Medeek Forum

SketchUp Extensions => Medeek Foundation Plugin => Topic started by: Medeek on July 04, 2016, 12:45:47 AM

Title: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 04, 2016, 12:45:47 AM
Version 1.0.0 - 07.03.2016
- Created Medeek Foundation Plugin, utilizing SketchUp's Ruby API.
- Added slab on grade foundation type (rectangular outline only).
- Added garage curb and interior footing options.


View model here:

The thing that would make this plugin particularly useful is if the user could define a polygon outline for the foundation, that will be next, then onto stemwall foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 04, 2016, 12:53:13 AM
Link to the plugin web page (under construction):

The toolbar icons:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 04, 2016, 01:24:45 PM
My wife kindly pointed out that the interior footing might not extend the full width or length of the building, very good point.  To correctly specify an interior footing you also need a start and end point, so five inputs total to define this feature:

Direction: X Dir or Y Dir
Footing Width:
Footing Depth:
Start: Measured from first selection point that defines foundation outline.
End:  Measured from first selection point that defines foundation outline, must be greater than Start length.

An example of a partial width interior footing:


View model here:

The problem with the basic UI is that it only allows for one interior footing.  If I webdialog this input menu I can show the layout of the foundation in plan view and allow for an unlimited number of interior footings as well as have footings running in both the X and Y direction.  The possibilities are really endless. 

The same methodology would apply for an arbitrary polygon shaped foundation.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 05, 2016, 01:20:31 AM
The ability to go back in and easily edit a foundation without having to recreate it will be crucial to the success of this plugin. 

Version 1.0.1 - 07.05.2016
- Enabled partial width interior footings for slab on grade foundation.
- Addressed minor bugs with UI geometry menu: Interior footing depth can now be specified.


View model here:

Interior footings quickly complicate things but a well designed html UI should clarify things greatly and make it much more intuitive.  That will be the next objective.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 05, 2016, 01:46:00 PM
If an exclusion area is simply a hole in the slab then it is probably easiest just to push/pull a hole in the slab.  However, if the exclusion area is a large opening with footings required at the perimeter then that is a different matter.  It might look something like this:


View model here:

Note how the opening bisects the interior footing, which does potentially complicate any algorithm that would generate the hole and perimeter footing.  I will have to give this some more thought...
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 08, 2016, 07:48:55 AM
Version 1.0.2 - 07.08.2016
- Added stemwall foundation type (rectangular outline only).
- Enabled post and pier interior floor beam(s) with a strip footing.
- Added brick ledge option to stemwall foundation.


View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 08, 2016, 07:43:50 PM
When the user selects a type B footing (stemwall foundation) a keyway is inserted between the stemwall and footing:


View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 10, 2016, 08:15:33 PM
I'm trying to determine which is the preferred method of blocking out a stemwall foundation for garage doors where a slab will be poured in the garage.  I've seen it done both ways.  Option 1 does not typically block all of the stemwall out and seems to be more common in locations where the frostline is deeper (24" or deeper).  Option 2 completely blocks out the stemwall at the garage door and then a thicken edge is poured where the slab meets the footing at the garage door.  From a structural point of view which is the better method and also from a construction point of view what are the pros and cons?

Option 1:


Option 2:


View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 11, 2016, 11:39:13 AM
I should point out I've also seen a sort of a combination of the two options where the blockout does not extend to the footing but a thickened edge is employed at the slab/door interface and the thickened edge is typically 2x the slab thickness, or called out as a minimum dimension of 8".

Option 3:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 11, 2016, 04:10:06 PM
The blockout methods seem to be all over the board, I've even talked with some of my engineering friends and the response is mixed there as well.  I guess I just need to provide the option for any of these three configurations within the plugin.  Sometimes I feel that I get bogged down in the details but I hope some of this level of detail is appreciated.

The other issue I'm having with slabs within garage spaces is the slope of the slab.  I'm trying to determine if is worth trying to incorporate a slope into the slab as it would actually be poured. As far as I know there is not a minimum slope specified for garage floors in the IRC 2015 or earlier only this fairly general statement:

The area of the floor used for parking of automobiles or other vehicles shall be sloped to facilitate the movement of liquids to a drain or toward the main vehicle entry doorway.

Typically the garage slope is 1/8" per foot or 1:96, how critical is this to you the user of the plugin?  Flat would be easier to program but then your blocked out entries on the side of a garage would be only theoretical.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 11, 2016, 11:54:26 PM
Here is a quick study on a garage slab that slopes 3" over about 24':


View model here:

What to do with the slope at the garage door?  I've flattened it out but that leaves a line in the slab.

At the side door entrance the right side of the slab is about 3/8" higher than the left side.  Entrances that are parallel to the slope will have this property (problem?).

At the rear of the garage the slab is 6" below the top of the foundation and at the garage door it is 9" below the top.  Perusing through different plan sets I've collected over the years this seems pretty typical for the slope (1/8" in 12").

I think I should probably make the slope an option so those that want to model it can.

Rather than make the slope a percent grade or degrees I think it would be easiest to let the users specify a total rise or drop for the entire slab.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 28, 2016, 09:55:47 AM
Version 1.0.3 - 08.28.2016
- Enabled interior bearing wall(s) with strip footing.


View model here:

I still need to enable the ability to add framed openings into the interior stud walls.  Interior stud/bearing walls can be created with single or double top plates and can be full span or partial spanning as shown in the image above.

Also note that the studs are aligned from the right side of the stemwall foundation edge so that they line up directly under the floor joists.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 28, 2016, 08:15:09 PM
My new job has kept me away for the last few weeks so that getting anything done on the plugins has been a real challenge.  Even so I've been giving some thought to stepped footings/foundations and would like some input from the designers and architects out there on what is common practice and what they would like to see available for this sort of feature within the plugin.


View mode here:

Note that I messed up on this model the exterior cripple/pony walls should have only had one top plate so that the combined top plate from the shallow sections and the single top plate would have created the typical double top plate.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on November 27, 2016, 05:26:23 PM
Version 1.0.4 - 11.27.2016
- Enabled rebar and mesh reinforcement for slab on grade foundations.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 01, 2016, 08:59:11 PM
Version 1.0.5 - 12.01.2016
- Enabled reinforcement for stemwall foundations.


View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 03, 2016, 06:47:28 AM
I've been thinking about adding in a retaining wall feature that auto sizes the rebar and qty. based on my typical retaining wall details:


For stemwall foundations I typically check the footing width (bearing pressure) and min. rebar for shrink (ACI 318-11), see engineering calcs per this PDF:

I could easily incorporate this type of engineering calculations into the plugin, however I'm still trying to figure out how to have the plugin output PDF reports, or Excel spreadsheets, which would be necessary if engineering reports become part of this plugin.

Same sort of thing with square or rectangular footings can be done:

With stemwalls or pony walls (not necessarily retaining walls) that exceed 24" in height (but not in excess of 48") I like to add #4 bars cont. horizontal at 18" o/c.  Logic could be incorporated that adds in additional stemwall and foundation wall rebar per a number of prescriptive criteria, IRC tables etc...

Currently it is entirely up to the users to specify rebar size and qty. with both stemwall and slab on grade foundations.

Stemwall foundations allow you to place rebar at the top of the wall  (5" below top, qty. 1,2, or 3 bars) and rebar at the bottom of the wall (3" above bottom, qty, 1,2, or 3 bars).  It also allows placement of bar in perimeter footing and interior footings (qty 1,2 or 3 bars).  Bar sizes range from #3 to #8 and similar sized metric equivalents for the metric templates, I can always add more sizes if requested.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 03, 2016, 07:39:40 PM
Version 1.0.6 - 12.03.2016
- Added a "Layers" tab within the global settings.
- Enabled custom layers for both stemwall and slab on grade foundations.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 06, 2017, 08:10:00 AM
I've been working on the polygon slab-on-grade this weekend and by extension the polygon stemwall foundation as well.  The interactive "tool" portion has been difficult mostly because I don't understand a lot of that portion of the code (blackbox to me), but I'm almost there with it. 

I would like to be able to create a foundation with any shape or size simply by drawing a polygon, point by point.

A simple example would be something like this:


Note, the interior floor beams at 12' on center.  Using an Web dialog I should be able to allow the user to easily add in as many floor beams or bearing walls as required. 

Once I have the foundation working correctly then I need to extend the floor truss/ floor joist module so that it can also handle polygon shaped structures within the Truss Plugin, then we will have a full package.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 09, 2017, 12:20:33 PM
Has anyone ever seen a stemwall framed liked this?

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 12, 2017, 10:33:28 AM
Or like this?


These two methods seem to be fairly popular in Oregon, I've never seen a floor/stemwall constructed this way any where else.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 12, 2017, 01:07:55 PM
The argument for this construction method is the sheathing height is decreased because the rim board is eliminated.  However, in my mind the cons outweigh the pros:

1.)  There is a thermal bridge through the stemwall at the corner where the floor meets the wall.
2.)  Stemwall construction would become more complicated and time consuming.
3.)  Proximity of the I-Joist to the concrete could be problematic, requiring additional measures and more time and effort.
4.)  The crawspace height is reduced making it harder for other subs to install and work in and moisture from the ground is more likely to be an issue.
5.)  Nut and Washer of anchor bolts protrudes into floor sheathing and bottom wall plate, requiring additional notching.
6.)  If you want to run plumbing or electrical down through the wall bottom plate and into the floor, this is nearly impossible with this configuration.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 15, 2017, 08:07:01 AM
I'm trying to determine if its easier to write a module that draws the anchor bolts or just bring in the component (pre-drawn).  I've never brought in a component before so something I need to explore further.  The other thing I feel is key is to make sure any of these minor components are modeled in such as way as to remain fairly lightweight within the model.  No one is going to want to use a feature that bogs down their overall model.  That is my one big gripe with using the 3D Warehouse models, the polygon count on most models is usually outrageous.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 16, 2017, 03:35:22 PM
I need some input from the foundation and truss plugin users. I've decided to pre-model certain things like Bolts, Nuts, Washers etc... With Nuts and Bolts I'm planning on using a cosmetic thread so that the polygon count is minimal. As I've been experimenting with the bolts and nuts I'm wondering if I should eliminate the 30 deg. bevel on the head of the bolt and nut, it looks nice but adds quite a bit of complexity and polygons to the model. Any thoughts on this?

You would sacrifice some realism for a smaller model...
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 18, 2017, 09:41:20 AM
The 1/2" and 5/8" anchor bolts, washers and some standard nuts.


View models here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 19, 2017, 01:34:16 AM
Version 1.0.7 - 03.19.2017
- Added 1/2" and 5/8" Dia. Anchor Bolt option to stemwall and slab on grade foundations.
- Anchor bolt lengths are nominal 10", 12" and 14", square washers are 2"x2" or 3"x3".


View model here:

The anchor bolt, washer and nut are three separate files that are loaded in as components.  Then the nut and washer components are inserted inside the bolt component and exploded so only the solid group(s) remain.  Its pretty amazing what you can do with a robust API and a little bit of Ruby code.

It took me most of today to figure out how to do all of this since I'm in uncharted territory but now that I've got it kind of figured out it opens up the possibility for a host of other things (holdowns, windows, doors, vents etc...) for this plugin and the others I'm working on.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 19, 2017, 05:27:07 PM
The cosmetic threads actually render quite nicely as does my rebar material/texture.  I just realized I have not added any custom materials into the foundation plugin.


As you can see from the image the orientation of the J-bolts is the same regardless of the wall, however it would not be a couple more lines of code to orient them all facing in or facing out or some other combination.  Curious how the contractors actually install these, is the orientation important
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Itworx4me on March 19, 2017, 06:53:14 PM
The orientation isn't critical. The j bolts are install after the cement sets up for a bit so they don't sink. You should look at adding in vents too.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 19, 2017, 10:36:39 PM
I agree, I've been talking to a few other contractors out there and most of them don't pay alot of attention to the orientation of the J-bolts into the concrete, they let the concrete set up a bit and then stab them in.

I'm adding in the custom materials, stemwall foundation below is an example:


I will need to roll another revision probably tomorrow to get this update out there.

Any additional thoughts on adding in vents and what is standard construction in your locale as well as what type/brand of foundation vents/inserts are used.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 20, 2017, 08:04:56 AM
The ICC codes call out a minimum of a one vent within 3 feet of each corner.  It shouldn't be to much trouble to create the openings in the stemwall and place some vents:


For a rectangular building (4 sides) should I place 4 vents or 8 vents?  Provide only the openings or also provide a generic foundation vent (lightweight geometry?)

Moving an opening is actually very easy within SketchUp, when it comes to a solid wall like this.

What is the typical header thickness between the top of the vent hole and the top of foundation?

Vent size seems to be 16"x8" for most vents I've seen.

With regards to vents there are the cheap plastic ones you can get a Home Depot or Lowes and and then there are a whole ton of more expensive louvered metal manufacturers of vents and flood vents.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Itworx4me on March 20, 2017, 09:08:07 PM
This is the type of vent that is used here in oregon for new construction. (
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Itworx4me on March 20, 2017, 09:17:14 PM
Have you made any progress on drawing foundations per a plan yet? Currently we can only do rectangles :(
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 21, 2017, 07:10:42 AM
I am currently working on the polygon and line tool for both stemwall and slab foundations.  I am finding it hard currently to get enough time to really push ahead quickly so I don't have an ETA on the release of these tools.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 22, 2017, 07:19:39 AM
The options for the crawlspace vents (if this option enabled) will be:

1.) Width (in.)
2.) Height (in.)
3.) Corner Distance (ft.)
4.) Top Fnd. Distance (in.)
5.) Max. Spacing (ft.)
6.) Location:  All Walls|Left/Right Walls|Front/Back Walls
7.) Vent Insert:  NONE|PLASTIC|METAL

The Max. spacing variable will determine whether to insert intermediate vents along the wall line.  The module will always place two vents per wall (if wall line selected), one at each corner and then equally space vents along wall line based on the Max. spacing variable.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 23, 2017, 12:36:54 AM
The vent module seems to be working fairly well:


If you set the top distance to zero the vents are right up to the sill plate:


Notice the top bar is clashing with the vent cutouts. 
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 23, 2017, 11:51:08 PM
Version 1.0.8 - 03.23.2017
- Added crawlspace vent option to stemwall foundations.
- Added a "Materials" tab within the global settings; Auto material assigment (colors and textures) is now an option.
- Enabled materials for all foundation types.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 24, 2017, 11:52:50 PM
Version 1.0.8 - 03.23.2017
- Added crawlspace vent option to stemwall foundations.
- Added a "Materials" tab within the global settings; Auto material assigment (colors and textures) is now an option.
- Enabled materials for all foundation types.
- Added a joist pocket option for stemwall foundations.


I've been putting off the joist pocket feature for a while but figured I could spend my Friday night and knock it out.  I doubt it will get much use except for certain builders in the State of Oregon.

