembly to be exported directly into Mitek. This would be convenient for the truss technician, eliminating some of his workload and manual entry.
I've contacted Mitek's support staff inquiring about the the .mxf file format and if they would entertain the idea of my plugin be able to transmit truss designs directly to their software.
About a year ago I added some code into the plugin to phone home when a new installation occurs. This tells me the IP address (geographic location) of the installation as well some other data such as the plugin version number and whether or not it is the trial or full version.
Recently I have noticed a number of installations of the full version of the plugin that show a bogus version number (2.8.8 ) and they are all coming from China. The leads me to believe that the plugin has been hacked and possibly those hacked copies are being distributed but so far not widely.
I guess the upside is that if the hackers are trying to crack the program it must be worth their time and hence I've put together a fairly substantial product.
On the next release I will include some additional error checking which will hopefully thwart these would be hackers.
SketchUp Essentials has put together a nice overview of the plugin.
The half round gutter type (U6):
Version 2.0.4c - 10.30.2017
This sub-release has the gutter menu added to the global settings as well as a new roof layer added for gutters in the layer menu.
You can't actually create any gutters yet but you can test out the new GUI in the global settings and offer any feedback.
I am still working out the algorithm for the downspouts. My intent is to use the standard rectangular profile downspout material for the K-Style gutter and a round profile downspout for the U-Style (half round) gutter.
The gutter extension is how much the gutter extends past the rake board on a gable roof, this does not apply to a hip roof or dutch hip roof.
The vertical offset is the distance the gutter drops down from the top edge of the fascia board, the default is zero.
With a metric template the dimensions are given in mm or metres with the grid shown in cm. In US units dimensions are in inches or feet with the grid shown in inches.
Preview of the E-Style or "Box Gutter":
Note that I've also added the downspout options and parameters. The units don't show in this screen shot but they will within the plugin.
This type of gutter is probably more common in commercial applications.
Version 2.0.5 - 11.05.2017
- Added gutters and downspouts for rafter and truss hip roofs.
- Gutter menu added to the global settings.
- Custom roof layer added for gutters in the layer menu within the global settings.
I still need to add gutters and downspouts to the gable roofs (truss and rafter).
Four gutter types with two different downspout types.
This is a new feature so please send me your feedback and I will try to address all of the issues.
K-Style gutter with "2x3" downspouts.
I may need to add a few more user configurable variables:
- offset from bldg. corner (currently I have it offset 0" from the framing)
- offset from framed wall (currently I have it offset 1" from the framing)
- downspout radius (currently set at 3" @ CL)
- downspout drop (currently set at 3" before the first bend)
Right now these values are all hard coded into the plugin.
Version 2.0.5b - 11.06.2017
- Fixed a minor bug with the downspout module, downspout solid is now a uniform extrusion with no unnecessary seams or edges.
Version 2.0.5c - 11.07.2017
- Fixed a minor bug with the gutter layer for installation upgrades of the plugin.
If you have version 2.0.5b please upgrade to this version or be sure to open up the global settings and click on the layers tab, this will create the default gutter layer setting.
Half wrap of a hip roof return:
All of the gutters and downspouts are constructed as solids so that it is easy to manipulate them with Pro's boolean tools or other third party solid tools.
Version 2.0.6 - 11.10.2017
- Added gutters and downspouts for rafter and truss gable roofs.
- Added gutters and downspouts for dutch gable rafter roofs.
I still need to add gutters to monoslope truss roofs, shed roofs and some other specialized truss roofs. Adding the gutters to the common truss roof became slightly more complicated when I realized I also had to deal with roof returns and their various configurations.
This gable roof has a hip return with fully wrapped gutter, you can also choose to half wrap or no wrap (linear gutter only at eaves, does not wrap around corner).
The dutch gable is really no different than the regular hip roof, when it comes to the gutter and its configuration, but internally it is a completely different set of advanced options.
Version 2.0.6b - 2017.11.11
I've added a text file in the materials sub-folder that allows one to modify the available materials (colors) for the gutters within the global settings menu.
The default values are:
If all of these custom materials are deleted then only "white" will be available "FFFFFF" in the global settings.
The first six letters is the RGB value for the color, the description after the colon is the color name.
The Medeek Seal of Authenticity:
This will be shown in the new license tab of the plugin global settings when the copy is fully registered.
Version 2.0.7 - 11.16.2017
- Added license tab to the global settings.
- Minor updates to the licensing system.
I've spent a couple days on adding language support but was unable to roll it out with this latest release. I will keep working on this in the next few days and hopefully have something to show for my efforts with the next major release.
As far as languages go I am planning on producing language files for each of the SU supported languages.
Any help with translating some of these very construction specific terms and phrases would be greatly appreciated. Google translate seems to work quite well but I don't completely trust some of its translations.
Starting to make some head way on the translation / language support:
I've decided to devise my own language handler since I could not get the built in one to work.
The upside is that this allows me so support any language I choose, not just the languages supported by SketchUp. I will be adding in an option in the general settings where the user can select their language of choice.
I will also be storing the language data in a new sub-folder "lang". My intent is to be able to make it possible for the user to add their own language file and translations if they need to.
My first menu in Japanese:
Fortunately, I know a little Japanese so I think I've got these more or less correct. I will probably need to have a native Japanese speaker who is familiar with the construction industry check these over for me.
I've added in a language option into the General tab of the Global Settings:
I currently have nine languages that I will support however if there are any others that you would like to see added please feel free to suggest one.
I think this method is preferable over using the locale of the installed plugin since someone that is running a french version of SketchUp may want to run the plugin in English or some other combination. This allows the user to customize their user experience exactly.
Version 2.0.8 - 11.18.2017
- Added language support for the following languages: French, Spanish, German, Russian, Swedish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese.
- Added a language option in to the "General Tab" of the Global Settings.
- Fixed a bug in the gutter module for metric templates.
There is still a huge amount of work to get all of the menus translated into the eight languages given above.
I apologize Version 2.0.8 had a fatal flaw in it that thankfully someone pointed out to me this morning. Please re-download sub-rev. 2.0.8b which addresses this issue immdediately.
The problem is that I am encrypting the .rb files into .rbs when I sign the plugin. I don't want to encrypt the language files in the "lang" folder however the signing page did not know to discriminate so it encrypted those files as well and hence broke my links to them from the plugin load module.
Once I sign the extension and encrypted it I had to re-open the .rbz and put back in the unencrypted language files, problem solved.
Web based (HTML) user inputs will also require translation. These are a little more challenging than the regular (non-graphical) UI but nothing a little javascript could not overcome.
Here is the gutter tab of the global settings translated into Japanese:
The translation (creation of language files) for each menu and alert will take some time and effort.
Back to complex roofs. I've been giving some thought to complex truss roofs and how to handle L-shaped roofs and their derivatives. Basically there is three ways to frame them out, which one is the most standard or preferred?
Valley sets can get a little interesting when you start dealing with intersecting hip roofs. If the width of the projection were to increase the valley set would become a combination of standard valley trusses and flat top or hip valley trusses.
View model here:
With the projection width extended:
Version 2.0.9 - 11.25.2017
- Structural outlookers (vert. & horz.) enabled under advanced roof options for Parallel Chord truss type.
- Metal plate connectors now enabled for all parallel chord trusses.
This truss type should now be up-to-date with all of the advanced options available:
roof returns, gutters, ceiling drywall, ridge cap etc...
Version 2.1.0 - 11.28.2017
- Added Northeast hip set trusses.
- Enabled advanced options for northeast hip sets.
- Added energy/raised heels for northeast hip set (3 variants: wedge, slider and vertical w/ strut).
- Added the option for open vs. closed end jacks.
- Added the option for a drop in purlin frame.
- Enabled a graphical user interface for Truss Set selection.
I only plan on adding the midwest and california variants if requested.
The reason I am taking so long with complex rafter and truss roofs is the possible permutations is making things very challenging.
For example take the truss roof below:
I'm assuming there are no interior bearing walls and we want to clearspan the entire building outline. I can get the basic roof and truss layout by creating to hip truss sets as primitives but that is where it then becomes very interesting.
As you can see there are two mid-building girder trusses that then catch the mono pitch sub-girders which are each supporting two common trusses. Next to the sub-girders is a small valley set (half valley) that fills in the roof behind the sub-girders.
The largest span is 36', which is reasonable. This appears to be the simplest way to truss this roof out but is probably not the only solution. A good truss technician could tell me how close I am to the optimal solution.
Granted the complex rafter roof is not IMHO as hard a problem but it also has similar difficulties and issues.
View model at this link:
As the number of advanced options have increased (common trusses) the user input menu has slowly grown in size until it is so large that it often does not fit the screen of many laptops and smaller screens.
This problem has been well documented by a number of users for quite some time.
This weekend I spent some time putting together a new HTML menu for advanced options for roof trusses:
I still need to work out the metric version and also all of the language translations but otherwise I think it is almost ready to roll out.
As you mouse over each of the options a 320x240 image will display as shown, hopefully clarifying the meaning or usage of each parameter/option.
I am working on adding the heel blocking since it is an option listed in the advanced options.
So far there has not been much call for this feature but a few people have inquired so I figured we might as well add it in for completeness. The red coloration is for clarity in the image above.
I will probably add the option to allow for venting holes since this is fairly typical in my neck of the woods.
Featured on the SketchUp Extension Inspection:
The license registration module was causing some problems in isolated cases so I've released a sub-rev. 2.1.1b to address that issue.
If you are trying to enter in your serial number and it does not appear to take, first verify that you are not entering in any leading or trailing white spaces if that does not solve the problem you may be encountering the issue at top, in that case download the latest version which should address the issue fully.
Version 2.1.2 - 12.18.2017
- Enabled vertical and angled heel blocking within the advanced options for truss roofs.
If you choose to enable vent holes the heelblock menu will prompt for the hole diameter. The vent hole algorithm will place vent holes in the heel blocking per the truss spacing:
< 12 in. = 1 vent hole
< 16 in. = 2 vent holes
16 in. or greater = 3 vent holes
Let me know if this makes sense, I can always modify it to meet any criteria. If this sort of thing varies a lot per locale I can also make it more user definable.
This type of heel blocking is very typical in my locale (Western Washington State):
View model here:
I've been thinking about adding in the option to show H1 ties for rafters and trusses:
I've seen them mounted both on the exterior and the interior with the flanges facing both inward and outward, four possible configurations. Any preference on how these are typically installed. I'm sure there is probably not much call for these but it isn't a big deal to add in the option for those that would like to use it.
I am currently featuring Simpson Strong-Tie hardware in the Truss Plugin, not because I am specifically endorsing their products or the brand but because that is what I am most familiar with and their products are readily available in the US and Canada. Mitek also makes comparable hardware and probably has better availability outside of the US and Canada.
Testing out the H1, H2.5A and H10A hurricane clips:
The plugin is now able to insert hurricane ties. I've currently set it up so that they are installed on the exterior of the framed wall with the flanges inward. Shown below is a Simpson H1 with angled vent blocks.
Here is an example using the Simpson H10A with vertical heel blocks and a raised heel truss connected to a masonry or concrete wall.
Ignore the vent holes in the blocking, I will provide additional options for venting in the near future.
Note that plugin automatically inserts these ties into the truss component, one on each end. The simplified H10A component is based on the official Simpson model found at the 3DWarehouse and is dimensionally accurate but with a much lower polygon count and hence much more lightweight.
Here is an example using the Simpson H2.5A hurricane tie. The upper tab is facing outward by default. The tie on the other end of the truss is positioned on the opposite of the truss to this one.
I will roll it out for trusses first and then rafter roofs at a later date.
I've specifically created simplified, lightweight versions of the hardware, so that the polygon count is minimal. With so many components I think it is imperative that the model is carefully constructed so as to minimize its polygon count and keep it as lightweight as possible.
Version 2.1.3 - 12.31.2017
- Enabled hurricane ties for fink and howe common trusses.
List of material suppliers and vendors featured in the Medeek Truss Plugin.
The last few days I've been spending some time tightening up the code for the attic truss module. I will be adding in the heel wedge and slider option for raised/energy heels for this truss type as well as bringing it up to speed with other options.
If I get ambitious I will also add in gable end trusses and plates.
Version 2.1.4 - 01.20.2018
- Completed energy/raised heels for attic trusses (2 variants: wedge and slider).
- Added floor sheathing and attic gypsum for attic trusses.
- Created a separate HTML menu for advanced options of attic trusses.
- Enabled gable end trusses for attic trusses.
- Hurricane ties enabled for attic trusses.
The gable end trusses for attic truss sets currently do not have any vertical studs as of yet, however the actual truss component is unique and different from the common attic trusses.
I also need to add in some logic for the gable end wall framing which is still absent. I am curious if anyone has experience or examples of this framed out, do you use a single or double top plate? I don't see a reason to use a double top plate in this situation.
Naturally the gable end wall may involve some windows or doors so there will be some overlap with the wall plugin, I am still thinking about how best to integrate the two plugins.
Had to take a break from programming for a few days because of family reasons (ie. medical emergencies), sometimes life happens.
The break though has let me take a step back and reconsider some of the items on my various "todo" lists.
I'm beginning to realize that the plugin has quite a following in locations other than the US so it is imperative that the metric menus are fully up to speed with all of my imperial menus and options. I will be going back through my code and checking all of the metric menus to make sure that they are up-to-date and fully functional.
Bill Allen sent me this model today, and gave me permission to post about it. The structure has the following assemblies:
(3) attic trusses
(2) common trusses
(1) mono pitch truss
(1) scissor truss
(1) tail bearing truss
(3) valley sets
(1) gable roof rafter set
I was really quite impressed by the complexity of the model and the various roof lines. This model is just one of a number of iterations.
View model here: (
A slightly better render of the roof Bill Allen sent me:
I've had an ongoing issue with Mac users who are running SU2018. I still have not determined the underlying cause but when the user enters in their serial number it will not save.
With SU 2018 the .plist file is no longer relevant and I think this may be why the plugin is having problems saving the serial number.
The current workaround is:
For Mac latest OS, you hold down the option key and then click GO menu. The Go Menu displays.
In the Go Menu there is a menu item named "Library"
Click on Library and the hidden library folder opens.
Then you can access application support, SketchUP2018/Skeetchup/Plugins/PrivatePreferences.json.
OpenPrivatePreferences.json in BBEdit, add the license number and replace the word "TRIAL", then save your changes and open SketchUP 2018 and check the plugins license status in the global settings.
I am currently working on a more permanent resolution for this problem.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused some of our Mac users and I hope to role out a resolution with the next version release.
Version 2.1.4b - 01.28.2018
- Added a graphical user interface for (metric) advanced options of truss roofs.
Version 2.1.4b is only a slight modification, see new html (metric) menu below:
The advanced options have multiplied to the point that the simple UI doesn't fit on many smaller screens, hence I have been moving many of the larger menus to the html variety to remedy this.
Additionally, the html menus give me the ability to customize the UI as much as I like and provide help text and graphics.
Worked on the license tab issue last night, I think I've got it fixed now, problem should be resolved for both Windows and Mac users
Please download the latest sub-release 2.1.4c and re-install the plugin.
I will slowly be switching to the new HtmlDialog which will mean that the plugin will no longer work on older versions of SketchUp (SU2016 and older). The reason for the switch to the new HtmlDialog from the deprecated WebDialog is the issues with modal windows (non-blocking) for the MacOS.
I've been making some progress on the advanced options for the gambrel attic truss. Since this type of roof has three different pitches it requires an entire rewrite of the advanced roof options module.
I've got the floor sheathing, fascia, rakeboard, roof sheathing and wall sheathing and cladding completed and working, see below:
The items still remaining are:
- gutters
- roof cladding and ridgecap
- heelblocking
- outlookers
- gypsum
I am still debating on how best to handle the gable wall framing, same scenario for regular attic trusses, I may just wrap that into the upcoming wall plugin, I'm not sure yet.
Even though this truss type is quite specialized it seems to also be quite popular hence my efforts to bring it up to speed with the common and attic truss.
I am slowly trying to bring each truss type up to the level that the common truss type is and have all applicable advanced options available.
I have decided to eliminate roof returns for the gambrel attic truss type for now, at some later date I may entertain adding that feature in for this truss type.
Knocked out the update to the cladding and ridge cap last night. I've released 2.1.4d so that everyone can test out the advanced options.
The following advanced options (gambrel attic) must be turned off currently:
- gutters
- gypsum
- heel blocking
All of the remaining advanced options (gutters, gypsum, heelblocks, outlookers) are now in place for the Gambrel Attic Truss, at least as many as I am going to attempt right now. I still need to figure out structural outlookers for this truss type so that permutation of the outlooker option will be disabled for now.
Also note that for this truss type the heelblocking is only allowed to be vertically oriented, however I am willing to entertain angled heel blocks if someone can provide some form of documentation showing how they would be installed in a non-vertical orientation.
I have a bit more tidying up to do with the new Html menu for this truss type and then I should be able to roll it out tomorrow or this weekend.
View model here:
Version 2.1.5 - 02.16.2018
- Added floor sheathing and attic gypsum for gambrel attic trusses.
- Added roof cladding, sheathing and ridge cap for gambrel attic trusses.
- Created a separate HTML menu for advanced options of gambrel attic trusses.
- Enabled gable end trusses for gambrel attic trusses.
- Enabled hurricane ties for gambrel attic trusses.
The crow's beak for the gambrel attic roof has been on my todo list for about a year and a half now. Grateful that I was able to somehow find the time to put this one together tonight.
The projection of the crows beak and the length along the rake can both be set by the user.
I will roll this out tomorrow as 2.1.5b once I've finished testing it.
View model here:
I've added in thumbnails to the sheathing tab of the global settings so the user can preview the wall and roof cladding materials:
This barn is very similar to the one we had at our first farm in Terrace B.C. Canada:
Foundation was created with the foundation plugin.
View model here:
The thing I find very interesting with the gambrel roof is the two pitches, whereas with your typical gable roof you only have one pitch and each side of the roof is simply the hypotenuse of half the span and the height of the peak.
With a gambrel roof you have the two legs of the roof and the two pitches and an infinite number of possible combinations and hence a large variety in the shape of the gambrel roof.
Ultimately this led me to create the HTML/SVG preview panel so that the user can play with the various parameters until the desired gambrel shape is achieved. I believe this is where the real power in this plugin in manifest, in situations where an architectural element can be realized by incrementally adjusting parameters within the user interface.
A common truss is much more simpler than the gambrel but a similar preview screen would be helpful in my opinion.
As I was creating the various test models for the gambrel attic truss yesterday I realized that the color I had initially set for the gypsum material was slightly off white, which for my particular case was just fine. However, after giving it second thought I realized that the gypsum color (material) should also be configurable so I added in one additional setting into the sheathing tab.
Then my 13 year old son (Jared) suggested that I implement some sort of color picker since most people don't equate a hexadecimal RGB value with any particular color (ie. #FF2C9F). I found a simple javascript based color picker and modified it to fit my needs, hopefully this is somewhat helpful.
Under the materials tab I will probably implement similar options where one can modify the color of the lumber and the pressure treated lumber. For now I will probably keep the plywood and the OSB material/texture as default. If someone really wants to modify those it is simply a matter of replacing the .jpg image with their own custom image within the plugin folder.
Since javascript tends to be a bit browser dependent I am curious how well this works on MacOS with the background browser running as Safari, please let me know if there are any issues.
The color boxes at the bottom of the color picker provide some shades of grey as well as the default Medeek colors for: lumber, pressure treated lumber, gypsum.
This minor update is rolled into sub-revision 2.1.5c.
I took a step back today and pulled my head out of the sand, so to speak.
The truss plugin does some pretty cool stuff and its fairly detailed where I've fleshed out certain truss and roof types. However, it is missing one major feature or has a major flaw depending on how you want to word it.
Currently the plugin is "fire and forget", with no ability to edit an existing roof or floor assembly. This needs to change.
I have a mental picture of how I want to handle this but there may be some flaws with my thinking.
I briefly discussed this with a few others at this thread:
My idea is to right click on a roof or floor assembly, then click "Edit Assembly" at which point the plugin will bring up a very concise list of parameters for the assembly. Changing any one of the various parameters or settings will essentially redraw the entire (roof, truss, floor, dormer) assembly. The list will remain open after each edit and only be closed if the user decides to close it.
My original idea was to have the edit process walk the user back through each UI menu but this is too time consuming and probably unnecessary.
Any manual edits made to the assembly will of course be lost but this is the price of having a fully editable assembly.
I think I can implement this fairly easily, the various modules are all utilized the same as when I originally created the assembly, the only difference being the user interface.
Making some good progress on the "edit" function. I will initially start with the common trusses and then once I am satisfied that those trusses are running stable I will begin to make this feature available for all other truss, rafter and floor assemblies.
I'm a little bogged down with the advanced options (there are too many) but it is just a matter of putting in the time and slogging through all of the data entry and HTML and javascript. Probably by the end of the week I should have something ready to go and I will roll a release so everyone can begin testing it.
Looks like I have the soffit cut function working for the hip rafter roof:
I will roll this out on the next release.
Version 2.1.6 - 03.02.2018
- Added Soffit Cut within Advanced Options for Hip Rafter Roofs.
Version 2.1.6b - 03.03.2018
- Added Soffit Cut within Advanced Options for all Shed type Rafter Roofs.
- Added gutters for all Shed type Rafter Roofs.
The edit feature is slowly coming to fruition. I've added so many advanced options to the common truss type that it is quite an ordeal to even put together the HTML form that fully encompasses all of this information and does it in an organized and neat manner. There is a possibility of 72 unique (user entered) parameters for a common truss assembly. Some of these are dependent on others, its an interesting web of dependencies (spaghetti) that must be taken into account for the edit feature to work properly. I've probably got another week just in debugging before I am ready to release the first version of this feature.
Version 2.1.7 - 03.06.2018
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all common roof trusses (imperial units only).
To edit a roof truss assembly just right click on the assembly and select the "Edit Truss Assembly" option.
Note, that this function is only available for common trusses with imperial units (template). Metric will be next.
It seems to be working fairly robustly but I'm sure there will be some minor bugs that pop up considering the complexity of the code and the sheer numbers of variables that I am working with.
Please report any errors by using the ruby console to record the error and email it to me.
Once this feature has been out for a while and I know it is running fairly stable I will then work on updating all rafter and truss assemblies so that the user can edit them. I can already see that this will be a very useful upgrade to the plugin.
Below is a screenshot of the edit panel:
Version 2.1.7b - 03.10.2018
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all common roof trusses (metric units).
Also addressed some minor bugs with the roof returns option. There may be other minor issues that still may pop up with the edit feature as they always do when I introduce something new.
Please feel free to email me with any issues.
Tutorial 7, Edit Function and some changes to the global settings:
Version 2.1.7c - 03.11.2018
- Added ceiling gypsum and ceiling battens to cathedral trusses.
View model here:
I've been giving some thought to framed openings in floors, see image below:
Generally, at least from what I've seen most holes in floors are either rectangular, L-shaped or U-shaped, but I guess any outline is possible.
What I've shown in the image above is LSL or LVL framing out the opening however the actual framing might be significantly different depending on what is supporting the floor below.
In some cases the rectangular opening might not be supported by bearing walls from below, in that case the two LSL boards running parallel to the joists would probably be larger beams and the headers would be hangered from these beams and would also probably be more substantial.
The point is how to make this feature flexible enough to accommodate most framed openings but at the same time keeping it as simple as possible so the user is not overwhelmed with parameters.
View model here: (
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I am also going to make this feature editable so that the actual hole can be altered after the fact. This should be an interesting programming challenge.
Alternatively that same opening could be framed as below:
For the size of the opening one would probably use some PSL or LVL Beams rather than a couple of I-Joists but the concept is the same, compare with the previous example where the opening would probably be supported from below by bearing walls.
Version 3.1.7d - 03.14.2017
- Addresses a minor bug with the UI menu for common trusses. The overhang of the truss could be rounded to an integer value upon recreation of another truss set.