The options for the joist pocket option are:

1.)  Pocket Width
2.)  Pocket Height
3.)  Pocket Depth (into the stemwall)
4.)  Pocket Spacing (default is 16" o/c, but can be set to any value)

If you use joist pockets with either the brick ledge feature or the crawlspace vents you need to realize that the geometry must be such that the various item don't clash.  For example the stemwall must be thick enough for a brick ledge and the typical 2.25" depth of the joist pocket. 

With vents and pocket joists there must be enough vertical clearance between the two otherwise the header will be too thin for the overlying floor joist.  One solution to this problem is to have the vents only on the front and back walls while the joist pockets are on the left and right walls.

The number of options and inputs is now a bit mind boggling and the code is also at a new level of complexity.  Taking all of this to a polygon shaped foundation will be a challenge but that is where it needs to go next.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 25, 2017, 07:35:56 PM
Version 1.0.9 - 03.25.2017
- Added slab foundation type (rectangular outline only).
- Enabled full and partial width interior thickened slab footings.


View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 01, 2017, 08:40:29 PM
Finally got some time to work on the polygon tool in the foundation plugin, starting with the easy one which is the basic slab.

I've got it working for the concrete but the problem is the rebar, see image below:


The only way I can see to create the rebar is to use the solid boolean tools (ie. Subtract), however that is only available in the Pro version of SketchUp so the polygon tool would really only be useful or workable in the Pro version of SketchUp.  Unfortunately, I don't have enough extra cash at my disposal to even purchase the pro version so I am now at a standstill on this since I can't test or debug it further.

You can literally draw any shape you like but the rebar is configured to always align (parallel) with the edge created by the first and second points. 
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 02, 2017, 04:11:35 PM

As can be seen in this polygon shape the rebar could be potentially cut in multiple places.  The subtraction method makes the most sense but since I don't have that luxury I am working on a different algorithm for putting the rebar only within the concrete and so that it has at least 3" of ground clearance on the sides.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 03, 2017, 09:52:51 AM
Haven't figured out the best way to deal with the slab reinforcement yet but I've moved on to start putting together the polygon tool for the Slab-on-Grade.  Since the offset line tool is not exposed in the API I've decided to try and use TIG's SmartOffset plugin as a starting point.  Unlike the rectangle tool I probably won't have a bend radius on the footing bars, at least not initially.  At some point I would like to figure out a plugin or some code that will automatically apply a radius or fillet to two lines/edges, I'm surprised that this functionality is not already built into SketchUp.

The way I will create the SOG is extrude the slab and then use the follow me tool for the footing, then union the two solids together, fairly simple.  Any shape or size of SOG will be possible.  The basic input (Non-Graphical User Interface) will only allow the entry of one internal footing however I am planning on implementing a Webdialog GUI that will allow the user to create as many interior footings as required and also allow them to even cross each other in grid patterns (ie. X-dir and Y-dir).  Things are going to get interesting with this plugin.

The GUI will allow the user to better preview the location and start and end points of the interior footing(s) which will make the entire process much more intuitive and easier to use.

Anchor bolts along the perimeter of the SOG will also be implemented.  Hoping to have all of this done by the end of the week, and as time allows.  I may have to simply disable the slab mesh/rebar until I can figure out a way to trim it without forcing the user to SketchUp Pro.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 03, 2017, 10:06:42 PM
The slab on grade concrete is working great, that was easy.  Now I just need to work on the rebar in the perimeter footing and the anchor bolts as well as the optional garage curb.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 03, 2017, 10:44:19 PM
Any shape is possible even a circular shape by selecting points along an arc.  Now I really need to get the wall plugin going with the same polygon tool that is smart enough to handle typical 90 deg. corners and non-orthogonal corners.


Curved walls and roofs though are still a bit of stretch, but I can see we need to eventually go that direction as well to make everything complete.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 09, 2017, 06:34:04 PM
The polygon tool for the slab-on-grade foundations is nearing completion.  I've got the concrete, perimeter rebar, internal footings and even anchor bolts all working.


The only item still pending is the slab reinforcement (mesh/bar).  I've been contemplating devising my own boolean subtraction tool.

I've even managed to create a fillet tool based on TIG's 2D tools that properly applies the correct bend radius to the perimeter rebar.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 12, 2017, 11:53:04 PM
I think I've got the slab reinforcement working now.  I haven't tested it enough to determine if its really robust enough to release another update but I'll keep testing.


I owe Sdmitch big time for this one.  I've integrated his rebar trim function into the plugin to create a new module that trims the slab rebar or mesh.  I am still trying to figure out exactly how the magic is done but most of it is over my head.

View model here:

A mesh reinforced slab though can get quite heavy with the polygon count so it may only have limited usefulness.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 13, 2017, 12:31:16 PM
I haven't fully compiled a TODO List for this plugin yet but there are still a number of items that need to be addressed.

- A hole cutting tool that removes the concrete and the rebar and any anchor bolts in the way.
- Square and Rectangular Footings for point loads
- Strip Footings
- A line tool for the stemwall module
- Retaining Walls with Engineering
- Ability to step foundation walls
- Webdialog input for SOG and Stemwall so that interior footings can be configured with ease.

Let me know if there is anything you would like to add to this list.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 14, 2017, 06:41:13 AM
Version 1.1.0 - 04.14.2017
- Added polygon outline tool for slab-on-grade and slab.
- Enabled perimeter rebar, anchor bolts, and slab reinforcement for (polygon) slab-on-grade foundations.
- Enabled slab reinforcement for (polygon) slabs.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 23, 2017, 10:02:21 PM
Version 1.1.1 - 04.23.2017
- Added polygon outline tool for stemwall foundation.
- Enabled perimeter rebar, anchor bolts, vents, and internal footings for (polygon) stemwall foundations.



View model here:

The next improvement would be a web_diaolog input so that more than one internal footing can be specified at a time.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 24, 2017, 12:53:35 AM
Using the rectangular floor primitives I was able to manually create the floor on the previous foundation in about 30 minutes:


If I create the polygon floor tool I will be able to accomplish the same thing in under 10 seconds.  The polygon floor tool in the truss plugin is next...
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 26, 2017, 01:58:45 PM
The trim tool in the Truss Plugin comes in quite handy when dealing with more complex foundation geometry:


For this foundation I used the stemwall (rectangle and polygon) function and the slab (polygon) function.  I had to trim the garage stemwall and also manually create the smaller interior post/beam assemblies.  I also adjusted the position of some of anchor bolts once I cut the doors into the garage stemwall.

View model here:

Throwing a roof onto this foundation is fairly straightforward:


View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 03, 2017, 09:06:54 AM
Recently I've received a number of requests for concrete columns to be added to the foundation plugin:


I'm still trying to figure out how to best add a concrete column module, I think it could gain some serious traction.  This would cater more to the industrial rather than the residential side.

I'll use ASDIP Concrete Software as a guide in establishing the various options to include:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 06, 2017, 10:59:35 AM
Version 1.1.2 - 05.06.2017
- Added "Circle Segments" option within the global settings, rebar and mesh polygon counts can now be controlled.


In this example I set the segment number to "5".

The global setting circle segment number will default to 24.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 07, 2017, 11:55:14 AM
Some common configurations of concrete columns:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Fred H on May 31, 2017, 07:31:18 AM
Have you considered adding insulation? We're planning on using a Frost-Protected Shallow Foundation because of it's cost, our zone 6 location, and the rocks and ledge we know are there.

As the insulation thickness and extent vary with zone and occupied/unoccupied this has those two parameters, but is well-specified in the code. Here is an explanation with links: (

Additional complexity would come with unoccupied slabs (e.g. garage, front porch, patio) contiguous to an occupied slab. Edge insulation would be an issue too.

If this is outside the bounds of your plans, please feel free to ignore it.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 31, 2017, 08:06:24 AM
Up until now I have not considered adding insulation but it probably would not be too hard to add in.  I will do more research on FPSF. 
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 31, 2017, 09:59:11 PM

An FPSF with 2" foam insulation along the wall and vertically.  2.5" foam insulation at the corners with the following horizontal dimensions:

A = 12"
B = 24"
C = 40"


The rectangle foundation is easy, the polygon shaped foundation will be more challenging.

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 01, 2017, 07:57:24 PM
An irregular shaped FPSF, note the 135 deg. corners.  Once this angle becomes greater than 135 degrees I would probably just treat it the same as a straight wall.


View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 03, 2017, 01:30:10 AM
Version 1.1.3 - 06.03.2017
- Added "FPSF" option to rectangular slab-on-grade foundations.
- Added an insulation layer in the global settings under the "Layers" tab.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 03, 2017, 11:59:09 AM
- Added "FPSF" option to rectangular stemwall foundations.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 04, 2017, 12:13:50 AM
Working on the square/rectangle spread footing tool:

I will start with wood posts as an option with the following sub-options for the wood post:

Post Size:  4x4, 4x6, 6x6, 6x8, 8x8
Post Height (in.)
Post Base:  None, ABA, ABU, ABW, CBSQ
Post Cap:  None, CCQ, ECCQ
Post Rotation:  0, 90, 180, 270

I also plan on having the option for steel posts with the following sub-options:

Post Size:  HSS4x4x1/2, HSS4x4x3/8, HSS 4x4x1/4, HSS3x3x3/8 etc...  (round and square tube)
Post Height (in.)
Base Plate Size (in.) - square shape L x L
Base Plate Thickness (in.)
Base Plate Hole Dia. (in.): 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8 (4 bolts per baseplate)
Vert. Offset (in.)  - for non-shrink grout
Post Cap:  Not sure what to do with this yet.
Post Rotation:  0, 90, 180, 270



I've been contemplating using the Simpson Strong-Tie post caps and bases as provide in the warehouse but I'm worried that the polygon count is too high.  I may have to generate my own dumbed down versions.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Fred H on June 04, 2017, 12:28:49 PM
Thanks for the FPSF additions, I'm looking forward to working with it.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 04, 2017, 12:36:51 PM
I haven't enabled it for polygon shaped stemwall and slabs yet, that is still a work in progress.  Too much to do and not enough time to do it all.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 05, 2017, 12:00:48 AM
Added "FPSF" option to polygon slab-on-grade foundations:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 05, 2017, 02:07:25 PM
An octagon slab on grade (FPSF).  Note that the angle of the corners is 225 degrees, any less and the corner treatment would go away. 

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 05, 2017, 10:11:49 PM
Added "FPSF" option to polygon stemwall foundations.


Now I've thoroughly beaten the FPSF option to death, the only thing I might add in later is a global setting to change the insulation color to pink, blue or white.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 10, 2017, 09:53:41 PM
Tutorial 1:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Itworx4me on June 11, 2017, 10:48:10 AM
Just an observation in your video. When you created a post and beam stem wall foundation. The stem wall on each end ended in front of a vent.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 11, 2017, 11:56:01 AM
By default the foundation vents are placed a fixed distance (user driven) from the foundation corners.  Once the stemwall is created it is not very hard to move the vent manually if required.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 11, 2017, 08:04:46 PM
Version 1.1.4 - 06.11.2017
- Added pre-drawn face outline tool for stemwall and slab-on-grade foundations and slabs.

You can now click on a face (any closed polygon shape) and the plugin will generate the appropriate stemwall, SOG or slab.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 18, 2017, 06:57:26 PM
Version 1.1.5 - 07.18.2017
- Fixed bug with slab reinforcement for Slab-on-Grade foundations (Polygon, Face).
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 19, 2018, 11:53:47 AM

A new tutorial by NSM Construction.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 10, 2018, 07:51:00 PM
Version 1.1.6 - 07.10.2018
- Updated the licensing and registration system, added a license tab to the global settings.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 18, 2018, 07:45:14 PM
Version 1.1.6b - 07.18.2018
- Fixed a bug in the updated registration system.

This is a critical update, the recently release version 1.1.6 will not allow the registration of the serial number.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on October 15, 2018, 02:25:17 PM
Version 1.1.7 - 10.15.2018
- Name of plugin changed to "Medeek Foundation".
- Updated the licensing system to include a 30 day limit of the trial version.
- Updates to the HTML pages of the global settings.

I haven't spent much time on the foundation plugin in the last year and a half and it is beginning to show.

I have however determined that I can now devise an algorithm for step down foundation stem walls.  A big shout out to Christina Eneroth whose excellent coding and generosity will make this feature possible in the near future.

Making the step down feature fully parametric may be a bit more of a challenge.  I will need to give this some serious thought.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on October 26, 2018, 10:11:38 AM
Todo list for the foundation plugin:

- Parametrics (things get a little tricky for complex footprints [non-rectangular slabs and stemwalls], this will take some thought)

- Window and Door openings in foundation walls.

- Ability to cut holes into slabs

- Isolated Post/Footing Module

- Blockouts in stem walls for doors/garage doors

- Floor drains in slabs.

- Switching to all HTML menus with tooltips/thumbnails

- Custom materials (similar to the truss and wall plugins)

- Step down foundation stem walls for sloping sites (fully parametric, this will also be a challenge).

- Adding more defaults into the global settings.

- Raft and Waffle foundations.

- The current method of inserting (one) strip footing is very limiting.  This whole methodology needs to be reworked into something which allows any number of strip footings.

Let me know if I am missing something on this list.

The potential complexity of this plugin could easily rival the wall and truss plugins the more I think about it, again lots to do and never enough time to accomplish it all.  Sometimes I think my ideas are much too big for my capacity.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 14, 2018, 03:32:43 PM
I've been giving this plugin some more thought now that I well versed with making my other plugins parametric.

The one area that is intriguing to me right now is the ability to make a complex outline parametric.

My concept or idea on how to make this work would be to have a context menu item which allows the user to right click on the foundation (ie. slab-on-grade) and choose to edit "foundation outline". A html menu would open up with the option to cancel or save changes.

The points that define the foundation outline are actually stored in the attribute library.  The tool would create a temporary group and then create a temporary outline (edges) within that group, while greying out the rest of the model.

The user could then modify, delete or create any edges (lines) they like, so long as the edges (points) form a complete, closed loop.  (When the user clicks save the plugin would first do some error checking to make sure that the updated outline forms a valid loop.)

Once the user is done editing they can click the save button and the new points are saved into the attribute library, the temp group and its contents is deleted.  The user is returned back to the root of model and the foundation is regenerated.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 21, 2018, 05:39:33 AM
Version 1.1.8 - 12.21.2018
- Enabled temporary (construction) dimensions for all foundation types.
- Added a section in the General tab of the global settings for configuring construction dimensions.
- Licensee name now appears in the License tab of the Global Settings when plugin is registered.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 28, 2018, 05:07:22 PM
Version 1.1.8b - 12.28.2018
- Fixed bug in the registration/licensing module.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on January 02, 2019, 01:21:41 AM
Callouts (label, area, volume) are now working for the  Slab-on-Grade foundation type (rectangle, polygon and face):


Now I just need to add the stats tabe into the attributes and then we can also bring this data into the Medeek Estimator module.

I think it would also be useful to quantify the rebar and provide the size (dia.) and total lineal feet for each size used.  For the wires mesh I'm assuming that number would be a sqft (area) but I'm not sure whether to provide the area which includes my (inside) offset or just the total area of the slab itself. 

Anchor bolts are easy (size and qty.)

All also have the FPSF option which includes foam around the perimeter of the foundation.  I'm assuming this number would probably be the thickness and sqft (area)?

Note that the area dimension is the total area of the slab per its outer perimeter, so a garage curb will not change this number.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on January 03, 2019, 01:16:06 AM
Version 1.1.9 - 01.03.2019
- Foundation and Footing labels option added to the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Foundation and Footing label prefixes can be customized in the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Foundation labels enabled for slab-on-grade foundations.
- When construction callouts are enabled the overall area and volume (concrete) of the foundation is displayed beneath foundation label (currently only slab-on-grade foundation assemblies have this feature available).
- Added customizable colors for lumber, PT Lumber and labels within the Materials tab of the Global Settings.
- Added additional layers for dimensions, annotations, 2d geometry, building code and engineering.

The customizable colors for the lumber (PT) will not take affect until I update the stemwall module.  Currently the color of the lumber is still hard coded into this module.

I am also working on an update to the Medeek Estimator which will then allow the user to quantify foundations as well as roof and wall assemblies.

So far I have the concrete, rebar, and anchor bolts queued up for analysis in the estimator module.  I will need to still work on adding in the insulation (foam) for the FPSF option.  The first foundation type that will be made available in the estimator is the slab-on-grade.  Once I am satisfied with the integration between the two plugins I will continue to flesh out the rest of the foundation types.

The bigger issue right now is the lack of parametrics for this plugin.  With the addition of the attribute library I am one step closer to making this happen.  There is really nothing special that needs to happen it is just a matter of pulling together the HTML menus and other tedious tasks within the Ruby code.

I apologize that it has taken this long to begin to address the parametrics issue.  As can be seen in the changelog I had a burst of activity in 2017 and then only recently began to slowly process other updates.

Most of my time has been spent on the other two plugins but it is my goal this year to bring this plugin up to par with the other two.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on January 06, 2019, 06:29:15 PM
Version 1.2.0 - 01.06.2019
- License expiration date now appears in the License tab of the Global Settings when plugin is registered.

Estimating data for slab-on-grade foundations is now available with Version 0.9.9w of the Wall plugin.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on January 20, 2019, 09:16:32 AM
Version 1.2.1 - 01.20.2019
- Fixed a bug in the license and registration module.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 25, 2019, 09:38:24 PM
Version 1.2.2 - 02.25.2019
- Fixed a bug in the display of the toolbars (Mac and Windows).
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 15, 2019, 04:36:36 PM
Version 1.2.3 - 03.15.2019
- Updated toolbar icons to be compatible with 4k (UHD) resolution monitors.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 24, 2019, 09:26:06 PM
First look at the new edit menu for slab on grade foundations:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 26, 2019, 07:43:38 PM
Version 1.2.4 - 06.26.2019
- Enabled the "Edit SOG Assembly" function/menu for rectangular slab-on-grade foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 27, 2019, 09:12:31 AM
Version 1.2.4b - 06.27.2019
- Corrected the code for raising and logging exceptions.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 29, 2019, 01:30:28 AM
Version 1.2.5 - 06.29.2019
- Enabled the "Edit SOG Assembly" function/menu for polygon slab-on-grade foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit SOG Outline" function for polygon slab-on-grade foundations.

The ability to edit the outline of polygon shaped foundation is fairly important not only for this plugin but also for the complex roof module of the Truss plugin.  I will be moving back to the Truss plugin this next week to continue my work on the complex roof module.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 29, 2019, 11:43:12 AM
Tutorial 2: Editing Slab-on-Grade Foundations
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 01, 2019, 08:33:11 AM
Version 1.2.5b - 07.01.2019
- Enabled the "Edit Slab Assembly" function/menu for rectangular slab foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit Slab Assembly" function/menu for polygon slab foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit Slab Outline" function for polygon slab foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 03, 2019, 08:13:23 PM
Version 1.2.6 - 07.03.2019
- Enabled the "Edit Stemwall Assembly" function/menu for rectangular stemwall foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit Stemwall Assembly" function/menu for polygon stemwall foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit Stemwall Outline" function for polygon stemwall foundations.


All of the current features of the foundation plugin are now fully parametric.  However, I do need to introduce a new system for handling stepped foundations and internal strip footings for both slab-on-grade and stemwall foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 04, 2019, 12:51:33 PM
The absence of a interior footing module for the slab-on-grade type foundation is very frustrating for me and I am sure for a lot of other users as well.

With that being said I've decided to put my thinking cap on again and give this issue some further thought.  Based on what I have so far for foundations and looking at some other foundation examples I think the following parameters should be sufficient to fully define an interior (thickened slab footing):

Basic Options:

Footing Width
Footing Depth
Slope Angle
Slope Start: Yes/No
Slope End: Yes/No
Vertical Drop: default is zero
Reinforcement: Yes/No
Anchor Bolts: Yes/No

Reinf. Options:

Ftg. Bar Dia:
Ftg. Bar Qty: 1,2,3,4,6

Anchor Bolt Options:

Anchor Bolt Length: 10,12,14 (in.)
Anchor Bolt Dia.: 1/2 or 5/8"
Washer 2X2, 3X3
Bolt O/C Spacing
Sill Plate Thickness:
End Distance:

The vertical drop option is the 6" dimension in the image below:


The interior footing module will be quite similar to the window and door module in the Wall plugin.  It will allow the user to add, delete, move or edit any interior footing within the SOG.  Unlike the current system (only one interior footing possible), the user will be able to create as many footing as they like, criss-crossing the slab in any direction at any angle.  Once this feature is in place the slab-on-grade foundation will be much more versatile and hopefully much more capable of modeling real life (complex) foundations.

Please let me know if there are any other parameters or options that I might be missing from this list.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 04, 2019, 02:51:16 PM
First look at the interior footing toolbar:


This toolbar will allow the user to add, delete, edit or modify interior footings within stemwall, slab-on-grade or slab foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 04, 2019, 10:24:02 PM
I will also be adding in a toolbar for working with brick ledges on slab-on-grade and stemwall foundations. 


This will enable the user to add a brick ledge to any edge of a foundation, and also edit or delete the brick ledges.  Currently brick ledges are only available with stemwall foundations and if enabled applies the brick ledge to the entire foundation outline.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 05, 2019, 09:28:39 PM
Version 1.2.7 - 07.05.2019
- Added the Interior Footings toolbar and icons.
- Added the Brick Ledges toolbar and icons.
- Enabled a resync function in the License tab of the Global Settings for license renewals.

Within the License tab if you click on the license exp. date the plugin will then resync with the server and update your license exp. date accordingly.  This is a resolution to the issue some users have recently had when renewing their license.

Previously the user had to remove their serial number and then re-enter it in order for the plugin to update itself with the new license expiration date. 
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 06, 2019, 01:15:00 AM
Looking at adding in an option for a sub-base layer for slabs and slab-on-grade foundations:


Let me know if there are any specific requirements that you might have.

The only two parameters I have for this are the depth and the material.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 06, 2019, 11:52:42 AM
Being that it is the weekend of the 4th I was quite surprised at all of the feedback on my previous post, thank-you for taking the time to respond and provide valuable feedback and information.

It seems that slab insulation is also a feature that I should also add to the mix.  Most details I've seen shown it directly below the slab between the subbase and concrete:


Note that many details I've seen show the slab insulation wrapping down around the footing or at least dropping down along its vertical side to the bottom of the footing.  However, to model the slab insulation in this way would be very computationally expensive (in other words a big pain in the butt) and require some rather elaborate code. 

What I've shown is a slightly simplified version which I can easily achieve using some very simple boolean addition and subtraction.

The updated list of parameters is now:

Slab Insulation:  Yes/No
Slab Insul. Thickness:  Default to 2"

Subbase:  Yes/No
Subbase Thickness:  Default to 4" or 6"
Subbase Material:  Default "medeek_gravel", user can choose from custom material library

I've also had quite a few request for poly.  I've never been a big fan of modeling non-solid geometry (ie. 2D films, vapor barriers etc...)  In my opinion the SQFT callout for the foundation is enough information for the designer to know how much poly is needed for the foundation if they want to apply it below the slab (plus some waste factor).  I'll have to give this some more thought.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 07, 2019, 11:47:10 AM
First look at a rectangular slab-on-grade with slab insulation and subbase material installed.


Now I just need to jump into the polgyon module and enable the same feature for a polygon/face outlined slab-on-grade and then we can roll this new feature out.

When I get a bit more time I will also add in the volume of the subbase material (CY) into the stats tab (attribute library) which can then be picked up by the estimator module and this information will also be part of the spreadsheet (Excel/CSV) output.

Note to other developers:

As I further develop these plugins I am including a stats table in the attribute library of each assembly I create.  This information is exposed and can be utilized by anyone, including other plugins.  For instance for slab-on-grade foundations I provide the number of anchor bolts, the lineal feet of rebar, the area of the slab, and the volume of the concrete.  If there are any questions about any of the entries in this table and what each number means I will be more than happy to dive into the details with you.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 07, 2019, 02:02:52 PM
Version 1.2.8 - 07.07.2019
- Added slab insulation and subbase options for rectangular slab-on-grade foundations
- Added slab insulation and subbase options for polygon slab-on-grade foundations
- Added a subbase layer in the Global Settings under the "Layers" tab.


Please note that the new interior footings module and the brick ledges module are both under construction.  The current toolbars and icons for these modules are currently non-functional. 

Both modules are actually quite complicated so my best calculation is about a week's worth of programming for each in order to complete them.

The FPSF option must be toggled on to enable under slab insulation.  However, you now have the option to enable or disable perimeter insulation within the FPSF options.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 08, 2019, 06:57:49 PM
Version 1.2.9 - 07.08.2019
- Added a Custom Material Library/Manager in the Materials tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled custom materials for the subbase material in the HTML edit menus for slab-on-grade foundations.

I've had some conversations about providing formwork for the various foundations.  This is not a high priority right now but at some point I may decide to add in this advanced option.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 12, 2019, 07:41:51 PM
First look at a slab-on-grade (rectangular) foundation with multiple interior footings:



Note that this feature (interior footing module) allows for an unlimited amount of interior footings in any orientation and with each footing being customizable to its own specifications.

As shown in the image above this new feature also works with the subbase and slab insulation options.

Now I just need to work on the edit, move and delete functions for the interior footings.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 12, 2019, 10:11:39 PM
This image demonstrates the vertical drop option/parameter along with various rebar configurations:


The footing to the far right is a typical 12" deep shallow footing with two bars.

The two central footings are 18" deep (4" slab) with a 10" vertical drop.  When you specify a qty. of four or six bars the plugin will arrange the bars top and bottom as shown otherwise the bars will be positioned at the bottom of the footing (with a 3" ground clearance).

Note that all of the footings shown have a slope of 45 deg. however this can also be customized to any angle.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 13, 2019, 06:30:10 PM
Working in 3D is a bit different, and poses some additional challenges, when compared with designing in a 2D environment.

Slab-on-Grade interior footings are an excellent example of this type of problem.  In a 3D environment you are usually wanting to work on your model looking down at it rather than looking up at it.  Unless you have modified the transparency of concrete material you are typically unable to view the interior footings you have created.

To remedy this problem I have created a hidden layer (normally hidden) that is toggled on when you go to add, edit, delete or move an interior footing.  This layer not only contains the outline of each footing but also the label assigned to each by the plugin:


This layer can always be toggled manually by the user, but I have also setup the various tools to toggle it on and off during appropriate actions.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 13, 2019, 06:47:41 PM
As I've been putting the new interior footing module through its paces it occurred to me that the waffle type floor systems seen in large parking structures and in Australian residential construction will now be possible with this new feature.

I'm pretty excited to finally see this feature become a reality.  I should have made this happen a couple years ago, but in all truthfulness I probably did not possess the programming chops or experience to make it happen at the time. 

Fast forward a couple years, and I have much better handle of what I can and can't do with SketchUp's API.  I've also been able to lean on and gain advice from some of the SketchUp sages along the way. Thank-you for coming to my rescue, and being so generous with your advice and time, it has made all the difference.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 14, 2019, 01:36:19 PM
Version 1.3.0 - 07.14.2019
- Added interior footings for rectangular slab-on-grade foundations.
- Added interior footings for polygon slab-on-grade foundations.
- Enabled editing, moving and deleting of interior footings for all slab-on-grade foundations.


This is a substantial upgrade for slab-on-grade foundations.  I've completely removed the old interior footing code and replaced it with the new interior footing module.  The ability to add, move, edit and delete each interior footing on an unlimited basis is a breath of fresh air for this plugin. 

Now I just need to do something similar for stemwall foundations and slabs... there is always more to do.

Later today, after a small break, I will put out a tutorial video explaining the features of this new module and demonstrate its use.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 14, 2019, 06:14:16 PM
I've been considering the addition of a tool that adds in a depression to the slab-on-grade.  The user would create any polygon shape which would then be used to generate this depressed region on the slab. 

The actual modifications to the concrete slab would be fairly easy to accomplish with the API however a number of ripple effects would pose other problems.  The first problem would be slab reinforcement.  The depressed region would need to have its reinforcement translated down with the slab so it remains centered within the slab.

A similar problem exists for slab insulation and subbase material, these items would need to be moved down in the z direction as well.  This of course is assuming that the slab in the depressed region remains the same thickness as the rest of the slab, however this might not be the case.

One could assign the a zero thickness to the depressed region slab thickness which essentially cuts a hole in the slab if the depression is equal to the slab thickness.

Or one could specify a thicker slab in this depressed region.

Regardless slab depressions are quite interesting and introduce a number of complex problems when combined with other features like internal footings, slab insulation, subbase and slab reinforcement.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 14, 2019, 07:25:03 PM
After mauling this over a bit more I think I can deal with the concrete, slab insulation, interior footings and subbase fairly easily with a slab depression, however the slab reinforcement is a bit more challenging.  Even the footing top bars are a bit problematic ( they need to be dropped as well) as one can see in the image below:


At the moment I don't have a good answer for how to deal with slab depressions when combined with slab reinforcement.  If anyone has a good idea I'm open to suggestion.

This type of slab depression (4") is fairly typical for a garage that is attached to the main residence.

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 15, 2019, 01:22:35 PM
Tutorial 3 - Interior Footings for Slab-on-Grade Foundations (16:33 min.)

Interior footings for rectangular slab-on-grade foundations is identical to working with polygon shaped foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 15, 2019, 05:06:59 PM
First look at the slab depression toolbar:


This toolbar will allow the user to add, delete, edit or modify slab depressions within slab-on-grade or slab foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 15, 2019, 08:42:18 PM
BUG REPORT:  I'm missing a transform in the "Add Interior Footing" tool, so if a foundation is created in a location other than the origin, it may produce an unexpected result (ie. shifted footing location).  I am working on the fix currently.  Funny that I never exposed this error in my testing or even in the tutorial video, it does take a special set of circumstances.

I've also identified another issue where two footings might be coincident at their ends (start or end) at a non-orthogonal angle, see image below:


In such a situation rather than sloping the ends of the footing towards each other I need to miter the ends so that they meet cleanly.  Just some additional code in the block of code that applies the slope to the footings.