I wonder why no one else has noticed the overhang rounding issue. I just realized it is an artifact from when I had it setup to use a integer value for the overhang, which I eventually changed but I must have forgot to update the rounding function (or remove it) so that non integer values could be input.
It appears this bug only affected common trusses but I will need to go through and check each truss type to make sure the same issue was not replicated elsewhere.
Two different ways to truss out a dutch gable roof:
The first method involves a wailing plate attached to the side of the girder truss. This appears to be the preferred method of construction in Australia.
The second method employs vertical studs on the gable end portion (upper half) of the girder truss. What is not entirely clear to me is how the joint comes together at the top chord where the horizontal member (at the top of the jacks) meets the vertical and diagonal web of the girder truss.
I could really use a shop drawing (2D) of this particular configuration.
Version 2.1.8 - 03.18.2018
- Enabled the "Edit Floor Assembly" function for all I-Joist floors (imperial and metric units): TJI, BCI, LPI, Red-I, PKI.
Now I just need to get the floor framed opening feature working and then this module might actually be useful.
Realize that any manual edits made to the floor assembly are blown away when you use the edit function. It is essentially re-drawing the entire floor assembly, the same goes for the roof truss assembly edit feature.
Spending some time the last couple of days thinking about the floor module (floor trusses, I-joists, solid sawn joists).
The obvious 800 lbs gorilla is the ability to easily add openings into these floors. The other missing element is the ability to create a polygon shaped floor (something beyond a rectangle outline).
With regards to polygon shaped geometry I've already done the heavy lifting when I programmed the foundation plugin to generate polygon shaped layouts (slab and stemwall). The details in trimming the joists is also mostly figured out since my rebar and mesh routine for slabs utilizes a function that will form the basis for this function. It is really just a matter of finding the time and then digging into the code deep for a solid 12 hour period (uninterrupted).
These two issues are my main focus the next week or two. If I can address both as well have the edit function work seamlessly with both then I will have created an actual functional floor module.
With dual pitch hip roofs technically one could have a different pitch for all four sides (the most general case). I should probably try to code this most general case then all the rest simply fall out of it.
View model here:
I'm not sure why one would want to construct a roof in this manner but I guess I should probably allow for the possibility.
Version 2.1.9 - 05.27.2018
- Replaced the 64 bit SketchUp check in the installation module to fix an incompatibility issue with SketchUp 2014.
- Added additional wall cladding materials in the sheathing tab of the global settings.
- Fixed a bug in the top level assembly method of the roof truss module.
Version 2.2.0 - 06.19.2018
- Sub-groups within roof and floor truss assemblies can be made persistent by naming these groups or component instances to (custom1, custom2, custom3, etc...), also all other user defined geometry (ie. faces, text, lines and dimensions) are also retained when the assemblies are regenerated by the plugin.
I don't have a half hip (rafter roof) setup yet however there is probably a workaround by combining a gable with a hip and then using the trim tool to manually trim some of the rafters, however I haven't really tried this at least not for a real design.
I took about 10-15 minutes and tried creating a half hip with a gable and hip roof as primitives. Using the trim tool made it fairly easy to clean up the rafters, see results here:
Since the end result is not parametric you will want to be sure that you have all of your rafter depths, overhangs etc... set before you dive into the manual editing of such a roof.
This is obviously a painful and slow process. Conclusion, I need to add in a half hip rafter roof.
Version 2.2.0b - 09.25.2018
- Fixed a bug so that structural outlookers can be enabled without utilizing a gable end truss.
Technically this should not be allowed since structural outlookers typically require a dropped top chord and currently the only way to achieve a dropped top chord is with a gable end truss (option enabled).
However, since I am not strictly disallowing it I provided some logic so that the appropriate parameters are set so that this particular state is possible. Previously, the gable end truss routine set some required parameters that the structural outlookers were dependent on. Now the outlooker algorithm will set those parameters if they are not previously set by the gable end truss algorithm.
This is a fairly minor fix/patch.
Medeek Truss - 2.2.0b
I am trying to enable Roof sheathing material alone under the sheathing tab (Global Settings) and it will not save the setting. (Save Settings clicked)
Removed previous version first
Tried restarting SU
Save settings doesn't keep selections chosen.
building simple test roof to display sheathing, materials...
New Ver. 2.2.0b
I need to report the Truss plugin is working... For some reason the second advanced option window did not open for me or was hidden from view yesterday.
Version 2.2.1 - 10.05.2018
- The trim tool now allows for multiple trim operations once a trimming plane is selected.
- Pressing the ESC key will reinitialize the trim tool during multiple trim operations, space bar will terminate.
- The trim tool will now trim components as well as groups.
Version 2.2.2 - 10.14.2018
- Name of plugin changed to "Medeek Truss".
- Updated the licensing system to include a 30 day limit of the trial version.
- Updates to the HTML pages of the global settings.
This next week I plan on returning to the multi-pitch hip roof and start back up where I left off a few months ago. I am also going to be adding in the custom material manager so that the truss plugin has the same capabilities as the wall plugin.
After that the next big push is to make all of the rafter roofs parametric with HTML based edit menus similar to the common truss edit menu.
While all this is going on I would also like to complete the stair module of the wall plugin. A lot of things to juggle right now.
Version 2.2.2b - 10.16.2018
- Updated the "Edit Truss Assembly" menu so that it properly loads default values when advanced options are expanded.
- Added a user definable name to truss assemblies that will be utilized in the future options and upgrades.
A number of other "under the hood" updates (to numerous to list) were also incorporated to bring the code more in line with the wall plugin and its more efficient and modular organization scheme.
Version 2.2.3 - 10.26.2018
- Added a Custom Material Library/Manager in the Materials tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled custom materials for wall sheathing, wall cladding, roof sheathing and roof cladding in the HTML wall draw and edit menus for common trusses.
- Enabled the ability group materials and control which drop down menu they will appear in.
- Added an SKM file import utility to the Material Library.
- Default wall sheathing and wall cladding materials brought in line with options available in wall plugin.
Note the various wall sheathing options that are brought over from the wall plugin (ie. Tyvek, Zip Systems, Plywood, Densglass etc..)
Also note that the custom and expanded materials selection is only available for common truss shapes (ie. common trusses, scissor trusses etc...). I have not yet implemented the new system for other truss shapes and rafter roofs, that is work for yet another day.
There is still a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done with this plugin. Many of the specialty truss shapes do not even have advanced options available to them yet. All I can do is keep hacking away at it and maybe one day I will have the resources to really push this thing along.
Occurence #1
SU completely crashed when in the advanced options and the materials manager came up in an empty dialog box.
Occurence #2
Started to edit a truss assembly.
File load error (/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/MEDEEK_WALL_HOLDOWNS.rbs): Could not find included file '/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/MEDEEK_WALL_HOLDOWNS.rbs'
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `check_global_settings_gutters' for #<Class:0x007ffe74438aa8>>
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss_dictionary.rbs:268:in `create_dictionary'
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs:3209:in `draw_truss_selector'
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs:668:in `main_menu'
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs:4037:in `calculate_obj'
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs:4056:in `update_state'
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs:4064:in `onLButtonDown'
Noticed you can select corruated metal for both sheathing and cladding? I wanted to have trusses without sheathing but with battens then corrugated metal as cladding.
Anyway, when in the edit truss screen, update will not produce changes.
Thank you for the additions to the truss plugin. Long awaited.
Wow, that is weird, its like you are getting some sort of cross pollination between the wall plugin and truss plugin.
I just uninstalled and installed the truss plugin and could not duplicated either of these errors.
My suggestion would be to uninstall the Truss plugin and then reinstall it.
P.S. - Actually strike what I just said, I enabled battens and I'm able to duplicate the error below, looking at it right now, I will issue a fix very shortly once I get to the bottom of it.
Version 2.2.3b - 10.26.2018
- Fixed a bug in the attribute library for common trusses.
For this type of cladding it might be useful to have a parameter which allows one to have the cladding project beyond the fascia a specified amount.
Trying to build/edit standard truss roof with battens and corrugated roofing like you did below...
Clicking "Submit Advanced Options" does nothing. Ruby script below appears. I will try to uninstall/reinstall?
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for #<Sketchup::Face:0x007fdc98b2cc40>>
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_load.rbs:314:in `block in <module:MedeekTrussPluginModuleLoader>'
SketchUp:1:in `call'
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for #<Sketchup::Face:0x007fdc98b2cc40>>
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_load.rbs:329:in `block in <module:MedeekTrussPluginModuleLoader>'
SketchUp:1:in `call'
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for #<Sketchup::Face:0x007fdc98b2cc40>>
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_load.rbs:341:in `block in <module:MedeekTrussPluginModuleLoader>'
SketchUp:1:in `call'
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for #<Sketchup::Face:0x007fdc98b2cc40>>
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_load.rbs:637:in `block in <module:MedeekWallPluginModuleLoader>'
SketchUp:1:in `call'
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for #<Sketchup::Face:0x007fdc98b2cc40>>
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_load.rbs:676:in `block in <module:MedeekWallPluginModuleLoader>'
SketchUp:1:in `call'
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for #<Sketchup::Face:0x007fdc98b2cc40>>
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_load.rbs:696:in `block in <module:MedeekWallPluginModuleLoader>'
SketchUp:1:in `call'
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for #<Sketchup::Face:0x007fdc98b2cc40>>
/users/cyclefanatic/library/application support/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_wall_ext/medeek_wall_load.rbs:721:in `block in <module:MedeekWallPluginModuleLoader>'
SketchUp:1:in `call'
These errors are caused by the context menu and actually do not affect the plugin functionality. I will put out a fix for these pesky little notices coming from the load files.
Version 2.2.4 - 11.02.2018
- Enabled wall sheathing, wall cladding, ceiling gypsum and roof cladding for monopitch trusses.
- Enabled gutters and downspouts for monopitch trusses.
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all monopitch trusses (imperial and metric units).
I still need to add a few more advanced options to the monopitch truss type:
- Roof Returns
- Battens
- Soffit Cut
- Heel Blocking
I'm also thinking about adding an insulation option for the ceiling for trusses and rafter roofs so that the truss plugin is up to speed with the wall plugin. Some additional feedback in this regard would be helpful.
With monopitch trusses there is also the issue where the exterior wall corner is created by the truss and hence I need to apply some corner trim on these corners. I will give this some more thought.
Version 2.2.4b - 11.08.2018
- Licensee name now appears in the License tab of the Global Settings when plugin is registered.
- Removed all advertising banners from the global settings.
Even though this may appear to be a minor revision it is actually a critical fix/upgrade for users running on Mac and Windows 10.
The advertising banners would only load intermittently and hence would cause the HTML menus to not render (blank white browser window). After giving this some more thought and deciding that the advertising revenue generated by the plugin was not a significant amount, and a less cluttered look is always more appealing, it just made more sense to remove all of it completely.
I've also updated the license tab to be up to date with the Wall plugin's license tab.
This same issue with the advertising banners in the global settings also plagues the Wall plugin. I will be issuing a new revision for it in short order, that strips the advertising from the plugin. I appreciate everyone's patience in this regard.
I've recently been thinking about the multi-pitch hip roof again. Eventually I needed to return to this topic since the designer needs the flexibility of assigning different pitches to the various roof planes.
The same issues with multi-pitch hip truss sets applies to rafter roofs as well.
When you have a hip roof situation and the pitches are different on adjacent roof planes yet you want to maintain the same overhang and line up the fascia then the wall top plate must change. However with trusses rather than change the top plate you simply have to raise the heel of the truss on the low side until it equals the height of the adjacent side.
Does anyone have any shop drawings of an asymmetric hip truss set they can send me. Specifically I am looking for a hip truss set that has different pitches for front and back and then possibly a different pitch on the ends. I have my theories on how such a truss set should be put together but it is worth the effort to study this a bit further and verify.
I used heel heights to fit facia lines and this was easy... Just keep adjusting. Hitting Update instantly moves geometry.
I think I have the asymmetric truss roof figured out but shop drawings from a manufacturer would be helpful in confirming my own conclusions.
Tutorial 8 - Trim Function:
View model here:
Version 2.2.5 - 12.08.2018
- Added Trim 2 icon to the Medeek Tools toolbar.
- Added the trim 2 function for (solid) groups and components. This trim function allows the user to select two trimming planes.
This additional trim function will be helpful in trimming more complicated geometry like hip rafters and triangular pieces of roof sheathing or cladding.
Similar to the regular trim function this tool can also be utilized on any non-plugin geometry so long as it is a (solid) group or component.
View video here: (
For some time now I've been wanting to create an extend tool. The most common utilization would be for extending rafters or studs to meet a wall or plate (face).
The problem I am seeing with this feature is how to determine which edges to extend. I can't really base it on axis orientation since studs are typically drawn along the Z-axis and joists and other elements such as rafters could be along an arbitrary axis.
I can't really base it on edge length either since you may be starting with a very short stud or block and the edges that you want to extend may be shorter than the end edges.
I don't know that there is an easy solution to this problem.
Just putting it out there to see if anyone has any ideas on this topological problem.
After giving this some more thought here is my proposed algorithm, feel free to find the holes in it:
1.) User selects the (end) face of the stud, joist, beam or rafter they want to extend.
2.) The user then selects the face (plane) they want to extend to.
(now the algorithm in the API)
3.) Find all of the vertices and edges belonging to selected face in step 1.
4.) Find each edge attached to the vertices in step 3 that is not belonging to the edges that make up the face.
5.) Check each edge found in step 4 by assigning a vector to one of them and then checking that each edge is parallel to this vector. If they are all parallel then proceed to step 6, if not abort.
6.) Check that the normal of the target face (step 2) is not perpendicular to the vector in step 5, if it is abort.
7.) Calculate the geometric line for each parallel edge (step 4). Then find the point (new vertex) for each line with the intersect_line_plane method and the plane (step 2).
8.) Calculate the distance between the new vertex (point) and the existing vertex (point), then move each vertex the calculated distance in the direction of the vector (step 5).
Version 2.2.5b - 12.10.2018
- Added the Extend function for (solid) groups and components. This function allows the user to extend a member to a single plane/face.
The tool also has the ability to handle fairly complex, prismatic beams etc...
A huge shout out to ThomThom and John (John_DrivenuptheWall) from the SketchUp forums for helping me sort some of the issues out with the algorithm and code.
Tutorial 10:
Version 2.2.5c - 12.13.2018
- Added the Trim 3 icon to the Medeek Tools toolbar.
- Added the Trim 3 function for (solid) groups and components. This trim function allows the user to select three trimming planes.
- Enabled the ability to invert your selection within the Trim 2 and Trim 3 tools using the "CTRL" key in Windows.
Tutorial 11: (
Note that the planes in either advanced trim tool do not need to be orthogonal.
When using the Trim 3 tool the suggested order of selecting the cutting planes/faces is:
Vertical - Vertical - Horizontal
On an outside corner like that I'm not entirely sure how a skilled roof framer would cut that birdsmouth, but at least with the Trim 3 tool you have the option to cut it so it fits tight to the wall as I've shown in the video.
I like including this toolset as part of the Truss plugin, but I am also wondering if there might be a potential market for it as a stand alone plugin ($5 - $10). As it stands currently the prospective user is forced to purchase the entire Truss Plugin if they want to use these tools.
In order to round out the selection of tools available and also per suggestion from a respected colleague it would seem prudent that I also include a mitering tool in the grab bag that is the Medeek Tools.
This can take shape in a few forms however the most important configuration in my opinion would be a tool that can take two solids and miter both of their ends at a common plane, while retaining the solid status of the group or component and retaining all of their properties and meta-data.
This would involve selecting the faces to extend/trim on each solid and then selecting two (non-parallel) edges that intersect at a point, so four pick points in total. The intersecting edges need not be orthogonal (90 degrees) just so long as they intersect at a point, that is enough to define the mitering plane.
I haven't searched very much yet to see if such a tool/plugin already exists and I don't really want to recreate the wheel on this one. Please let me know if you are aware of such a tool, that can work for any (non-plugin specific) solids.
Would there be a need/demand for this proposed tool?
Version 2.2.6 - 12.16.2018
- Added the Miter Cut icon to the Medeek Tools toolbar.
- Added the Miter Cut function for (solid) groups and components.
- Enabled temporary (construction) dimensions for trusses, roofs and floor assemblies.
- Added a section in the General tab of the global settings for configuring construction dimensions.
Tutorial 12 - Miter Cut: (
I'm a little burned out right now with the addition of all these extra tools to the Medeek Tools toolbar, but I still feel like I need to add one final addition to the mix.
This one will be called the split tool and similar to the trim tool the user will select a single face (or three points, toggle with the control key?) to define a plane which will then be used to cut a solid group or component in two.
The slightly tricky part with this is to make sure that the copied group/component is nested in the same overall group(s) as the original and retains all of its properties.
This tool would be useful where you've used the followme tool to create some geometry but want to break the resulting solid into separate segments (groups).
Version 2.2.6b - 12.18.2018
- Added the Split icon to the Medeek Tools toolbar.
- Added the Split function for (solid) groups and components: split plane via one face or three points.
When you first click on the tool it defaults to the user selecting a face for the cutting plane however if you hit the "CTRL" key in Windows it will toggle to the three point mode.
Tutorial 13 - Split Tool:
Version 2.2.6c - 12.18.2018
- Addressed a bug in the Split function regarding nested groups and components.
This is a critical fix for this tool. I strongly suggest that everyone upgrade from 2.2.6b to 2.2.6c.
Let me know if there are any other tools that might come in handy with manipulating an architectural model. I think the six tools now available can cover most tasks but I'm sure I'm missing something.
There has been some call for a tool that is similar to the split tool but rather than selecting just one face you would select two faces and a section could be removed from the solid object (imagine two infinite planes cutting a slice out of your solid object). I'm not exactly sure what to call this possible tool (section cut?).
The other question is whether to have the tool break the solid into two separate groups or components like the split tool or just leave the resulting geometry as one group/component? I suppose I could always enable an option that would allow the user to toggle between these to behaviors offering some flexibility to the user.
Similar to the split tool I could allow the user to define the cutting planes but either selecting two faces or selecting six points, or a combination of three points and a face or a face and three points. Lots of permutations here... just makes the code a little more fun.
With regards to the cutting planes, they could be parallel or they might not be, it doesn't really matter. Just as I am doing in the split tool I will need to include logic that checks to see that the cutting planes actually do intersect the solids otherwise no action will be performed. The two cutting planes cannot be perpendicular to each otherwise a valid solution cannot be obtained, or at least that is what I initially thought. I will need to give that possible solution some more thought. If a solution can be obtained there is no reason to discard it. There may be some overlap with the Trim 2 function, but that tool does not have the ability to separate the solid into different groups.
Any thoughts or suggestions with regard to this potential addition to the tools?
Also just a reminder that even though I am including these tools within the Truss plugin they are designed to work with any solid geometry created in SketchUp, it doesn't need to be plugin related geometry.
I've been thinking about labels for truss and rafter roofs and I would like to add in some sort of labeling system like the Wall plugin.
With a typical gable roof I will have a label on each side of the roof aligned with the roof plane but offset vertically so it does not Z fight with the sheathing or cladding (shingles). The label will be similar to the Wall plugin where the user can customize the prefix (eg Roof1, Truss1, Rafter1 etc...)
Each side will be designated a letter, so Roof1-A and Roof1-B. Hip roofs will have four roof planes so A, B, C and D.
If the framing callout is enabled then beneath the label will show the area for that roof plane (sheathing):
Version 2.2.7 - 12.27.2018
- Roof and Floor labels option added to the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Roof and Floor label prefixes can be customized in the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Roof labels enabled for common trusses.
- When framing callouts are enabled the area of each roof plane will be shown below the roof label (currently only common truss assemblies have this feature available).
- Added a customizable color for roof and floor labels within the Material tab of the Global Settings.
- Added additional layers for dimensions, annotations, 2d geometry, building code and engineering.
Version 2.2.7b - 12.29.2018
- Enabled roof labels and framing callouts for monopitch truss assemblies.
- Added stats (roof sheathing) for common and monopitch truss roofs which can be analyzed within the Medeek Estimator (Wall Extension) module.
In order to use this new feature you must also have the Wall plugin installed and upgraded to Version 0.9.9v, See Wall plugin thread for further details.
Version 2.2.7c - 12.30.2018
- Enabled roof labels and framing callouts for all rafter roof assemblies: Gable, Hip, Dutch Gable, TJI, TJI w/ Glulam, Shed etc...
I've also been thinking about how to best handle holes or cutouts in the roof sheathing and cladding that are not only parametric but can be properly reported by the estimator (ie. net area vs. gross area). I think I have a system worked out, I just need to implement the prototype and test it out.
The cut out or hole tool will have a few options. One of the options will allow the user to specify whether to cut the cladding, sheathing or framing or all of them. If the framing is cut then another option for framing in the opening.
I may also provide another option to provide a skylight to cover an opening or other construction elements (eg. vents, whirlybirds etc...)
Another basic piece of information of any roof is the pitch or angle in degrees for the metric side of the house. I'm updating the framing callout for roofs to also include this information:
Version 2.2.7d - 01.04.2019
- All roof framing callouts now include the roof pitch or angle in degrees (metric templates).
- Added additional stats: (ridge cap, drip edge) for common and (drip edge) for monopitch truss roofs which can be analyzed within the Medeek Estimator (Wall Extension) module.
The new stats will become available with the next release of the Wall plugin.
Version 2.2.8 - 01.06.2019
- License expiration date now appears in the License tab of the Global Settings when plugin is registered.
Version 2.2.8b - 01.18.2019
- Fixed a bug in the license and registration module.
I've noticed an issue with some licenses created in 2016. If you purchased a license before Jan. 2017 and the plugin is still showing as "TRIAL" version, even when the serial number is input properly into the License tab of the global settings, please contact me and I will re-issue you a corrected serial number as well as upgrade your expiration date by six months for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Draw Roof Truss tool has stopped working.
Error: #<TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer>
c:/users/bigd_/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_truss_globals.rbs:231:in `[]'
c:/users/bigd_/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_truss_globals.rbs:231:in `check_layers'
c:/users/bigd_/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_roof_truss.rbs:169:in `roof_truss_family_menu'
c:/users/bigd_/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2018/sketchup/plugins/medeek_truss_ext/medeek_load.rbs:163:in `block in <module:MedeekTrussPluginModuleLoader>'
SketchUp:1:in `call'
I have not been able to duplicate this exact error yet however I did find a bug with regards to the upgrade I made about a month ago. In the resolution with this other issue I will extend the advanced menu for attic trusses so that it more closely mirrors the options found in the advanced menu for common trusses.
Version 2.2.9 - 02.25.2019
- Fixed a bug in the display of the toolbars (Mac and Windows).
- Enabled custom materials for wall sheathing, wall cladding, roof sheathing and roof cladding in the HTML advanced options draw menu for attic trusses. This update also resolved an associated bug in the global settings for attic trusses.
Version 2.3.0 - 03.01.2019
- Fixed one bug and a number of minor issues with monopitch trusses.
- Enabled sheathing and cladding at the heel of raised heel common and monopitch trusses.
- Added metal plates for raised heel monopitch trusses: wedge, slider, vertical w/ strut.
If you are using monopitch trusses at all then this is a critical upate. Previously my algorithm for the bottom chord of the monopitch truss was not properly assigning the material and layer when the raised heel option was enabled for this truss type.
Strangely that issue has been in existence since 2016 and no one seems to have noticed or at least notified me of it. While working on the cladding of raised heel variants the issue jumped out at me and now it is finally resolved.
The thing about this plugin is that there are so many design permutations possible that it is almost impossible for me to investigate every single one and check for these type of minor issues. That is why I rely heavily upon user feedback to help put out some of these fires.
Related links to the Truss Plugin:
Main Web Page:
Registered User Map:
Vendor Products:
Truss Calculator (Common Fink Truss Only):
Snow, Seismic and Winds Loads and other resources:
Version 2.3.1 - 03.15.2019
- Fixed a bug with the wall cladding material parameter in the global settings.
- Updated toolbar icons to be compatible with 4k (UHD) resolution monitors.
Version 2.3.2 - 04.15.2019
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all scissor trusses (imperial and metric units).
Version 2.3.3 - 04.17.2019
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for attic trusses (imperial units only).
- Improved formatting of all HTML edit menus: Common, Monopitch, Scissor, Attic.
When I originally enable hurricane (uplift) ties for the trusses I failed to check to see how things looked with a raised heel when the H2.5A (simpson) tie was used.
In this particular case the tie needs to be flipped around so that it is facing towards the interior rather than the exterior. I've made the correction and added the logic into the code. I will release the fix with the next version:
Version 2.3.4 - 04.24.2019
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for gable and hip rafter roofs (imperial and metric units).
- Corrected an issue with H2.5A hurricane ties when utilized with raised heel trusses.
This is a fairly substantial upgrade for the plugin and now gives the user the ability to edit stick framed roofs. Previously only certain truss roofs could be edited.
I still need to enable editing for the other rafter roof types (shed roofs, I-Joist, rafter roofs with glulam beams etc...), but at least I've now got the two most common roof types with full parametrics enabled.
This brings me back to some topics I was exploring last year at about this time regarding asymmetric rafter roofs. I will set aside the hip roof for a minute and look at the simple gable roof in continuation of this discussion.
Each side of the roof may have a different pitch. Additionally the top plate height may differ as well as the birdcut. Things tend to get a little complicated when the symmetry is broken.
Basically one can boil it down to a symmetric or asymmetric gable roof. The asymmetric variant will have the following additional parameters:
Roof Type: Symmetric Gable, Asymmetric Gable
Pitch2 - Roof pitch of right side roof
Birdcut2 - Birdcut length of right side of roof
Delta Height - Difference in height between left and right bearing walls (left side is reference)
One could even go so far as to define a different rafter depth for the opposite side, as its length may be more or less than its opposite side:
Rafter Depth 2 - Rafter depth on right side of roof.
With the asymmetric variant the secondary pitch and bearing height cause the location of roof peak to be off center. In order to draw the roof one must first solve for the location of the roof peak (x direction). The solution is given by:
I won't really know if the math is correct until I drop it into the ruby code and test it.
I will also need to check for null solutions, where certain combinations of pitches and delta h create impossible geometry.
I kind of miss the rigor of the math often required with the development of the truss plugin. Asymmetric hip roofs are going to be even more math intensive.
I'm not exactly sure on what to do with the ridge board. I can either bevel it or drop it to the same height as the lower side rafters.
Version 2.3.5 - 04.28.2019
- Fixed the show_modal bug for macOS in the Materials tab of the global settings.
First look at an asymmetric roof:
Note the addition of "Asymmetric Options" in the edit menu (4 parameters).
Also note that the rafter depth is different for each side of the roof as well as the birds mouth cut.
If the delta height is non-zero (can be either negative or positive) then I have the ceiling joists disabled for now. I will need some more direction with regard to that possible configuration.
I now just need to focus on the advanced options and bring them up to speed for an asymmetric gable roof (ie. gutters, hip and ridge, rake boards, sheathing, cladding etc...)
I've also spent some considerable time cleaning up the rafter roof module and re-organizing the file structure where it seemed prudent. The thing about these plugins is there is always more to do.
Version 2.3.6 - 05.01.2019
- Enabled asymmetric gable rafter roofs (imperial and metric units).
Tutorial 14: Asymmetric Gable Roofs
Sometimes you just never know until you dig into it. This latest update required a virtual rewrite of the entire rafter roof module. Asymmetric roofs literally change everything up. I'm glad to get this one wrapped up and behind me.
The asymmetric roof addition beat me up pretty hard for about three days, but in the end I won out. Now I need to look at the hip roof and how best to deal with multi pitches...
With the hip roof we are now talking about four different possible top plate heights with four different possible pitches, birdsmouth cuts, and rafter depths.
If one is to assume that the fascia boards all line up (gutters), then the top plates heights are actually driven by the roof overhang and the pitch of each roof plane. Only one roof plane (Plane A) will actually have its plate height set (the zero or base height of the roof), the other roof planes' top plate heights will be automatically calculated.
I suppose there is always the possibility where the fascia don't line up but I think this is more the exception than the rule, correct me if I am wrong.
As I've given this some more thought it occurred to me that typically the designer will set the roof pitches from the outset. Then, in order to get the fascia to line up, he/she can either adjust the overhang or the top plate height (assume that the birdsmouth cut is set to some value). So depending on the situation the user may want the plugin to calculate either the overhang (same top plate height) or the top plate height (same overhang). I will need to give this some more thought.
If the user keys in a numeric value for the overhang (roof planes B, C or D) then the edit menu can automatically set the delta height (top plate heights) for each respective roof plane to "AUTO". Likewise if a value is keyed in for the delta height the HTML form can set the respective overhang(s) to "AUTO".
I don't normally post on the boards regarding price changes in the plugins however I thought it might be worth noting that I have decreased the renewal price on the Truss plugin to $10.00. The idea being that once you have paid your initial license fee ongoing renewals are mostly a token payment.
Continuing on with regards to multi pitch hip roofs we need to be very clear about what point on the roof lines up when we talk about lining up the fascia. Do we mean the sub-fascia, rafter tail or the fascia?
Since I currently don't have the fascia and soffit added yet I can probably ignore these for now and state that the top of the fascia board must line up with other fascia boards on other roof planes.
I've got the asymmetric options added to the edit menu and the common rafters and fascia are calculating correctly:
Note that all four pitches are different values, however the fascia lines up all the way around the roof as it should (in this case I have the overhangs auto calculating).
Next I will work on the hip rafters and jack rafters. As we can see in this example, all symmetry is broken, each hip rafter will be unique (x4) as well as each set of jack rafters (x8). Luckily we can program this sort of thing, drawing this type of roof manually would be a real headache.
First look at the sheathing and labels for an asymmetric hip roof:
Pitch and SQFT callouts/labels are now working:
Hip and Ridge Cap is now working for the Asymmetric Hip Rafter Roof:
This chunk of code is just for the ridge cap geometry:
@Phi1_3 = atan(sin(@Phiplane13) * tan(@Phi) * cos(@Phihip13))
@Phi3_1 = atan(cos(@Phiplane13) * tan(@Phi3) * cos(@Phihip13))
@Phialpha1_3 = acos(cos(@Phihip13) * sin(@Phiplane13))
@Phialpha3_1 = acos(cos(@Phihip13) * cos(@Phiplane13))
@Psi1_3 = asin(0.70710678118 * sqrt(1.0 - cos(@Phi)*cos(@Phi3)))
@Phi2_3 = atan(sin(@Phiplane23) * tan(@Phi2) * cos(@Phihip23))
@Phi3_2 = atan(cos(@Phiplane23) * tan(@Phi3) * cos(@Phihip23))
@Phialpha2_3 = acos(cos(@Phihip23) * sin(@Phiplane23))
@Phialpha3_2 = acos(cos(@Phihip23) * cos(@Phiplane23))
@Psi2_3 = asin(0.70710678118 * sqrt(1.0 - cos(@Phi2)*cos(@Phi3)))
@Phi1_4 = atan(sin(@Phiplane14) * tan(@Phi) * cos(@Phihip14))
@Phi4_1 = atan(cos(@Phiplane14) * tan(@Phi4) * cos(@Phihip14))
@Phialpha1_4 = acos(cos(@Phihip14) * sin(@Phiplane14))
@Phialpha4_1 = acos(cos(@Phihip14) * cos(@Phiplane14))
@Psi1_4 = asin(0.70710678118 * sqrt(1.0 - cos(@Phi)*cos(@Phi4)))
@Phi2_4 = atan(sin(@Phiplane24) * tan(@Phi2) * cos(@Phihip24))
@Phi4_2 = atan(cos(@Phiplane24) * tan(@Phi4) * cos(@Phihip24))
@Phialpha2_4 = acos(cos(@Phihip24) * sin(@Phiplane24))
@Phialpha4_2 = acos(cos(@Phihip24) * cos(@Phiplane24))
@Psi2_4 = asin(0.70710678118 * sqrt(1.0 - cos(@Phi2)*cos(@Phi4)))
@Ridgex = (cos(@Phi)*@HRthk*tan((@Phi + @Phi2)*0.5)) - sin(@Phi) * @HRthk
@Ridgey = (sin(@Phi)*@HRthk*tan((@Phi + @Phi2)*0.5)) + cos(@Phi) * @HRthk
if @Sheathing_option == "YES"
if @Roofbatten == "YES"
if @Cboption == "YES"
thtot = @Cbheight + @Battenheight + @Sheathing_thickness + @Roofcladding_thickness
thtot = @Battenheight + @Sheathing_thickness + @Roofcladding_thickness
thtot = @Sheathing_thickness + @Roofcladding_thickness
if @Roofbatten == "YES"
if @Cboption == "YES"
thtot = @Cbheight + @Battenheight + @Roofcladding_thickness
thtot = @Battenheight + @Roofcladding_thickness
thtot = @Roofcladding_thickness
# Extension at Peak
@Wa3 = PI - (@Phialpha3_1 + @Phialpha3_2)
@Beta23 = atan(sin(@Wa3)/(tan(@Psi1_3)/(tan(@Psi2_3)) + cos(@Wa3)))
@Beta13 = @Wa3 - @Beta23
ext13 = (thtot * tan(@Psi1_3))/(tan(@Beta13))
ext23 = (thtot * tan(@Psi2_3))/(tan(@Beta23))
@Wa4 = PI - (@Phialpha4_1 + @Phialpha4_2)
@Beta24 = atan(sin(@Wa4)/(tan(@Psi1_4)/(tan(@Psi2_4)) + cos(@Wa4)))
@Beta14 = @Wa4 - @Beta24
ext14 = (thtot * tan(@Psi1_4))/(tan(@Beta14))
ext24 = (thtot * tan(@Psi2_4))/(tan(@Beta24))
# Ridge Length and Extensions
ridgedx = (cos(@Phi)*thtot*tan((@Phi + @Phi2)*0.5))
ridgedy = (sin(@Phi)*thtot*tan((@Phi + @Phi2)*0.5))
length_sq = thtot**2 + ridgedx**2 + ridgedy**2
rext3 = sqrt(ext13**2 + (thtot/(cos(@Psi1_3)))**2 - length_sq)
rext4 = sqrt(ext14**2 + (thtot/(cos(@Psi1_4)))**2 - length_sq)
phicheck3 = atan(ext13*cos(@Psi1_3)/thtot) + PI - @Phihip13
phicheck4 = atan(ext14*cos(@Psi1_4)/thtot) + PI - @Phihip14
if phicheck3 > PI
rext3 = -1.0 * rext3
if phicheck4 > PI
rext4 = -1.0 * rext4
@Ridgecaplength = @Arraylength - @Hipf - @Hipb + rext3 + rext4
Two months from now I'm not going to have any idea what all of this means, its a good thing I keep a binder of all my notes and diagrams.
Gutters and Downspouts are now functional for the Asymmetric Hip Rafter Roof:
Even with the different overhangs and top plate heights the gutter height (fascia) is the same height all the way around. However the downspouts on opposite sides of the roof are customized per the overhang on each respective side.
Tomorrow I will jump back into the hip and jack rafters and see if we can wrap this one up.
The good news is that the required code for the asymmetric hip and jacks already exists. I will be borrowing from the roof return module where I handled dissimilar pitches. The bad news is that after a cursory review of this block of code I have absolutely no idea how it actually works anymore (I haven't looked at it in about 2 years). It's just a matter of reverse engineering my own code for about an hour and it will all come back to me.
I'm actually still working on the hip rafters. The complexity of a multi-pitch roof took another unexpected turn with the realization that when roof planes A and B are different pitches it causes an offset in the rafters at the peak which requires some additional logic to account for this fact with the placement of the hip rafters and their geometry.
I'm also still a bit conflicted on how to best handle the birdsmouth cut of the hip rafters when they walls have different top plate heights. In some cases the hip rafter misses the corner entirely and is askew on one of the walls, this is the simple case. In other cases the hip rafter technically rests at the "corner" but since there are two different wall heights possible it is not clear how the birdsmouth cut should be constructed exactly. I'm assuming that the higher plate height will govern.
Does anyone have any photos or details of actual construction where a hip rafter bisects a corner where the top plate heights vary?
When the hip roof is asymmetric across the ridge you end up with a situation like what is shown below:
The common rafter in the upper right is a 7:12 pitch and the common rafter in the lower left is a 10:12 pitch. Normally with a symmetric hip or gable roof the common rafters would be flush with the top of the ridge board.
However in the asymmetric case the steeper pitched side is flush and the lesser pitched side overshoots the ridge board just slightly as shown. This additional asymmetry causes further complications in the calculations of the hip rafter that is adjacent to the overshooting common.
Also note that the seams in the sheathing (edges of the roof planes) do not center up on the ridge board or hip rafters. This is not a flaw or an error it is just the way the asymmetric roof goes together.
It appears that I have the hips correctly calculating now (after nearly two days of intense debugging and about 10 sheets of engineering pad) however tomorrow I will continue with further testing, to see if I can break anything, and then begin attacking the jack rafters.
A further look at the bird mouth cut question in shown in the example below:
So in reality I am still missing the birds mouth cut for the hip rafters and the implementation of the soffit cut for trimming the tails of the hip rafters. Always too much to do and never enough time to get it all done.
I'm really hoping that the jack rafter piece is a lot less trouble than the hip rafters, I would really like to get this roof type wrapped up by the end of the weekend.
Since each hip rafter is potentially unique each one requires the following calculations (for those that are interested):
@Returnext = @HipendX + @Overhang3_num
@Returnext2 = (@Pitch3/@Pitch) * @Returnext
@Returnexthip = sqrt(@Returnext * @Returnext + @Returnext2 * @Returnext2)
@Zeta = acos(@Returnext/@Returnexthip)
@Tcy4mod = 0 - @Fascia_width * (tan(@Phi) - tan(@Phi3))
@Returnext2mod = @Tcy4mod/(tan(@Phi))
@Zeta_a = atan((tan(@Zeta))/(cos(@Phihip13)))
@Zeta_b = atan(tan(@Zeta)*cos(@Phihip13))
@Iota = atan(sin(@Zeta)*tan(@Phihip13))
@Kappa = atan(cos(@Zeta)*tan(@Phihip13))
@Term1 = (cos(@Zeta_a))/(cos(@Iota)) + ((sin(@Zeta_b))/(cos(@Kappa))) * ((tan(@Phi) - tan(@Iota))/(tan(@Phi3) - tan(@Kappa)))
@Abar = @Ply/@Term1
@Hipoffsetx = (@Returnexthip - @Ply) * sin(@Zeta)
@Bbar = @Abar * ((tan(@Phi) - tan(@Iota))/(tan(@Phi3) - tan(@Kappa)))
@Ebar = @Returnext - ((@Returnext2 + @Returnext2mod - @Abar)/(tan(@Zeta)))
@Fbar = @Returnext2 + @Returnext2mod - (tan(@Zeta))*(@Returnext - @Bbar)
if @Phi2 > @Phi
@Zbar = @Ry4 - @Ry4r
@Xbar = @Zbar/(tan(@Phi))
@Bbarmod = ((@Abar+@Xbar) * (tan(@Phi) - tan(@Iota)) - @Zbar) / (tan(@Phi3) - tan(@Kappa))
@Zbar = 0
@Xbar = 0
@Bbarmod = @Bbar
@Exthip13 = ((@Xbar+@Abar)*cos(@Phihip13)/tan(@Zeta))/(cos(@Phialpha1_3)) - @Zbar/(tan(@Phihip13))
Term1 of the Abar equation is really interesting. If I took the time I could probably condense down some of the variables and reduce the amount of algebra but then in the future it would be harder for me to follow, so it is best left as verbose as possible for myself and future generations.
The terms Abar, Bbar, EBar and Fbar specify the compound bevel cuts at the peak and eave of the hip rafter.
Actually I stand corrected. The sheathing does center up on the ridge board provided that you do vertically offset the opposing common rafters as shown in the previous images. A top down view shows the result:
If you don't vertically offset the commons and the pitch on plane A and B differ then the ridge board will not center up on the sheathing. For now I have it centering and a vertical offset, for future work I may provide an option to toggle between these two possible configurations.
Here is a view of the other side of the roof, note the different top plate heights and where the hip rafters land on them and the corners:
Better yet, go ahead and download my test model that was most recently generated by the new asymmetric module: (
First look at the jack rafters:
Next I will look at the birds mouth cut of the hip rafters and the soffit cut for both hip and jack rafters, then a bit more testing to see if anything can be broken when the degenerate case (symmetric roof) is calculated.
These is also the case where you might end up with a negative overhang (which doesn't make sense). I should probably include some logic to try and detect this condition and alert the user that the roof configuration is not physically possible.
The birds mouth cut algorithm (and code) is now functional however I can't say I'm completely satisfied with it yet.
For example take a look at this scenario:
You have a 8:12 and 7:12 meeting almost at the corner of the building (skew is minimal) however the plate height is 2" higher on the 7:12 side and my algorithm cuts the birds mouth per the highest plate height at the corner.
In this particular case it would seem to make more sense to cut the birds mouth at the lower plate height otherwise not enough meat is left in the hip rafter. This algorithm may need further refinement to really make it meaningful and useful to the designer.
The other option of course is to simply not cut the birds mouth in the hips rafters and leave it to the user to determine what or how they want to handle the intersection at this critical junction.
The soffit cut in the case of a hip roof is actually quite simple (surprisingly). Since the fascia lines up all the way around the roof the soffit cut will also be the same height for all jacks, commons and hip rafters.
The soffit cut function is now active for hips, jacks and commons:
Now I will see if I can break the module, I'm sure there is some state or configuration that I haven't considered that may throw some errors.
Version 2.3.7 - 05.13.2019
- Enabled asymmetric hip rafter roofs (imperial and metric units).
The most degenerate version of the asymmetric hip roof would be a pyramid roof. The roof shown below is a pyramid roof that is actually an asymmetric roof, as you can see the algorithms degenerate gracefully as they should:
Items for future work include the ability to toggle the configuration where the sheathing centers up on the ridge board or not.
Another outstanding item is ceiling joists. I'm not even sure what do with ceiling joists yet for an asymmetric hip as there could possibly be four different ceiling joist heights.
I would also like to switch everything to HTML menus. The initial draw menu is still using the default SU GUI. Due to its limitations you can only initially create symmetric hip roofs but then you can edit them to switch them to an asymmetric configuration. I will explain this further in an upcoming tutorial video. Once I switch to an HTML draw menu this limitation will be resolved.
Download or view a sample of an asymmetric hip roof here:
I've fixed a few small bugs with the jack rafters near the corners and re-released the plugin.
When the jack rafters approaches a corner and then the overhang portion of the roof the various permutations in the way the jack rafter is beveled or cut becomes quite interesting. With a regular symmetric hip roof the possible configurations is more limited and predictable however the asymmetry lends itself to additional cases, so more conditionals are required in the code to account for them.
I've ran some additional checks to try and ferret out these additional configurations and then provide the appropriate logic to handle them, however there may still be a few that may have eluded my best efforts. This module is new so there may still be a few fires yet.
Tutorial 15 - Asymmetric Hip Roofs:
In this video I try to explain how each roof plane can be adjusted and the details of toggling between auto calculating the overhang or the top plate height.
View model here:
Looking at hip roof again this afternoon it occurred to me that it probably would be useful to have the ability to specify the depth of each hip rafter individually and for a symmetric roof the ability to specify the hip rafter depth independent of the common rafter depth. Yet another item to add to this modules todo list.
I also need to update the estimating module for this roof type (symmetric and asymmetric), the quantity and length of each jack rafter would be useful information.
Giving some thought to the secondary roof tool:
Trying to come up with an intuitive method for specifying a secondary roof. My idea is for the user to select the wall corners (1) and (2) that the projecting (secondary) roof will be bearing on and then to select the roof plane of the primary roof that the secondary roof should intersect. Essentially three points/picks will specify the secondary roof.
When a secondary is created it will store the primary roof name it is intersecting with as well as the roof plane. Either of these can then be modified in the secondary roof menu in the case that the user wants to switch to a different primary roof or a different roof plane of a given primary roof.
When a secondary roof is edited or regenerated it will then re-analyze the entire geometry with the specified primary roof and roof plane in order to generate the secondary roof geometry. This will allow the user maximum flexibility (ie. moving primary and secondary relative to each other {x, y, or in z} as well as changing the primary).
Orthogonal intersections are nice but we can't count on them so from the get go the secondary tool will be designed with any arbitrary intersection angle in mind as well as intersections with a roof planes or gable ends of a gable roof (wall).
Additionally, the secondary roof may be symmetric or asymmetric so it makes sense to also allow for this possibility as well.
One could even go so far as to allow for intersection with more exotic primary roofs (eg. gambrel, arched, polynesian etc...) however at this point I think I will limit myself to just a single pitched roof plane or wall plane.
There will be a separate tool for secondary hips and one for secondary gables, the reason being the vast number of different parameters required for each type of roof and the different algorithms required as far as calculating the actual roof rafter geometry.
At this point I am mostly conceptualizing and trying to see if there are any major holes or flaws in this system or method of secondary roofs. I would be interested to hear your feedback on the matter and especially if you can see any major problems with my methodology, or have suggestions for something that may work even better.
As can be seen on my previous notes page (May 14), there are a few special cases that will also need to be dealt with:
1.) Secondary roof is non-orthogonal to the primary roof and its ridge coincides or meets a primary hip. In this case the secondary really should intersect the two planes on each side of the primary's hip.
2.) A hip roof secondary meets a gable wall such that the aspect ratio of the secondary precludes it from having a ridge board perpendicular to the gable wall. There is also potentially the non-orthogonal possibility but this would not be very common.
3.) Typical L-shaped hip roof where the valley and hip theoretically merge into a common roof.
If I can somehow pull this one off, it will be a bit of a game changer for the Truss plugin since it will then allow for much more complicated rafter roofs.
Before I fully dive into the secondary roof module I thought it might be interesting to return to the soffit and fascia discussion I was having back in 2017. It would be nice to have soffit and fascia added to the hip rafter roof modules.
However as I am reviewing my notes and previous posts I came upon one unresolved question.
Should the roof sheathing extend out over the fascia board or should it terminate at the sub-fascia as shown in this detail:
The reason this becomes an issue is that the calculations of an asymmetric hip roof factor in the width of the sub-fascia in order to line them up around the roof. If the sheathing extends pasts the sub-fascia to the fascia then the gutter line will drop a different amount for each roof plane depending on the pitch. However if the sheathing only extends to the extent of the sub-fascia then the calculations for the roof do not need to take into account fascia width.
I can have it work either way but I would like to focus on the most common configuration.
Version 2.3.8 - 05.16.2019
- Fixed a bug with the pitch and area callouts for asymmetric gable rafter roofs.
- Fixed a bug with the back/rear outlooker length for gable rafter roofs which now allows for a building or roof length that is a non-integer multiple of the rafter spacing.
- Added the option in the gable rafter roof edit menu to specify a separate front and back overhang length.
The issue with the rear outlooker length will also need to be addressed for truss assemblies.
I should also make the option for the separate front and back overhang length available for trusses as well. Lots of little things as well as big things to do.
The consensus seems to be that the sheathing should terminate at the sub-fascia and not extend over the fascia, especially if the rafter tail is a plumb cut (fascia is vertical). However, this preference also seems to be highly dependent on the particular application and type of fascia used.
Here is another interesting detail:
A few other things to note with regards to fascia and soffit:
1.) In order to enable soffit and fascia the advanced options must be turned on and the sub-fascia option must also be turned on.