If three footings or more footings were to meet at a single point then the boolean union of them would work out without a hitch, it is only when you join two footings at their ends that this scenario becomes an issue.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 16, 2019, 03:17:16 AM
Version 1.3.0b - 07.16.2019
- Added the Slab Depression toolbar and icons.
- Enabled a 45 deg. miter option for the ends of interior footings.
- Fixed a bug with the initial positioning transforms for the interior footing draw tool.

The option for mitering is tucked into the start and end slope option.   Now in addition to the Yes/No options you also can have it miter left or right (45 deg only).


This is a critical update since the transform bug was a significant issue with Version 1.3.0.

The slab depression functions/tools are still under construction and currently not functional.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 19, 2019, 04:00:26 PM
Version 1.3.1 - 07.19.2019
- Added slab depressions for rectangular and polygon slab-on-grade foundations.
- Enabled editing, moving and deleting of slab depressions for all slab-on-grade foundations.
- When construction callouts and subbase material is enabled, the volume of the subbase material is displayed beneath the foundation label (currently only slab-on-grade foundation assemblies have this feature available).


The slab depression tool can also be used to cut thru holes into the slab, as shown.

Note that additional work still needs to be done to properly modify rebar and mesh for slab depressions.  Currently there is no logic in place to modify the perimeter or slab rebar when a slab depression is utilized within a slab-on-grade foundation. 

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 19, 2019, 06:19:12 PM
Tutorial 4 - Slab Depressions for Slab-on-Grade Foundations (9:35 min.):

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 20, 2019, 06:43:16 PM
Trying to take a day off from the programming but my mind keeps coming back to it and the brick ledge module (for slab-on-grade foundations) I have left unfinished.

Giving it a bit of thought this afternoon and I've come up with the following parameters:

- Ledge Width

- Ledge Height

- Start Ext.: Defaults to zero

- End Ext.: Defaults to zero

Really not much to it, or so it would seem.

The idea is to be able to create a brick ledge on any specified edge (perimeter) of the foundation rather than around the entire foundation.  A lot of modern designs only utilize a brick facade on the front of the house and not on the rear so this ability to be selective with each wall is critical.

Once I have this feature up and running I think the tools afforded the slab-on-grade type of foundation will allow it to be utilized for most designs however additional work will still need to be done to make the rebar placement correct in a complex design.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 22, 2019, 12:31:48 AM
First look at brick ledges combined with a slab depression (garage).


The trickiest part of the brick ledge module was the tool that selects the foundation edge.  I have it working stably now but I need to add some additional logic which prevents the user from duplicating a brick ledge along the same foundation edge.

I also need to add in some additional logic which offsets the anchor bolts the appropriate amount given the width of the brick ledge. 

Similar to the slab depressions the brick ledge module makes no accommodations currently for rebar placement.  The logic and algorithms for that will take some considerable effort.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 22, 2019, 12:53:59 AM
Here is slight modification where the slab depression is lower than the brick ledge:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 22, 2019, 04:46:58 PM
Version 1.3.2 - 07.22.2019
- Added brick ledges for rectangular and polygon slab-on-grade foundations.
- Enabled editing, and deleting of brick ledges for all slab-on-grade foundations.
- Added an additional layer for hidden geometry into the Layers tab of the Global Settings.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 22, 2019, 08:26:43 PM
Tutorial 5 - Brick Ledges for Slab-on-Grade Foundations (14:11 min.):
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 23, 2019, 12:34:30 PM
I am seriously considering adding the ability to slope the slab depression and would actually like to work on it before I move back to the complex roof module.

I have a few questions:

1.)  With a sloping floor do you typically measure the depression from the high side as your reference and then slope it downward?  Or do you measure where you want the doors to end up and then slope upwards? 

2.)  What is a typical slope in a garage slab depression? Is a 1/4" per foot typical?  On a 24' deep garage this would mean a vertical difference of 6 inches from front to back.  This seems like a pretty steep slope.

3.) If a depression is sloped then I would assume that the slab thickness in the depressed region would remain a constant thickness and hence the bottom of the slab at this region would also slope?
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 24, 2019, 02:38:57 AM
Version 1.3.3 - 07.24.2019
- Enabled sloping slab depressions for rectangular and polygon slab-on-grade foundations.
- Fixed a bug with the slab depression draw tool.


The sloping of the depression can be either in the X or Y direction, in the future I may allow for other directions.  To reverse the slope, the slope differential can be entered in as a negative number in the edit or draw menu.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 24, 2019, 02:18:35 PM
Giving a little thought on how to created stepped foundation the last couple of days as I wrapped up work on the slab-on-grade foundations.

Creating a single (closed-loop) stemwall foundation assembly with steps is proving to be difficult.  After giving this some additional analysis it seems that it would be better to break it down into separate (polyline) assemblies, somewhat similar to the Wall plugin.

If I switch to this type of system then creating steps in a foundation is just a matter of adding step "segments".  I've identified three basic type of steps in the detail below:


Note, that there would also be a right and left hand version of each, this comes into play with non-symmetric features such as foam insulation and anchor bolts.

So essentially I need to create a whole new system for stemwall foundations, the current system is not scalable.  The three main tools need to be:

1.) Polyline Tool
2.) Step Tool
3.) Interior Footing Tool

The polyline tool will also allow for a single (linear) stemwall or any number of segments.

I also need a opening tool for creating windows and doors in the stemwall/foundation wall.

4.) Opening Tool
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 24, 2019, 08:15:41 PM
With the new polyline and step tools (stemwall foundation) you will be able to create a foundation like this:


Each polyline segment will be able to be edited similar to the how you edit the outline of a stemwall or slab-on-grade foundation outline now.

Similar to the wall plugin the drawing direction will be counter clockwise in order to face the exterior of the stemwall to the outside.  This becomes important for anchor bolts, insulation, brick ledge, and joist pockets.

Each segment will be an independent assembly (group) that the user can simply move around (laterally and vertically) with the native tools.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 27, 2019, 11:48:13 AM
First look at the new Stemwall toolbar:


The three functions/tools are:

- Draw Polyline Stemwall
- Draw Interior Bearing
- Draw Stemwall Step

I've got quite a few icons now for this plugin and I'm still not entirely sold on my choice of icons/images for these toolbars but this is what I have for now.  I did try to create some 3D icons but at the resolution available for the toolbars it is very hard to create a legible 3D icon.

With regards to the step tool I also need some more information on how best to handle the footing rebar and the stemwall rebar for a step in the foundation.  I've examined a few details online as well as some of my own but additional feedback would be helpful.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 27, 2019, 12:38:12 PM
Running my conceptual tools through their paces this morning.  Here is another example of a fairly complex multi-step stemwall foundation:


Note that the three different types of possible steps are represented in this model.

View model here: (

Also note that I will be providing for the ability to offset the footing from the end of the stemwall (both positive or negative) so that the user/designer can easily butt up against other foundation walls (ie. create T  or cross intersections, corner).

As I was working on this initial model/concept a couple of days ago my teenage son noticed that I spent most of the afternoon constructing the model and then adjusting it.  He thought that it was funny that I spent a couple of hours mucking around with the model and actually pointed that out to me.  Even though most of my time was spent pondering the model (rather than creating the model), he did have a point; it should only take a designer a few minutes to generate this type of foundation, and it should be relatively easy to do.  This is the goal of this new module, quick and effortless.

In the model you will notice that I added cripple/pony walls to bring the floor elevation all to the same height.  These walls were generated with the wall plugin in less than 60 secs.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 28, 2019, 03:28:48 PM
Sometimes you may have a situation like the one shown in the image below:


To allow for this I will include a start angle and end angle parameter so the ends of the polyline assembly can be adjusted to account for various intersections with other foundation elements.

I will also include a start and end footing offset so that the footing can be offset (neg or pos) from the stemwall at the ends.  Note that this offset dimension will always be measured perpendicular to the end face as shown.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 28, 2019, 03:59:05 PM
I've been giving this new module some serious thought and I am hoping to get it right from the outset.  All of the menus will be advanced HTML menus and everything will be parametric and available in imperial or metric units.

Similar to the slab-on-grade foundation the polyline stemwall foundation will allow the user to specify brick ledges on a per edge/segment basis.  I will also setup a tool for joist pockets using the same template as the brick ledge tool.

The user will be able to toggle a polyline assembly left or right.  This will switch the direction of the interior/exterior which affects things like brick ledges, joist pockets, insulation and anchor bolts.

This new module is practically an entire rewrite of the original stemwall module (even though I will leave the original stemwall tools intact as they are), and will probably take me another week or two to complete.  As I'm digging into it, there is a significant amount of code to complete.

If you see a feature that you think I am missing or I should change something up please feel free to voice your opinion, now is the time to influence the direction of this development.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 29, 2019, 01:02:35 PM
In the other forum the following question was asked:

Does the polyline stemwall tool automatically hide the butt edges of adjoining sections? In your render with the pony walls, the lines appear hidden, but in the screenshot above that they are clearly visible.

My response:

Technically, each of the stemwall segments are separate assemblies (groups) so they are not welded together (ie. one solid).

However, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve in this regard. I can enable an option which will hide the edges of the solid so that the foundation can appear to be all one solid. I'm already doing this sort of thing with the Wall plugin, however it is on a global settings scale. I think it makes more sense to set this up on a per segment basis since there may be times where you do not want to hide the edges of a particular segment. I will need to give this some further thought.

Personally I don't find this to be a very important concern since rendering eliminates these unwanted edges, however I can still see that there might be an issue when generating elevation or plan views.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 29, 2019, 02:09:18 PM
First look at the draw menu for the polyline stemwalls:


Only the Basic Options appear when all of the other options are toggled off.

Similar to the Wall plugin it will allow the user to draw a polyline section of foundation and then continue on and keep drawing more sections, updating settings as required.

Note the inclusion of the hide edges option in the updated menu.

Other options like brick ledges, joist pockets and openings will be on a per edge basis, so they do not appear in this menu or in the edit menu.

The basic template is now in place however I am still considering how to best terminate the tool while the user is picking points.  My thought is to terminate the picking process by having the user hit the Enter key.  Unlike the polygon method the user is not needing to return to the start point so there is no natural detection of when the user wants to terminate their picking of points.

Any thoughts on what the most intuitive method of handling this should be?
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 31, 2019, 01:02:54 PM
First look at the output of the new stemwall module:


In this particular situation you would probably just use the polygon stemwall tool for the outer perimeter since there are no steps in the foundation but I think the model demonstrates the idea.

I should probably change the label to something like WALL or STEM, I'll give this some further consideration.

What I really like about this new module is that it is so much more flexible than a simple polygon or rectangular outline.  Once I add the step and interior bearing tools this one is going to be a game changer.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 01, 2019, 03:33:47 PM
Footing offsets and mitering is now stable:


When the foundation outline is a closed loop the polyline tool will automatically close the stemwall foundation and draw it as if it were a closed polygon as shown above.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 01, 2019, 04:30:59 PM
Version 1.3.4 - 08.01.2019
- Added the Stemwall Foundation toolbar and icons.
- Enabled the "Draw Polyline Stemwall" tool.
- Enabled footing offsets and mitering within the draw polyline stemwall tool/menu.

Note that the ability to edit polyline stemwalls is not yet active.  I am putting this out a bit earlier than I normally would so that users can give me additional feedback on the functionality and features.

Also note that to terminate your point selection process you depress the "Down Arrow" and not the Enter or Return key.  I would like to change this to the Enter key but I'm not quite there yet.

The polyline tool will only draw the concrete currently, all other additional options like rebar, anchor bolts, insulation, vents and joist pockets are currently not available.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 12, 2019, 02:08:38 PM
I haven't had any recent feedback on polyline stemwall tool. Unfortunately, I have been with family helping with a medical matter and have not been able to devote any time to the code the last few days.

I will be working on the rebar and anchor bolts next.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 17, 2019, 09:56:25 AM
Many of you may have noticed the absence of regular updates the last couple of weeks. My youngest daughter (Nathanya) had to undergo an operation on both of her legs (femur) at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah about a week ago.

I have taken a small break from the coding to be with her and my wife during this ordeal and during the recovery. Unfortunately, her recovery has been slower than I had hoped for so I have spent extra time in Utah providing support. I am hopeful that her condition will continue to improve and I can jump back into the saddle in the next few days and wrap up the work on the stemwall module.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 22, 2019, 01:54:47 PM
Back in the saddle.

Looks like the rebar is now working for the polyline stemwall.  Lots of possible configurations so I've got to try and break it for a few more minutes to be sure it is 100% stable:


Anchor bolts are next.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 22, 2019, 07:26:34 PM
Anchor bolts with rebar:


After an almost three week sabbatical it took me all of yesterday to just get back into the full swing of things and figure out where I left off.  It's good to be back laying down some serious code.

Developing these plugins has got to be the most satisfying job/business I've ever had.  Thank-you SketchUp for making all of this possible and more importantly thank-you to my many supporters and customers who continue to support my efforts, I will do my very best not to disappoint.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 22, 2019, 11:36:42 PM
Frost protection for a polyline stemwall:


Note that the polyline tool allows the user to create not only polyline segments of stemwall foundations but also closed loops and single linear sections.  Making sure the code behind the scenes is flexible enough to handle all of this is a bit of a task but I think the end result will be very functional and efficient.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 23, 2019, 11:11:11 AM
Foundation vents are now working for the polyline stemwall tool:


The next item of business is to create the edit menu and then check that all of the parametrics are working as advertised.  Once the edit functions are up and running I will release the next version and then begin working on the "Step" tool.

I've also been giving the interior bearing tool some thought and I think I will start with only two basic types (stud wall and posts & beams).  There are also quite a number of other variations that are commonly used such as steel posts etc... but I will wait until those are requested directly by the designers before diving into those.

I've also been giving brick ledges (and stemwalls) some thought and trying to come up with the most logical way of handling this type of construction.  Typically when a brick ledge is called out the stemwall is thickened however the rest of the segments within a foundation may not have brick ledges and will be a different thickness.  So brick ledges needs to be on a per wall segment basis.

Another item of interest is including more rebar when the stemwall is actually a full basement wall and also including vertical bars.  How deep does the rabbit hole go?   When it comes to full basements I will also need some tools for cutting windows and door as well as placing window and door hardware similar to the wall plugin.  Additionally if the user does cut an opening in the foundation wall the rebar must be adjusted to account for this opening.

I've also had a number of requests for CMU stemwalls rather than concrete.  In my opinion modeling of a CMU wall is no different than what I already have I just need to incorporate some fancy material application logic to make the solid look like CMU (similar to what I have done with the wall plugin).  I will enable a CMU option that will allow the user to create CMU stemwalls.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 24, 2019, 12:08:48 AM
The basic edit function is up and running:


I'm quite pleased with the performance of the edit tool, it is very fast.