2.) The consensus appears to put the fascia top flush with the sub-fascia top with the sheathing terminating at the outside edge of the sub-fascia.
3.) Gutter placement will then be unaffected by the fascia other than be offset by its thickness.
4.) The soffit will be placed level to the horizontal and extend to the outside edge of the sub-fascia meeting the fascia and to the wall sheathing. Since the plugin is not keeping track of what walls are being used (Medeek, Framer, or a simple solid), there will be a wall sheathing offset parameter that will allow the user to control this offset. I've noticed some details showing the soffit extending to the framing, others to the sheathing and still others to a brick or stucco layer.
5.) The soffit top surface will abut the underside of the sub-fascia.
6.) Materials for soffit and fascia will both be user driven/customizable.
7.) Parameters to include: Soffit thickness, Fascia thickness, Fascia depth.
8.) I will also be adding in an additional parameter for the roof cladding which allows the user to extend it beyond the sheathing a specified amount (Roof Cladding Extension). This will naturally extend the ridge or hip caps the appropriate amounts as well.
I realize there are other soffit variations but I will be starting with the flat soffit first and then consider the angled soffit in future developments.
Version 2.3.9 - 05.17.2019
- Enabled a roof cladding extension parameter for all hip rafter roofs.
The extension is measured inline with the roof plane (not with the horizontal).
First look at the soffit and fascia (hip roof):
Also note the roof cladding extension (3/4") with a 6:12 pitch.
Version 2.4.0 - 05.19.2019
- Enabled soffit and fascia for all hip rafter roofs.
- Fixed a minor bug with the ridge cap extension for asymmetric hip roofs.
- Enabled custom materials for roof sheathing and roof cladding in the HTML edit menu for all hip rafter roofs.
Custom materials is also enabled for both the soffit and the fascia. Soffit and fascia can only be specified in the edit menu once the roof is created. The current draw menu presents the user with far less parameters and will be updated to a more advanced HTML menu in the future.
Once I am satisfied with the soffit and fascia with the hip roofs I can then extend it to gable, shed and dutch gable roofs and all other truss roofs.
View example model here:
I'm considering adding in drip edge but then again it may be a step too far?
If gutter is enabled then the drip edge is barely visible. For estimating purposes I can just calc the perimeter of the roof to get the lineal feet of drip edge. Is it worth the effort?
After some further testing of the roof cladding extension parameter I think it makes more sense to make the extension per the horizontal and not per the roof plane. The problems really only seem to arise when you have an asymmetric roof, in this case the higher pitched roof will project less than the lower pitched roof if the extension is parallel to the roof plane.
The two most common drip edges I've seen applied to residential roofs are the right two profiles shown in this image:
It would be more light weight to represent these metals as simple edges and faces but then they would Z fight with whatever they are resting on so I guess it is probably better to assign a thickness and model them as a solid instead.
So the two options to start will be a L or a D drip edge (not sure why they call it a D). The dimensions will all be customizable like the roof gutters.
I've decided to put the drip edge on hold for just a bit and focus on the secondary roof module.
There is really two ways to handle this. You can either start with a primary roof and then add secondary roofs that tie into it. Or you can allow the user to pick the building outline (any polygon) and utilize a straight skeleton algorithm to compute the roof planes. There are some pros and cons (limitations) to each method.
Obviously with the straight skeleton method one would assume that the fascia lines up all the way around the roof so it doesn't lend itself to secondary roofs like dormers that may be positioned up on the roof.
However, the straight skeleton allows for some really complicated scenarios that you just cannot achieve with a secondary roof methodology.
A few months ago I was trying to come up with a robust straight skeleton algorithm and somehow it defeated me. This morning I took a slightly different approach and I now think I've finally solved it:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Once I have the roof "solid" I can then easily pull out the edges that represent the hips, ridges, valleys and flying hips. From there it is just a matter of some tedious logic to detect whether to frame a common, hip jack, valley jack or cripple jack (hip/valley jack).
Of course the devil is in the details but I now think I have a path forward for complex roofs, this is major breakthrough.
I will also need a tool or function that allows the user to toggle specific roof planes from hip to gable or back again.
Also note that this algorithm seems to work just fine even with asymmetric roofs.
Once I have the plugin able to frame out any complex roof (rafters and trusses), its going to be a game changer.
The complex roof algorithm seems to be fairly robust thus far, I haven't been able to break it just yet. However as I am contemplating how to make it so that each roof plane is adjustable (variable pitch) it is quickly becoming apparent that such a feature would become very complicated.
The issue really is a situation where you have a particular roof plane that you want to adjust. You then change its pitch (assuming all other pitches are left the same) and the roof gets recalculated. In certain situations that roof plane may then merge with another roof plane. If that happens then one of the two roof planes is absorbed by the other (both pitches must be equal of course).
The difficulty seems to arise in the tracking of each roof plane and the custom pitch assigned to it. The number of roof planes can be variable. The ability to edit each roof plane will need to be an "on the fly" sort of tool which allows the user to adjust only one roof plane at a time and then recalc the entire roof to re-determine the shape of the roof and hence how many and where its new roof planes actually are.
The easiest way to store this information, in my option. is to maintain the roof solid group (on a separate hidden layer). From this solid the roof planes can quickly be ascertained as well as the outline or footprint of the roof. I'm still thinking this one through as you can probably tell.
Initially the roof will be drawn with one overhang and one pitch. Where the edit menu can take it from there is where it potentially becomes quite complicated.
Consider a complex roof like the one below:
I can see that the framing can be accomplished with some basic rules/logic however non-orthogonal roof outlines will probably require some additional logic.
The tool that allows the user to define the footprint or outline of the roof should allow for the selection of a face or allow the user to pick points that then define the closed path of the roof outline. The code required to do this is already within my foundation plugin and will only need some minor modifications to make if work for this module as well.
Version 2.4.1 - 05.25.2019
- Parameter hightlight (input) color added to General tab of global settings.
- Parameter change highlighting enabled for the gable and hip rafter roof edit menus.
- Added the indexing parameter for roofs and floors to the General tab of the global settings.
A few minor items addressed per recent customer requests.
Since the hip rafter roof now has soffit and fascia I thought it would be fitting to add the same treatment to the gable roof, however the gable roof is surprisingly more complicated when it comes to soffit and fascia. Take the example shown below:
A number of questions arise:
1.) The sheathing terminates at the sub-fascia (at the eave, per previous discussion) however should it extend out to the gable fascia? or just terminate at the gable sub-fascia as shown?
2.) The cladding may need a different treatment even for hip roofs and for gable roofs. Rather than relying on the cladding extension parameter to bring it out over the fascia maybe bring the cladding out to the fascia by default and then the extension parameter brings it beyond the fascia if desired? The cladding extension parameter should also really be per the horizontal rather than per the roof plane due to complications with asymmetric roofs.
3.) A number of possible configurations can exist at the corner where the eave and gable soffit meet. Ideas? I don't even know what these variants are called, but I've seen them all. Some architects really don't like the soffit boxes but even these are popular in many regions.
4.) Should the gable fascia terminate as shown or extend beyond the eave fascia (projection). The projected gable fascia seems to be very popular in western Washington.
5.) The gutters will naturally be offset if fascia is specified but should I extend the gutters to terminate flush to the gable fascia or leave them so they terminate flush to the gable sub-fascia?
These roofs are complicated business. Lots of little details. Even though I'm not an architect or designer I've still got to deal with them all since I'm creating a tool that involves all of these subtle design decisions. Structural elements tend to be a bit simpler in my opinion.
I really have no idea if this is the correct way to build a soffit box but here is one possibility:
A couple things jump out at me:
1.) Note the double miter cut of the gable fascia.
2.) Note the addition of the two pieces of fascia to create the soffit box.
3.) I've shown this soffit box with a 15" return (the minimum return) however one could extend the return further and the eave soffit would then morph into an L shaped configuration. So if this type of soffit configuration is specified I should also provide the user with the ability to set the return length.
With gable roofs and their soffit and fascias it looks like I've open yet another can of worms.
Here is a soffit box with an extended return (4"):
Note the L-shaped eave soffit.
Version 2.4.2 - 05.27.2019
- Enabled soffit and fascia for gable rafter roofs.
- Enabled a roof cladding extension parameter for gable rafter roofs.
- Enabled custom materials for roof sheathing and roof cladding in the HTML edit menu for gable rafter roofs.
- Added the soffit box extension parameter for gable rafter roofs.
View model here:
Note the trimming of the ridgeboard if required.
Currently there is only one way to soffit and fascia the gable roof but if there is enough call for it I can also look at this type of configuration:
The other configuration I've noticed being used quite a bit locally is the angled soffit:
Personally I think this type of soffit works better where the rafter tails are square cut and not plumb cut otherwise the sub-fascia will probably need to be adjusted (beveled) on its bottom to ensure that the soffit fits correctly.
The one thing to note with this arrangement is that the gable soffit and eave soffit should be coplanar. In order for that to happen the depth of the rafter tails must equal the depth of the rake board (barge rafter). One way to achieve this if the rafters are quite deep is to trim them as shown in the image. An alternative approach is to match the barge rafter with the actual rafters but this will result in a very deep/thick fascia and a heavy look.
I'm just thinking out loud here so correct me if I'm seriously mistaken with any of my musings. The angled soffit is certainly another option that I could add in but I need to make sure there is call for it and that I've got it right.
Now that I have at least one option for soffit and fascia for a gable type roof it makes sense that I extend this functionality to the truss module. However with common trusses I also have the option for various roof returns:
I will need to add some additional logic into the soffit and fascia module so that it can properly handle these more classical roof returns.
If you look at this a little bit further it becomes apparent that you have the gable soffit dropping down into the roof plane of the return. I'm not entirely sure how this would be framed out, but it sure would be helpful to watch a crew installing soffit on a gable overhang where it comes down and meets a hip roof return like the one shown.
The fascia and eave soffit with its extension seem pretty straight forward.
A quick mock up of a truss roof with hip returns and soffit and fascia:
View model here:
I could get all fancy and try to trim the gable soffits so they intersect the hip returns perfectly but looking at it now it doesn't seem to terrible if I just terminate them as I have shown and the carpenter in the field will adjust to suit.
First look at soffit and fascia applied to a common truss (fink) roof:
If you look closely you can see the roof cladding is extending out over the gutter (0.75"), I'm adding the cladding extension parameter to the advanced options for trusses.
Even though this is working great now for the common truss I still need to add the logic in to handle the hip roof return and full return configurations. I also have the configuration where the back side of the assembly is truncated to allow for abutting next to a wall. This will require yet another soffit and fascia configuration.
Due to the complications caused by roof returns I had to jump through a few more hoops to get the soffit and fascia (and roof cladding extension) fully functional for common trusses:
Unfortunately, I still cannot release these latest upgrades to the public because in changing up the advanced options module I may have possibly broken other truss types.
Tomorrow I will need to do some thorough checking to make sure the other truss types: attic, scissor, monopitch, cathedral etc... are working correctly and can now work with the soffit and fascia module.
View model here:
Probably another solid day with soffit and fascia (extending it to many of the other truss types) and then I will be back on the rafter module and pushing hard to get something pulled together for secondary and complex roofs. I still need to come back to the drip edge but I think it can wait until I have the more important stuff dealt with. The nice thing about drip edge is that it will not affect other geometry or modules, it will just be an add-on, much less complicated.
In the process of revamping the gutter and roof returns module in order to handle soffit and fascia I did manage to turn up a few additional bugs which I have addressed. Its always nice to kill two birds with one stone.
As the complexity and depth of the plugins have increased I am finding it more difficult to juggle all of the plugins at once. Lately, I have given the other plugins a rest (except for critical bugs or minor fixes) and then dived deep into the current plugin of interest. At some point it would nice if I could bring on additional help so that development is ongoing with each plugin on a daily basis.
Quite a number of fixes to the attic truss module. The floor sheathing option is also now exposed in the attic truss edit menu.
Full Return:
Roof labels and callouts also added to this truss type.
Soffit and Fascia now available for Scissor and Cathedral trusses:
I've also taken the time to make the cathedral truss type parametric (edit menu).
I only need to look at the monopitch truss edit menu and address a few changes to it and then I will be ready to push all of these changes out to a new version.
Version 2.4.3 - 06.02.2019
- Enabled soffit and fascia for the following truss types: common, attic, scissor, monopitch, cathedral.
- Enabled a roof cladding extension parameter for truss roofs.
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all cathedral trusses (imperial and metric units).
- Added the floor sheathing option to the attic truss edit menu.
- Parameter change highlighting enabled for truss roof edit menus.
- Roof returns (full and hip) enabled for monopitch trusses.
- Addressed some minor bugs with the truss gutter module.
- Soffit and Fascia added to truss roofs with full or hip returns.
- Labels and callouts added to attic, scissor, and cathedral trusses.
- Added the soffit box extension parameter for truss roofs.
Monopitch variants:
This was a fairly substantial upgrade with lots of changes. I wrapped up quite a few hours of testing today but there will probably be something that gets away from me, there always is.
Now its time to go after the much larger fish... Complex and secondary roofs.
*** The Medeek Truss extension will no longer officially support SketchUp 2015 and SketchUp 2016, only SketchUp 2017 and newer will be supported. ***
I have reluctantly made this decision based on the additional time and effort I am spending trying to put in place additional logic (band aids) within the code base to ensure that the plugin maintains compatibility with these older versions of SketchUp. At some point it is simply no longer worth the effort.
If you are plugin user currently running one of these older versions of SketchUp, I would strongly suggest that you upgrade to ensure continued operation of the extension. The current version of the extension will probably still work with either SketchUp version however moving forward there will be no guarantee of compatibility.
Looks like Justin has featured the plugin in a demo of Quantifier Pro:
It would have been better if he had turned on the gable truss option in the global settings but regardless I appreciate the featuring of the plugin.
Justin does a nice job with those videos.
Working on the edit menu for the shed rafter roof. If the user enables soffit and fascia for this roof type I will need a small routine that checks the rafter depth and trims the upper rafter tails if the rafters are deeper than the barge rafter (rake board):
For the lower end rafter tails the soffit cut parameter takes care of this problem, however with an angled soffit I will need a similar routine for the lower rafter tails as previously discussed in a post a few days back.
Roof returns (rake, hip and full) have not been enabled for rafter roofs yet, that is something that will need to be setup for this module as the truss module already has this feature.
A number of other upgrades for this roof type as well: Front and Back gable overhangs, Roof cladding extension.
Version 2.4.4 - 06.05.2019
- Enabled soffit and fascia for shed rafter roofs.
- Enabled a roof cladding extension parameter for shed rafter roofs.
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for shed rafter roofs (imperial and metric units).
- Added the option in the shed rafter roof edit menu to specify a separate front and back overhang length.
- Shed roofs auto-trim upper rafter tails as required when soffit is specified.
Version 2.4.4b- 06.06.2019
- Enabled gable and angled soffit & fascia for shed rafter roofs.
Version 2.4.5 - 06.07.2019
- Fixed a minor bug with the shed rafter roof module.
- Enabled gable and angled soffit & fascia for all gable rafter roofs.
View model here:
I've beaten soffit and fascia to death but there still remains more to be done.
The gable and angled option still need to be made available with the truss module. Additionally I have not yet enabled soffit and fascia for hip truss sets as well as other more exotic truss types.
Note that soffit and fascia can only be enabled once the roof or truss assembly is created (within the edit menu). This is on purpose. Only those truss or rafter families that have the edit function available can have soffit and fascia enabled.
Version 2.4.6 - 06.08.2019
- Enabled gable and angled soffit & fascia for common, attic, scissor, and cathedral trusses.
- Enabled gable and angled soffit & fascia for monopitch trusses.
Version 2.4.6b - 06.08.2019
- Added the ability to import materials directly from the model within the Custom Material Libary/Manager in the global settings.
This update was per customer request. The direct material import feature previously was added to the Wall plugin but was missing from the Truss plugin.
This is the first new icon for the main Truss plugin toolbar in quite some time:
The complex roof icon/tool will allow the user to pick between either a truss or rafter complex roof (first HTML menu), then the user will select a horizontal (closed) face which will be used to determine the perimeter of the roof. Before the user selects the outline face they can utilize the complex roof draw menu (HTML menu #2) to adjust settings (ie. overhang, pitch, sheathing, cladding etc...)
The draw menu will stay open and the tool active until closed or space bar is pressed. So multiple complex roofs can be created one after another with the given settings. Similar to the wall plugin I will probably implement a system of roof presets so the user can quickly jump to a specific configuration.
My latest code for menus in the Electrical plugin is my cleanest and most advanced code for dealing with interactive HTML menus. I will be borrowing heavily from this plugin initially to setup my basic tool and menu systems.
I will also at some point allow the user to select the points that define the roof outline rather than selecting a face but for the time being I'm going to keep it simple and just allow the face selection method for now.
I am starting with the complex rafter roof first. The truss variant will be even more troublesome and problematic so its best to cut my teeth on the rafter variant and see how far I can take it.
The first menu will use the following two images to select either a rafter or truss roof:
First look at the initial selection menu:
When you initially create the complex rafter roof all plate heights, rafter depths, pitches and birdsmouth cuts will be the same for each eave/roof plane. Then I would like to have a system whereby the user can potentially edit each and every eave, changing up these parameters as they desire as well as switching certain hip planes to gable or vice versa.
Additionally it will be useful to have a system wherein you can also edit the underlying outline that defines the entire roof. This latest module is not going to come easy but if I can pull it off it will be a very nice tool.
The idea being that you should be able to adjust the roof parametrically as if it were a piece of clay and you are the sculpture.
Version 2.4.7 - 06.13.2019
- Enabled a "No Framing" mode for gable, hip and shed rafter roofs. This feature is also available for asymmetric gable and hip roofs.
- Added the complex roof icon to the main toolbar.
The "no framing" mode is per customer requests. I'm really not sure how much utility this features offers but it certainly will keep your model more lightweight if you choose not to show all of the rafter framing.
I also added this parameter in preparation for the upcoming complex roof module. With complex roofs the ability to eliminate all of the underlying framing will be a much bigger factor in my opinion.
View comparison models here:
After your purge the models there is not really a huge difference in file size between the two.
Just an FYI, some of the recent updates have managed to break a few things in the metric side of the plugin. I will be working on these issues all of today (and tomorrow if necessary) and release the fix later this evening or Saturday morning. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Version 2.4.7b - 06.14.2019
- Addressed a number of critical bug fixes for metric templates.
If you are working with metric units this update will address a number of issues that were not resolved when the edit function was added to various trusses and rafter roofs. This is an essential upgrade.
Still trying to get the complex roof module up and running but every time I try and refocus some other fire comes along and pulls me sideways. The soffit and fascia module introduced another block of parameters which need to be exposed in the global settings so users can set their default behavior, this is a relatively easy addition. I will knock this one out sometime later this evening.
With the Wall plugin I also have a huge list of items but a couple which are actively being requested are stacked windows and a custom offset parameter for the stud spacing. I really should hop back into the Wall plugin and try to address these before I get re-focused on the complex roof module.
The recent metric fix will be a welcome upgrade/resolution for many of you using metric templates. Again, I apologize for not spending as much time as I would like on debugging the metric side of the house. I will try to make a more concerted effort to check the metric side moving forward.
Version 2.4.8 - 06.16.2019
- Added a Soffit/Fascia tab to the Global Settings.
I've been developing this plugin now for almost 4 years. Progress is steady but much yet remains to be done. Once the complex and secondary roof modules are operational this plugin will begin to compete with the big dogs of architectural software (eg. Revit, Chief Architect etc...) Its taken a while to get to this point with a few detours along the way but I'm getting very close to accomplishing the holy grail of the plugin which has always been the ability to handle complex roofs automatically.
With the recent post about the foundation plugin (adding in parametrics for slab on grade foundations) some people are asking "Why did you stop working on complex roofs and move back to the foundation plugin?". As it turns out the algorithm or logic for editing the "polygon" outline of a complex roof or foundation is pretty much the same. Since I have the overall code in place for a slab on grade foundation I am first implementing the polygon face edit tool with the foundation plugin then I will bring this code over to the Truss plugin and complex roofs.
The "FRONT" option for Gable Truss parameter allows one to terminate a truss assembly where it meets another roof or wall but currently it does not provide for a GIRDER truss as shown:
I need to provide an additional option here called "GIRDER" which allows the user to terminate the truss assembly and also configure a girder truss (ie. Howe truss with heavy bottom chord and stubbed off tails).
Version 2.4.9 - 08.27.2019
- Fixed the trim tool so that it is now able to trim hollow sections (ie. pipes, rectangular tubes).
The extend tool already had this ability but for some reason I was not made aware that the trim tool was unable to handle hollow sections until just recently.
Medeek Live Training: Session 2 (
Scheduled time is Sept. 12 (Thursday) at 11:00 PST
The primary topics covered will be the recent additions to the truss plugin (ie. soffit & fascia, asymmetric rafter roofs, etc...) however as usual I will be open to any other questions via the online chat.
The session should run about an hour in length depending on the number of questions I receive.
I think I've worked the kinks out of my streaming software, so things should go a bit smoother this time.
Working in earnest on the complex roof module today after spending about two months overhauling the foundation plugin.
As I'm putting together this module I'm starting with a clean slate and trying to take advantage of all my behind the scenes and UI improvements I've made with the updates to foundation plugin and even the electrical plugin. All of the menus for this module will be HTML. Many of the editing and move tools will be brought over from the recent work on the foundation plugin.
The basic parameters that will define the complex roof overall geometry and roof planes are:
- polygon outline (provided by a face or a locus of user selected points)
- pitch
- overhang
- birdcut
- rafter depth
Additional basic parameters will be:
- rafter width
- ridgeboard depth
- ridgeboard width
- hip rafter depth
- hip rafter width
- valley rafter depth
- valley rafter width
- framing option: Yes/No
- advanced roof options
If the advanced roof options are enabled then the roof planes are actually further defined by the sub-fascia width since in two of three sub-fascia types the roof sheathing (plane) actually extends over the sub-fascia.
The advanced roof options will include: sheathing, cladding, sub-fascia, hip-and-ridge, gutters and soffit & fascia. The number of parameter required for all of these options is too numerous to list here. Future advanced parameters might include: gypsum, ceiling joists, heel blocking
Once a complex roof assembly is created it then can be edited by selecting various roof planes and customizing that roof planes particular parameters.
The roof plane edit tool will allow the user to adjust the follow parameters specifically for that roof plane or eave/edge:
- pitch
- birdcut
- rafter depth
- Overhang OR Delta Height (vertical height of supporting top plate)
Additionally certain roof planes will be convertable from a hip configuration to a gable configuration. Once a roof edge/plane is converted to a gable it will then need to be editable with a different "gable" menu, which will include a whole host of gable specific parameters (ie. outlookers, gable overhang, wall sheathing, wall cladding etc...)
Similar to the "Move SOG Edge" tool with the foundation plugin I will also have a "Move Roof Eave" tool that allows the user to move the roof outline around by picking an edge and dragging it perpendicular in or out. This should make resizing a roof a breeze.
I will also have the "Edit Roof Outline" context menu tool which will allow the user to actually edit the polygon that defines the roof outline.
I'm posting this update not only for you but also for me as it is helping me organize some of my own thoughts about what direction I need to take this new development. Any feedback or suggestions on what I have proposed thus far for this new module is very much welcomed.
Just to be clear this module is something I have been trying to accomplish within this plugin since I began coding it almost four years ago. This is the Holy Grail of the Medeek Truss extension. If I can pull this off successfully then I have actually accomplished something.
First look at the Draw menu for a complex rafter roof:
When you first click the complex roof icon you are first presented with the initial selection menu:
Once you click the rafter roof option you are then given the draw menu.
I now have the initial supporting infrastructure and templates in place, in other words the boring stuff (ie. attribute library storage and retrieval, draw and edit menus, polygon tool for point selection, global settings).
Now begins the much more challenging and exciting part of the development, establishing the roof planes and the actual geometry creation algorithms.
First look at a complex roof primitive created with the complex roof module:
The roof primitive will be placed on the hidden layer and the roof outline (blue colored face) will be placed on the outline layer. The outline layer is important since it allows the moving of the roof edges. Both of these layers are normally turned off but can be turned on manually at any time.
View the model here:
So far the algorithm for generating the roof planes (roof primitive) seems pretty stable, I will have to try harder to break it.
The next step will be the edit functions and then sheathing and cladding, those are the easy ones. After that it is on to sub-fascia, soffit & fascia and gutters.
The most difficult algorithms will be the framing and the hip & ridge.
First look at moving a roof edge:
Now I need to setup a similar system which will allow certain roof planes to be toggled between hip, gable, dutch gable and half hip. I think I will keep it simple and just start with the gable and hip options first.
Even with only the roof primitive this is already shaping up to be a fairly powerful tool. I like that the entire roof is parametric, I really dislike limitations, both for myself and for the designers who use my plugins.
You can also eliminate entire roof planes simply by merging the edges of the roof:
Complex octagon roofs are going to get interesting when it gets to the framing:
I will be adding in a separate toolbar for complex roofs with the following tools:
- Draw Complex Roof
- Edit Complex Roof
- Move Roof Edge
- Edit Roof Plane
Some of these tools can also be accessed via the context menu by right clicking on the roof assembly.
First look at the Complex Roofs toolbar:
I have removed the complex roof (draw) icon from the main toolbar.
The "Edit Complex Roof" tool will allow the user to manage all of the basic and advanced options for the overall roof. The "Edit Roof Plane" tool will allow the user to select a specific roof plane and edit its specific parameters:
- pitch
- top plate height (vertical offset with respect to the main roof)
- overhang
- birdcut
- rafter depth
If a roof plane meets certain criteria the option to switch the roof plane to an end gable will also be allowed. I have yet to work out all the details or algorithm which will determine whether a roof plane meets this criteria but I do have a pretty good idea on this one, however it may need some fine tuning.
If a roof plane is converted to a gable configuration then additional parameters for gable roofs will be presented in the roof plane edit menu (ie. gable overhang, outlookers, etc...)
Still working on the trying to break the roof plane (primitive) algorithm. I've added in a bit more error checking code. It will probably be a couple more days of testing to make sure it is bullet proof or mostly bullet proof.
The edit, move edge and edit outline tools and functions are now all working. The next item of business is the roof plane edit tool.
Even the most convoluted shapes will generate a roof so long as they are closed polygons:
However, I currently don't have a way to create a roof with inner polygons (holes), for example a donut shaped roof. I don't think this is critical right now but I will put this on my todo list.
Just fixed a major performance bug/flaw in the plugin not only for this module but actually for all the plugins. I will be releasing updates for each plugin including the Truss plugin that resolve this issue.
Currently working on the roof plane edit tool.
Version 2.5.0 - 09.28.2019
- Fixed a critical performance bug that affects all the modules within the extension.
- Added the Complex Roofs toolbar.
If you are noticing a slowdown of the plugin performance after multiple edits to a roof or floor assembly, this fix will resolve that issue. This issue affects all previous versions of the plugin.
Also note that the complex roof toolbar is now active and will allow you to create a complex roof primitive (edit, move edge, edit outline and regen). The "Edit Roof Plane" tool is currently not yet available.
The roof primitive and roof outline are placed on separate layers, I will get into that more with a future tutorial video. I primarily released this update tonight because of the performance issue I discovered this afternoon with all of the plugins, but it also allows some of you more adventurous designers the ability to test out the new complex roof tools. Granted a lot remains to be done but at least I've got a start into it now. I will be focused on it until it is complete. After that I will attack the secondary roof module.
An example of a roof primitive:
(Note, that I've assigned the material of the primitive to a different material and edited it so that it is transparent.)
View model here:
The roof outline is a separate group within the assembly, on its own "outline" layer. I've taken great care to make sure that the primitive is a "solid" so that the user will be able to use SketchUp's boolean (solid) tools to further manipulate these roof primitives if required.
All the magic happens here:
Nothing elaborate with my office or setup. The most critical is a somewhat decent computer that works well and the two monitors which allows me to open multiple ruby files at once when I need to.
So busy with the code that I still have not fixed the light fixture base (in the stairwell) that got knocked out of place a few months ago, I guess it all comes down to priorities.
Every roof plane will be able to be customized (or have the customization removed and return to its default state where it uses the global settings of the roof assembly).
The first and most important parameter is the Roof Plane Type: Hip or Gable
Not all roof planes will be able to convert to a gable configuration. If you look at a complex roof you should only be able to turn the roof planes that form a triangle (defined by three vertices) into a gable configuration. All other roof panes are going to be inclined or "hip". The other constraint is that the angle between the roof plane in question and its adjacent roof planes on either side must be orthogonal (90 degrees), otherwise you could potentially try and gable a roof plane on a octagon shaped roof, which would not make any sense. I think these two constraints will successfully limit a roof plane, as to whether it can become a gable end.
If a roof plane is customized and it is a hip its parameters are:
- pitch
- birdcut
- rafter depth
- overhang
- delta height
If a roof plane is customized and it is a gable end its parameters become:
- gable rafter option
- gable rafter depth
- gable overhang
- rake option
- rake width
- rake depth
- outlooker option
- outlooker spacing
- outlooker size
- outlooker orientation
- outlooker structural: Yes/No
- outlooker @ peak: Yes/No
P.S. A certain situation exists where the roof plane has 4 vertices might also be able to be a gable end, I will study this further.
Customizing roof planes gets a little complicated when combined with the roof edge move tool. The problem is that as you move roof edges you potentially change up the shape of roof, eliminating certain roof planes entirely and also changing some roof planes that potentially could be gable ends back to a hip configuration and vice versa.
With custom roof planes the move tool is going to have to get a bit more elaborate (more logic) so that a number of checks can be run to make sure that we are not trying to turn certain roof planes into gable ends that physically cannot be this configuration and also checking to see if certain roof planes were deleted.
The outline edit tool is even a larger problem in my opinion. How do you know which edges were retained after an outline edit? I think the default behavior should be to erase all roof plane customizations after the outline edit tool is used. I will need to give this some further thought.
Somehow I always knew that complex roofs was going to be a bit of a Pandora's box.
Lots of little details when it comes to editing roof planes. First of all let's introduce an updated menu:
Notice that the roof plane status will tell you whether the selected roof plane is inheriting its parameters from the main roof or it has its own custom settings.
I've also added a "Clear Custom Settings" at the bottom of the menu so that one can return the roof plane to the default/global settings of the roof assembly.
Setting up all of this supporting infrastructure is somewhat tedious and certainly time consuming, however I do believe that a solid user interface that is both efficient and intuitive will make or break this module.
I intend for the edit plane tool to be persistent, provided that it does not affect stability. In other words you can keep clicking on roof planes and updating them without having to restart the tool by clicking on the icon in the toolbar.
After struggling with the code for almost 8 hours I give you a fully parametric, asymmetric complex roof (primitive):
View model here:
I will now need to spend a day or two just trying to break it and I also need to enable the gable end option.
All of the menus and tools are working correctly now and seem to be quite robust. I will spend the next couple of days finishing up the roof primitive geometry (and testing). After that I would like to enable sheathing and cladding along with the roof labels and then I will probably release an update so everyone can test it out further and help me unearth any bugs I may have missed.
If you take a look at these two roofs you will notice that in the second case the lower ridge has degenerated into the steeper roof plane:
I didn't think it was possible but there are certain configurations where a standard straight skeleton will not generate the expected roof. This is a good example of that.
The complex roof module will not be able to automatically handle these types of situations.
This is where the secondary roof module will need to come in.
Throwing all sorts of curve balls at this module to see if I can break it. Ultimately one can always break anything if you try hard enough, especially with something as complex as some of these roofs get.
Overall I'm pretty happy with it, I've addressed the issue with inside corners and now all is working as expected. Here is a recent test example of a roof with planes and pitches all over the place:
View model here:
That being said there is always further testing that can be done. I'm sure there is some state I have not thought of that someone will get the plugin into that will break it.
I think it is time to move on to the gable end option. Once I get that working I think the utility of this new module will start to become apparent.
I haven't quite started into the framing geometry just yet but I'm already one step ahead thinking about how certain junctions are going to need to be framed up.
Two hip rafters meeting at a ridge is pretty standard and I think I have that one handled however the junction where a valley rafter meets a flying hip and ridge is a little more uncertain. Any information on how some of these framing junctions should be made would be very helpful.
Gable End option (within the edit roof panel menu) is now providing stable results:
View model here:
The roof primitive module for asymmetric complex roofs with gable and hip ends is now complete. Granted there is still room for additional options like dutch gable and half hips but I will leave those for another day.
I will now turn my attention to sheathing and cladding as well as the roof plane labels (name and sqft).
One thing I forgot to add into the overall roof parameters/options is anything for battens and cross battens. I can add it in if I receive some positive feedback on that feature, otherwise I will move on and start into the sheathing module first thing tomorrow.
Version 2.5.1 - 10.02.2019
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Plane" tool, allowing for customized roof planes within complex roof assemblies.
- Added the gable end option for complex roofs within the "Edit Roof Panel" tool/menu.
Version 2.5.1b - 10.03.2019
- Added logic so that customized roof planes can co-exist with the "Move Roof Edge" and "Edit Roof Outline" tools of the complex roof module.
Previously, moving roof edges would potentially shift the customized roof planes if certain roof edges were removed or consolidated. I think we have now achieved a fully parametric status with the various tools all working together.
After giving it some further consideration I've decided to enable dutch gable and half hip options for custom roof planes rather than leave it for later. If I include these options now it will force me to keep my other more specific algorithms general enough to handle all cases. The geometry calcs required to generate the roof primitive for these two other configurations is really not that difficult and actually provides a rather intriguing challenge.
Some of you may notice that this thread starts rather abruptly, the full story can actually be found on the Sketchucation forums if you are interested. In response to a question on Youtube here is a little bit more history on the birth of this plugin and where it has taken me:
QuoteI actually started developing these plugins quite by accident (Truss plugin). I have a web based truss calculator that I initially programmed as a purely academic exercise but eventually became a web based tool when I saw that others might have use for it. This web based app provided a way for the user to generate a DWG of the truss geometry and then download it. I don't remember who it was, but a SketchUp user emailed me one day back in early Oct. 2015 if I could also make it generate a SketchUp file instead. At that point I had no idea if I could or not, I had no knowledge that SketchUp even had a Ruby API, so I said I would look into it. A few days later in some spare time I was curious if SketchUp might have some sort of AutoLisp like feature (similar to AutoCad) so I dug around on the internet a bit and sure enough an API did exist.
In a few hours I quickly hacked together a bit of Ruby code (my first time coding Ruby, all my previous coding experience is primarily Perl, javascript and HTML) and pretty soon I had some code that one could drop into the ruby console or your plugin folder (.rb file) and it would draw the truss geometry. At the same time I also discovered the various SketchUp forums (SketchUp and Sketchucation). I posted about my update to my truss calculator since I figured other SketchUp users might find this useful if they wanted to model up accurate trusses: (
A few days later Julian Smith (South African Architect/Designer) asked me if this tool would become a "real extension". That got me thinking and I thought if I can find the time it might be fun to actually make this into something. I was finding that the API and ruby were actually quite fun to program and it didn't take much convincing to keep working on it, in truth it was strangely addicting. One thing led to the next and pretty soon the truss plugin was capable of generating a number of truss types.
In 2016 I started work on the Foundation plugin however I held off on developing the Wall plugin since John Brock (Estimator for SketchUp) had announced his work on a framing plugin.
By early 2018 the Truss plugin had gradually evolved into quite a complex and deep plugin and I had a number of people begging me to consider doing a Wall plugin, including Larry Belk who had been pushing me in that direction since 2015. Brock's wall plugin had still not been released so I finally decided I'd go for it. Except this time, instead of working on it part time, I decided to go for it full time, a major leap of faith. I did a KickStarter campaign to see if there was sufficient interest in a Wall plugin and started programming it full time in early April 2018. By May 25th, I released the first BETA of the wall plugin and by January of this year I felt like the plugin was good enough to move it from BETA status to full.
All of the plugins are currently under active development, much work remains to be done. They have been my full time job since I started the Wall plugin last year. My current push is to complete the complex rafter roof module. I am grateful to SketchUp for having the foresight to provide an API and for my customers who allow me to keep creating and pushing the ball forward. One day I would like to see SketchUp become the predominant architectural tool used for residential and commercial work.
First look at half hip complex roofs:
(textures added to roof primitive for effect)
Notice the additional "setback" parameter in the menu. Also a half hip roof plane has both hip and gable parameters with the non-applicable parameters grayed out, as shown.
Similar to a gable end, the half hip can only be applied to certain roof planes, the plugin automatically restricts this placement.
The overhang of the half hip is governed by the gable overhang parameter, hence the overhang under the hip options is grayed out.
Now, on to the dutch gable...
First look at dutch gable complex roofs:
(textures added to roof primitive for effect)
After I setup the system for the half hip this one fell out without too much trouble.
View model here:
Now it is time to move on to the sheathing and cladding, but first I need to add in some options for battens and cross battens.
Version 2.5.2 - 10.04.2019
- Added the half hip option for complex roofs within the "Edit Roof Plane" tool/menu.
- Added the dutch gable option for complex roofs within the "Edit Roof Plane" tool/menu.
- The "Edit Roof Plane" tool has been made non-persistent to further improve stability.
First look at roof sheathing:
Roof cladding is a little more involved because of the cladding extension parameter.
A few more kinks to work out in the sheathing module, but overall it is working better than expected and it wasn't nearly as hard to code as I initially thought it would be.
View model here: (
Still a bit more work to do with sheathing when the dutch gable option is utilized. As you can tell from the model the sheathing is not tucking under the gable end overhang just yet. I will be addressing this tomorrow.
The rebuild time on this model takes about 1.5 seconds. That is just with the roof primitive and sheathing.
The question is what will the rebuild time be like for a model/roof this complex when all of the rafters and other accoutrements are included?
View model here:
Version 2.5.3 - 10.05.2019
- Added sheathing for complex roofs.
- Fixed the sheathing at the gable overhang for dutch gable complex roofs.
As shown in the image the sheathing with a dutch gable roof tucks up under the overhanging gable end.
View model here:
With this fix I think we are now 100% with the sheathing. I will begin the cladding next.
I've been thinking about connecting roofs together, for example a gable roof connecting to another building where the roof meets the wall. For this type of scenario it might be useful to have an option for a cutoff end (gable end with no overhang etc... I'm not sure exactly what to call this.
It's funny where my thoughts take me when I take a breather from the code, I guess even when I'm on break I'm still contemplating what needs to be done with these plugins. I just realized that I can enable one additional option in addition to all the other options (ie. gable, dutch gable, half hip). I will call this a "CONNECTION". Basically you will be able to connect one roof to another (secondary roof). However, rather than having a separate module for the secondary roof I just realized that with the connection option complex roofs can become secondary roofs, so an additional module is not necessary.
I will need to give this considerably more thought but I think this direction I need to go. There will need to be some options for connection type (another roof, a wall or a roof and a wall). I will need to explore the possibilities, this is going to get interesting.
If things weren't complicated enough with complex roofs, they just got a lot more complicated.
Rather than having two or three different types of connections I think it makes more sense to sub divide it into two additional options and then a connection is simply a connection. You end up with two additional options: TERMINAL and CONNECTION
With terminal it is very similar to a gable end however the roof just ends, no overhangs, no outlookers etc... This would be used when framing the roof up to a wall that is parallel to the roof edge. Theoretically this same type of roof could be achieved with the CONNECTION option however it would remove the requirement for selecting a primary roof (or solid) to connect to, and just simply end the roof in a squared off fashion.
The CONNECTION option is a bit more interesting. To get the results that we want we need to make this end treatment as general as possible. One could potentially connect to any group or component in the model or to another Medeek complex roof assembly. I will need a tool within a tool which allows the user to select the primary roof/object that they would like to connect to.
1. If the selected group is a Medeek roof assembly then the primary roof will also store that it is being connected to by a secondary roof, and the secondary roof will list the instance name of the primary roof it is connecting to.
2. If the selected group or component (must be a solid) is a non-Medeek roof assembly it will also store and list the instance name of the primary object that the roof is connecting to.
Here are shown a couple of possible connection scenarios:
Connecting to another complex roof at an oblique angle and below the fascia line.
Connecting to a non-Medeek roof (solid group).
To keep this option from completely spiraling out of control we must make the assumption that the only roof planes impacted by the connection will be the two adjacent and orthogonal roof planes that are either side of the connection roof edge (the connecting roof plane technically does not exist). I'm sure there will be users who try to subvert this requirement in certain design situations, so some logic to check this limitations may need to be implemented.
View model here:
When you are connecting a roof into an arbitrary solid (ie. walls) you may end up with something like this:
View model here:
You will notice I've modified the roof primitive to emphasize the gable overhang. The key takeaway is that a roof connection should be treated like a gable end condition but with a certain amount subtracted away. That way if you do have a situation like the one shown, you will get your rakeboard etc... The trick of course is too make sure the logic is smart enough to identify these potential configurations and then adjust for them.
First look at roof sheathing:
I've exploded the model so you can get a better idea of all the elements in the assembly.
Note, that the roof outline group will always be at the same Z height as your input points or (top of wall plate).
Due to overhangs and your roof pitch the roof primitive may extend below the outline, hence the reason I hide the roof primitive layer when initiating the edge move tool or roof plane edit tool.
For cladding I still need to do some work due to the roof extension parameter, this complicates the geometry slightly since the cladding is not based on the same face (edge points) as the sheathing is.
First look at cladding with the cladding extension active:
As you can see asymmetric roofs tend to complicate things slightly but regardless the correct lateral extension is achieved (0.75"). I will need to go back into the other rafter roof modules and correct this feature, I don't think I have it quite right.
Because of the possibility of fascia and the cladding extension parameter, the cladding becomes a bit more involved not only for hip roofs but also along the rake edges of dutch gables, gables and half hips. All of these roof end conditions have unique solutions when it comes to cladding, and unfortunately it requires a fair bit of logic and coding on my part to make it happen.
The interesting thing about what I do is not so much about the programming, but more the manipulation of the data and the topological and geometric problems I am able to solve, with nothing more than a well written API, some ruby code, and at times some serious mental contortions. I have certainly become well acquainted with the Geom module in the SketchUp API.
That cladding extension parameter was a real pain. However, as you can see in the image below it is now working for the half hip configuration:
Cladding is now complete, thankfully
I'm thinking about working on the roof plane labels next and then on to the sub-fascia.
First look at labels with cladding and sheathing:
View model here:
I need to add a scale factor for the text size which will allow the user to adjust the size of the text for the labels. I actually need this for the entire plugin, not just this module.
The other issue is ordering the roof planes which may or may not be the same as the number of roof edges. Note, that sometimes roof edges are collinear and if their other parameters are the same (ie. pitch, overhang etc...) the roof planes will merge into one. For example take roof plane "N" in the model shown, it is bounded by two separate eave edges.
The ordering of roof planes gets a little bit interesting in these cases but all one can do is one's best to bring as much order to the chaos as possible.
Each label is centered on its respective roof plane (via the method), sometimes this works out and sometimes it doesn't. I don't really have any ideas on a better algorithm for the time being.
Starting to work on the sub-fascia module. Everything is pretty clear to me except for the half hip. I actually have never added a half hip roof type to the plugin until now. My proposed solution for a half hip with sub-fascia is:
I think it makes the most sense to bevel cut the rakeboard as shown so that the bottom edges of rakeboard flush up. Please feel free to comment or suggest and alternative solution.
Version 2.5.4 - 10.08.2019
- Added cladding for complex roofs.
- Added labels for complex roofs.
Looking at some of Larry Belk's roofs this morning got me thinking about those crazy octagon shaped turrets often employed on upper end houses. It seems they are rather popular these days, and I would imagine quite fun to frame up.
I honestly wish I was living in an area where a lot of this type of house building and framing is going on. It would be very educational to visit a few of these job sites and observe how things are going together and ask a few (many) questions.
The image below shows what solution (upper octagon) the complex roof module will come up with when the octagon is integral with the rest of the roof (all one assembly):
View model here:
However, the solution you will probably want is the lower octagon turret where the octagon outline is fully preserved.
When the plugin creates the roof primitive it will only at a maximum have as many roof planes as there are roof edges (eaves). The straight skeleton algorithm cannot add in additional roof planes that do not border a roof edge, this is just the way it works mathematically, there is nothing I can do about this behavior.
I will need to give this type of situation some more careful thought and consideration. I have a few ideas up my sleeve already but the implementation is always the crux of the problem.
One thing I haven't considered yet are roof returns (gable and half hip):
However if you are going to go to the trouble to put a return on the half hip you will probably also do a lower return at the fascia line as well:
Eventually half hips will need to have an option for returns: Upper, Lower or Both
Also note that the pitch of the lower roof return equals the pitch of the half hip but this may not always be the case. Also the lower roof return may have three possible configurations: Full, Hip or Gable.
The complexity of complex roofs knows no bounds.
View model here:
I don't want to get lost in the weeds right now so I'm not going to implement roof returns for gable and half hip roof ends just yet. This will have to be work for a later date. However, it was worth exploring and considering the possibilities.
Version 2.5.4b - 10.09.2019
- Fixed a bug with non-orthogonal roof plane labels for complex roofs.
- Resolved some minor bugs and stability issues with half hip and dutch gable roof options with complex roofs.
View model here: (
If you are BETA testing the complex roof module I highly advise upgrading to this latest version as it addresses a problematic stability issue I was having with dutch gable roofs.
Version 2.5.5 - 10.10.2019
- Added sub-fascia and rakeboards for complex roofs.
View model here:
I've eliminated the FLUSH option and only kept the BEVEL and DROP option for sub-fascia. I don't know that the FLUSH option ever really made any sense. If enough people complain I can always bring it back.
We have enough "real" geometry now to show the basic outline of the roof. I will next go after the soffit and fascia and then the gutters. I'm still thinking about downspouts, a method to customize their placement makes the most sense.
I may have to take a break from the code for a couple of days (not really excited about that) as I have some traveling to do.
I think the complex roof will be a welcome addition once I have moved the ball a bit further. Testing the plugin suite combined with the complex roofs is quite satisfying but it does make me realize that so much more still needs to be done, not only with the roofs but also with the walls and other features (ie. porches, decks, steps etc...)
View model here:
As they say the devil is in the details and there can be a lot of details with these residential (and commercial) structures.
I'm now 4 years into these plugins (the first iteration of the Truss plugin was released on 10/07/2015), well technically only 1.5 years full time. I think I've made a fairly sizable dent, but looking at what still remains to be done, I'm not sure I even see an end in sight.
I beginning to warm up to the idea that I may need some programming help (perhaps even partners). If you're familiar with the SketchUp API and interested in possibly getting involved in the development of these plugins, give me a shout I would be interested in talking with you.
I'm starting to see the number of new licenses per month accelerating. This tells me that the plugin(s) are becoming more widely known, and also as they further mature, they are becoming an ever more viable alternative to other similar design softwares. Now is the time to step on the gas and pick up the pace of the development even further. Nothing scares me more than providing an inferior or defective product to my customers, and I realize that the plugins are still far from the polished, comprehensive and professional tools that I would like to see them become.
I'm now at the stage where I am beginning to work through my algorithms for the actual framing of the roof (ie. rafters, ridges, hips and valleys). I begin by breaking down the edges of the roof so that I can determine which are hips, valleys, rakes, flying hips etc... I also want to actually label each as such so when it comes time to dump all of this into the estimating module there is some order to it.
If you look closely at a roof primitive and the edges that constitute that primitive, immediately a number of things jump out at you:
1.) All of the horizontal edges that are at the same Z height as the top fascia line are roof perimeter edges or "fascia edges". We do have to make an exception for the half hip though, since its fascia edge will be elevated above the eave height.