The last piece of the parametrics is the ability to edit the polyline that actually defines the foundation outline.  About a month ago I began to explore this problem and the necessary algorithm that will be required to do this: (

I haven't arrived at a solution yet but I will begin to tackle this problem next.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 24, 2019, 04:52:37 PM
Version 1.3.5 - 08.24.2019
- Enabled rebar, anchor bolts, insulation and vents for the "Draw Polyline Stemwall" tool.
- Enabled the "Edit Stemwall Assembly" function/menu for polyline stemwall foundations.
- Enabled the "Edit Stemwall Outline" function for polyline stemwall foundations.
- Added a "Hide Edges" option in the draw and edit menus for polyline stemwall foundations.

Note that the hide edges option only hides the edges of the concrete at the terminal ends of the stemwall and footing.  This feature will come in useful where the user is utilizing the upcoming stemwall step tool to adjoin sections of foundation together.


Checking end conditions with FPSF option enabled:


The next item to be addressed is the stemwall step tool that will work in tandem with the stemwall polyline tool just completed.  Being that this is a completely new feature there may be further refinements necessary or features that further improve the functionality.  Please send me any feedback via the forums or email.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 24, 2019, 05:25:11 PM
After looking at various details (including some of my own) I am wondering if enabling an option to include a 4" DIA drain pipe along the footing might be of some interest.  Please let me know know your thoughts on this.  I haven't had too much call for it but I have often called one out in many of my own plans and drawings:

( (

Parameters would probably be:

1.) Diameter: 4"
2.) Bend Radius: 4"
3.) Wall Thickness: 0.125"
4.) Hollow: Yes/No
5.) Ftg. Clearance: 2"

Additional layer for PVC and a PVC material (RGB: 149, 219, 184)
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 25, 2019, 04:46:42 PM
Version 1.3.6 - 08.25.2019
- Added a drain pipe option in the draw and edit menus for polyline stemwall foundations.
- Added a drain layer in the Global Settings under the "Layers" tab.
- Fixed a bug with the hide edges option with regards to closed loop polyline stemwall foundations.


** NOTE **

If you have previously installed the plugin and are upgrading to this latest version in order to utilize the new drain pipe feature please do the following action once you have installed Version 1.3.6:

1.) Click on the global settings tab.
2.) Click on the Layers tab within the Global Settings.

This action will initialize the "Drain Layer" for future use.  New installations of the plugin will automatically initialize the new layer when they enable the layers options for the first time.


In order to help minimize the model size I've limited the drain pipe circle profile to 16 segments rather than the usual 24 segments.  Visually this seems to be the best compromise.

I've also added the option to draw the drain pipe as a simple solid or hollow as shown with the "Hollow Pipe" option.  By default this is set to "YES".

The drain pipe is positioned with its bottom level with the bottom of the footing.  Currently there is no vertical offset, but I'm not opposed to adding one if there is call for it.

The other parameters are fairly self explanatory.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 25, 2019, 05:28:21 PM
With regards to estimating it wouldn't be that hard for me to calculate the lineal feet of drain pipe as well as give a count on the number of elbows (45, 90 etc...) I've added this to the todo list.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 26, 2019, 12:45:34 AM
Version 1.3.7 - 08.26.2019
- Added a drain pipe option in the draw and edit menus for rectangular and polygon slab-on-grade foundations.
- Increased the speed/performance of the drain pipe modeling method.


The smoothing routine I was using was a major slowdown/bottleneck so I have removed it for now.  I will need to experiment with an improved smoothing routine but for now it is not imperative, the pipe is a proper solid and group.

As you can see in the model there are some visible edges at each elbow, these can be removed by adjusting the smooth normals/soften coplanar options within the Soften Edges tool in the SketchUp Default Tray.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 26, 2019, 10:27:47 PM
Working on the step tool this evening.  This one gets real interesting, lots of possible configurations even though it is a simple linear piece of foundation (ie. Top Step, Bottom Step, Double Step).

I haven't spent too much time looking at the rebar yet for a step but I'm starting to now and just wondering how everyone would like it drawn/configured.  I can terminate the rebar lengths at the step or I can extrude them along to follow the path of the step(s).  Any thoughts, cad drawings or details showing preferred rebar layout would be extremely helpful. 

I have enough tricks in coding toolbox now that I can pretty much make the rebar do anything you want, I just want to make it as realistic as possible without getting overly complicated.

Along that same vein I think I have the other advanced options figured out for a stemwall step:  Anchor Bolts, Vents, Insulation.  However, I don't know what I want to do with the drain pipe just yet.  Obviously it needs to transition from one height to another but what is the preferred way to model this?
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 28, 2019, 09:12:43 PM
After some serious head scratching and tossing around various parameters I've managed to boil it down to this:


Three different step configurations:  Top, Bottom, Double (see previous drawing for details)

The Double Step has three additional parameters as well as the option for the Ftg. transition.

As you can see it gets rather complicated, or at least appears so.  In actuality it is fairly simple once you understand what each parameter does.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 29, 2019, 02:00:41 AM
First look at the wireframe preview for a stemwall step:


Tomorrow I start in earnest to code the concrete portion of the module now that all of the supporting infrastructure is in place.  Then from there it is rebar, anchor bolts etc...

Hopefully this module combined with the polyline stemwall module will give designers the flexibility they need in order to model any type of stemwall or basement foundation.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 29, 2019, 02:44:30 PM
First look at a Type A (Top Step) concrete, with and without hidden edges:


Haven't really had much feedback with regards to the rebar for a step. For now I think I will just terminate it at the step. We can always talk about lapping and turned up or turned down rebar later as I'm sure the discussion will come up.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 29, 2019, 05:07:08 PM
First look at some bottom steps with 24" steps:


Notice that the optional footing transition has been toggled on. 

Now I just need to wrap up the concrete for the double step and then I'll release a new version so that everyone can test out this new feature.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 29, 2019, 11:52:09 PM
Version 1.3.8 - 08.29.2019
- Enabled the "Draw Stemwall Step" tool with the following step types: Top, Bottom, Double.
- Enabled the "Edit Stemwall Step" function/menu for stemwall steps.
- Added a "Hide Edges" option in the draw and edit menus for stemwall steps.


Currently the other  options are not yet enabled (anchor bolts, rebar, insulation, vents, and drain pipe).  I will work on these this weekend and try to wrap up the stemwall step module by Monday.

After that I will put together the Interior Bearing tool and then move back to the Truss Plugin development for a while.  However, if there are specific requests for features or bug fixes I will continue to address those in the next few weeks.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 30, 2019, 12:52:01 PM
This is kind of what I have in mind for the rebar for a top step:


Note the typical 3" clearance for the very top bar.  Also note how the other top bar extends beyond the step by 12".  I can provide another parameter that allows the user to specify the length of this lap/extension.

I apologize that the dimensions are so small in the image, I should have increased the text size to make it more readable.

The bottom step and double step would be similar.  Thoughts or a different rebar configuration?
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 30, 2019, 02:54:06 PM
For the drain pipe with a step I'm looking at three possible ways to model the vertical transition:


The first model just follows the concrete step and makes a vertical jump.

The second model transitions with a couple of 45 degree elbows.

The third makes a more gradual transition with 16" of lead in before beginning the slope.

Which is the preferred way to model the drain pipe?
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 30, 2019, 08:25:40 PM
Version 1.3.9 - 08.30.2019
- Added an option for additional horizontal bars in the draw and edit menus for polyline stemwall foundations.


Now we just need a few more options that will allow for vertical bars.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: jslomka100 on August 31, 2019, 09:20:40 AM
I hope you daughter's recovery is going well and she is keeping her spirits up. I'm new to the Medeek Forum and a new user of the Medeek BIM tools. I'm in the process of modeling my house in SKetchup 2017 make (I'm not a professional contractor or designer, just a home owner having some fun with Sketchup. I would like to know if the Medeek Foundation plug-in can do a stepped foundation where the foundation floor is level and the foundation walls are stepped based on grade of lot (walk out basement) I've attached a pic of what I would like to be able to replicate. I've noticed you are working on stepped foundations for crawl space type foundations but I did not see a stepped foundation for a walkout basement type of foundation. It may be that I'm just not familiar with how to combine the different types of foundations to create the type of foundation pictured in the attachment. Any help would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 31, 2019, 10:45:49 AM
Quote from: jslomka100 on August 31, 2019, 09:20:40 AM
I hope you daughter's recovery is going well and she is keeping her spirits up. I'm new to the Medeek Forum and a new user of the Medeek BIM tools. I'm in the process of modeling my house in SKetchup 2017 make (I'm not a professional contractor or designer, just a home owner having some fun with Sketchup. I would like to know if the Medeek Foundation plug-in can do a stepped foundation where the foundation floor is level and the foundation walls are stepped based on grade of lot (walk out basement) I've attached a pic of what I would like to be able to replicate. I've noticed you are working on stepped foundations for crawl space type foundations but I did not see a stepped foundation for a walkout basement type of foundation. It may be that I'm just not familiar with how to combine the different types of foundations to create the type of foundation pictured in the attachment. Any help would be appreciated.

The upcoming step tool and polyline tool should be able to model this foundation.  My only problem might be the steps that are shown that terminate at the corners, I will need to think about these more.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 31, 2019, 04:18:26 PM
Version 1.3.9b - 08.31.2019
- Added an option for vertical bars in the draw and edit menus for polyline stemwall foundations.


View model here: (

The top of the vertical rebar is 3" below the top of the stemwall and extends into the footing by half the footing depth.

These various foundation assemblies are starting to rival the wall and truss plugins assemblies in complexity and details, exciting stuff.

I still need to work on a module that will allow for brick ledges on stemwalls as well as another module for adding in windows and doors.  A CMU option would also be nice.  No matter how hard I work on this stuff it always seems like there is more, its a moving target I guess. 
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 01, 2019, 01:09:29 PM
Version 1.3.9c - 09.01.2019
- Enabled rebar for stemwall steps (top step only).
- Added an option for additional horizontal and vertical bars in the draw and edit menus for stemwall steps.


I rolled the revision a little early since I noticed there was a bug in the edit function for stemwall steps.  If you've recently installed 1.3.9b, I would highly recommend updating to this latest version.

I just need to work out the rebar for the other two step configurations and then rebar is complete.

I will then attack anchor bolts next, then the drain pipe and then the FPSF insulation.  I will probably leave the vents disabled for now or at least until someone gives me more feedback on how they would like to see this configured.

The nice thing with the rebar is that you still have the option to install top and/or bottom bar with or without the horizontal bar, so lots of design permutations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 02, 2019, 01:52:30 AM
Version 1.3.9d - 09.02.2019
- Enabled rebar for stemwall steps (bottom step and double step).



Rebar was a bit a of a pain especially the double step, the rest of the advanced options should be relatively simple comparatively.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 02, 2019, 11:45:05 AM
First look at stemwall steps with drain pipe:


View model here:

I don't know why but just looking at this model makes me very happy.  I guess I've been trying to do this sort of thing with foundations since I began programming the foundation plugin about three years ago and I am now finally arriving at a viable solution.

Note, that the hide edges option will hide the concrete lines at the end of each assembly and the entire foundation will appear as monolithic.  I have not enabled this option in this model because I want to show the three different steps types distinctly.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 02, 2019, 03:01:44 PM
First look at that stemwall steps with FPSF insulation:


Not sure if an additional piece of insulation should be added at the actual step, any thoughts on that?

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 02, 2019, 06:48:35 PM
Version 1.4.0 - 09.02.2019
- Enabled drain pipe for stemwall steps.
- Enabled FPSF insulation for stemwall steps.
- Enabled anchor bolts for stemwall steps.


The stemwall step tool is complete

Again the only thing missing is the vents option (which I have disabled for now).  I will give this some more thought and address it as soon as I have a practical solution.

The next item of business is the interior bearing tool/module which will allow for linear interior bearing assemblies (ie. post-and-beam, stud wall, CMU etc...)  I'm very familiar with the first two systems however I'm not so familiar with how CMU interior bearings are typically constructed.  Any information would be helpful.

This next module is very simple and I hope to complete it within 3-4 days.  Then back to the quest for the holy grail of the Truss plugin... Complex Roofs.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 02, 2019, 10:03:37 PM
Parameters for the new Interior Bearing Module:

Basic Options:

Bearing Type: Post and Beam, Stud Wall, CMU
Bearing Height:
Footing Width:
Footing Depth:
Ftg. Offset Start:
Ftg. Offset End:
Sill Plate Offset:
Stemwall Offset:
Rebar Option: Yes/No

Post and Beam Options:

Beam Width:
Beam Depth:
Post Spacing:
Post Width:

Stud Wall Options:

Stud Depth:
Stud Width:
Stud Spacing:
Top Plate Qty: 1,2,3
Top Plate Thk.:

Rebar Options:

Ftg. Bar Dia.:
Ftg. Bar Qty.:

Let me know if I'm missing anything.  I haven't included a section for CMU yet since I need to do more research on that particular construction type.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 04, 2019, 01:01:13 PM
Version 1.4.1 - 09.04.2019
- Enabled the "Draw Interior Bearing" tool with the following support types: Post & Beam, Stud Wall.


View model here:

Now a video demonstrating the polyline stemwall, interior bearing and step tool all working together would be interesting.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 04, 2019, 01:29:34 PM
I would like to add a CMU interior footing/bearing variant but I am not finding any good details online. Does anyone have a preferred detail showing an interior bearing constructed with CMU?
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 04, 2019, 02:48:10 PM
Tutorial 6 - Polyline Stemwalls, Steps and Interior Bearings (13:27 min.): (

View model here: (

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 04, 2019, 08:56:01 PM
There has been some call to provide a CMU option for the polyline stemwall module.  In order to represent CMU my intent was to not alter the model but just apply the appropriate material/texture as I am doing with the Wall plugin.  However this method only really works with linear sections of walls (at least for the faces parallel to the Z plane):


As you can see from the image/model the vertical faces come out just fine however the horizontal faces are a bit of a mess.  I really don't want to change up the way I'm modeling the stemwall itself (ie. breaking it into linear segments) so the solution might be to simply provide a more generic material for the horizontal faces without any of the brick interior design, mortar lines etc...  thoughts?  It would look not quite as realistic when looking at the top of the CMU wall but it also wouldn't appear as confusing as the result shown here.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 04, 2019, 10:44:52 PM
Medeek Live Training: Session 1

Scheduled time is 11:00 PST

This is my first attempt at live streaming so hopefully things go smoothly but I'm sure it will be a bit of a learning experience.  The primary topics covered will be the recent additions to the foundation plugin however I am willing to open it up to other questions about all of the other plugins.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 05, 2019, 03:46:18 AM
This bi-directional pattern (even though not as realistic) seems to be a decent compromise and provided the segments of the polyline stemwall are orthogonal and in length increments that are multiples of 24" the texture works:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 05, 2019, 08:05:18 PM
First look at a CMU polyline stemwall:


Note that the callout includes the number of CMU block calculated per the volume of the stemwall and the standard block size (16" x 8" x stemwidth).  For now the nominal depth and height of the CMU block is hard coded to these typical values found in North American construction but I will probably provide some parameters in the global settings where these values can be customized.

The horizontal face texture I'm using only really works well for standard CMU block sizes and if the walls are orthogonal and in 2' length increments.  I don't have a work around yet to deal with exceptions.  I will give this some additional thought and come up with a better solution.

Now all I need to do is enable CMU for the stemwall step tool and then I'll roll a new release.

This update is a direct result of discussions had in today's training session, thank-you to everyone who participated and providing feedback which will directly impact the plugins' development.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 05, 2019, 10:03:25 PM
Version 1.4.2 - 09.05.2019
- Enabled CMU blocks for polyline stemwall foundations.
- Enabled CMU blocks for stemwall steps.


** NOTE **

If you have previously installed the plugin and are upgrading to this latest version in order to utilize the new CMU feature please do the following action once you have installed Version 1.4.2:

1.) Click on the global settings tab.
2.) Click on the Layers tab within the Global Settings.

This action will initialize the "CMU Layer" for future use. New installations of the plugin will automatically initialize the new layer when they enable the layers options for the first time.  This action is only required for those users upgrading their plugin installation.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 06, 2019, 02:26:21 PM
Version 1.4.2 - 09.06.2019
- Fixed a bug with the rebar in closed loop stemwall assemblies.

Critical bug fix, I strongly suggest upgrading to this version of the plugin.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 06, 2019, 09:46:02 PM
I've moved to the complex roof development but there are still a number of glaring holes in the foundation plugin.  To get a better feel for how well it would work I modeled up a foundation for a residence that I did some local engineering for a couple of years ago:


View model here:

Really the only manual edits that were required was the blockouts for the garage doors and the footings for the porch roofs.  The following list summarizes some areas that need further development:

1.) Need some sort of option for garage door block outs.
2.) Need the ability to create holes in stemwalls (crawl access, windows, doors)
3.) Add interior footings to regular slabs, similar to the interior footing tool for slab-on-grade foundations.
4.) Stemwall opening tool should also remove any conflicting rebar (boolean subtraction).
5.) Still need to add the tool for a simple polyline footing (ie. porch footing shown). The workaround is to create a stemwall and then manually delete the stemwall leaving the footing portion.

I'm also thinking about creating a material list table that summarizes quantities, similar to the legend I generate in the electrical plugin. 

So much to do, I really need a whole team of developers to get everything done I need to do.

What would be interesting to know is how much time it would take to manually model up the equivalent geometry, also bear in mind that there would be no parametrics available so if you need to adjust something it would require considerably more time and effort to make that change.  With the plugin if I need to adjust something like anchor bolt spacing I simply edit the assembly with a right click and the changes are instantaneous.

Modeling time was about 30 minutes.  Most of that time was transcribing dimensions from a large, crumpled set of paper plans.  The rest of the time was largely spent on fiddling with the garage door block outs and then trimming the rebar back.  As it stands now I do think the plugin offers some significant time savings but there is much that remains to be done.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 07, 2019, 12:37:07 PM
Combining a slab-on-grade with a stemwall footing (with steps):


View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 08, 2019, 12:07:42 AM
Version 1.4.3 - 09.07.2019
- Enabled the "Draw Strip Footing" tool with the following advanced options: rebar, drain pipe.


Similar to the polyline stemwall tool you can create closed loop polylines (polygons) as well as simple linear sections of footing.

Similar to the polyline stemwall tool the point selection of the tool is terminated with the "DOWN" arrow key.

The horizontal bar option is shown in the menu but is currently not enabled.  I need to give this option some additional consideration before I make it live.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 08, 2019, 09:39:04 AM
After working through the complex foundation on Friday, and having to manually create stemwall blockouts for garage doors I've come to the conclusion that a stemwall blockout tool is critical to the success of this plugin.

I guess I'm just a lazy 3D modeler, but even having to push/pull a blockout is too much work for me and then it ultimately breaks the parametrics of that particular stemwall assembly, so manual edits should be avoided whenever possible.

Yet another toolbar:


Like the Wall plugin the Foundation plugin is starting to collect quite a few toolbars, this will be the sixth toolbar for this plugin.  I'm starting to run out of screen real estate, I may have to do something about that, I'm not sure what yet.

The problem is that the plugins need to be able to do a lot of things, so there are a lot of tools and each operation/function needs its own icon or button to instigate it.  I've managed to wrap some functions into context menus but some operations are better presented as a direct icon in my opinion.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 09, 2019, 02:59:48 AM
First look at some column footings (spread footings) with and without pedestals:


I've decided not to add the column portion into the Foundation plugin, that will be part of the Wall plugin.

I just need to add a bit of rebar into these assemblies and then I will roll a new version.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 09, 2019, 01:42:27 PM
Version 1.4.4 - 09.09.2019
- Enabled the "Draw Column Footing" tool with the following footing types: spread footing, spread footing w/ pier.
- Added transverse and longitudinal rebar for column footings.
- Added the Stemwall Blockout toolbar and icons.



The Draw Column Footing tool is the 4th icon on the main toolbar.

This is a really easy tool to use, I highly recommend upgrading to the latest version to take advantage of it.

The blockout toolbar has been added however these tools will not be functional until the next release.

With the pier option enabled I would be interested in adding in options for vertical rebar (with hooks) and possibly hoops, but I first would like some more feedback in this regard.

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 09, 2019, 06:01:59 PM
For concrete piers resting on a spread footing I was kind of thinking something along these lines for the rebar:


However, one would probably want the vertical bars to hook into the spread footing rather than terminate as shown.

Parameters might be something like:

Vertical Bars:  Yes/No
Vert. Bar Dia.:
Vert. Bar Qty.: 2,4,6,8

Hoop Bars: Yes/No
Hoop Bar Dia.:
Hoop Spacing:

Let's try to avoid taking it to this extreme though:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 09, 2019, 07:28:47 PM
Probably something more along these lines:


View model here:

If you look closely at the model you will notice that the texture/material on the vertical bars is a bit of a mess where they flare out to meet the spreading footing.  Special attention will be required to make sure the initial follow me operation is done on the X-Y plane and then the bars are rotated up into the vertical position.

Does this type of rebar detailing look useful?  Sometimes I need to use a bit of restraint so I don't take things to far, but if this is something that would find some utility I can add the additional rebar options in.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 09, 2019, 08:31:34 PM
I really need some concrete contractors to take a look at this and let me know their thoughts.  What is customary, what isn't, I'm trying to provide features that will work for 90% or more of the user base and avoid going down paths that will probably never be utilized.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 10, 2019, 05:03:25 PM
Version 1.4.4b - 09.10.2019
- Added vertical and hoop rebar for column footings with round or square piers.



Sorry, useful or not, that pier rebar was just too tempting to pass on.  When you enable piers and rebar you are now presented with an additional section with options for vertical and hoop rebar within the pier.  Square piers are currently limited to two, four or eight vertical bars, round piers are limited to the following number of bars: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. 

If you need more than twelve vertical bars then you are probably not designing a residential structure. 

I'm not a concrete guy (haven't done a lot of reinforced concrete engineering, mostly lumber and timber), so this is kind of my best guess at what is appropriate for residential work.  If you need specific details changed up, please let me know.

Square pier with eight vertical bars:


I'm also thinking about adding in sonotube footings/piers (no spread footing) with an option for a bell shaped footing:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 11, 2019, 02:43:31 PM
Version 1.4.5 - 09.11.2019
- Added Sonotube footings to the "Draw Column Footing" tool.
- Added a flared "Bell" footing option for sonotube footings.
- Added vertical and hoop rebar for sonotube footings.


When you toggle the "bell" option on I have the vertical rebar bend 90 degrees as shown and extend to the perimeter of the bell (ground clearance maintained).

Sonotube footings without a bell option have vertical bar as shown.

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 11, 2019, 06:47:01 PM
Version 1.4.5b - 09.11.2019
- Added the option to place a double mat of rebar within a spread footing (top & bottom).


Note that the top mat is identical in size and spacing as the bottom mat.

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 13, 2019, 09:50:03 PM
First look at the blockout tool and its results:


Now I just need to have it trim out the rebar and remove anchor bolts that are in the way.

I'm also including an option to have it remove anchor bolts or not remove them in the case that for some reason you don't want to remove anchor bolts that clash with the opening.

I'm going to assume that designer would always want to trim the rebar out and the insulation, but I could also be mistaken on this and might need to provide a couple more options that allow for toggling this behaviour on and off for each blockout.

The edit and delete functions seem to be stable, I just need to get on the move tool and make it work similar to the move tool for openings in the Wall plugin.

The blockout label is on the hidden layer and toggles on and off automatically with the blockout tools.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2019, 12:37:00 AM
First look at rebar trimming and anchor bolt removal:


Now I just need to get the move function working correctly and I think this new set of tools is ready for prime time.

And yes, when you insert blockouts the plugin is correctly calculating the decreased volume of concrete or CMU blocks for the stemwall.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2019, 01:10:29 AM
CMU stemwall with blockouts:


I think this plugin is finally beginning to coalesce into a legitimate extension. 

Still, a few more items remain that need attention but I will need to put those on the back burner for a couple of months while I turn my attention to the truss and wall plugins.  The biggest items are:

1.)  Doors and Windows in foundation walls.
2.)  Internal footings for basic slabs (not slab-on-grade)
3.)  Finish integrating the Medeek Estimator with this plugin
4.)  Engineering (footing calcs primarily), see example here:
5.)  Retaining walls with engineering
6.)  Additional interior bearing types
7.)  Move/Stretch tool for SOG and Stemwall foundations

These are the big items that come to mind right now.  The actual list is probably four times this list in size.  Please let me know what additional features or improvements you would like to see.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2019, 04:06:43 PM
Version 1.4.6 - 09.14.2019
- Enabled the "Draw Blockout" tool for polyline stemwalls.
- Enabled the "Edit Blockout" tool for polyline stemwalls.
- Enabled the "Move Blockout" tool for polyline stemwalls.
- Enabled the "Delete Blockout" tool for polyline stemwalls.


I will put out a short tutorial demonstrating this new tool even though it is mostly self explanatory.

One to thing to note is that this tool only works for the "new" polyline stemwalls.  I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do with the old stemwall tool.  Basically everything you can do with old tool you can achieve with the new polyline tool (with the exception of joist pockets).  I will need to give this some more thought.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2019, 05:49:06 PM
Tutorial 7 - Blockouts in Polyline Stemwalls (8:35 min.)

Unfortunately, I forgot to demonstrate the CMU option with the blockouts, so I will leave that up to the user to try that out for themselves.

If you are using stemwall foundations at all this newest feature is critical in my opinion.  Manually creating blockouts in your stemwalls renders the parametric ability of the plugin mute, hence this latest addition was necessary.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2019, 06:06:39 PM
It just occurred to me that the method/algorithm I use to remove rebar for a blockout can also be used to remove slab rebar or mesh from a slab depression. Now I have a solution for the slab depression reinforcement problem.

The only potential issue I see with this is the shear number of solids (reinforcement) that may need to be trimmed, especially if the user has specified wire mesh. I will give this some additional consideration and see if it will work.

It also just occurred to me that a stemwall opening (door & window) tool is very similar to the tool I just created and I can probably utilize almost 90% of the code I just created to quickly put together a tool for creating openings in stemwalls. So much for a relaxing Saturday evening and Sunday, I’ve got this.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2019, 08:20:36 PM
What is the convention for calling out openings (windows and doors) in a basement foundation plan?

Do you list the actual size or is it similar to floor plans where you are using the nominal sizes (ie. 3040, 3068, etc...) but the actual opening is something entirely different?

To be honest, in my neck of the woods I don't see very many basement plans because of our high water table, most everything is stemwall foundations with crawl spaces.

Also would it be useful to have the plugin provide window and door bucks?  If so what should that geometry look like?

As far as the actual window and doors, my plan is to eventually split out the window and door module from the wall plugin so that it can also be utilized to place windows and doors into basement walls.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2019, 09:15:30 PM
As nearly I can tell the convention for doors and windows in basement plans is the same as in regular framing, so here is my proposed solution for openings in foundation walls:


Note that the header height is measured from the top of the door or window opening with the RO taken into account. 

So for example a standard 3068 door would have an actual opening width of 38" and an actual opening height of 82.5" (blockout dimemsions), assuming the rough opening dimensions given.  Assuming that a 4" slab is poured on the top of the footing then the header height would need to be 84".  The height of the top of the door opening measured from the top of the footing would be 80" + 4" + 2.5" = 86.5"

Correct me if any of this goes counter to common practice.

However, another way of dealing with the door may be to actually blockout the  foundation all the way to the footing so that the 4" slab extends through the doorway (I've seen it done both ways).  In this scenario you still want the door height (80") to remain the same so that the callout is still given as 3068, however to maintain the vertical position of the door within the foundation wall the vertical RO would need to change to 6.5" and the header height would need to be 80". 
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2019, 11:07:21 PM
The seventh and hopefully final toolbar (at least for now):


This toolbar will allow the user to create, modify, move and delete openings (two types:  doors, windows) within polyline stemwalls.

Once this toolset is added the plugin I think most of my major functionality issues with the plugin will be  resolved.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2019, 11:51:52 PM
The proposed parameters for Stemwall Openings (with default values):

Opening Type: Door (default), Window
Opening Width: 36"
Opening Height: 80"
Header Height: 84"
Horz. RO Offset: 1.0"
Vert. RO Offset: 2.5"
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 15, 2019, 07:59:23 PM
Version 1.4.7 - 09.15.2019
- Enabled the "Draw Opening" tool for polyline stemwalls: Windows and Doors
- Enabled the "Edit Opening" tool for polyline stemwalls.
- Enabled the "Move Opening" tool for polyline stemwalls.
- Enabled the "Delete Opening" tool for polyline stemwalls.
- Fixed a bug with the Edit Blockout tool menu.



Similar to the blockout tools this new feature only works with polyline stemwalls as noted in changelog.

If you have a lot of rebar in your foundation walls and a lot of openings in those walls then the plugin will have a lot of boolean subtraction to do in order to trim out the rebar as shown, this will cause a performance hit but should not be unreasonable on an adequately equipped PC or Mac.  For older machines one way around this is to only toggle rebar on as a final step after all of your other edits to the foundation wall are complete.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 15, 2019, 09:13:00 PM
Tutorial 8 - Windows and Doors in Polyline Stemwalls (8:31 min.)
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 16, 2019, 01:20:08 PM
I'm really enjoying the new parametrics and the blockout functions:


I initially created the (polyline) stemwall foundation then cut out the garage door with the blockout tool.  Then I drew in the slab (polygon) option.  At that point I decided I wanted a man door 4" off the right front corner, so I used the blockout tool again to create this opening.

Then I realized that slab needed to also flow into this opening so I used the "Edit Slab Outline" feature to modify the outline of the slab and, Voila!  Done.

No manual edits and no having to delete and then recreate assemblies, I like this.

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 17, 2019, 05:09:28 PM
Version 1.4.8 - 09.17.2019
- Added the "Move Stemwall Segment" icon to the stemwall toolbar.
- Added the "Move Stemwall Segment" function to the context menu for polyline stemwall assemblies.
- Enabled the "Move Stemwall Segment" tool for polyline stemwalls.