2.) All of the edges with vertices below the fascia Z height are irrelevant and we won't be needing those.
3.) If we look at all the edges coming off of the perimeter vertices (we can find those easily enough by comparing against our perimeter points array) it is apparent that the inside angle between two fascia edges will determine whether the edge is a valley or a hip. If the angle is less than 180 deg. then it is a hip. if the angle is greater than 180 deg. it is a valley. If the edges belong to a gable or half hip roof plane then they will be rake edges, rather than hips or valleys.
4.) Next we grab all of the remaining edges where the height of the start and end vertices are equal. These will form ridges. An exception must be made for dutch gable and the half hip. So it is best that we eliminate those edges first.
5.) Fortunately, there are no such thing as flying valleys, only flying hips. By process of elimination the remaining edges will all be flying hips. Flying hips are interesting because they always begin where a valley and ridge intersect and they end either intersecting another hip/flying hip at a ridge or at a peak with possibly multiple hips coming together at a point.
We basically dump each edge in the primitive into a hash so we have ourselves a quick lookup table for each edge that we can access it for future operations (ie. cutting rafters).
When the roof corner angles are all orthogonal (90 deg. or 270 deg.) the algorithm for the rafter framing should be fairly simple. However when you throw in non-orthogonal angles (ie. octagon roofs) things become more complicated and there needs to be some logic to deal with these scenarios specifically.
Another reason that I need to classify the edges is that the width of the valleys, hips and ridges may not be equal, which will impact the trimming of the rafters as they intersect these members.
And that is all the magic there is to it. I think the key breakthrough I had back in May (when I figured out my straight skeleton algorithm) was that I realized that once I somehow generated the roof primitive the rest would easily fall out. Previously, I was trying to mathematically calculate all of these vertices and edges, which turned out to be incredibly difficult and ultimately a dead end.
I now have a coherent plan of attack.
I've also been giving some thought to gutters. If there are no half hip or gable conditions the gutter will wrap completely around the roof.
Otherwise the gutter will be broken into one or more sections.
Downspouts are more of an issue. With a complex roof the positioning of downspouts needs to be more customizable. I would like to implement a system where the user can select standard locations to position downspouts along a gutter run. For instance at either end or at the middle, this should provide enough flexibility for most situations.
Tutorial 16 - Introduction to Complex Roofs (19:42 min.)
I did forget to mention the "Edit Outline" function which can be initiated by right clicking on the roof assembly. However, if you have a number of customized roof planes the results may become unpredictable, especially if the the outline is dramatically changed. The feature will need some further refinement.
First look at a gutter fully wrapping a complex (hip) roof:
Note the 3/4" offset from the sub-fascia since I have soffit and fascia enabled. The 3/4" thick fascia is not drawn yet, hence the gap.
I've also set my vertical offset to 1" for the gutter.
Version 2.5.6 - 10.11.2019
- Added gutters for complex roofs.
View model here:
On this particular model I've employed a vertical offset of 1" and a gutter extension of 1.5" with a K5 style gutter, other gutter styles available.
I have not enabled downspouts yet as I need to come up with a better system for handling these. I think I have a new system figured out but I need to work on the details before I'm ready to implement it.
The problem with complex roofs is that I am only scratching the surface right now. There are quite a few permutations that are possible that are quite common with many residential designs that I still cannot handle with the current complex roof module.
Consider this relatively simple example:
With this case the fascia is at two levels. At the back corner on roof plane A you have what I call a 3/4 Hip (kind of hybrid between a half hip and a hip, one side is a hip and the other is technically a half hip). This causes the fascia line to rise by 24".
Where roof plane E meets roof plane D, you have one roof plane dying into the other and creating a "Flying Valley" and the other roof plane terminates at the wall below (a partial gable end?).
I guess I was wrong there are "flying valleys" after all.
The problem with trying to construct this particular example with my proposed secondary roof module is that its a little more complicated than that. Rather than two separate roof assemblies the roofs are technically merged. Also the 3/4 Hip configuration kind of requires that the roof assemblies are one construct.
This example really has me scratching my head right now.
What does jump out at me is that when you are dealing with an inside corner (angle between walls is greater than 180 deg.) the roof planes die into each other creating a partial gable and a flying or hanging valley.
When you have an outside corner (angle between the walls is less than 180 deg.) you then end up with a 3/4 hip. Two additional solutions might be a gable or half hip with unequal legs. If you were to keep making the setback of the half hip larger eventually it would degenerate into the 3/4 hip where one leg is now a hip roof.
My original restrictions on the placement of gable ends are too tight. In order to created roofs where you may have a gable on a gable we need to relax things a bit or at least change up the conditionals:
This further complicates each building element or at least opens up possibilities which did not exist before so I will need to add additional logic for sheathing, cladding, sub-fascia and gutters.
Who said complex roofs were going to be easy.
Another variation of the gable roof study:
Gables ad infinitum...
The one thing that jumps out here is that gable roof planes cannot be adjacent to each other (or other variants like dutch gable or half hip configurations), gable roof planes are separated by hip planes. Additionally, I will limit the gable option to orthogonal roof planes only (corners must be 90 or 270 degrees).
There is always on more thing to add, at some point I hope to have conquered this beast.
When you raise the fascia line along a segment of the roof inevitably it must return to same level since a roof is a closed loop. See model here:
I think I can make this work but I'm going to have to drastically change my algorithms to allow for unequal fascia/gutter lines.
The other interesting thing with all of this is that the fascia line could step up and down multiple times around a roof.
Another observation is that only hip roof planes technically step up or down, gable roof planes/edges are controlled by the adjacent hips.
A couple of interesting gable roofs:
Looks like I have the roof primitive working for "interior" gables. Now I just need to sort out the details for sheathing, cladding, sub-fascia and gutters. An interior gable is defined as a gable roof plane with one or more corner angles of 270 degrees (orthogonal inside corner), hence an interior gable.
For now I'm not going to allow interior dutch gables or half hips. As long as the angles, at both corners, are 90 degrees then you will be able to place a dutch gable or half hip on that roof plane. However, the gable is a little more flexible and will allow some interesting configurations, as shown.
Notice how the sheathing is now projecting underneath the gable overhangs:
Now I just need to get the cladding to behave similarly and then a few adjustments to the sub-fascia and gutters.
First look at cladding correctly displaying for interior gables:
The sub-fascia for interior gables is interesting because in most cases one or both side will die into another roof plane, however this is not always the case as can be seen in the example to the far left. Logic to include all of these possibilities now must be constructed.
Unlike the much simpler exterior gable the position of the peak of the interior gable roof has no direct relation to the perimeter points that define this gable's edge. Due to this inconvenience I cannot (easily) mathematically calculate the sub-fascia, I must use the roof primitive geometry to derive the correct points and position, again more emergent behavior. In short, the roof primitive is smarter than I am.
First look at sub-fascia for interior gables:
Bit of a struggle to consider all of the possible permutations for this type of roof but I think I have finally arrived at a robust solution.
I just need to consider gutters and then we can proceed with the actual framing of the roofs.
I've also heavily modified my error checking code for the roof primitive to make the overall performance more robust. With the addition of interior gables there is more probability that the designer can create roof design that does not have valid geometry. Further testing will be required to try and eliminate these scenarios or further augment the areas that are having trouble with these situations.
Version 2.5.7 - 10.14.2019
- Allowed the option for interior gables within complex roofs.
- Fixed a bug in the gutter module for complex roofs.
I need to do some traveling in the next few days but I just wanted to get the update out the door before taking a break from the code.
View model here:
As I'm taking a break from the code before my trip it dons on me that the soffit & fascia, primarily the fascia is probably more important than the actual roof framing right now. If I have that feature enabled it will allow the designer to complete his or her elevations. Whereas the framing is a critical future feature but does not really come into play for the actual construction documents.
With that in mind, I think my next big push will be to complete the soffit & fascia, then I will begin the framing algorithms. The good news is that the fascia algorithms will be very similar to the sub-fascia so most of my work there is already done.
Also speaking to a number of plugin clients earlier today it took me back at how many of them actually use AutoCad for their construction documents, and just import parallel projections from SketchUp as a DXF/DWG. Even though the resulting mess of "dumb lines" in your AutoCad drawing is not optimal I suppose it is still quicker and easier to do this rather than to try and actually draw a complex roof elevation from scratch.
More fun with gables...
I will be out for 2 - 3 days however you can probably reach me by phone if it is an emergency, however I won't have any computer in front of me so it may be hard to do any significant support or troubleshooting.
I had an interesting conversation with a client today and he wondered if I disliked engineering, and that is why I am now developing plugins. I do not dislike engineering, in fact I really would like to get back into it but I would like to get back into it with SketchUp and my plugins leading the charge.
The one problem I have with the way residential engineering is done (or at least the way I was doing it), is the lack of automation. Yes, there are plenty of tools out there (spreadsheets, Forte etc...) that help with the calculations, however I want something even more streamlined. I want a program that already takes a 3D model of a structure and then is somehow smart enough to propagate the loads throughout that structure and run all the numbers automatically. This is the way engineering should be done in the 21st century, we have the computers, and yes we have the technology, we just need to leverage it so that we can stop wasting our time on tedious chores.
To be honest, most of residential engineering is quite mundane. There is some engineering judgement that comes into play in certain situations however for the most part it is merely taking some inputs and running them through a number of AWC and ASCE equations and giving the result a GO or NO-GO. This is exactly what computers were built for.
This is my **vision** for the engineering module and what it should be able to do:
I should be able to enter the site criteria for a project and then with the push of a single button crunch all of the engineering calcs for that model. The items that fail will be flagged. I modify those items accordingly (upgrade a header to a larger size), and then run the numbers again, until everything passes. I then click the generate report, a PDF is generated. I review it one last time, checking for errors and making sure all the inputs and outputs look reasonable and consistent, and then print out a paper copy, and stamp and sign it.
I've decided my time is much better spent developing a proper solution like this rather than continuing my practice of manually crunching numbers for local residential clients. Undoubtedly, I would make more money working on local engineering projects than I would make working on just these plugins (full time). In fact, I even turned down an employment opportunity last year for a really nice, six figure income so that I could specifically pursue the Wall plugin full time.
Currently I'm probably only making only about half of what I could make working strictly as a conventional engineer or corporate drone, but with me it has never been about the money. One has to look at the big picture with these things. I love what I do, I have full ownership, and I am able to help hundreds, maybe thousands of architects, engineers and designers rather than just a handful of local clients. Every day I wake up I get to decide what needs to done, I control the direction I take, even though my customers do guide me. I am also able to leverage both my love for programming and my love of engineering. I didn't choose this path, it chose me.
First look at fascia with complex roofs:
View model here:
Now I just need to look at the various permutations for various roof end configurations (ie. gable, half hip, dutch gable).
With gable and half hip configurations we also have Boxed, Angled or Gable style configurations.
First look at a half hip fascia and rake with a boxed soffit:
First look at the soffit on a complex roof:
Unlike the sub-fascia and fascia the soffit (and its miter cuts) are also a function of the overhang at each roof plane, therefore the computation of the correct width of the soffit is a bit more complicated with asymmetric pitches.
The example shown is a symmetric roof with hips all the way around. The inclusion of gables, dutch gables and half hips along with the soffit box extension parameter makes for a much more complicated problem.
First look at a soffit on a complex hip roof with asymmetric roof planes:
Now I just need to complete the special cases situations for half hips, dutch gables and gables. Still quite a bit of work to do with soffits and also some more work on the fascia for the boxed end case (return and triangular pieces).
First look at a complex roof with a gable end and soffit and fascia:
I'm really trying to wrap up the soffit and fascia and get a new version released however there are a lot of details and possible geometries with the soffit and fascia when you throw gables, dutch gables and half hips into the mix. The interior gables also further complicate the matter with a number permutations that must be specifically accounted for.
I probably have at least another day of adding in more logic for all of these possibilities, but I am getting close.
Rather than moving on to the actual framing I think I will spend a little time on roof connections and what I call a "terminal" roof configuration. The terminal roof configuration is similar to the other configurations in that it can only be applied to a roof plane that has corner angles of 90 degrees. I will allow the roof to just end (ie. no gable overhang), this will be useful when creating roofs that are adjacent to walls and other structures.
On a different note, I will be temporarily removing the "angled" option from the soffit type selection options. This soffit configuration makes the most sense with simple gable roofs but with hip roofs it is a bit of a mess. Until I study this further and make sure that I have a sensible solution I am limiting the soffit types to gable and boxed.
First look at a half hip with a boxed soffit and fascia:
Version 2.5.8 - 10.24.2019
- Added soffit & fascia for complex roofs.
View model here:
I've been testing out the "gable" soffit configuration and at steeper pitches this is what you get:
The proper way to configure this would be:
This requires an additional check to see if the rake soffit extends below the eave soffit.
I've also received requests to have another option to trim the rake fascia so that it is flush with the eave fascia, similar to what I already do with the rake fascia with the "boxed" option.
Version 2.5.9 - 10.26.2019
- Added a trim fascia rake parameter for complex roofs.
- Resolved the issue with the soffit for the "gable" soffit configuration for complex roofs.
Note that the trimming of the fascia rake is enabled automatically when you choose the "boxed" soffit configuration. The "gable" configuration however allows one to trim the ends or leave them untrimmed.
For low roof pitches the "gable" soffit extends to the corners, at steeper roof pitches the logic checks the geometry and creates the flat section as required.
First look at the "Terminal" roof plane configuration:
The terminal configuration is utilized when you have a roof plane that abuts a vertical wall as shown. To use this feature the corner angles of the roof plane must be both 90 degrees (same as a dutch gable or half hip).
The next feature I will be working on is a roof "connection", or the ability to create secondary/primary roofs, where one roof ties into another roof assembly or solid group or component. This feature should prove a bit challenging but very useful if I am able to make it work as I have envisioned it.
First look at the "Roof Connection" feature:
In this case I am simply connecting to a generic solid which cuts away the section of the roof that is intersecting the solid geometry. When I get to the actual roof framing things may become slightly more complicated (ie. ledgers etc...)
View model here:
When a roof is connected to another roof not only will the secondary roof have geometry removed but the primary roof will also need to have geometry modified or removed. This is a real can of worms, but hopefully I can bring order to the ensuing chaos.
Here would be an example of a chimney against the eave of a roof:
Note the addition of a cricket (manually created group) next to the chimney.
First look at two intersecting complex roof assemblies:
View model here:
As I've worked my way through the logic of intersecting roof assemblies this evening it has become clear to me that the concept of primary and secondary roofs really does not exist. In actuality intersecting roofs is the more correct terminology. If a roof assembly intersects another roof assembly, each will need to have its geometry modified by the presence of the other assembly's roof primitive. Each assembly will store the other assembly's name in its attribute library (database) as a connecting object.
The tricky part of this will be the rafter framing, where a simple boolean subtraction of the opposing roof primitive from the rafters will not work. I will need to ponder on this some more, I think the solution will probably reveal itself but currently I don't see a clear path on this one.
Version 2.6.0 - 10.30.2019
- Added the terminal roof plane option for complex roofs.
- Added the "Complex Roof Connection" tool to the complex roof toolbar.
- Enabled Roof Connections for complex roofs: roof assemblies or solid groups.
- Added the "Remove Roof Connection" feature to the edit menu for complex roofs.
Tomorrow I will put out a tutorial video explaining the terminal roof plane option and the setting up and dismantling of roof/roof and roof/solid connections.
Now that I've got the roof connection functionality up and running it is time to turn my attention to the actual roof framing. This is where the real headaches begin.
I think I will start with trying to figure out an efficient algorithm for the ridge boards.
Most orthogonal roofs are fairly straight forward:
If a ridge meets another ridge then it will receive a miter cut to match with that other ridge.
If the ridge terminates into two hip rafters then it will be a square cut.
The question I have is what to do when the hip terminates into a flying hip and valley?
Then of course there are the exceptions caused by half hips, dutch gables, gables and terminals but those can be accounted for.
As I've previously stated it makes sense to first catolog each edge of the roof primitive and create a hash for easy lookups. The process of elimination should allow me to assemble the catalog relatively easily.
The new connection tool allows you to do this sort of thing:
Tutorial 17: Complex Roof Connections (19:05 min.)
View model in tutorial here:
I have the algorithm worked out for a ridge that terminates into two hips (or more) however I'm still uncertain what should be done at the flying hip/valley termination:
For now I'm not going to apply any special treatment, just a square cut to start with. Once I get more clarification I can introduce more complicated logic.
The Medeek Halloween Haunted House:
View model here:
Another test of the roof connection feature with chimney and turrets.
First look at ridge boards with complex roofs:
Things get a little messy when a ridge terminates into more than two hips or flying hips (ie. octagon and hexogon roofs), I will need to add in additional logic to handle these types of situation.
The potential asymmetry of the roof planes also creates some interesting possibilities, however I do think I've solved that topological problem.
Version 2.6.1 - 11.07.2019
- Added ridge boards for complex roofs.
The next framing item is hip and valley rafters.
Unlike an asymmetric hip rafter a valley rafter that joins two dissimilar roof pitches centers on the edge of the roof primitive as shown:
View model here:
At least that seems to be the correct way to handle asymmetric valley rafters. Please correct me if I am wrong.
First look at interior half hips:
Version 2.6.2 - 11.17.2019
- Allowed the option for interior half hips within complex roofs.
The logic for interior half hips proved to be rather complicated. This additional feature affected every aspect of the module so it took me about 7 days to make it happen. However, in the process I think I also made the module more robust and addressed some other minor issues. Eventually I will also need to enable interior dutch gables but right now I'm too exhausted mentally to attempt it. Currently only gables and half hips are able to pile up on each other as shown.
Also note that you can mix things up with interior gables and half hips. For instance you could have a half hip on gable on half hip or any other combination.
Now, let's see if I can make anymore head way on valleys, hips and rafters...
Version 2.6.3 - 12.02.2019
- Fixed multiple bugs in the complex roof module as related to metric templates.
After a bit of a Thanksgiving break I'm back on the complex roof module. There is still a considerable amount of work to do with the framing of the roof, some of the details I am still sorting out, in particular a very efficient rafter framing algorithm. I'm hoping to wrap this all up in the next couple of weeks and then jump over to the new Medeek Floor extension which will replace the floor truss/I-Joist module of the Truss plugin.
The new floor extension will allow for complex floors with the ability to alter the outline of floor similar to the complex roof.
I always get a lot of questions about what features are available within the truss plugin.
Many of these questions can be answered with a quick search of the changelog:
Just a reminder that the changelog lists every new feature, modification or correction to the plugin since its inception (Oct. 2015 - Present).
First look at ridge caps for a complex roof:
There is still quite a bit of work to do on this feature/module, but at least I have a game plan in place now and I think I can make it happen.
Version 2.6.4 - 12.16.2019
- Exposed the roof soffit layer name in Layers tab of the global settings.
- Fixed multiple bugs in the gambrel attic truss module.
If you are using gambrel attic trusses this is a critical update/fix. This addresses the following two bugs:
- Error when metal plates was turned off in the global settings.
- Non-initialization of the roof cladding material name.
Version 2.6.5 - 12.18.2019
- Enabled an "orthogonal mode" for the complex roof draw menu.
- Added the ability to delete points in the complex roof draw menu.
Clicking the "Ctrl" key will enforce orthogonal mode while using the draw tool. Currently the orthogonal mode will restrict the user to 45 deg. increments.
While selecting the points for a roof outline the user may accidentally select an incorrect point. By clicking the left arrow key the user can delete the previously selected point (or multiple points). I will probably also incorporate this same feature within the draw menus of the foundation and upcoming floor plugin.
Both of these improvements are a result of plugin usability discussions with Larry Belk.
As we begin a new decade the number of licensed users of the Truss plugin is currently at 1,200. The plugin is now just over 4 years old, it will be interesting to see what we can do with it and the other plugins of the mdkBIM suite in this coming year.
I am looking forward to completing the complex roof module as well as bringing the truss side of the house up to par with the rafter side within this module.
Beyond that, it is the new floor plugin and project plugin as well as completing some key items with the wall plugin.
Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.
A study of intersecting roof planes and trusses:
View model here:
I didn't spend any time trimming truss tails or worrying about the sheathing or cladding, I was mostly interested in the truss layout and roof planes.
Note that I created the tertiary roof plane in order to then draw a solid (temp rafter) which I then used as the primary roof plane for the second valley set (45 degree).
I've colored all of the temp geometry transparently so you can dissect the model a little easier.
I'm not entirely sure if this is how a truss manufacturer would actually handle this type of situation, but this is my best guess.
Version 2.6.6 - 01.29.2020
- Fixed a bug in the (complex roofs) roof plane edit menu for the outlooker size parameter.
- Fixed a bug involving truss assemblies and valley set assemblies that are created in the same SketchUp session.
So far no issues with SU 2020 and the complex roof module. Still a lot more testing to go.
I really need to get added to the BETA tester's list so that I can get ahead of this compatibility testing before the next new release of SketchUp.
Version 2.6.7 - 02.09.2020
- Fixed a bug in the text input method of the draw menu for complex rafter roofs.
- Added a T1-11 built-in material into the material library.
Version 2.6.8 - 04.10.2020
- Fixed a show_modal bug for macOS in the Timber Truss HTML menu dialog.
With this latest release I've had to migrate to the .rbe encryption system so this version will no longer run on SketchUp 2015 or earlier.
Version 2.6.9 - 04.11.2020
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all parallel chord trusses (imperial and metric units).
- Labels and callouts added to parallel chord trusses.
There are still a number of truss types and rafter roofs that still need edit capabilities, I am slowly working through this list.
Version 2.7.0 - 04.12.2020
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all timber trusses (imperial and metric units).
Version 2.7.1 - 04.13.2020
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for shed w/ ledger rafter roofs (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled soffit and fascia for shed w/ ledger rafter roofs: boxed, gable, angled.
- Enabled a roof cladding extension parameter for shed w/ ledger rafter roofs.
- Added the option in the shed w/ ledger rafter roof edit menu to specify a separate front and back overhang length.
- Enabled a "No Framing" mode for shed w/ ledger rafter roofs.
Skylights have not been on my official todo list but now they are.
I've actually been tossing the Skylight idea around for a while now, how best to implement it within the various roof modules. I've got some ideas already but I haven't finalized it yet.
Does anyone have any specifics or suggestions on the actual skylight models/components that I should use. Specific brands, reference drawings, that sort of thing.
My thinking is to have some fairly generic skylight models that the user could chose from. The skylight module would then bring these components into the model and also cut the corresponding holes in the roof cladding and sheathing. I would also have a tool for editing and deleting a skylight. As far as moving the skylight on the roof plane, I would allow the user to simply click into the roof assembly and moving the skylight with the native tools as they see fit, this would be the simplest way of handling re-positioning.
Again, I'm still tossing this idea around, trying to shake out the best system for implementing it, any feedback is appreciated.
Velux has their official models in the warehouse but as usual there are too many details in these models, so I had to create my own low poly versions that are dimensionally accurate:
First look at the Skylights Toolbar:
Version 2.7.2 - 04.24.2020
- Added wall sheathing thickness and wall cladding thickness parameters to the advanced options for trusses.
- Enabled advanced options for tail bearing trusses.
I still need to enable editing and labels for tail bearing trusses.
Version 2.7.2b - 04.24.2020
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all tail bearing trusses (imperial and metric units).
- Labels and callouts added to tail bearing trusses.
This update also resolves a potential bug that could cause the plugin to go into a infinite loop if the birdsmouth cut exceeds the depth of the top chord of the truss. If you are using tail bearing trusses I highly recommend upgrading to this latest release.
The updated module is now properly creating the gypsum on the underside of the truss (three pieces).
Version 2.7.3 - 04.26.2020
- Added a Global Reset button in the General tab of the Global Settings.