I think the best way to explain this new feature is to provide a demonstration.  I will be releasing another tutorial shortly showing how this new tool is used.  I think you will find it very convenient.

Note that openings and blockouts are going to need some further adjustment to their algorithms in order to play nicely with this new feature.  I'm already working on the solution.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 17, 2019, 06:01:51 PM
Tutorial 9 - Moving Stemwall Segments (10:20 min.):
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 17, 2019, 11:19:32 PM
Version 1.4.8b - 09.17.2019
- Removed the "Draw Slab on Grade" icon from the main toolbar.
- Added the SOG Foundation toolbar.
- Added the "Move SOG Edge" icon to the SOG foundation toolbar.
- Added the "Move SOG Edge" function to the context menu for polygon SOG assemblies.
- Enabled the "Move SOG Edge" tool for polygon/face SOG assemblies.



Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 18, 2019, 02:17:27 PM
Looks like the openings are now behaving properly with the Stemwall move tool:

[Click animated GIF to view]
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 18, 2019, 04:12:32 PM
Version 1.4.8c - 09.18.2019
- Fixed bugs within the Stemwall and SOG move tools regarding: brick ledges, blockouts, and openings.

This is a critical fix for the items mentioned above and I highly recommend upgrading to this latest version.

Adjusting a Slab on Grade foundation with brick ledges:

[Click on image to view Animation]
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 18, 2019, 08:37:17 PM
There is one final issue or missing feature with the polyline stemwall tool and that is brick ledges.  I have been working on the complex roof module this evening but I really feel like I need to address the brick ledge issue before I leave the foundation plugin development for a spell.

Originally my thinking was that a brick ledge option for stemwalls needed to be on a per edge basis.  However, even if this were the case the stemwall thickness and footing size would still remain the same for all of the assembly, even for those segments that do not have brick ledges.

Typically I would assume that a stemwall foundation should have a thicker stemwall and footing for those walls that are supporting brick veneer.  If this is the case then it actually makes more sense to have a global option for the assembly rather than a per edge basis.

Please correct me if I am wrong here.

I guess I need a bit of guidance, perhaps some more more examples of stemwall foundation plans with brick ledges (and some walls without) would be extremely helpful.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 18, 2019, 09:16:11 PM
Here is a simple example of a stemwall foundation where the front of the house would have brick veneer and the rear and sides would be siding or stucco:


Notice how the dimensions for the sections of the walls that support the brick are thickened accordingly and the model splits the foundation into two separate stemwall assemblies to achieve this.

View model here:

In a situation like this one would not need brick ledges on a per edge basis since those stemwalls sections with brick would require a different (thicker/larger) profile to deal with the extra dead load of the veneer.

If there is a valid argument for a brick ledge tool that works on a per edge basis I will entertain it, but I need to see a situation where there would be call for this.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 19, 2019, 12:28:16 PM
Version 1.4.9 - 09.19.2019
- Added a brick ledge option for polyline stemwalls.
- Fixed a bug with regards to metric templates for foundation vents within polyline stemwalls.


Note that the top rebar is offset from the bottom rebar so that it stays centered within the decreased width of the upper stemwall.  Anchor bolt placement and FPSF insulation is also adjusted accordingly as shown.

The example shown is a 10" stemwall with a 4" brick ledge.

As previously discussed the brick ledge option is an assembly wide option and not on a per edge basis, hopefully this is flexible enough for most designers.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 19, 2019, 12:45:21 PM
I think we are just about ready to fully retire the old stemwall tool.  The only thing I am missing with the new polyline tool is joist pockets, I guess there is always one more thing.

Joist pockets would be a feature that would be on a per edge basis.  Like brick ledges for slab-on-grades there would be no "move" function, only draw, edit and delete tools.  So essentially I need one more toolbar for joist pockets, with three icons... I know everyone is about ready to hit me right now, with all of these toolbars I keep adding, I'm sorry. 

In my defense though I should point out that the user can easily disable/turn off  any of the toolbars that they do not commonly use, so that they do not overly clutter their SketchUp workspace. 

Joist pockets are not a high priority in my opinion.  I have a few western US builders who use them on a regular basis but I don't think they are as popular anymore.  I'm going to put this option on the back burner for a while, however as they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease so I'm always open to suggestion if you feel otherwise.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 19, 2019, 01:31:46 PM
Now that I have stemwalls and brick ledges on my mind it seems clear that we probably need a brick ledge option for stemwall steps:


However, as I'm looking around at various examples of brick ledges combined with steps it appears that sometimes the brick ledge laps as shown in this image:


Do I need another parameter so that the designer can lap the brick ledge?

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 19, 2019, 02:28:31 PM
Version 1.4.9b - 09.19.2019
- Fixed a bug in the Layers tab of the Global Settings.

*** Critical Fix ***

This seemingly minor typo in the HTML prevents the user from saving their updated settings within the Layers tab of the global settings.  I highly recommend upgrading to version 1.4.9b in order to resolve this issue.

Versions 1.4.2 thru 1.4.9 are affected by this bug.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 19, 2019, 08:44:41 PM
First look at stemwall steps with brick ledge (and insulation):


Now I just need to enable the "Ledge Lap" parameter which will allow for an overlapping of the brick ledge for Top and Double steps, obviously this does not apply for the Bottom step type.

I got back in from Utah just about a month ago.  In the last four weeks I've managed to make quite a dent in this plugin (15 major updates, version 1.3.5 thru 1.5.0).  I'm pretty excited with the way this plugin is finally taking shape, there is always more to do,  but it is beginning to feel like a much more useful extension now.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 19, 2019, 10:54:27 PM
Version 1.5.0 - 09.19.2019
- Added a brick ledge option for stemwall steps.
- Added a parameter which allows the lapping of brick ledges for the following stemwall step types: Top, Double.


Note that the "ledge lap" parameter does not apply to Bottom steps, the step shown in the middle of the image.

The lap distance can be set by the "Ledge Lap Distance" parameter independently of the ledge height.

View model here:

I would really like to see someone use the extension to model up a fairly complex project (for construction) and get a little more feedback on the weaknesses and strengths of the plugin as it currently stands.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 20, 2019, 12:25:42 AM
I am curious how to handle a situation where the brick ledge terminates along a linear stretch of stemwall?

Here I have a 10" stemwall with brickledge meeting a 6" stemwall without.  What is typically done in this situation?

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 20, 2019, 12:08:48 PM
When you throw brick ledges into the mix the horizontal surface texture doesn't really work well:


Maybe I just need to go with a more generic texture for these surfaces?

The model has a 12" CMU stemwall with a 4" brick ledge, yielding a single row of 8" block forming the final layer on the top of the wall.

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 20, 2019, 07:25:12 PM
Version 1.5.1 - 09.20.2019
- Enabled CMU blocks for spread footing piers.


Under pier options you can select concrete or CMU block as the material type.  This update is per user request.

The CMU textures seems to work best with a 16" width (square) pier.  Currently rectangular piers are not an option but I may need to change that in the near future.

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 28, 2019, 04:15:48 PM
Version 1.5.2 - 09.28.2019
- Fixed a critical performance bug that affects all the modules within the extension.


If you are noticing a slowdown of the plugin performance after multiple edits to a foundation assembly or footing, this fix will resolve that issue.  This issue affects all previous versions of the plugin.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on October 02, 2019, 02:57:25 PM
Talking with a customer today leads me to believe that a tool for a grade beam might be useful.  My current workaround is to create two separate strip footings, one on top of the other as shown:


The problem with trying to use the strip footing tool to create grade beams is that it does not allow for top bar placement.  Additionally, there is no FPSF option for strip footings.  Let me know your thoughts on this, is this a feature you would like to see added to the plugin?

If I do add it, what other, grade beam specific, parameters might need to be added?

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 12, 2019, 10:25:50 AM
Version 1.5.3 - 12.12.2019
- Updated Slab and SOG reinforcement, replacing components with groups to increase performance.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 19, 2019, 07:56:49 AM
Version 1.5.4 - 12.19.2019
- Enabled an "orthogonal mode" for polygon slab and SOG draw menus.
- Added the ability to delete points in the polygon slab and SOG draw menus.

Clicking the "Ctrl" key will enforce orthogonal mode while using the draw tool. Currently the orthogonal mode will restrict the user to 45 deg. increments.

While selecting the points for a foundation outline the user may accidentally select an incorrect point. By clicking the left arrow key the user can delete the previously selected point (or multiple points).
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 06, 2020, 11:40:17 AM
The orthogonal mode seems to work as expected in most cases however if one enters in a segment length manually (text input) the following segment inferencing seems to be problematic. 

After further testing I'm not entirely satisfied with the draw tool(s) and "orthogonal mode", some improvement is needed.  This also applies to the draw tool for complex roofs, it has the same issue since it is based off of the same code.

I will be working on this for the rest of the day, or until I have resolved the issues fully and the performance is satisfactory.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 06, 2020, 02:32:03 PM
Version 1.5.5 - 02.06.2020
- Enabled an "orthogonal mode" for the polyline stemwall draw menu.
- Fixed a bug in the text input method of the draw menus for: polyline stemwalls, polygon slabs, polygon SOG, and strip footings.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 11, 2020, 09:25:47 PM
Version 1.5.6 - 02.11.2020
- Added an option for column base hardware for all column footings.
- Added the following Simpson column bases to the built-in library: CB66, CBSQ66



View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 12, 2020, 07:12:37 AM
I've only added two (low poly) column bases thus far, obviously there are many more (just open a Simpson's catalog).  If you have a specific part you would like to see added to the built-in library please let me know.

Similar to the electrical plugin, the user can simply drop their column/post base SketchUp components into the library sub-folder of the plugin to use them with the column footing tool.

The vertical offset parameter was specifically added for cast in place bolt groups so the depth of embedment can easily be adjusted as needed.

As seen in the screenshots the hardware is always centered on the footing with the rotation parameter allowing for any degree of rotation.

This update was per a customer request.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 16, 2020, 01:01:05 PM
Version 1.5.6b - 02.16.2020
- Added the following Simpson column bases to the built-in library: CBSQ44, CBSQ46, CBSQ86, CBSQ88

View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 18, 2020, 03:13:05 PM
This page lists all of the manufacturers hardware included in the Foundation plugin:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 04, 2020, 03:19:55 PM
Version 1.5.7 - 03.04.2020
- Updated the polyline stemwall draw tool to terminate (point selection) with the "Enter" key instead of the down arrow.
- Updated the strip footing draw tool to terminate (point selection) with the "Enter" key instead of the down arrow.

I've never been really happy with using the down arrow as the termination key for the polyline stemwall and strip footing tools, it was always a placeholder until I could figure out how to use the Enter key instead.  I've now enabled the plugin so that the Enter/Return key can be used.  I have not disabled the down arrow key so actually either can be used at this time but eventually I will remove the down arrow key so that only the enter key will terminate point selection for the two draw tools.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 04, 2020, 07:41:52 PM
I'm utilizing key code 36 for MacOS, however I need to verify that this is actually working for everyone as it should. If you are using the Foundation plugin on a Mac please download this latest version and let me know if the Enter key will now allow you to terminate a polyline stemwall.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 04, 2020, 11:42:31 PM
After some further testing I think I will switch from the Enter key to the End key to terminate point selection. The problem with using the Enter key is that it conflicts with the manual entry of a segment length.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 05, 2020, 01:23:07 AM
Version 1.5.7b - 03.05.2020
- Updated the polyline stemwall draw tool to terminate (point selection) with the "End" key instead of the "Enter" key.
- Updated the strip footing draw tool to terminate (point selection) with the "End" key instead of the "Enter" key.

For now the point selection termination will be either the down arrow or the "End" key.  Using the "Enter" key causes a conflict when the user is manual entering a dimension for a segment length (key in the dimension and then click enter).  Until I can figure out how to resolve this conflict this will be the key assignment for terminating both polyline stemwall and strip footings.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 05, 2020, 07:48:41 AM
Version 1.5.7c - 03.05.2020
- Added the "Enter" key method to the strip footing and polyline stemwall draw tools for point selection termination.

After a couple of tries I think I've finally got it right now. One should be able to use the Enter/Return key to terminate point selection as well as still use the down arrow (for users who are in the habit of using the down arrow now).  I apologize on the back and forth on this fix, sometimes things just don't go as smoothly as planned.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 27, 2020, 06:20:57 PM
Version 1.5.8 - 04.27.2020
- Added a Global Reset button in the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Plugin files switched from .rbs to .rbe encryption.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 15, 2020, 02:55:28 PM
Version 1.5.9 - 05.15.2020
- Fixed a bug when the Auto Assign Materials parameter was turned off.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 28, 2020, 01:00:15 PM
Version 1.6.0 - 05.28.2020
- Added a footing concrete layer in the Global Settings under the "Layers" tab.
- Fixed a bug for metric templates with the strip footing tool and the polyline stemwall tool.


Note, that if you want the footing concrete layer to remain the same as the rest of the foundation (ie. stemwall) you can always assign it to the same layer name: "fnd_conc"

Also note, that any and all of these layer names are user configurable, the names shown are just default names I have assigned, the user can utilized their own naming convention that suites their workflow.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 30, 2020, 07:15:05 AM
After giving this suggestion some additional thought:


I think I will introduce two additional parameters for stemwall foundations which will make them more applicable for use as retaining walls in foundation design.

The two parameters will be:

Ftg. Bar Development:  None, Hook, Full Ext., Full Int.
Ftg. Offset: 0.0 in (default)

Currently footings are drawn symmetrically with respect to the foundation wall, this will enable the user to offset the footing in or out (+/-).
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 31, 2020, 10:30:21 AM
Version 1.6.1 - 08.31.2020
- Added a footing offset parameter to polyline stemwalls.
- Enabled options for 90 deg. footing hooks for vertical rebar in polyline stemwall.


View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on October 09, 2020, 09:34:28 PM
Version 1.6.2 - 10.09.2020
- Added a "Refresh Licensee Data" button within the License tab of the Global Settings.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on October 22, 2020, 10:10:21 PM
Version 1.6.3 - 10.22.2020
- Fixed a bug in the strip footing "Outline" edit menu.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on January 11, 2021, 07:25:59 PM
Version 1.6.4 - 01.11.2021
- Added the option for post bases for the (Post & Beam) Interior Bearing tool: BC40, BC60.


Post base hardware added per customer request.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on January 14, 2021, 12:21:56 AM
Version 1.6.4b - 01.14.2021
- Added the following additional post bases to the Interior Bearing tool: ABU44, ABU66.


Two additional post bases added per customer request.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 09, 2021, 03:34:10 PM
When the foundation segment lengths in a polyline stemwall foundation are too short this is what you get (notice the anchor bolt placement):


I'm working up some additional logic to properly deal with anchor bolt placement with short segment lengths.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 10, 2021, 12:20:53 AM
Version 1.6.5 - 02.09.2021
- Fixed a bug with anchor bolt placement for polyline stemwalls.
- Added an option for a zero depth footing for polyline stemwalls, which eliminates the footing for this foundation type.


By setting the depth of the footing to zero you can eliminate the footing from a polyline stemwall, so only the stemwall portion of the foundation is drawn.  This is per customer request.

Also the algorithm for anchor bolt placement for polyline stemwalls is greatly improved, however there can always be further improvements, any feedback is always appreciated.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 12, 2021, 09:44:12 PM
Version 1.6.6 - 02.12.2021
- Added logic to the final assembly routine to allow for electrical components (Medeek Electrical) to be retained within all foundation assemblies.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 07, 2021, 02:35:47 PM
Version 1.6.7 - 03.07.2021
- Fixed a bug with brick ledges (and drain pipe) for slab-on-grade foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 14, 2021, 04:19:16 AM
Version 1.6.8 - 03.14.2021
- Standardized the naming convention of the plugin toolbars.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: mrramsey on March 25, 2021, 06:26:10 AM
Feature Request: Slope floor to drain with options for round or linear trench type drains.  ;)
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 25, 2021, 03:15:52 PM
Version 1.6.9 - 03.25.2021
- Fixed a bug with footing offsets when a (polyline) stemwall terminates non-orthogonally.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 26, 2021, 05:37:59 PM
Version 1.6.9b - 03.26.2021
- Fixed a bug with footing extensions (polyline stemwalls) for SketchUp Pro 2021.
- Enabled hidden edges for polyline stemwalls that terminate non-orthogonally.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 09, 2021, 03:23:28 AM
First look at a hole cut using the new SUBTRACT keyword system:


Now I just need to set this up for the other various foundation types (ie. stemwall, stemwall steps, strip footings etc...)
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 09, 2021, 01:40:00 PM
Version 1.7.0 - 05.09.2021
- Added an option for subtractive geometry into the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Sub-groups within foundations and footings can be made persistent and "subtractive" by naming these groups to (subtract1, subtract2, subtract3, etc...)



Interestingly the code to make this happen was staring me in the face for months.  I essentially took the "roof connections" complex roof module, changed up the logic slightly, simplified it, and arrived at this new feature/ability. 

Notice that the subtractive groups cut through the rebar as well as the concrete.  Certain other elements such as anchor bolts (groups within groups) are not removed.  I may need to give this some additional consideration.

I guess we need to make this new feature available with the Truss plugin as well now.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 09, 2021, 08:51:23 PM
Version 1.7.0b - 05.09.2021
- Components within foundations can also be made persistent and "subtractive" by naming the component instance to (subtract1, subtract2, subtract3, etc...)
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on May 20, 2021, 12:39:46 AM
Version 1.7.1 - 05.20.2021
- Fixed a bug with subbase and slab insulation options for slab-on-grade foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 03, 2021, 09:29:50 PM
Version 1.7.2 - 06.03.2021
- Added four additional parameters to the "User Interface" section of the General tab of the global settings. This allows the customization (colors) of the HTML menus and buttons.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 12, 2021, 06:57:57 PM
Version 1.7.3 - 06.12.2021
- Added a "Regen" context menu item for the following foundation assemblies: Polyline Stemwall, Strip Footing, Interior Bearing.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 10, 2021, 09:37:57 PM
Version 1.7.4 - 07.10.2021
- Enabled subscription and permanent licensing.
- The License tab of the Global Settings now displays the license type.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 04, 2021, 12:02:13 PM
Version 1.7.5 - 08.04.2021
- Fixed a bug with the stemwall blockout tool.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 09, 2021, 09:57:16 PM
Tutorial 10 - Subtractive Geometry (15:45 min.)
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 14, 2021, 10:55:08 AM
Version 1.7.6 - 09.14.2021
- Added an ICF option for polyline stemwalls.
- Added an ICF layer in the Global Settings under the "Layers" tab.
- Fixed a critical bug with custom materials that was caused by the change in the location of the plugin's data sub-folder.



View model here:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 18, 2021, 06:10:15 PM
Version 1.7.7 - 09.18.2021
- Added an ICF option for stemwall steps.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 18, 2021, 04:22:32 PM
I've been thinking about adding in a Door and Window module to the polyline stemwalls.  However, I'm not very familiar with what is common practice as far window and door bucks go.

Any feedback or drawings/details would be greatly appreciated.



Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 19, 2021, 06:30:49 AM
Now that I'm on the subject of windows it may also be useful to add in some sort of window well feature:


Window Well Options:

Type: Steel
Shape: Rectangle, Arc, Trapezoid
Vertical Offset:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on November 11, 2021, 01:32:45 AM
Version 1.7.8 - 11.11.2021
- Added interior footings for rectangular and polygon slabs.
- Enabled editing, moving and deleting of interior footings for all slab foundations.


Regular slabs now have the same functionality with interior footings as the slab-on-grade foundations.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 24, 2021, 02:09:31 AM
Version 1.7.9 - 12.24.2021
- Fixed a bug in the slab tool when layers/tags is disabled in the global settings.

I apologize that I did not notice this bug when I added interior footings to the slab module.  Typically I enable layers/tags so it managed to sneak past me.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 13, 2022, 09:09:27 PM
Version 1.8.0 - 02.13.2022
- Fixed a bug with the slab insulation thickness for the SOG draw tool (metric).
- Fixed a bug with the slab and SOG edit menus for slab reinforcement (metric).

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 02, 2022, 04:35:09 AM
Version 1.8.1 - 03.02.2022
- Enabled window wells for polyline stemwall openings: Rectangle, Arc and Trapezoid.




The new updated menu for stemwall openings also shows two other advanced options however I have not yet activated those features yet.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 03, 2022, 03:48:17 AM
Version 1.8.2 - 03.03.2022
- Enabled window and door bucks for polyline stemwall openings.


Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 04, 2022, 11:15:49 AM
To be honest I've never actually had to deal with a basement door opening in any of my various projects (design or structural) so now I have a bunch of questions.

Notice that typical prehung door frame is not deep enough to span two 2x4's and a 1/2" air gap:


So how is this typically framed out and trimmed?  Are there special order door frames that are deeper that can better accommodate this situation?

*Note:  I have not shown the brickmould that would trim out the exterior of the door and cover the door buck.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 04, 2022, 11:52:06 AM

Something along these lines for an inswinging door (however I have shown the door frame and jamb extension as a single solid for simplicity).

Also note that I have shown the brickmould as 2.25" however 2" is a more common width so there would probably be a 1/4" gap between the brickmould and concrete (caulking).

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 05, 2022, 12:59:34 AM
First look at doors installed within the foundation plugin:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 08, 2022, 06:15:05 PM
Still a few details to work out with the door and window opening module.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 10, 2022, 07:30:04 PM
As I am wrapping up the details on the new window and door module of the foundation plugin it occurred to me that it might also be useful to have a basement entrance option:



A whole bunch more parameters with this option (ie. number of steps, landing width and length etc...) but it would actually be quite easy to code.

I would probably have three directional options (Left, Right and Center).

The problem with this option would be much the same as every other option, I need to make it as flexible as possible for it to be useful but not overly complex (too many parameters).

I'm also looking for some plans for this type of entrance to better educate me on what is common practice.

Any thoughts in this regard?
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 10, 2022, 08:33:27 PM
Version 1.8.3 - 03.10.2022
- Enabled the installation of windows and doors for polyline stemwall openings.
- Enabled lumber and pressure treated lumber textures in the Materials tab of the Global Settings.
- Added a door and window opening tool to the Stemwall Opening Toolbar.
- Animation option added to the General tab of the Global Settings.






This is a fairly substantial upgrade to the foundation plugin.  Note that windows and doors can only be installed into "polyline" stemwalls, this new feature does not work with the legacy stemwall tool.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 11, 2022, 01:01:15 AM
Tutorial 11 - Windows and Doors (13:00 min.)
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 13, 2022, 12:37:35 PM
I've been giving the Basement Entrance some more thought and I've come up with the following parameters for this option:

1.) Entrance Direction: Left, Right or Center
2.) Stemwall Height
3.) Stemwall Thickness
4.) Footing Width
5.) Footing Depth

6.) Landing Width
7.) Landing Depth
8.) Slab Thickness

9.)  No. of Steps
10.) Riser Height
11.) Tread Depth
12.) Tread Overhang
13.) Nosing Radius (Typically 1/2")

Let me know if I am missing anything.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 16, 2022, 04:40:45 AM
Version 1.8.4 - 03.16.2022
- Enabled entry stairs for polyline stemwall openings: Left, Right and Center.




Note: I did not enable the radius for the nosing on the treads but I think this additional feature or lack thereof is not a major issue since it is purely cosmetic in my opinion.  If there is enough additional demand for it I will look into it further.

I also have not added any option for rebar into this concrete sub-assembly.  Again, I will address that further if there is additional interest or requests for it.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 20, 2022, 03:03:31 PM
Version 1.8.5 - 03.20.2022
- Fixed a bug with windows and doors when a polyline stemwall is in a RIGHT direction/configuration.
- Added a "TRIAL" licensing notice at SketchUp startup to alert users to activate their license/serial numbers if running in trial mode.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 23, 2022, 02:48:22 PM
Q: Can you do curved stemwalls?
A: Multi-segment stemwalls are possible with the polyline stemwall tool however there is no function for a true curved stemwall. With enough segments one can approximate a curved wall as shown below:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 02, 2022, 12:02:08 PM
A couple of requests today for a grade beam option/tool:


I think it is probably a good feature to add, with top and bottom bar and stirrups.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 24, 2022, 12:17:58 AM
Getting a little closer, just need to work on the menus now:

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 24, 2022, 11:24:51 PM
Version 1.8.6 - 04.24.2022
- Enabled the "Draw Grade Beam" tool with the following geometry types: closed polyline, open polyline and line.
- Added longitudinal rebar for grade beams.
- Added hoop/stirrup rebar for grade beams.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 25, 2022, 05:41:46 PM
Tutorial 12 - Grade Beams (9:38 min.)
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 28, 2022, 11:03:36 AM
So I drew this with the column and new grade beam module:


My oldest son then asked me, "What is it?"

My answer was, "I don't know, it's whatever you want it to be."
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 05, 2022, 12:34:53 PM
I have begun posting older versions of the Foundation plugin for download but I would strongly encourage users to download and use the latest version of the plugin since I do not support older versions, especially if they are older than a year old.  The number of bug fixes and feature additions make it very hard for me to keep track of which version addressed which issue.  If you need support please make sure you have the latest version of the extension installed.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 31, 2022, 12:36:29 AM
Version 1.8.7 - 07.31.2022
- Added slab depressions for rectangular and polygon slab assemblies.
- Enabled editing, moving and deleting of slab depressions for all slab assemblies.
- Added a "Regen" context menu item for polygon slab on grade (SOG) and slab assemblies.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 31, 2022, 05:44:03 PM
Version 1.8.8 - 07.31.2022
- Added a "Regen" context menu item for column footings and stemwall step assemblies.
- Added the ability to customize the texture/material for stemwall foundations.
- Added a "Stemwall Texture" parameter into the Materials tab of the global settings.




The "4x8 form" texture option was per customer request.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on March 04, 2023, 02:32:56 AM
!!!! BUG ALERT - SKETCHUP 2023 !!!!

I've just identified an issue with the Foundation plugin and the current release of SU 2023.

Many of the tools within the Truss plugin still use the UI.inputbox module for simple menus, see example below:


If you notice that this type of menu appears (not an HTML menu) then press Alt-Tab which will then require you to refocus on the menu with your mouse and will also allow it to function correctly (unfreezes the menu).

I don't know all of the details however it appears that the backend framework has extensively changed and in the process a few focus bugs have slipped through and need to be ironed out with SU 2023.  See status and more details at the thread below:

For now I would recommend staying with SU 2022 if you extensively use SketchUp combined with the Truss and Foundation plugins.  However the alt-tab work around should also keep you up and running if you have already migrated to SU 2023.

I am hoping that minor update will be forthcoming in the near future from SketchUp, which will save me from having to rewrite a significant amount of code and pull me away from the Floor plugin development.  If the bug is not fixed I will proceed to switch all remaining menus in the Truss and Foundation plugins  to HTML dialog type menus, that process could take upwards of two to three weeks.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 11, 2023, 03:11:59 PM
Version 1.9.0 - 07.11.2023
- Fixed a minor bug with the "Edit Outline" menus for various foundation types.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on September 26, 2023, 10:09:18 PM
Version 1.9.1 - 09.26.2022
- Added a negative X and negative Y slope direction for slab depressions.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on November 30, 2023, 10:28:13 PM
Version 1.9.2 - 11.30.2023
- Enabled Openings for stemwall steps: Windows and Doors.
- Enabled Blockouts for stemwall steps.


This update per customer request.  Now openings and blockouts can be used in either polyline stemwalls or stemwall steps.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on December 16, 2023, 04:59:35 PM
Version 1.9.3 - 12.16.2023
- Fixed a bug with drain pipes for polyline stemwall foundations which have openings or blockouts enabled.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on January 07, 2024, 04:34:52 PM
Version 1.9.4 - 01.07.2024
- Updated and improved the license verification module.
- Disabled redundant logging to improve plugin performance.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on February 13, 2024, 08:51:16 AM
Version 1.9.5 - 02.13.2024
- Improved the serial number verification logic within the License tab of the Global Settings.
- Updated the javascript logic within the License tab of the Global Settings.
- Added statistics for the following foundation types (Medeek Estimator integration): Slab-on-Grade, Slab, Stemwall, Grade Beam
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 20, 2024, 10:34:21 AM
Version 1.9.6 - 04.20.2024
- Fixed a compatibility bug with SketchUp 2024 while maintaining compatibility with previous versions of SketchUp.
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 23, 2024, 01:57:09 PM
Version 1.9.7 - 04.23.2024
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on April 28, 2024, 10:08:10 PM
Version 1.9.8 - 04.28.2024
- Updated the license verification system with a more secure and improved algorithm.
- Updated the polyline stemwall tool with an improved wireframe preview which includes the footing.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 06, 2024, 08:17:43 PM
Version 1.9.9 - 06.06.2024
- Added additional rebar sizes for slab reinforcement for slab and SOG foundations: #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #14, #18.

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on June 28, 2024, 01:18:28 AM
Version 2.0.0 - 06.27.2024
- Fixed a bug in the rebar module for stemwall step assemblies.
- Added the following Simpson column bases to the built-in library: CPT44Z, CPT66Z, CPT88Z

Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on July 31, 2024, 11:49:03 PM
Version 2.0.1 - 08.01.2024
- Added a duplicate foundation assembly check to the regen module for the following foundation types: Stemwall, SOG, Slab, Stemwall Step, Grade Beam, Strip Footing, Footing.

The instructions for usage are the same as the recent update to the Wall plugin, see Wall Plugin Tutorial #51:
Title: Re: Development and Updates for the Medeek Foundation Plugin
Post by: Medeek on August 07, 2024, 10:57:19 PM
Version 2.0.2 - 08.07.2024
- Fixed a bug in the wireframe preview for polyline stemwalls.
- Fixed a bug with horizontal rebar for polyline stemwall foundations (closed, RIGHT direction).
- Added the stemwall "Hide Edges" parameter to the General tab of the Global Settings.