Version 2.7.4 - 05.02.2020
- Fixed a bug with the soffit and fascia module for all truss types.
This bug fix is specifically for the boxed soffit for truss roofs. Previously if one did not enable the fascia but enabled the soffit then it would throw an error. There may be other similar bugs in this module or others so I am constantly testing combinations of various parameters to make sure no interdependencies have been overlooked.
Version 2.7.5 - 05.05.2020
- Enabled a toggle feature (Ctrl key) for the Trim tool so that the selection can be retained or removed.
This small adjustment of the Trim tool is to bring it inline with the Trim 2 tool. This feature is per customer request.
First look at the skylight tool in action:
Note, that this image shows the skylights added to a generic roof. For the cutouts to work the roof geometry must be a valid solid group or component within an overall assembly group for the roof or building.
Initially there are three skylights (sizes) to choose from however it is possible to add your own skylights into the library.
The cut function can be toggled on/off in order to cut through the sheathing and cladding or in this case just a generic roof solid.
At some point I would also like to add in a few VELUX Sun Tunnels.
Now I just need to figure out how to heal the roof when a skylight is deleted or edited. For a Medeek roof that is fairly straight forward, just regen the roof, however for a generic solid things get a little more tricky.
Version 2.7.6 - 05.11.2020
- Added the Skylights toolbar.
- Enabled skylights for all truss, rafter and complex roofs.
- Enabled skylights for generic roofs.
I also added an additional tool for "regenerating" the skylights, this comes in handy after modifying the location of a skylight or if a Medeek roof gets regenerated and the holes in the sheathing and cladding need to be re-cut.
There are few new global settings I still need to add to fully complete this new module but overall it seems to be working quite nicely.
View model here:
Tutorial 18: Skylights (14.22 min.)
I often get a lot of questions that are answered in the tutorial videos. Just a reminder, all of the tutorial videos can be found here:
Version 2.7.7 - 07.31.2020
- Fixed a bug with all assemblies when auto-assignment of materials is turned off in the global settings.
I've been giving some serious thought to the estimating module the last couple of days as I regroup and review my various todo lists.
I would like to spend a few days and update the estimating module to include rafter roofs. However, as I think about rafters and their lengths I am wondering what length exactly are we talking about? Do we want the actual (longest length of the member) or do we want a horizontal projection of the length? Typically both the top and bottom of a rafter has a bevel cut or even a compound bevel cut.
The ridge board on the other hand is very simple (generally). There are no beveled end cuts so things are straight forward.
In a nutshell this is the basic algorithm for the rafter module for complex roofs:
Of course the devil is the details and there are a lot of details missing in this picture.
The overall picture seems simple enough however there are a number of special cases where rafters align with ridge boards and the over simplistic boolean subtraction algorithm will not suffice. I will need to try and account for all of those special cases.
The offset is a factor of the ridgeboard, hip rafter, valley rafter or flying hip rafter width. However, as you can see in the detail below when the roof planes are not the same (asymmetric) the offset will not be symmetric and must be calculated, hence the opposing roof plane (pitch) at that edge must be known/tracked. For a ridge board edge the offset will be given by:
offset = T/(1 + tanĪø/tanA)
Since the offset is only a function of the ratio of the two opposing pitches this equation should also hold for hips and valleys as well. Note that when the angles are equal the equation degenerates to T/2 as one would expect.
Once all of the offsets are determined then it is merely a matter of generating the new points for the polygon drawn in blue highlighter. Once that polygon (points) is determined it becomes the cutting polygon for the rafters. Technically it is a boolean intersection rather than a subtraction, but that is all semantics.
Version 2.7.8 - 10.09.2020
- Added a "Refresh Licensee Data" button within the License tab of the Global Settings.
Version 2.7.9 - 10.23.2020
- Fixed a "rounding error" bug for pyramid shaped hip rafter roofs.
Tutorial 19: Polygon Floor Workaround (21.46 min.)
Manual workaround until the upcoming Medeek Floor plugin is released.
View model used in Tutorial 19:
Version 2.8.0 - 02.10.2020
- Minor modification to the range of available pitches for valley truss sets.
Version 2.8.1 - 03.13.2021
- Standardized the naming convention of the plugin toolbars.
All of the Truss plugin toolbars will be prefixed with "Medeek", this will make it easier to find and sort through them, especially if you have a large number of extensions installed.
Version 2.8.2 - 03.24.2021
- Added additional pitches to the shed and shed w/ ledger draw menus.
Quote from: Medeek on October 26, 2018, 01:00:52 AM
Version 2.2.3 - 10.26.2018
- Added a Custom Material Library/Manager in the Materials tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled custom materials for wall sheathing, wall cladding, roof sheathing and roof cladding in the HTML wall draw and edit menus for common trusses.
- Enabled the ability group materials and control which drop down menu they will appear in.
- Added an SKM file import utility to the Material Library.
- Default wall sheathing and wall cladding materials brought in line with options available in wall plugin.
Note the various wall sheathing options that are brought over from the wall plugin (ie. Tyvek, Zip Systems, Plywood, Densglass etc..)
Also note that the custom and expanded materials selection is only available for common truss shapes (ie. common trusses, scissor trusses etc...). I have not yet implemented the new system for other truss shapes and rafter roofs, that is work for yet another day.
There is still a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done with this plugin. Many of the specialty truss shapes do not even have advanced options available to them yet. All I can do is keep hacking away at it and maybe one day I will have the resources to really push this thing along.
Is there now the possibilities to apply an OSB-Tyvek Material to a roof (shed in my case)
Version 2.8.3 - 06.04.2021
- Added four additional parameters to the "User Interface" section of the General tab of the global settings. This allows the customization (colors) of the HTML menus and buttons.
This completes the user interface upgrade for all the major Medeek plugins. The Truss, Foundation and Electrical plugins are now up to par with the Wall plugin. Now on to bigger and better things, that task was very tedious but necessary.
Version 2.8.4 - 06.13.2021
- Added a "Regen" context menu item for all truss assemblies (eg. Common Trusses, Scissor Trusses, Timber Trusses etc...)
- Added an option for subtractive geometry into the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Sub-groups within truss assemblies can be made persistent and "subtractive" by naming these groups to (subtract1, subtract2, subtract3, etc...)
- Components within truss assemblies can also be made persistent and "subtractive" by naming the component instance to (subtract1, subtract2, subtract3, etc...)
Once I've tested this a bit a further and received more feedback I will enable the same subtractive option/feature for rafter roofs and complex roofs.
Version 2.8.4b - 06.13.2021
- Subtractive geometry can be constrained to only subtract from Sheathing and Cladding by setting the subtractive geometry parameter to "SHEATHING" in the global settings.
... and this is why feedback is important.
Version 2.8.5 - 06.14.2021
- Added stats (roof cladding) for common and monopitch truss roofs which can be analyzed within the Medeek Estimator (Wall Extension) module.
- Enabled net area calculations for roof sheathing and roof cladding statistics.
If cladding and/or sheathing is removed by subtractive geometry or features such as skylights, this information/data will be recorded and accounted for within the assembly. When the Medeek Estimator runs it will pick up the net and gross areas for cladding and sheathing and report the correct amounts. Previously only the gross areas were reported by the estimator.
The next few weeks is going to be primarily focused on the estimating module as it applies to truss and rafter assemblies.
With truss assemblies it is fairly cut and dried, I just need to report on basic items such as sheathing, cladding, drip edge and maybe listing how many common and gable trusses are in an assembly.
With rafter roofs however it becomes a lot more interesting (especially with an asymmetric hip roof) wherein each rafter length and quantity needs to be accounted for. Take for example the hip rafter roof below:
The various rafter/member types are:
Common, Hip, Hip Jack, Common (End), and Ridge Board
With a large roof the full listing will be quite large, especially when symmetry is not maintained.
My algorithm for determining the lengths of all the rafter types is fairly well defined and robust however the exact length of the hip rafter still eludes me. Since the primary concern is to determine the minimum length of the lumber required to construct the member I may just add on a simplified fudge factor so that it reaches this number however if possible I would prefer the exact length be calculated, as a matter of principle.
Based on my roof plane naming convention I can assign a label to each hip jack rafter (ie. JACK-BC1, JACK-BC2 etc...) The first letter will indicate the roof plane the jack is on and the second letter will indicate the roof plane that is adjacent to the jack. The number will indicate the order by length where #1 will be the longest jack in that series.
Each hip can also be labeled with two letters where the first letter indicate the roof plane to the left of the hip rafter and the second letter indicates the roof plane to the right of the hip rafter (ie. HIP-AC, HIP-CB etc...)
Common rafters will be designated similarly by roof plane: (ie. COMMON-A, COMMON-B, COMMON-C etc...) On roof planes C and D there will only be one common (end).
In a nutshell that will be my naming and counting convention for hip rafter roofs as far as the Medeek Estimator is concerned. If there are any problems with it then further refinement will be necessary. This same convention will be adopted for other rafter roof types as well as complex roofs.
Thoughts or concerns?
Version 2.8.6 - 06.18.2021
- Added a "Regen" context menu item for all rafter roof assemblies (eg. Gable, Hip, Shed etc...)
- Streamlined and improved the organization and naming convention of hip rafter roofs.
I originally coded the initial hip rafter roof module in Dec. of 2015, I then augmented this module with the asymmetric logic in May of 2019. As I was reviewing the code to determine how best to implement the Medeek Estimator with this type of roof it occurred to me that the symmetric variant of a hip roof is just a special case within the more complicated set of asymmetric roofs. I then condensed my code to only use the newer asymmetric roof modules when creating the geometry for the symmetric case (should have done it this way from the start).
Less code, simplified, efficient and now more organized. Also my statistical code will be the same regardless of the hip roof geometry so that just decreased my work by a half. Sometimes it pays to work smart and not hard.
Version 2.8.6b - 06.18.2021
- Streamlined and improved the organization and naming convention of gable rafter roofs.
- Enabled subtractive geometry for hip and gable rafter roofs.
Tutorial 20: Custom and Subtractive Geometry (17:18 min.)
First look at the Medeek Estimator giving rafter lengths for gable and hip roofs:
Even a small hip roof has a lot of parts and pieces, I couldn't even fit the list of jack rafters within one screen shot. The lengths on the hip rafters may not be exact but they should be within about an inch, so for estimating purposes that should be adequate for now.
There is still a lot more data that can be reported on (eg. soffit, fascia, sub-fascia, gutter, outlookers etc...)
*Note: If you trim one of the rafters, it will give you the longest member length within that group for now, I still haven't figured out what I am going to do when a rafter is cut into two or more pieces.
First look at "Rafter Labels" for a gable roof. Note that the dimensions are given in inches rather than feet:
First look at a hip roof with rafter labels applied:
Version 2.8.7 - 06.23.2021
- Added stats (roof cladding, sheathing, drip edge, hip & ridge, rafters) for gable and hip rafter roofs which can be analyzed within the Medeek Estimator (Wall Extension) module.
About two years ago I brought the asymmetric gable and hip roofs online and there was quite a bit discussion at this time about the positioning of the ridge board when the pitches are asymmetrical:
As I'm looking at this now my feeling is that the correct way to handle this is NOT to have the ridge board center up on the sheathing, so essentially I think I have it WRONG, or at least not configured the way I think it should be.
I will be giving this some more thought, I really hate for the plugin to be incorrect or wrong, it just doesn't sit well with me. Maybe I'm not entirely wrong with the way I currently have it but there are two ways to handle this situation, and I am now liking the other way a bit more.
To clarify I've shown the two possible framing configurations for an asymmetric gable below:
Version 2.8.8 - 06.24.2021
- Added a "Regen" context menu item for all I-joist and lumber floor assemblies.
- Enabled subtractive geometry for I-joist and lumber floors.
- Enabled the "Edit Floor Assembly" function for lumber floors.
View model here:
Version 2.8.9 - 06.26.2021
- Added a "Regen" context menu item for floor truss assemblies.
- Enabled subtractive and custom geometry for floor truss assemblies.
- Enabled the edit function for floor truss assemblies.
The last year or so I have been focusing a lot of my efforts on the Wall plugin even though I have released many updates for the other plugins along the way.
That being said I am still surprised out how far behind I am with a lot of stuff within the Truss plugin. For one thing the various (truss) hip sets are still not parametric nor do they have labels enabled. There is still an incredible amount of work that needs to be done with this extension/plugin and that is in addition to the complex roof module and all that it entails.
The last few days you may have noticed that I have been doing a little house cleaning and enabling edit menus and subtractive geometry for the various assemblies within the plugin. The list of incomplete truss and rafters types is still large so much work remains to be done.
The current TODO list is the following:
1.) The valley set module has not been updated in many months/years and needs a parametric update as well as other options such as a rafter framed option (California Valley Set).
2.) The floor truss module needs an option to disable the chase or even better the ability to enable any number of chases.
3.) Hip sets (trusses) should also be able to be asymmetric, which is actually a huge undertaking to program.
4.) The complex roof module is begging for my attention and really needs the rafter framing module completed.
5.) A lot of the more exotic truss types have yet to be completed and advanced options and parametrics are still waiting.
6.) The dormer module is still mostly incomplete by anyone's standards.
7.) Subtractive and additive geometry needs to be enabled for all roof and floor assemblies.
8.) Stats and integration with the Medeek Estimator needs to be setup for every roof, dormer and floor assembly.
9.) The floor truss module needs an option for configurations other than the Mod Warren.
10.) I would like to add TriForce's Open Joist to the floor module.
11.) Labels and other annotations (framing callouts) need to be enabled for every assembly, some are done but many are not.
12.) Soffit and Fascia options need to be enabled for truss hip sets and all other applicable assemblies.
13.) A gypsum ceiling option might be nice for floor assemblies.
14.) 3D materials as defined in the Wall plugin need to be made available in the Truss plugin for gable wall cladding.
15.) I have a lot of people asking for language options, for all the plugins, but mostly for the Truss plugin.
16.) Ridge cap option for valley sets.
17.) Many of the current menus can be switch to more attractive HTML menus and should be switched.
18.) More parameters and defaults need to be exposed in the global settings. Notice how much more expansive the Wall plugin's global settings is in comparison. I could easily spend two or three months just updating this part of the plugin.
This list is by no means exhaustive but it does highlight the most obvious deficiencies with the plugin.
I'm really not sure how long it will take me to get all of this done but it does need to get done, and I can push out an update about two to three times a week.
Please feel free to chime in and add to this list if you see I am missing something that is a major thorn in your side or even something that would drastically improve your workflow.
There have been over 189 revisions or releases of the plugin since it all started so be sure to check the changelog to make sure I haven't already enabled a feature you might be considering. I often refer to this page myself in order to keep track of what has been done and what hasn't, the number of updates and revisions is simply too large now to keep track of in one's head:
Version 2.9.0 - 07.02.2021
- Added a "Regen" context menu item for hip truss sets.
- Enabled subtractive and custom geometry for hip truss set assemblies.
- Enabled the edit function for hip truss sets.
- Labels and callouts added to hip truss sets.
- Added an "inset" parameter for hurricane ties into the global settings.
The valley truss set was one of the first features I programmed when I created this plugin about 5 years ago, however it has been sorely neglected and in its current state is a crude and ineffectual tool.
The current tool/assembly is not parametric and needs to take care of additional integration details with regards to blending with the main roof and the sub-roof. I will be spending a few days working out some of these details which will also help me better formulate my game plane for the upcoming complex truss roof module.
It also needs some additional options/features such as:
1.) Ridge cap
2.) SUBTRACT and CUSTOM geometry
3.) Non-orthogonal algorithm (not a high priority but I will be considering it)
4.) Full HTML menus
First look at the HTML edit menu for valley truss sets:
Feels like I'm driving a new car. I've just got to finish adding in the ridge cap module and I'll make this update live.
First look at the subtraction feature applied to a valley truss set:
Note that ridge caps will now be available for valley truss sets.
Version 2.9.1 - 07.08.2021
- Added a "Regen" context menu item for valley truss sets.
- Enabled subtractive and custom geometry for valley truss set assemblies.
- Enabled HTML draw and edit menus for valley truss sets.
- Labels and callouts added to valley truss sets.
- Enabled the ridge cap option for valley truss sets.
View model here:
Version 2.9.2 - 07.10.2021
- Enabled subscription and permanent licensing.
- The License tab of the Global Settings now displays the license type.
Version 2.9.3 - 07.13.2021
- Added the option for adjusting the angle or pitch within the edit menu for common trusses.
- Added tooltips for advanced options within the edit menu for common trusses.
- Enabled the following 3D wall cladding materials for gable walls of common trusses: Board and Batten, Metal, Lap, Shiplap, and Log.
- Added both horizontal and vertical offset parameters for wall cladding materials for common trusses.
These were much needed additions for gable truss roofs. I still need to enable these options for the other 25 truss types but progress has been made.
Version 2.9.4 - 07.14.2021
- Improved the organization of the advanced options within the edit menu for common trusses.
- Enabled the following 3D roof cladding material for common trusses: Metal.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for the 3D metal roof cladding material for common trusses.
Now I just need to enable this feature for all of the various truss sets and rafter roofs.
To create this particular standing seam roof my metal roof name is called out as:
Version 2.9.5 - 07.16.2021
- Improved the organization of the advanced options within the edit menu for gable rafter roofs.
- Enabled the following 3D roof cladding material for gable rafter roofs: Metal.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for the 3D metal roof cladding material for gable rafter roofs.
- Added the option for adjusting the angle or pitch within the edit menu for gable rafter roofs.
View model here:
Version 2.9.6 - 07.17.2021
- Improved the organization of the advanced options within the edit menu for hip rafter roofs.
- Enabled the following 3D roof cladding material for hip rafter roofs: Metal.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for the 3D metal roof cladding material for hip rafter roofs.
- Added the option for adjusting the angle or pitch within the edit menu for hip rafter roofs.
View model here:
Version 2.9.7 - 07.18.2021
- Improved the organization of the advanced options within the edit menu for valley and hip truss sets.
- Enabled the following 3D roof cladding material for valley and hip truss sets: Metal.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for the 3D metal roof cladding material for valley and hip truss sets.
- Added the option for adjusting the angle or pitch within the edit menu for valley and hip truss sets.
View model here:
The next roof type I would like to add the 3D metal roof cladding option to is the complex roof. The only problem I see with this is that with a rather large (complex) roof the algorithm that generates the 3D geometry is going to slow things down significantly. In order to make this more feasible and ultimately more usable I will probably need to move that chunk of code to the SketchUp C API however it does not appear that one can modify an open model with the C API. Any thoughts in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
First look at the "Valley Set Check" for truss roofs. (Note that this feature is currently being tested only with common trusses):
By default the check is toggled off for a new truss assembly. However if the user places truss valley sets against a truss roof as shown, this option can then be toggled on and the regenerated roof will automatically remove the cladding beneath the valley set. This will also update the net area calculated by the Medeek Estimator so that the correct cladding area is given.
Additional automation in dealing with the actual trusses (clipped heels) and soffit, fascia, sub-fascia, gutter etc... is being considered however I still need to give all of those considerations further thought and determine to what level of automation can or should be achieved.
Currently the best option for dealing with "complex" truss roofs will be the use of the CUSTOM and SUBTRACT features combined with this new "Valley Set" feature.
Version 2.9.8 - 07.21.2021
- Improved the organization of the advanced options within the edit menu for complex rafter roofs.
- Enabled the following 3D roof cladding material for complex rafter roofs: Metal.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for the 3D metal roof cladding material for complex rafter roofs.
- Added the option for adjusting the angle or pitch within the edit menu for complex rafter roofs.
- Added a "Valley Set Check" option for common truss roofs (roof cladding trim only).
Now I just need to figure out the hip and ridge algorithm, I got about halfway into it and then slammed into a brick way when it came to figuring out the junction of a ridge and a flying hip where the flying hip meets a lower ridge.
View model here:
Making progress on the complex rafter framing algorithm, but still a long ways to go:
Well the basics are more or less there but now the details...
Notice that the hip, flying hip and valley rafters are still missing, that algorithm is going to be fun.
Lots of little details that still need to be addressed to really make this usable in my opinion, especially when asymmetric roof planes are present within a roof assembly.
View model here:
Version 2.9.9 - 07.25.2021
- Enabled the rafter framing module for complex roofs.
I am releasing this update so that users can begin testing out the rafter framing module, however be warned that it is still missing many features and is technically in a BETA state right now as I sort out some of the details and finer points.
Please send bug details or other concerns directly to my email address,
Most of my time is actually spent debugging or looking for ways to break the plugins (instabilities etc...)
I found one small minor issue this morning when I generated this roof (I will issue the fix later today or tomorrow):
The module is surprisingly robust even with more intensive roofs however the draw and edit time required for this geometry is noticeable on my ten year old PC. My youngest son keeps telling me to update to a newer machine with a better graphics card but I figure the older machine actually helps me keep my code lean and efficient.
View model here:
Version 3.0.0 - 08.03.2021
- Fixed a minor bug with the rafter framing module for complex roofs.
- Adjusted the tool tips within the HTML edit menu for common trusses.
Version 3.0.1 - 08.08.2021
- Fixed a bug with the edit menu for common trusses and custom materials.
Version 3.0.2 - 08.23.2021
- Fixed a bug with ceiling joists for shed rafter roofs.
- Fixed a bug with rafter roofs with glulam beams that have soffit and fascia enabled.
- Updated the wireframe preview of the draw tool for select rafter and truss roof types.
Just a reminder that all of the Truss plugin tutorial videos are listed here:
Version 3.0.3 - 10.02.2021
- Added custom materials to the roof and wall cladding parameters of the Sheathing tab within the Global Settings.
Version 3.0.4 - 10.23.2021
- Added error checking code into various HTML menus for roof and wall materials.
Version 3.0.5 - 11.03.2021
- Added additional energy/raised heels for double fink truss (2 variants: wedge and slider).
Apparently when I added in the raised heel algorithms for this truss type a couple years ago I only added in the vert with strut option. It was brought to my attention a couple days ago that the other two options were missing. I apologize for the delay in making sure all three options were available for this truss type. We should be good to go now with the double fink truss.
Version 3.0.6 - 11.30.2021
- Added ceiling gypsum to shed and shed w/ ledger rafter roofs.
- Enabled ceiling gypsum for all shed rafter roofs with ceiling joists enabled.
Version 3.0.7 - 01.25.2022
- Added energy/raised heels for 4/2 scissor trusses (1 variant: vertical w/ strut).
Version 3.0.8 - 01.29.2022
- Added ceiling gypsum and ceiling battens to all floor assemblies.
I am still working on the new floor plugin however in the meantime it was not difficult to add the gypsum option to the existing floor truss/joist module.
This feature added per customer request.
Version 3.0.9 - 02.09.2022
- Enabled soffit and fascia for hip truss sets.
- Fixed a minor bug with the hip truss set module.
- Removed the Gutter Extension parameter from the hip truss set edit menu.
Version 3.1.0 - 02.10.2022
- Enabled customizable colors for system materials for complex roofs: Outline and Geometry.
The last few months have been mostly focused on the Wall Plugin and I have not spent much time on the Truss Plugin. There are still quite a few truss types that do not have advanced options enabled as well as the edit function (ie. monopitch scissor). Some of these truss types are not as commonly used and therefore there has been less pressure to work on them however I would like to get all of the truss and roof types up to speed so I will spend a few weeks doing that. I appreciate everyone's patience in this regard, there are still so many things to check off on the todo list.
Version 3.1.1 - 02.13.2022
- Enabled advanced options for mono scissor trusses.
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all mono scissor trusses (imperial and metric units).
Also note that one can adjust the bottom chord pitch to be the same as the top chord pitch and with a raised heel (ie. 24") you can effectively create shed roof parallel chord trusses:
I like the idea of providing another option for truss blocking when the heel height exceeds 15+ inches.
Here are a couple examples of manufactured metal plated panels:
Notice how the diagonal web changes when the aspect ratio of the panel exceeds a certain value, this has to do with the difficulty in trying to cut too shallow of an angled cut.
Version 3.1.2 - 02.15.2022
- Enabled MPC wood blocking panels for common trusses.
If your heel height exceeds 15" and you have selected "Vertical" heel blocking as your orientation, then rather than solid blocks the plugin will now insert MPC blocking panels instead.
I still need to enable heel blocking and blocking panels for various other truss types and also make this available for rafter roofs as well.
Version 3.1.3 - 04.10.2022
- Enabled 3D roof and wall cladding materials for monopitch trusses.
- Fixed a bug with the valley set detection option.
Version 3.1.4 - 04.27.2022
- Fixed a minor bug with the advanced options for scissor trusses.
- Updated the scissor truss module so that raised heel trusses are properly rendered/drawn.
Version 3.1.5 - 05.07.2022
- Enabled 3D roof and wall cladding materials for attic trusses.
Version 3.1.6 - 06.05.2022
- Enabled ceiling insulation for common trusses: Batt, Blown-in.
- Enabled ceiling insulation for monopitch trusses: Batt, Blown-in.
- Added an insulation layer in the global settings.
I still have a lot of work with regards to insulation and numerous other truss types and rafter roofs.
Version 3.1.7 - 08.26.2022
- Enabled the following 3D roof cladding material for shed rafter roofs: Metal.
Version 3.1.8 - 08.29.2022
- Added a parameter into the general tab of the global settings to allow for adjustment of the size of labels and annotations.
- Added a parameter into the general tab of the global settings to allow for adjustment of the font for text found within annotations and labels.
- Added a "resolution" parameter into the general tab of the global settings for adjusting the smoothness of annotation text.
- Added a "Label Rotation" parameter (0 or 180 degrees).
- Enabled various annotation options/parameters for truss roofs.
Basically just bringing some of the annotation formatting options over from the Wall Plugin. I will still need to enable these options for rafter roofs, hip sets and complex roofs. This update per user request.
Version 3.1.9 - 11.25.2022
- Enabled subtractive geometry for all shed rafter roofs.
Version 3.2.0 - 11.28.2022
- Fixed a minor bug with the roof cladding thickness parameter when the materials option is toggled off.
Strange that I never noticed this bug before but I guess most of us turn on the materials option so that is probably why no one ever really noticed. I highly recommend turning on the materials options to get the full bang for your buck out of the plugin but in the rare chance you don't want to this bug fix will take care of the previous issue reported above.
Version 3.2.1 - 01.04.2024
- Updated and adjusted the logging function and auto-update functions.
Version 3.2.2 - 01.11.2023
- Enabled layer control integration with the Medeek Project extension.
- Moved the Medeek Tools module to the Medeek Project extension.
Version 3.2.3 - 02.06.2023
- Fixed an infinite loop bug for (full) roof returns on truss roofs.
- Updated the subtract feature to include roof return rafters and gutter downspouts for truss roofs.
Version 3.2.4 - 02.09.2023
- Enabled subtractive geometry for all complex rafter roofs.
- Updated the subtract feature to include gutter downspouts for all rafter roofs.
!!!! BUG ALERT - SKETCHUP 2023 !!!!
I've just identified an issue with the Truss plugin and the current release of SU 2023.
Many of the tools within the Truss plugin still use the UI.inputbox module for simple menus, see example below:
If you notice that this type of menu appears (not an HTML menu) then press alt-tab which will then require you to refocus on the menu with your mouse and will also allow it to function correctly.
I don't know all of the details however it appears that the backend framework has extensively changed and in the process a few focus bugs have slipped through and need to be ironed out with SU 2023. See status and more details at the thread below:
For now I would recommend staying with SU 2022 if you extensively use SketchUp combined with the Truss and Foundation plugins. However the alt-tab work around should also keep you up and running if you have already migrated to SU 2023.
I am hoping that minor update will be forthcoming in the near future from SketchUp, which will save me from having to rewrite a significant amount of code and pull me away from the Floor plugin development. If the bug is not fixed I will proceed to switch all remaining menus in the Truss and Foundation plugins to HTML dialog type menus, that process could take upwards of two to three weeks.
Version 3.2.5 - 06.17.2023
- Enabled a gable wall cut for attic trusses.
- Enabled a feature to selectively remove specific trusses from an attic truss assembly.
After making the tutorial video for the inclined walls yesterday it quickly became apparent to me that the features for dealing with attic trusses and their implementation are wholly inadequate.
The gable cut allows for one to then insert a hip wall into the opening created by the attic truss, which then further allows for windows and doors being inserted into the gable end of an attic truss.
When dormers are added to an attic truss as shown it is usually necessary to remove certain trusses that conflict with these dormers and then ladder framing is added to bridge the gap created. The selective truss removal feature will now allow for the removal of any specific number of trusses in a attic truss assembly. However note that it does not automatically insert any of the ladder framing for the roof or floor of the attic.
I will probably create a tutorial video explaining both of these features in more detail in the next couple of days.
Tutorial 21: Attic Trusses (14:26 min.)
A brief overview and demo of the Gable Wall Cut option and the selective truss removal feature.
These same two features should also be enabled for the gambrel attic truss:
Now that I've worked out the details I figured it would only take me about 30 minutes to update the gambrel attic module with the same but then I realized that I have never actually added the edit menu for this truss type. I've got my hands full for tomorrow.
Version 3.2.6 - 06.22.2023
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all gambrel attic trusses.
- Enabled a gable wall cut for gambrel attic trusses.
- Enabled a feature to selectively remove specific trusses from gambrel attic truss assemblies.
There are still a number of advanced options that need to be completed for this truss type, namely soffit and fascia need to be added.
The ability to edit this truss type is a fairly significant upgrade.
Can offer a suggestion how to resolve the following "Conflicting roof plane do not form a valid (solid) roof primitive, action aborted"? I am attempting to use the complex roof command. I've successfully used the command when attempting less complex roofs, in subsections of the same roof area.
Version 3.2.7 - 06.26.2023
- Fixed a bug with the truss removal feature.
- Enabled a feature to selectively remove specific trusses from common and monopitch truss assemblies.
Version 3.2.7b - 06.28.2023
- Fixed a minor bug with the truss removal feature for all truss types.
*Note: This is a critical bug fix for common, monopitch, attic and gambrel attic trusses.
Version 3.2.8 - 07.05.2023
- Enabled a ridge centering option for asymmetric gable rafter roofs.
- Enabled a ridge centering option for asymmetric hip rafter roofs.
I think the non-centered ridge is the more correct of the two, but if you do want the centered ridge then it is also an option.
Tutorial 22: Asymmetric Roof Framing (8:17 min.)
Centered vs. Non-centered ridges for asymmetric rafter roofs.
Tutorial 23: Licensing and Upgrades (11:59 min.)
Tutorial 24: Complex Roof Discussion and Limitations (10:43 min.)
Version 3.2.9 - 08.28.2023
Fixed a critical bug with the truss removal feature for truss sets.
I highly recommend upgrading from versions 3.2.7 and 3.2.8.
Version 3.2.9b - 08.28.2023 thru 08.29.2023
- Fixed a critical bug with the hip rafter roof module.
Unfortunately I never noticed this error/bug because I usually test the plugin with the advanced options turned on automatically. If the advanced options are turned off and a hip roof is attempted and error will be thrown. This bug fix addresses that issue. I highly recommend upgrading to this latest version.
Version 3.2.9c - 08.30.2023
- Fixed the non-orthogonal rafter framing bug for complex roofs.
I think I have finally resolved the confounded non-orthogonal rafter framing issue (it has been almost two years). It turns out the fix was simply replacing a complex piece of logic with two lines of code, sometimes simple is better.
I highly recommend updating to this latest release. I apologize that it has taken this long to rectify the issue, I was made aware of it about 18 months ago but it has taken me a while to circle back and determine the cause and then the solution. Thank-you everyone for your patience.
After testing non-orthogonal roofs this afternoon I realized that it would be handy to have the ability to custom offset the rafter spacing for each roof plane. Sometimes the algorithm is not smart enough to correctly position the rafters exactly where one might want them. I will give this some additional consideration.
Version 3.3.0 - 08.31.2023
- Added a rafter offset parameter for complex roof framing.
- Fixed a minor bug with complex roof framing for half hip roofs set to custom pitches.
The rafter offset parameter will now allow the user to offset the rafter framing any custom amount (positive or negative) for each roof plane independently.
First look at a complex roof with the hips, flying hips and valleys drawn. The framing module still has quite a ways to go but at least this is a start on these elements:
Version 3.3.1 - 09.03.2023
- Added hip, valley and flying hip rafters to the complex roof framing module.
The first thing you will notice is that the upper ends of the hip and valley rafters are not correctly trimmed, only the bottom ends. Also flying hips are not trimmed on their upper or lower ends. The trimming algorithm for these rafters is the next thing on my todo list.
Unlike the lower end trimming, the upper end will require a much more sophisticated algorithm so it may take some time. The problem really is that there a number of possibilities for termination and the plugin needs to be be able to check for all of those possibilities. No one said complex roof are easy.
Nothing is easy with complex roofs, the math is hard, the code is hard and the topology/trigonometry can be very challenging. Fortunately I do like these sorts of hard problems but even I have to take a small break once in a while to let my head rest and regroup.
Last night I was trying to figure out how to handle the asymmetric offset (lateral and vertical) for hip and valley rafters when the adjacent roof planes are different pitches. The problem was that I did not have a good way to determine which of the two pitches was to the left or right of the rafter. I was only able to solve the problem after calling it a night and then the solution (cross product of the flattened normal vectors of the roof planes) came to me while watching another episode of "How's it Made" on the Discovery channel. Sometimes I think my best programming actually happens when I'm not actually programming :)
Just when I think I've seen it all with complex roofs, I draw this small test roof:
Notice how the valley rafter continues on to become a flying hip higher up on the roof (I've colored the rafters of interest). Crazy stuff. My hat is off to the guys who actually frame these roofs up in real life, what a nightmare.
Version 3.3.1b - 09.04.2023
- Refined the framing algorithm for hip, valley and flying hip rafters.
All of the major framing members are now being drawn however the trimming of certain rafters is still not quite correct, further refinement and correction will be necessary.
I've also noticed that with certain large roof planes an occasional stray edge is generated (or left behind when the roof primitive is created), I will need to look into this further and rectify the issue. It does not appear to be a critical error but it does effectively split the roof plane into two separate faces which then makes the plugin treat the roof plane as two separate faces.
With the flying hips terminating adjacent to valley rafters I'm not entirely sure how that is typically framed.
Please download and test this latest release and then email me comments or suggestions directly.
Version 3.3.1c - 09.05.2023
- Minor bug fix within the rafter framing module for complex roofs.
Version 3.3.1d - 09.09.2023
- Fixed a bug within the global settings for complex roofs.
- Updated the straight skeleton algorithm to better remove redundant edges within roof planes/faces.
- Improved the robustness of the complex roof module (framing and cladding) for specific cases.
The complex roof module is now a bit more robust than it was and should be able to handle more cases than it did previously.
However there still does exist the special cases where the fascia line is not all on one level that is still not possible to draw. The discussion on that topic is presented in this video:
Hip and Ridge is still pending. Previously I was unable to fully work out the algorithm in order to deal specifically with flying hips. I will need to give this another hard look and see if my topological problem solving skills have improved since 2021.
Version 3.3.2 - 09.17.2023
- Added statistics for complex roofs (Medeek Estimator integration).
Tutorial 25: Estimating Complex Roofs (13:13 min.)
Version 3.3.3 - 09.22.2023
- Improved the responsiveness of the "Edit Roof Plane" tool and the "Move Roof Edge" tool for complex roofs.
Previously when a complex roof was positioned on top of any wall assemblies and either of the two tools mentioned above were executed there existed the possibility of collinear edges with the roof assembly and the wall assemblies below. This conflict would then not allow one to properly select the desired roof edge unless the wall assemblies were hidden, or put on a hidden tag/layer. This fix should mitigate that problem and allow one to select a roof edge (on the roof outline) without having to take that additional step.
I highly recommend upgrading to this latest version if you are using complex roofs.
Version 3.3.4 - 10.01.2023
- Added a "Complex Roof" tab to the Global Settings.
- Added a "Roof Framing" and "Advanced Options" parameter to the Complex Roof tab of the Global Settings.
- Added a "Primitive" option to the roof framing parameter within the Draw and Edit menus for complex roofs.
- Enabled the Up Arrow key as a method to toggle between "face" or "polygon" mode within the complex roof draw tool.
Tutorial 26: Complex Roof Primitives (6:42 min.)
Version 3.3.4b - 10.02.2023
- Added a "Draw Mode" parameter to the Complex Roof tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled a vertex (roof plane) selection method within the face selection algorithm of the Draw tool for complex roofs.
Tutorial 27: Drawing Complex Roofs (6:01 min.)
Tutorial 28: Drawing Complex Gable Roofs (4:16 min.)
Version 3.3.5 - 10.06.2023
- Sheathing Vertical Offset parameters added for common and monopitch trusses.
- Cladding Vertical Offset parameters added for common and monopitch trusses.
By customer request.
This feature is already implemented within the Wall plugin so it is about time that I bring the Truss plugin up to speed as well. I think these four parameters are self explanatory enough that I don't need a tutorial video but if I do please let me know.
Tutorial 29: Vertical Offset of Sheathing and Cladding (13:26 min.)
I still need to come up with a good porch module for wrap around porches and the like, but in the meantime with some careful use of the SUBTRACT function one can get pretty close:
The model can be viewed here:
Version 3.3.6 - 10.20.2023
- Sheathing Vertical Offset parameters added for attic trusses.
- Cladding Vertical Offset parameters added attic trusses.
- Wall Cladding Gap parameter added for common, monopitch and attic trusses.
The wall cladding gap parameter was added to bring the Truss plugin inline more with the Wall plugin.
Version 3.3.7 - 10.29.2023
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for symmetric cathedral trusses (imperial and metric units).
- Added ceiling gypsum for symmetric cathedral trusses.
- Fixed a minor bug with parallel chord trusses.
Version 3.3.9 - 12.30.2023
- Updated and improved the license verification module.
- Disabled redundant logging to improve plugin performance.
Version 3.4.0 - 01.11.2024
- Added a "Primitive" option to the roof framing parameter within the Draw and Edit menus for the following rafter roofs: Gable, Shed, Shed (with ledger), Hip.
- Added lower pitches to the draw menus for the following rafter roofs: Gable, Shed, Shed (with ledger), Hip.
Version 3.4.1 - 04.18.2024
- Fixed a compatibility bug with SketchUp 2024 while maintaining compatibility with previous versions of SketchUp.
Version 3.4.2 - 04.23.2024
- Fixed a compatibility bug with SketchUp 2024 (Fixnum & Bignum) while maintaining backward compatibility with previous versions of SketchUp.
Version 3.4.3 - 04.30.2024
- Added ceiling gypsum for tray and coffer trusses.
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for tray and coffer trusses (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled labels for tray and coffer trusses.
- Updated the license verification system with a more secure and improved algorithm.
Version 3.4.4 - 05.02.2024
- Added ceiling gypsum for cambered and mono cathedral trusses.
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for cambered and mono cathedral trusses (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled labels for cambered and mono cathedral trusses.
- Fixed some minor bugs for mono cathedral trusses.
Version 3.4.5 - 05.10.2024
- Enabled ceiling insulation for shed rafter roofs: Batt, Blown-in.
- Enabled ceiling insulation for gable rafter roofs: Batt, Blown-in.
- Enabled ceiling insulation for hip rafter roofs: Batt, Blown-in.
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for all flat trusses (imperial and metric units).
Version 3.4.6 - 05.16.2024
- Enabled sheathing, cladding, ridge cap and labels for dual pitch trusses.
- Updated the polynesian truss so layers and materials are properly assigned.
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for dual pitch trusses (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for polynesian trusses (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for bowstring trusses (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled the "Edit Truss Assembly" function for bow barrel trusses (imperial and metric units).
The edit and regen functions have now been enabled for all active truss types within the plugin. However I still have four truss types that need to be setup and activated. Those four truss types are:
- Clerestory
- Barrel Vault
- Studio Vault
- Double Inverted
The squeaky wheel gets the grease and that is the reason I have not circled back to complete these additional truss types but they are on my radar, just not the highest priority.
Enabling the full parametric ability of each truss and rafter roof type probably should have been top priority once I determined how to achieve that functionality however other plugins and other items always seemed to gain higher priority. Either way this is a bit of milestone for this plugin, finally glad to get this monkey off my back. Granted I still need to work on the advanced options for many of these truss types, the work never seems to end.
I'm 52 this year, since I started to code this plugin in 2015 I've been through a neck and a back surgery (2016 and 2023), but somehow I'm still going and I am very much back in the saddle. Looking at my rather lengthy todo lists for each plugin (including the Floor plugin) I've probably got enough development stuff to keep me gainfully occupied for the next 8-10 years.
Here is what the configuration menu will look like for each roof "connection":
This will allow for independently adjusting the trimming for each attached roof. By default the connection will trim everything on the primary roof but it can be adjusted as needed.
I now have the basic system in place and working for the rafter roofs but if you look closely you can see there is still some refinement necessary. The example shown is two gable rafter roofs that are connected, with the trimming of the primary roof limited to only framing, cladding, gutters and soffit/fascia. Note that the insulation, gypsum, rafters and sheathing is not trimmed on the primary roof:
The tricky part with the refinement is how best to generate the cutting solid to subtract away the unwanted portions of the roof(s). Currently the way I am doing it is using the hidden roof primitive and the roof outline. I basically take the roof outline, extrude it vertically down and then union this solid with the roof primitive above. The resulting solid is then used to subtract against the geometry of any attached roofs. This seems to work reasonably well in most cases but as you can see with the soffit and fascia (and the gutters) there is some overlapping and other minor complications. The insulation also gets a little carved out in places but it is mostly acceptable.
Thoughts or suggestions?
Version 3.4.7 - 05.23.2024
- Enabled Roof Connections between complex roofs, rafter roofs, truss roofs and solid groups.
- Added the "Configure Roof Connection" feature to the edit menu for complex, rafter and truss roofs.
This is not a completely new feature however the configuration capability introduced (and the level of granularity achievable) is new and somewhat experimental at this point. I'm sure it will take a few updates and versions before all the issues are worked out and all the necessary refinement is achieved.
Also note that that not all rafter roofs and not all truss types have this feature enabled yet. The following rafter roofs have been enabled:
- Gable
- Shed
- Shed w/ Ledger
The following truss types have been enabled:
- Common
- Monopitch
- Scissor
- Attic
- Tail Bearing
- Symmetric Cathedral
- Cathedral
- Parallel Chord
More to come soon...
Version 3.4.8 - 05.25.2024
- Enabled Roof Connections for the following additional truss types: tray, monocathedral, cambered, monoscissor and coffer.
- Enabled Roof Connections for hip and dutch gable rafter roofs.
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for dutch gable rafter roofs (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled the following 3D roof cladding material for dutch gable rafter roofs: Metal.
Tutorial 30: General Roof Connections (16:54 min.)
Please email me any feedback or suggestions on this new feature.
Version 3.4.9 - 05.26.2024
- Enabled "vaulted" ceiling insulation for gable rafter roofs (symmetric and asymmetric): Batt, Blown-in.
- Added "vaulted" ceiling gypsum to gable rafter roofs.
- Enabled "flat" ceiling gypsum for gable rafter roofs with ceiling joists option enabled.
Version 3.5.0 - 05.26.2024
- Enabled "flat" ceiling gypsum for dutch gable rafter roofs.
- Enabled "flat" ceiling gypsum for hip rafter roofs.
- Fixed a bug with the global settings for rafter and truss roofs when the layer/tags option is turned off.
Version 3.4.7 introduced a bug for both rafter and truss roofs when the layers/tags option is turned off. This release fixes that bug. I highly recommend that everyone download this latest update to correct this bug.
Version 3.5.1 - 05.28.2024- Enabled ceiling insulation for gambrel attic and attic trusses: Batt, Blown-in.
- Enabled ceiling insulation for scissor trusses: Batt, Blown-in.
Version 3.5.2 - 05.30.2024
- Enabled ceiling insulation for floor trusses: Batt, Blown-in.
- Enabled ceiling insulation for I-Joist and Lumber floors: Batt, Blown-in.
- Fixed a bug with ceiling gypsum for inset floors (I-joist and Lumber).
- Fixed a minor bug with joist hangers for common lumber sizes for inset floors.
Honestly I didn't want to spend too much time updating this module since the new Floor plugin will supersede it, however since I do intend on retaining it within the Truss plugin for the foreseeable future, I thought it best to bring it up to speed with the other truss assemblies, and add the insulation option.
Some of these updates seem small now and very incremental however they all take time and energy and they usually involve fairly tedious updates to the attribute library code and the HTML menus.
The Truss plugin overall probably still has the most work that needs to be done of all the plugins. Compared to the Wall plugin this plugin has many partially finished tools and features and still certain trusses that are missing advanced options. The work will go on.
Version 3.5.3 - 06.09.2024
- Enabled a feature to selectively remove specific trusses from floor truss assemblies.
- Enabled a feature to selectively remove specific joists from I-joist and lumber floor assemblies.
Version 3.5.4 - 06.15.2024
- Fixed a bug introduced in Version 3.4.7 for all rafter and truss roofs.
!! Critical Bug Fix !!
Note that this bug only reveals itself if you have the sub-fascia for the truss or rafter roof turned off. This bug applies to both truss and rafter roofs (gable).
Version 3.5.5 - 06.22.2024
- Fixed a bug introduced in Version 3.4.7 for all rafter and truss roofs (when adv. roof options disabled).
!! **Critical Bug Fix** !!
This bug only reveals itself if you turn off the advanced roof options. The bug applies to truss and rafter roofs. I highly recommend updating to this latest version.
The new Rafter Roof menu should be a bit more visual and intuitive for selecting the appropriate roof type:
Version 3.5.6 - 07.03.2024
- Enabled a graphical user interface for Rafter Roof selection.
- Enabled a graphical user interface for Floor selection.
- Fixed a bug introduced in Version 3.5.3 for all I-joist, lumber and truss floors (when adv. floor options disabled).
Version 3.5.7 - 07.05.2024
- Fixed a bug for all rafter roofs that have glulam beams.
Version 3.5.8 - 07.12.2024
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for gable rafter roofs with glulam beams (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for I-joist rafter roofs with glulam beams (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for I-joist rafter roofs with dual glulam beams (imperial and metric units).
- Added BCI, LPI, Red-I and PKI I-joists to the rafter roof module (glulam beam and dual glulam beam roofs).
Version 3.5.9 - 07.17.2024
- Added a "Rafter Roof" tab to the Global Settings.
- Added Sub-Fascia parameters to the Rafter Roof and Complex Roof tabs of the Global Settings.
Version 3.6.0 - 07.18.2024
- Added rake parameters to the dutch gable rafter roof edit menu.
- Fixed a bug with the hip and dutch gable advanced options module (when sheathing is disabled).
Version 3.6.1 - 07.19.2024
- Added Soffit Cut within Advanced Options for Complex Rafter Roofs.
- Fixed a **critical bug** with the complex roof module.
My youngest daughters latest creation. Maybe I spend too much time working on these plugins.
Version 3.6.2 - 07.21.2024
- Enabled "flat" ceiling gypsum for complex rafter roofs.
- Fixed a minor bug with the hip-and-ridge for hip rafter roofs.
Version 3.6.3 - 07.26.2024
- Added a duplicate roof assembly check to the regen module for rafter, complex and truss roofs.
The instructions for usage are the same as the recent update to the Wall plugin, see Wall Plugin Tutorial #51:
Tutorial 31: Wrap Around Porch Roof (17:26 min.)
I've started working on adding in a scissor truss option into the module. Here are some quick and dirty (sorry I must have set my lunch down on my engineering pad earlier today) calcs for the heel joint of such a truss: