Changelog - Medeek Wall
This Changelog is a list of all of the signficant updates and modifications that have occurred with the Medeek Wall extension since its inception in May of 2018. The most current versions/revisions are listed at the top.
Download previous versions of the extension here.
- Added the following (48 - low poly) Simpson post caps to the post module: CC1210, CC718_718, CC718_8, CC718_6, CC718_4, CC514_8, CC514_6, CC514_4, CC462_550, CC462_462, CC462_362, CC314_6, CC314_4, CC128, CC126, CC106, CC98, CC96, CC94, CC88, CC86, CC84, CC78, CC77, CC76, CC74, CC68, CC66, CC64, CC48, CC46, CC44, CC6_718, CCO4, CCO6, CCO7, CCO8, CCO9, CCO10, CCO12, CCO46, CCO314, CCO462, CCO514, CCO718, ECC64, ECC66, ECC68.
Version 3.9.0 - 02.11.2025 thru 02.14.2025
- Enabled zero size intermediate posts (balusters) for glass railing.
- Fixed a bug with floor level winders/landings for landing treads and covers.
- Fixed additional bugs related to metric templates within the stair module.
- Fixed a bug when the top tread is flush.
- Fixed a floating point rounding bug for metric templates.
- Fixed a bug for balusters when a run of stairs is a single step.
Version 3.8.9 - 02.09.2025
- Added preview thumbnails for handrail fittings to the draw and edit menus of the stair tool.
- Fixed a bug with adjacent winders/landings for landing treads and covers.
- Fixed a minor bug with materials for handrail fittings.
Version 3.8.8 - 02.06.2025
- Added landing treads, tread covers, carpet and stair runners for all winders.
- Added an SIP wall framing option for all wall types.
- Added five additional SIP parameters into the wall Draw and Edit menus.
- Added the option for closed stringers.
Version 3.8.7 - 01.28.2025 thru 01.29.2025
- Enabed subtractive geometry for all stair assemblies.
- Added the following two parameters to the baluster sub-menus: Baluster Type (Square, Round, Glass, Cable), Baluster Height.
- Enabled intermediate posts for both glass and cable railing.
- Added the following cable railing options into the Stairs tab of the Global Settings: Cable Railing Spacing, Cable Railing Diameter.
- Added a bottom vertical offset parameter for bottom posts of a stair run.
- Fixed a bug with the baluster options.
- Enabled a zero stringer option for floating stairs.
Version 3.8.6 - 01.25.2025
- Added tread covers, carpet and stair runners for T-shaped landings.
- Enabled the option for a single stringer (for modern style stairs).
- Added an option to disable the placeholder for landing/winder framing.
- Added a "GLASS" option for balusters within the built-in baluster materials.
- Added a "None" built-in option for the handrail profile parameter.
Version 3.8.5 - 01.21.2025 thru 01.24.2025
- Updated the skirt boards to accommodate open treads.
- Added tread covers, carpet and stair runners for stairs, landings and winders.
- Fixed bugs within the stair module related to metric units.
- Added tread covers, carpet and stair runners for U-shaped winders.
Version 3.8.4 - 01.14.2025 thru 01.15.2025
- Added a minimum winder depth parameter for all stair winder types.
- Adjusted the deck handrail algorithm for narrow cap rails (2x4).
Version 3.8.3 - 01.10.2025
- Added a "deck" profile or option for handrails (with balusters) to the stair module.
Version 3.8.2 - 01.05.2025
- Added balusters to the stair module for vertical and OTP handrails.
- Added newel posts to the stair module for vertical and OTP handrails.
Version 3.8.1 - 01.02.2025
- Added additional sizes to the post module for steel square tubes.
- Updated the side spacer algorithm for stairs.
- Enabled wood grain texture for treads, risers, thrust blocks and stringers.
- Enabled a multi-board tread and spacing parameter for stairs.
Version 3.8.0 - 12.30.2024
- Enabled open tread staircases.
- Added sub-menus for multiple stair runs for open treads.
- Added the following starter steps: square, full round and half round.
- Added a return parameter for square cut starter steps.
- Enabled flared handrails (over-the-post) for straight and curved flared staircases.
Version 3.7.9 - 12.26.2024
- Added the inverted T-Shape landing.
- Enabled straight and curved flared staircases.
- Added 37 handrail fittings into the built-in handrail fittings library.
- Updated the handrail module with additional parameters for over-the-post handrail systems.
- Enabled additional handrail sub-menus for multi-landing stair assemblies.
Version 3.7.8 - 12.17.2024
- Added the following L-Shape and U-Shape winders: 2, 3, 4 and 6 step.
- Added the following two step angle winders: 30, 45 and 60 degrees.
- Added the following T-Shape stairs with landing: T, TL, TR
- Enabled double landings for all landing and winder configurations.
Version 3.7.7 - 12.12.2024
- Added a "Calculated Parameters" section to the edit menu of the stair module.
- Added the ability to create L-Shape, U-Shape and Straight runs of stairs with landings.
Version 3.7.6 - 11.09.2024
- Enabled the following method within the Medeek Wall API: wall_move
- Updated the Medeek Wall API to allow the instance name of a wall as an input.
- Added additional wall validation logic to the API.
Version 3.7.5 - 10.23.2024
- Added the following (9 - low poly) Simpson post caps to the post module: LPC4_4, LPC4_6, LPC4_8, LPC6_4, LPC6_6, LPC6_8, PC4, PC6, PC8
- Added the following (10 - low poly) Simpson post bases to the post module: ECB88, ECB66, EPB66, EPB46, EPB44, MPB44, MPB66, MPB88, PPBF44, PPBF66
Version 3.7.4 - 10.22.2024
- Added the following (27 - low poly) Simpson post caps to the post module: 1616HTQ_8, 1616HTQ_6, BC8, BC6, BC4, BC46, RTC44, LCE4_64, LCE4_46, LCE4_6, LCE_4, AC4R_4R, ACH6_8, ACH6_4, ACH6_6, ACH6E_8, ACH6E_4, ACH6E_6, ACH4E_6, ACH4E_4, ACH4_6, ACH4_4, AC6_4, AC4_6, AC4_4, AC6_6, AC6R_6R
Version 3.7.3 - 10.14.2024
- Added a duplicate post check to the regen module for post assemblies.
- Added a duplicate beam check to the regen module for beam assemblies.
- Added a duplicate stair check to the regen module for stair assemblies.
- Added in the remainder of the commonly available wide flange beams (W4 thru W44) to the post module.
Version 3.7.2b - 10.14.2024
- Added in the remainder of the commonly available wide flange beams (W4 thru W44) to the beam module.
Version 3.7.2 - 10.13.2024
- Fixed a critical bug with the in-wall column module.
- Added the following additional Wide Flange (W14) beams to the beam module: W14X38, W14X43, W14X48, W14X53, W14X61, W14X68, W14X74, W14X82, W14X90, W14X99
- Added the following additional Wide Flange (W16) beams to the beam module: W16X45, W16X50, W16X57, W16X67, W16X77, W16X89, W16X100
- Enabled a wood grain and an end grain material for glulam beams within the beam module.
- Enable additional built-in materials for "Custom" in-wall columns.
- Added the following (27 - low poly) Simpson column bases to the post module: CB7_6, CB1212, CB1012, CB1010, CB812, CB810, CB718_7, CB718_6, CB718_4, CB612, CB610, CB88, CB86, CB68, CB64, CB48, CB46, CB9_105, CB9_75, CB9_9, CB9_6, CB7_105, CB7_75, CB7_9, CB6_7, CB5_45, CB5_6
- Added the following (6 - low poly) Simpson column caps to the post module: CCQ84, CCQ86, CCQ94, CCQ96, CCQ98, CCQ106
Version 3.7.1 - 09.17.2024
- Added a vertical offset parameter for in-wall column king studs.
Version 3.7.0 - 07.25.2024
- Added a duplicate wall check to the regen module for all wall types.
Version 3.6.9 - 07.23.2024
- Enabled "Remove Cladding Lines" for 3D cladding materials.
Version 3.6.8 - 06.28.2024 thru 06.30.24
- Added the following built-in ICF (block) materials: Nudura, Fox Blocks.
- Added the following Simpson column bases to the post module: CPT44Z, CPT66Z, CPT88Z
- Updated the built-in ICF materials to include the manufacturer's logo.
- Added the follwing Simpson post base: ABW44.
Version 3.6.7 - 06.27.2024
- Updated the post module to include multi-part installations for Simpson heavy angles (post cap).
- Added the following Simpson heavy angles to the post module: HL33, HL35, HL35G, HL37, HL37G, HL43, HL46, HL46G, HL49, HL49G, HL53,HL55, HL55G, HL57, HL57G, HL73, HL76, HL76G, HL79, HL79G
Version 3.6.6 - 06.24.2024 thru 06.25.2024
- Added hardware (caps and bases) options to the post module.
- Updated the material/color parameter for (exterior) wall trim to include custom materials.
- Fixed a minor bug with the post cap positioning algorithm.
- Added the following Simpson post cap: APL6
Version 3.6.5 - 06.12.2024
- Added the following Simpson Strong-Tie heavy girder hangers to the beam hanger library: HGUS5.62/10, HGUS5.62/12, HGUS5.62/14, HGUS6.88/10, HGUS6.88/12, HGUS6.88/14, HGUS7.37/10, HGUS7.37/12, HGUS7.37/14, HGUS26, HGUS26-2, HGUS26-3, HGUS26-4, HGUS28, HGUS28-2, HGUS28-3, HGUS28-4, HGUS210, HGUS210-2, HGUS210-3, HGUS210-4, HGUS212-3, HGUS212-4, HGUS214-3, HGUS214-4, HGUS5.25/10, HGUS46, HGUS48, HGUS410, HGUS412.
Version 3.6.4 - 06.08.2024
- Added the following additional Wide Flange (W) beams to the beam module: W10X49, W10X54, W10X60, W10X68, W10X77, W10X88, W10X100, W10X112, W12X45, W12X50, W12X53, W12X58, W12X65, W12X72, W12X79, W12X87, W12X96, W12X106, W12X120, W12X136, W12X152, W12X170, W12X190, W30X90, W30X99, W30X108.
- Added the following Simpson Strong-Tie heavy girder hangers to the beam hanger library: HGUS2.75/10, HGUS2.75/12, HGUS2.75/14, HGUS3.25/10, HGUS3.25/12, HGUS412, HGUS5.25/10, HGUS5.25/12, HGUS5.5/8, HGUS5.5/10, HGUS5.5/12, HGUS5.5/14, HGUS7.25/8, HGUS7.25/10, HGUS7.25/12, HGUS7.25/14.
- Allowed the use of a period "." in custom beam hanger library names.
Version 3.6.3 - 06.06.2024
- Enabled elevation swing/opening lines for doors and windows.
- Added elevation swing line annotation settings to the Door tab of the Global Settings.
- Added elevation swing line annotation settings to the Window tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled opening and closing for all double hung type windows.
Version 3.6.2 - 05.14.2024
- Enabled wall sheathing 2 statistics for the Medeek Estimating Module.
- Fixed a bug with wall presets and the wall sheathing 2 option.
Version 3.6.1 - 05.13.2024
- Added Symbol 2 Layer specfically for 2D door swing symbols (Layer tab of the global settings).
Version 3.6.0 - 05.04.2024
- Added the ability to create custom "Vertical Shiplap" wall cladding materials within the Material Library.
- Enabled "3D" Vertical Shiplap wall cladding for all wall types: Rectangular, Gable, Shed and Hip.
- Added the ability to create custom Dutchlap" wall cladding materials within the Material Library.
- Enabled "3D" Dutchlap wall cladding for all wall types: Rectangular, Gable, Shed and Hip.
Version 3.5.9 - 05.01.2024
- Added a rainscreen option for gable walls (vertical, horizontal, 45 and 135 degree).
- Added a rainscreen option for shed walls (vertical, horizontal, 45 and 135 degree).
- Added a rainscreen option for hip walls (vertical, horizontal, 45 and 135 degree).
- Updated the license verification system with a more secure and improved algorithm.
Version 3.5.8 - 04.25.2024
- Fixed a bug with cripple studs over windows and doors.
- Fixed a bug with the copy wall tool.
Version 3.5.7 - 04.17.2024
- Fixed a compatibility bug with SketchUp 2024 while maintaining compatibility with previous versions of SketchUp.
Version 3.5.6 - 03.21.2024
- Added built-in "Taped" and "Green Taped" gypsum materials for all wall types.
- Updated and added additional tool tips within the Global Settings.
Version 3.5.5 - 03.11.2024
- Added a "Custom Glass" garage door type/option with fully customizable glass panels.
- Further refined the end grain material positioning for top plates (rectangular walls) and in-wall columns.
Version 3.5.4 - 03.08.2024 thru 03.09.2024
- Enabled an end grain material for top and bottom plates of rectangular walls.
- Fixed a javascript bug for garage door presets.
- Fixed a bug with door presets when using metric templates.
- Enabled a pressure treated end grain material for bottom plates of all walls.
- Enabled end grain materials for in-wall columns.
- Enabled end grain materials for beams.
- Enabled end grain materials for blocks.
- Enabled end grain materials for posts.
Version 3.5.3 - 03.06.2024
- Added a "Panel" corner treatment for "End" and "Terminal" wall corners (rectangular walls only).
- Fixed a javascript bug for window and door presets.
- Fixed a bug with the door casing (custom casing options) and end cripple studs for pocket doors.
- Rearranged the door casing section of the door Draw and Edit menus.
- Fixed a bug with the advanced options for all wall types when using metric templates.
Version 3.5.2 - 03.02.2024
- Added the following door types: 3/4 glass, double 3/4 glass.
- Added a separate threshold material option for all man doors.
- Added additional grille (grid) options for glass doors.
Version 3.5.1 - 02.24.2024
- Added a 45 and 135 degree rainscreen option for rectangular walls.
Version 3.5.0 - 02.23.2024
- Separated the tee blocking option for exterior and interior walls.
- Fixed a bug with geometry guides for metric templates.
Version 3.4.9 - 02.16.2024
- Added an RGB color code input into the Add, Update and Import menus for custom materials.
- Added an RGB color code input for each color in the Materials tab of the Global Settings.
- Added a "Toggle RGB Input" button to the Materials tab of the Global Settings.
Version 3.4.8 - 02.04.2024
- Added a Sheathing Reset button in the Sheathing tab of the Global Settings.
- Added Dimension Layer 5 specfically for framing/elevation auto-dimensions (Layer tab of the global settings).
- Enabled editing of dimensions for framing/elevation dimensions (rectangular walls only).
Version 3.4.7 - 02.01.2024
- Updated the Columns tab of the Global Settings with new parameters.
- Added glazing color and opacity parameters to the Sheathing tab of the Global Settings.
Version 3.4.6 - 01.30.2024
- Added a "Dimension to Centerline" option for framing dimensions in the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled centerline dimensioning for openings, columns and SSW for rectangular walls.
- Added a "Style 5" (Pull Plate) to the built-in door hardware options.
- Added more options for grid style window grilles: 3X4, 4X5, 5X6.
Version 3.4.5 - 01.28.2024
- Added two additional column types for in-wall columns: Custom, Blank.
- Three additional parameters added for custom in-wall columns.
- Added a custom label option and annotation section for in-wall columns.
- Updated the javascript logic within the License tab of the Global Settings.
- Fixed a bug with holdowns for in-wall columns.
- Fixed a bug with the bottom plate cutting algorithm for in-wall columns.
Version 3.4.4 - 01.24.2024
- Added a pressure treated option for in-wall columns.
- Created a more realistic material/texture for pressure treated timbers (for in-wall columns and posts).
Version 3.4.3 - 01.18.2024
- Improved the serial number verification logic within the License tab of the Global Settings.
- Added a Door Reset button in the Doors tab of the Global Settings.
- Added a Window Reset button in the Windows tab of the Global Settings.
Version 3.4.2 - 01.09.2024
- Fixed a bug with steel framing and tee intersections.
- Fixed a bug with hip walls and tee intersections (two stud with blocking).
Version 3.4.1 - 12.29.2023
- Updated and improved the license verification module.
- Disabled redundant logging to improve plugin performance.
Version 3.4.0 - 12.22.2023
- Fixed a minor bug with the error checking code for custom casing profiles of windows and doors.
- Added top and bottom vertical offset parameters for shearwall sheathing.
- Added a QHQ casement window to the window draw and edit modules.
Version 3.3.9 - 12.18.2023
- Added a "Cedar Siding" built-in material (horizontal) into the material library.
Version 3.3.8 - 12.02.2023
- Updated the face selection algorithm of the draw wall perimeter tool.
Version 3.3.7 - 11.20.2023 thru 11.27.203
- Fixed a bug with the hotkey (Up key) for wall panelization in the Draw Wall Perimeter tool.
- Fixed a bug with the Draw Wall Perimeter tool for metric unites.
- Fixed a critical bug introduced with Version 3.3.6.
Version 3.3.6 - 11.18.2023
- Added a "Menu UI" parameter in the General tab of the Global Settings with the following options: Legacy, Collapsed, Expanded.
- Updated the Wall Draw and Edit menus with the new Menu UI options.
- Fixed a bug with the tee intersection algorithm for rectangular "stacked" walls.
Version 3.3.5 - 11.09.2023
- Added the Copy Opening Tool to the Medeek Wall Tools II toolbar.
- Enabled the Copy Opening Tool for Windows, Man Doors and Garage Doors.
Version 3.3.4 - 10.23.2023 thru 10.25.2023
- Added a "Assign to 2D Layer" parameter for 2D Outlines within the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Added the Opening Tool to the Medeek Wall Tools II toolbar.
- Updated the Opening Tool to include Windows and Garage Doors.
Version 3.3.3 - 10.18.2023
- Fixed a minor bug with the post module.
Version 3.3.2 - 10.10.2023
- Added the Draw Wall Perimeter tool to the Medeek Wall Tools II toolbar.
Version 3.3.1 - 09.27.2023
- Fixed a bug with the labeling algorithm for the molding module.
Version 3.3.0 - 09.21.2023
- Moved the Geometry Markers section from the General tab to the Walls tab in the Global Settings.
- Added a geometry marker size parameter to the Walls tab of the Global Settings.
Version 3.2.9 - 09.14.2023
- Fixed a critical bug with loading wall presets in the wall edit menu (metric and imperial).
Version 3.2.8 - 09.07.2023
- Enabled a feature to selectively remove specific studs from any wall assembly.
- Fixed a bug with the shearwall edit tool.
- Added directional logic into the Move Opening Tool's text entry method.
Version 3.2.7 - 08.25.2023 thru 08.28.2023
- Updated steel studs and plates for all wall types.
- Fixed a bug in the statistics module for the gable walls.
- Minor updates to the window and door framing modules with regards to steel framing.
- Additional updates for steel framing for metric templates/units.
Version 3.2.6 - 08.09.2023
- Fixed a bug with stacked openings and plan dimensions.
- Added "Subtractive Framing" to the Wall tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled "SUBTRACT_FRAMING" custom boolean subtraction for all wall types.
Version 3.2.5 - 08.06.2023
- Added two parameters to the Walls tab of the Global Settings for Wall Panelization.
- Enabled wall panelization for rectangular walls.
- Added a hotkey (Up key) to toggle wall panelization ON or OFF within the Draw Wall tool/menu.
Version 3.2.4 - 08.02.2023
- Fixed a minor bug with the SW module and SW materials.
Version 3.2.3 - 07.30.2023
- Updated the stats logging for all wall types in order for the estimating module to provide more granular data for wall top plates.
Version 3.2.2 - 07.26.2023
- Enabled the use of custom materials for sheathing, cladding and gypsum within the Sheathing tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled the use of custom materials for cavity insulation within the Insulation tab of the Global Settings.
Version 3.2.1 - 07.25.2023
- Added the Medeek Wall Tools II toolbar.
- Added the Number Walls tool to the Medeek Wall Tools II toolbar.
- Added the Edit Corners tool to the Medeek Wall Tools II toolbar.
Version 3.2.0 - 07.15.2023
- Enabled editing of plan dimensions for tee intersections of all wall types.
Version 3.1.9 - 07.12.2023
- Added an "Edit Dimension" tool to the Medeek Wall Tools toolbar (editing of plan dimension only).
- Enabled editing of plan dimensions for all wall types (door, window, garage, wall length).
- Fixed a bug with plan dimensions (in 2D Mode).
Version 3.1.8 - 06.27.2023
- Enabled FIS notation for framing (elevation view) dimensions for rectangular walls.
- Enabled FIS notation for plan view dimensions for all walls.
Version 3.1.7 - 06.12.2023
- Reorganized the window draw and edit menus to include an annotations section.
Version 3.1.6 - 03.26.2023
- Added inclined walls for all wall types: rectangular, shed, gable and hip.
Version 3.1.5 - 03.17.2023
- Added a fluting number parameter for classical columns.
Version 3.1.4 - 03.12.2023
- Added the following door types: flat one panel (single and double).
Version 3.1.3 - 02.16.2023
- Fixed a bug with door presets within the Edit Door menu.
Version 3.1.2 - 02.05.2023 thru 02.07.2023
- Fixed a bug with metric templates that propagated from Version 3.0.8.
- Fixed a specific bug with auto-loading wall presets.
- Fixed a minor bug with the Wall Selector Matrix (Gable, Shed and Hip walls).
Version 3.1.1 - 01.19.2023
- Fixed a bug with ICF Walls.
- Fixed a typo in the HTML of the General tab of the Global Settings.
Version 3.1.0 - 01.11.2023
- Enabled layer control integration with the Medeek Project extension.
- Moved the Medeek Estimating module to the Medeek Project extension.
- Moved the Medeek Documents module to the Medeek Project extension.
Version 3.0.9 - 01.05.2023
- Enabled beam pockets (in-wall columns) for CMU, CMU Core and ICF walls.
- Fixed a bug within the plan view auto-dimensioning module having to do with in-wall columns.
- Fixed a minor typo in the Draw menu for in-wall columns.
Version 3.0.8 - 01.03.2023
- Added ICF options in to the Insulation tab of the Global Settings.
- Added an ICF wall framing option for all wall types.
- Added four additional ICF parameters into the wall Draw and Edit menus.
- Fixed a bug with the plan view auto-dimensioning module.
- Enabled trim, ext. wainscoting and quoins for CMU Core and ICF wall types.
- Added a "Concrete" layer to the Layers tab of the Global Settings.
Version 3.0.7 - 12.30.2022
- Added error checking code into various HTML menus to detect non-existent custom materials used within wall, door and window presets.
- Updated the Wall Stretch tool with an improved wireframe preview.
- Changed the default value for the header extension parameter to zero for doors, windows and garage doors.
Version 3.0.6 - 12.28.2022
- Added a "Jamb Interior" parameter into the Draw and Edit menus for doors.
- Enabled this parameter for both rectangular and arched doors.
- Added this parameter to the Doors tab of the Global Settings.
Version 3.0.5 - 12.15.2022
- Enabled auto-dimensioning for plan views of all wall panels.
- Added the "Dimension Offset 2" and "Plan Dimensions" parameters to the General tab of the global settings.
- Updated the Add Material and Edit Material HTML menus so that commas cannot be used in Custom Material names.
Version 3.0.4 - 09.15.2022
- Added XPS foam insulation as a built-in cavity insulation option.
- Added XPS foam insulation as a built-in sheathing option.
Version 3.0.3 - 09.12.2022
- Reorganized the door draw and edit menus to include an annotations section.
- Added a "door swing angle" parameter for single and double doors.
- Added the door swing angle parameter to the Door tab of the global settings.
Version 3.0.2 - 09.05.2022 thru 09.06.2022
- Enabled custom materials for wall framing within the global settngs.
- Enabled custom materials within the "Wall Framing Material" parameter for all wall types.
- Fixed a bug with wall presets introduced with the addition of the Label Rotation parameter from Version 2.9.8.
Version 3.0.1 - 09.03.2022
- Added a "Label Location" parameter for windows: AUTO, INT, EXT.
- Added a "Label Location" parameter for doors: AUTO, INT, EXT.
Version 3.0.0 - 08.22.2022
- Fixed a bug created by the upgrades in Version 2.9.9.
- Updated some of the Global Settings tabs to display the status message at the top of the HTML page.
Version 2.9.9 - 08.21.2022
- Enabled an option to specify the location of beam pocket king studs for in-wall columns: LEFT, RIGHT, BOTH.
- Fixed a number of minor bugs related to in-wall columns.
Version 2.9.8 - 08.13.2022
- Added a "Label Rotation" parameter for all wall types (0 or 180 degrees).
- Added a default "Label Rotation" parameter into the General tab of the Global Settings.
Version 2.9.7 - 08.09.2022
- Enabled the following CUSTOM casings for rectangular windows: CUSTOM, CUSTOM D, CUSTOM F, CUSTOM G.
- Added a thumbnail preview into the edit and draw window menus showing the custom casing profiles.
- Added a thumbnail preview into the Window tab of the Global Settings and added the custom profile parameter.
- Added a STYLE G casing option for rectangular windows.
Version 2.9.6 - 08.07.2022
- Added STYLE G and CUSTOM G casing options for rectangular doors.
Version 2.9.5 - 08.06.2022
- Enabled CUSTOM door casings for arched doors.
- Added CUSTOM D and CUSTOM F door casing options for rectangular doors.
Version 2.9.4 - 08.05.2022
- Enabled CUSTOM door casings for rectangular doors.
- Added a thumbnail preview into the edit and draw door menus showing the custom casing profiles.
- Added a thumbnail preview into the Door tab of the Global Settings and added the custom profile parameter.
Version 2.9.3 - 07.29.2022
- Enabled independent control of exterior and interior stud depths for staggered stud walls (rectangular only).
Version 2.9.2 - 07.24.2022
- Added one additional raised header configuration for windows and doors.
Version 2.9.1 - 07.08.2022
- Added additional grille options for windows and doors.
Version 2.9.0 - 07.07.2022
- Added the following window types to the window module: Double Hung, Twin Double Hung, Triple Double Hung.
Version 2.8.9 - 06.05.2022 thru 06.06.2022
- Added a "resolution" parameter into the General tab of the Global Settings for adjusting the smoothness of annotation text.
- Fixed a bug with trimmer studs for garage doors.
Version 2.8.8 - 06.02.2022
- Added Simpson Strong-Tie "High Strength" wood shearwalls to the SSW module: 24", 18" and 12".
Version 2.8.7 - 05.30.2022
- Added the "Wall Framing Material" option to the Draw and Edit menus for all wall types.
- Added "BRICK" as another wall material/texture type.
Version 2.8.6 - 04.28.2022
- Added the CMU CORE framing mode for concrete block wall construction that includes sheathing, cladding and gypsum.
Version 2.8.5 - 04.18.2022
- Fixed a bug when the auto-assign materials option is turned off.
Version 2.8.4 - 03.19.2022
- Added a "TRIAL" licensing notice at SketchUp startup to alert users to activate their license/serial numbers if running in trial mode.
Version 2.8.3 - 03.11.2022
- Fixed a bug in the door opening algorithm for bifold doors.
Version 2.8.2 - 02.25.2022 thru 02.28.2022
- Added a Cost Database to the Medeek Estimating Module.
- Enabled Cost Analysis to the Medeek Estimating Module for Rectangular Wall Panels.
- Fixed a minor bug with the estimating module for metric templates.
Version 2.8.1 - 02.21.2022 thru 02.22.2022
- Added material totals to the CSV output of the estimating module: Common Studs, Top Plates, Bottom Plates, Sheathing, Cladding, Gypsum and Insulation.
- Added material totals to the CSV output of the estimating module: King Studs, Jack Studs, Cripple Studs and Sill Plates.
- Fixed a bug in the estimating module for in-wall columns.
Version 2.8.0 - 02.19.2022
- Enabled insulation within the preview menu of the estimating module.
Version 2.7.9 - 02.16.2022
- Fixed a bug with vertically offset doors and garage doors in the "No Framing" mode.
- Fixed a bug with (arched) half or full glass doors that have a prairie or perimeter grilles installed.
Version 2.7.8 - 02.11.2022 thru 02.14.2022
- Enabled staggered studs for rectangular walls.
- Enabled staggered stud walls within the Copy Wall tool.
Version 2.7.7 - 02.08.2022
- Added a "NO" header option for windows, doors and garage doors.
- Fixed a bug with ladder blocking when the stud offset is non-zero.
- Fixed a minor bug with ladder blocking for hip walls.
Version 2.7.6 - 02.07.2022
- Added casing "Style F" for rectangle doors.
- Added casing "Style F" for rectangle windows.
- Enabled a VTP (very top plate) Offset option for rectangular walls.
Version 2.7.5 - 02.06.2022
- Added casing "Style E" for rectangle windows (Victorian style casing with rosettes).
- Fixed a bug related to upgrades introduced in Version 2.6.8 specifically for CMU and "No Framing" walls.
Version 2.7.4 - 02.03.2022
- Added two additional (advanced framing) layers: Bottom Plate, Header 2.
- Added an option for the cutting of bottom plates for doors and garage doors.
Version 2.7.3 - 02.01.2022
- Added casing "Style D" for rectangle doors (Victorian style casing with plinths and rosettes).
- Added casing "Style D" for rectangle windows (Victorian style casing with rosettes).
Version 2.7.2 - 01.31.2022
- Fixed a bug with the window preset system within the window edit menu.
Version 2.7.1 - 01.27.2022
- Converted the door preset system to a Hash data structure.
- Converted the garage door preset system to a Hash data structure.
Version 2.7.0 - 01.23.2022
- Enabled custom materials for cavity insulation.
Version 2.6.9 - 01.22.2022
- Added an additional layer for furring into the Layers tab of the Global Settings.
- Fixed a bug with Door tab (HTML) of the Global Settings.
Version 2.6.8 - 01.15.2022 thru 01.20.2022
- Fixed a bug with exterior trim when doors and garage doors are vertically offset.
- Fixed a bug with exterior wainscoting when doors and garage doors are vertically offset negative or positive values.
- Fixed a minor bug with custom labels for doors, windows and garage doors.
Version 2.6.7 - 01.04.2022
- Converted the window preset system to a Hash data structure.
- Added two additional parameters for configuring window shutters: width and height.
Version 2.6.6 - 12.30.2021
- Enabled the option(s) to remove top and bottom plates from all wall types: Rectangular, Gable, Shed and Hip.
Version 2.6.5 - 12.29.2021
- Added a holdown option to the in-wall column module.
Version 2.6.4 - 12.23.2021
- Added an "End Wall" dimension option for Construction Dimensions within the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled "End Wall" construction dimensioning for the window, door and garage door draw tools.
- Enabled "End Wall" construction dimensioning for the in-wall column, shear wall and SSW draw tools.
Version 2.6.3 - 12.22.2021
- Added an additional vertical offset parameter for symbols that are positioned on the top of walls.
Version 2.6.2 - 12.21.2021
- Added fixed - twin awning and twin awning - fixed windows to the window module.
Version 2.6.1 - 12.21.2021
- Added a Custom Label option for Windows, Doors and Garage doors.
Version 2.6.0 - 12.18.2021 thru 12.19.2021
- Converted the wall preset system to a Hash data structure.
- Wall presets are common to all wall configurations: Rectangular, Gable, Shed and Hip.
- The draw and edit menus for all wall configurations have been combined into a single, unified system.
- Walls can be converted between any configuration within the wall edit menu (ie. Gable -> Hip).
- Updated the Wall Copy Tool to include gable, shed and hips wall types.
- Fixed a bug with the Wall Copy Tool.
Version 2.5.9 - 12.12.2021
- Fixed a minor bug in the shearwall draw and edit menus.
- Enabled shearwall panel and fastener callouts/labels.
Version 2.5.8 - 12.11.2021
- Added awning, fixed-awning and awning-fixed windows to the window module.
- Enabled opening and closing for all awning type windows.
Version 2.5.7 - 12.10.2021
- Enabled opening and closing of single hung and slider windows.
- Enabled opening and closing of casement windows.
Version 2.5.6 - 12.05.2021
- Added a "Posts" tab into the Global Settings.
- Added a Custom Post Library/Manager in the Posts tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled custom sizes for Sawn Lumber, Timber and SCL(PSL,LSL,LVL) posts.
Version 2.5.5 - 11.27.2021
- Updated the SSW draw menu with an HTML menu.
Version 2.5.4 - 11.26.2021
- Improved the organization of the HTML draw and edit menus for rectangular walls.
Version 2.5.3 - 11.23.2021
- Added a Custom Column Library/Manager in the Columns tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled custom sizes for Sawn Lumber, Timber and SCL(PSL,LSL,LVL) columns.
- Created the Medeek Wall API: wall_regen
- Enabled an additional wall justification option for all wall types: Sheathing.
Version 2.5.2 - 11.15.2021
- Fixed a bug with exterior trim (corners) for shed walls.
- Fixed a bug with rectangular wall presets.
Version 2.5.1 - 11.14.2021
- Added a horizontal rainscreen option for rectangular walls (horizontal furring/girt boards).
- Added an option for top and bottom furring/girt boards for horizontal rainscreens.
Version 2.5.0 - 11.06.2021
- Added a rainscreen option for rectangular walls (vertical furring strips).
Version 2.4.9 - 10.31.2021
- Added an end cripples option for all man doors.
- Added an end cripples option for all garage doors.
- Fixed a bug with exterior trim for arched garage doors when the "trim union" option is enabled.
Version 2.4.8 - 10.30.2021
- Added an end cripples option for all window types.
Version 2.4.7 - 10.24.2021 thru 10.25.2021
- Fixed a bug with shed walls for the following end configurations: Inside Corner, Inset Inside Corner.
- Added the following additional Wide Flange (W) beams to the beam module: W10X22, W10X26, W10X30, W10X33, W10X39, W10X45, W12X26, W12X30, W12X35, W12X40.
Version 2.4.6 - 10.22.2021
- Added two additional advanced options for in-wall columns: Top Plt. Cut, Btm Plt. Cut.
- Added two additional parameters into the Columns tab of the global settings.
- Fixed a critical bug with the wall copy tool that was created with the prior update.
- Added error checking code into the rectangular wall edit menu for sheathing, cladding, and gypsum materials.
- Added error checking code into the window edit menu for the shutter material.
Version 2.4.5 - 10.19.2021
- Added a "Stud Ply" parameter to the Walls tab of the global settings.
- Enabled double and triple ply studs for rectangular walls.
Version 2.4.4 - 10.12.2021
- Fixed a minor bug with trapezoid and pentagon windows when utilized with the "No Framing" mode.
- Enabled an option for "zero" start and end wall studs for all wall types.
Version 2.4.3 - 10.02.2021 thru 10.04.2021
- Fixed a minor bug within the subtractive geometry module.
- Fixed a bug with pocket doors.
Version 2.4.2 - 09.25.2021 thru 09.27.2021
- Enabled a boolean union option for window and door trim.
- Added a "Union all Trim" parameter to the Door Trim Options within the global settings.
- Added a "Union all Trim" parameter to the Window Trim Options within the global settings.
- Enabled a boolean union option for garage door trim.
- Added a "Union all Trim" parameter to the Garage Door Trim Options within the global settings.
Version 2.4.1 - 09.07.2021 thru 09.09.2021
- Fixed a bug with text entry of wall lengths while using the draw wall tool (for MacOS only).
- Changed the wall justification hotkey/option from the "Tab" key to the "Alt" key for rectangular, shed, gable and hip draw wall tools.
Version 2.4.0 - 09.01.2021
- Fixed a bug with spaced headers when applied to trapezoidal windows.
Version 2.3.9 - 08.31.2021
- Added a window clearance (shim space) parameter within the Windows tab of the Globals Settings .
Version 2.3.8 - 08.29.2021
- Added shed and hip walls to the Medeek Estimator.
- Adjusted the auto-corner configuration algorithm to better predict terminal wall configurations when three walls come together at an inside or outside corner.
Version 2.3.7 - 08.28.2021
- Added gable walls to the Medeek Estimator.
- Fixed a MacOS/Windows bug with the wall justification hotkey for all wall types.
Version 2.3.6 - 08.23.2021
- Enabled a trim option for wrapped free standing columns.
Version 2.3.5 - 08.21.2021
- Fixed a bug with Simpson Strong Walls when "Terminal" wall end conditions are used in a wall assembly.
- Modified the "Edit Wall Assembly" context menu tool so that it behaves similar to the "Edit Wall" tool.
- Fixed a bug with the wall stretch tool so it now allows for wall stretch or shrinks that are less that 3".
- Enabled spaced headers (2 ply or 3 ply) for windows, doors and garages by using the key word "FILL" in the header description.
Version 2.3.4 - 08.18.2021
- Added logic into the add and edit menus to prevent users from using single and double quotes in beam and header names.
- Added logic into all HTML menus to prevent users from using vertical bars in beam and header names and within preset names.
Version 2.3.3 - 08.17.2021
- Fixed a minor bug with sliding glass doors when the door vertical offset is a non-zero value.
Version 2.3.2 - 08.12.2021
- Added a vertical offset parameter for cladding material for shed and hip walls.
- Added a vertical offset parameter for "Log" and "Shiplap" cladding materials for shed and hip walls.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for cladding material for shed and hip walls.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for "Board and Batten" and "Metal" 3D cladding materials for shed and hip walls.
Version 2.3.1 - 08.09.2021
- Added a vertical offset parameter for cladding material for gable walls.
- Added a vertical offset parameter for "Log" and "Shiplap" cladding materials for gable walls.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for cladding material for gable walls.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for "Board and Batten" and "Metal" 3D cladding materials for gable walls.
Version 2.3.0 - 08.08.2021
- Fixed a bug with wall presets for rectangular walls.
Version 2.2.9 - 08.06.2021
- Fixed a bug with framing, blocking and insulation for tee intersections for all wall types.
- Fixed a minor bug with six panel doors when the door vertical offset is a non-zero value.
Version 2.2.8 - 08.04.2021
- Fixed a bug with blocking and insulation for portal frame garage doors within rectangular walls.
Version 2.2.7 - 08.03.2021
- Added insulation to the Medeek Estimator for rectangular walls.
Version 2.2.6 - 08.01.2021
- Fixed a minor bug with tee intersections for all wall types.
Version 2.2.5 - 07.16.2021
- Added an additional (advanced framing) layer for window sills into the Layers tab of the Global Settings.
Version 2.2.4 - 07.12.2021
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for cladding material for rectangular walls.
- Added a horizontal offset parameter for "Board and Batten" and "Metal" 3D cladding materials for rectangular walls.
Version 2.2.3 - 07.11.2021
- Added the ability to create custom "Metal" wall cladding materials within the Material Library.
- Enabled "3D" Metal wall cladding for all wall types: Rectangular, Gable, Shed and Hip.
Version 2.2.2 - 07.10.2021
- Enabled subscription and permanent licensing.
- The License tab of the Global Settings now displays the license type.
Version 2.2.1 - 06.28.2021
- Fixed a bug with right handed shed walls and blocking.
- Mid-span blocking is now notched out for "California Corner" studs.
Version 2.2.0 - 06.23.2021
- Added roof cladding, sheathing, drip edge, hip & ridge and rafters to the Medeek Estimator (gable and hip rafter roof assemblies).
- Added rafter labels for gable and hip rafter roofs within the Medeek Estimator.
Version 2.1.9 - 06.20.2021
- Added the ability to create custom "Lap" wall cladding materials within the Material Library.
- Enabled "3D" Lap wall cladding for all wall types: Rectangular, Gable, Shed and Hip.
Version 2.1.8 - 06.14.2021
- Added roof cladding to the Medeek Estimator (common and monopitch truss assemblies).
- Enabled net area calculations for roof sheathing and roof cladding.
- Fixed a minor bug with in-wall columns and layers/tags.
Version 2.1.7 - 06.11.2021
Version 2.1.6 - 06.07.2021 thru 06.09.2021
- Enabled an option for a steel framing (Cold Formed Steel) texture for lumber/studs in the global settings.
- Steel framing indicated (by color) in 2D or 3D "No Framing" mode.
- Enabled steel framing for gable, shed and hip walls.
- Fixed a bug within the window edit menu regarding window presets.
- Enabled boxed headers (2 ply) for windows, doors and garages by using the key word "BOX" in the header description.
- Fixed a minor bug with the custom beam and header libraries (status, edit and delete functions).
Version 2.1.5 - 06.06.2021
- Updated the Medeek Estimator to include lumber/member lengths in both feet-inches (fractional) and decimal inches when using imperial units.
- Further optimized and organized the Medeek Estimator code base in preparation for expansion of its functionality.
Version 2.1.4 - 05.29.2021
- Added an option for vertically offsetting text and symbols within the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Annotation text and symbols for doors, windows, garage doors, columns, Simpson Strong walls, and shear walls can be vertically offset a custom amount from the bottom of the wall.
Version 2.1.3 - 05.20.2021
- Fixed a bug with pocket doors when using the "No Frame" or "CMU" wall framing mode.
Version 2.1.2 - 05.10.2021
- Added logic into the add and draw menus to prevent users from using single and double quotes in preset names.
Version 2.1.1 - 05.09.2021
- Added an option for subtractive geometry into the Walls tab of the Global Settings.
- Sub-groups within wall panels can be made persistent and "subtractive" by naming these groups to (subtract1, subtract2, subtract3, etc...)
- Components within wall panels can also be made persistent and "subtractive" by naming the component instance to (subtract1, subtract2, subtract3, etc...)
Version 2.1.0 - 05.08.2021
- Added a 2D symbol for pocket doors to the top of the wall for the following wall types: rectangular, gable and shed.
- Introduced additional logic into the Custom Material Library to prevent users from using double or single quotes in custom material names.
Version 2.0.9 - 05.07.2021
- Improved the "hide wall lines" feature for all wall types: rectangular, gable, shed and hip.
Version 2.0.8 - 05.05.2021 thru 05.06.2021
- Added pentagon windows to the window draw and edit menus for all wall types: rectangular, gable, shed and hip.
- Added isoceles/equilateral triangle windows to the window draw and edit menus for all wall types: rectangular, gable, shed and hip.
- Fixed a bug with exterior trim and wainscoting for trapezoid and pentagon windows.
- Minor update to the window draw and edit menus.
- Customized the wireframe preview for the Trapezoid and Pentagon window geometry.
Version 2.0.7 - 05.01.2021
- Fixed a bug with the tee intersection gypsum cutout algorithm for shed walls.
- Fixed a bug with the tee intersection gypsum cutout algorithm for gable and hip walls.
Version 2.0.6 - 04.29.2021 thru 04.30.2021
- Added trapezoid windows to the window draw and edit menus for all wall types: rectangular, gable, shed and hip.
- Added triangle windows to the window draw and edit menus for all wall types: rectangular, gable, shed and hip.
- Added the "Total Window Height" callout to the trapezoid window's section of the window draw and edit menus.
- Fixed a critical bug with the shutter module.
Version 2.0.5 - 04.20.2021
- Added a raised header option for windows and doors installed in rectangular walls.
- Enabled the option for "zero" king studs for windows and doors.
Version 2.0.4 - 04.16.2021 thru 04.18.2021
- Fixed a bug involving wall presets and the vertical material offset parameter for rectangular walls.
- Added missing HTML files to the plugin distribution for the custom beam library.
Version 2.0.3 - 04.03.2021
- Removed all limitations on wall height in the trial version of the plugin.
- Added a vertical offset parameter for cladding material for rectangular walls.
- Added a vertical offset parameter for "Log" and "Shiplap" cladding materials for rectangular walls.
Version 2.0.2 - 03.31.2021
- Added a "Draw Molding" tool to the updated Blocking/Molding toolbar.
- Added the ability to create base board, crown molding and chair rail with the "Molding" tool.
- Added additional parameters into the General tab of the Global Settings as related to moldings.
- Added an additional layer for moldings into the Layers tab of the Global Settings.
Version 2.0.1 - 03.27.2021
- Fixed a bug (introduced with Version 1.9.8 release) with wall presets for rectangular walls.
Version 2.0.0 - 03.21.2021
- Fixed a bug with the gypsum (cutout) where a half wall tees into another wall.
Version 1.9.9 - 03.20.2021
- Added the ability to create custom "Log" wall cladding materials within the Material Library.
- Enabled "3D" Log wall cladding for all wall types: Rectangular, Gable, Shed and Hip.
Version 1.9.8 - 03.13.2021
- Added an extra (Trim Top Plate) parameter to the "Start" and "End" configurations of rectangular walls.
Version 1.9.7 - 03.12.2021
- Fixed a bug involving gable, shed and hips walls that are created adjacent to rectangular walls.
- Fixed a minor bug involving regeneration of dissimilar wall types at the same type.
Version 1.9.6 - 03.09.2021
- Added a layer for "symbols" to the miscellaneous layer/tag options (Layer tab of the Global Settings).
- Fixed a minor bug in the shed wall edit menu.
Version 1.9.5 - 03.07.2021
- Added an option for "Geometry Guides" at the start and end of all wall types.
- Added the "Start / End Marker" parameter to the General tab of the Global Settings.
Version 1.9.4 - 03.05.2021
- Minor adjustment to the tee intersection algorithm (tee blocking and top plate cut outs) for all wall types.
Version 1.9.3 - 03.03.2021
- Added the ability to set the lower and upper wall heights of a shed wall within the edit menu.
Version 1.9.2 - 03.01.2021 thru 03.02.2021
- Added a Custom Beam Library/Manager in the Beams tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled custom sizes for Sawn Lumber, Timber and SCL(PSL,LSL,LVL) beams.
- Fixed the framing bug with the top plates of rectangular walls so that they are not cut out when a tee intersection is created with non-rectangular walls.
- Fixed a bug with tee intersection blocking for gable, shed and hip walls.
Version 1.9.1 - 02.27.2021
- Added one additional parameter to the "User Interface" section of the General tab of the global settings. This allows the customization (color) of the text of the HTML buttons.
Version 1.9.0 - 02.24.2021
- Fixed a bug with the end stud height for Shed Walls with an "Inset Outside Corner".
Version 1.8.9 - 02.22.2021
- Added a "Cedar Siding" built-in material (vertical) into the material library.
Version 1.8.8 - 02.17.2021
- Enabled options for wood grain texture for lumber and pressure treated lumber in the global settings.
Version 1.8.7 - 02.15.2021
- Added an option for the garage door track in the global settings.
Version 1.8.6 - 02.11.2021
- Added the following Simpson Strong-Tie hangers to the beam hanger library: LUS26-2Z, LUS28-2Z, LUS210-2Z.
Version 1.8.5 - 02.07.2021
- Enabled the "Wall Copy" tool within the Medeek Wall Tools toolbar.
- Fixed a bug with the top plate cut out algorithm when walls meet in a "cross" configuration.
Version 1.8.4 - 02.02.2021 thru 02.03.2021
- Added bifold (4 panel - solid) doors to the door module.
- Added bifold (2 panel - solid) doors to the door module.
Version 1.8.3 - 01.31.2021
- Added pocket doors to the door module.
Version 1.8.2 - 01.26.2021 thru 01.28.2021
- Enabled a second layer of sheathing for exterior rectangular walls.
- Added four additional parameters to the Sheathing tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled a second layer of sheathing for exterior gable walls.
- Enabled a second layer of sheathing for exterior shed and hip walls.
Version 1.8.1 - 01.18.2021 thru 01.20.2021
- Added sliding glass doors to the door module.
- Added an "Animation" parameter to the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled "animated" opening and closing of sliding glass doors.
- Enabled "animated" opening and closing of single and double man doors.
- Enabled "animated" opening and closing of garage doors.
Version 1.8.0 - 01.16.2021
- Added a "Remove Cladding Lines" option within the global settings.
Version 1.7.9 - 01.05.2021 thru 01.09.2021
- Enabled blocking within the shearwall module.
- Added the following Simpson Strong-Tie holdowns to the shearwall module: HTT4, HTT5, HDQ8.
- Added the following Simpson Strong-Tie holdowns to the shearwall module: HHDQ11, HHDQ14.
Version 1.7.8 - 01.03.2021
- Added the Shearwall Schedule tool to the SW toolbar.
Version 1.7.7 - 12.28.2020
- Enabled Draw, Edit, Move and Delete shearwall tools for all rectangular walls.
- Added four additional parameters to the Materials tab of the Global Settings pertaining to shearwalls.
- Enabled anchor bolts within the shearwall module.
- Enabled sole plate fasteners within the shearwall module.
- Enabled top plate clips within the shearwall module.
Version 1.7.6 - 12.04.2020 thru 12.05.2020
- Added a wall justification hotkey/option (Tab key) to the rectangular draw wall tool: Front, Center, Back.
- Added a wall justification hotkey/option (Tab key) to the gable, shed and hip draw wall tools: Front, Center, Back.
- Enabled the left and right arrow keys for each of the draw wall tools in order to constrain the tool to the X or Y axis.
Version 1.7.5 - 11.25.2020
- Updated the Global Settings Reset button with additional parameters.
- Fixed multiple minor bugs with the default settings (storage) for Doors, Windows and Garage Doors.
Version 1.7.4 - 11.21.2020 thru 11.23.2020
- Completed the "Garage Doors" tab within the Global Settings.
- Completed the "SSW" tab within the Global Settings.
- Completed the "Beams" tab within the Global Settings.
- Fixed a critical bug with the default settings for the following two window parameters: Jamb Ext. Reveal, Shim Gap.
- Completed the "Columns" tab within the Global Settings.
Version 1.7.3 - 11.20.2020
- Fixed a bug with zero height gable, shed and hip walls when using the "No Framing" or "CMU" mode.
- Fixed a minor bug with man door and garage door jambs with walls panels that are isolated in groups.
Version 1.7.2 - 11.16.2020
- Added the ability to create custom "Shiplap" wall cladding materials within the Material Library.
- Enabled "3D" Shiplap wall cladding for all wall types: Rectangular, Gable, Shed and Hip.
Version 1.7.1 - 11.15.2020
- Added additional HSS and Wide Flange Beam options to the free standing column (post) tool.
Version 1.7.0 - 10.23.2020
- Fixed a bug in the Walls tab of the Global Settings.
Version 1.6.9 - 10.17.2020
- Added the ability to create custom "Board and Batten" wall cladding materials within the Material Library.
- Enabled "3D" Board and Batten wall cladding for all wall types: Rectangular, Gable, Shed and Hip.
Version 1.6.8 - 09.28.2020
- Added a "Refresh Licensee Data" button within the License tab of the Global Settings.
Version 1.6.7 - 09.26.2020
- Added additional tool tips to the Wall Corners tab of the Global Settings.
Version 1.6.6 - 09.15.2020
- Fixed a bug with Tyvek and ZIP Systems sheathing when the sheathing is lapped at the corners (rectangular walls only).
Version 1.6.5 - 09.10.2020
- Added a parameter into the global settings to allow for adjustment of the size of labels and annotations.
- Added a parameter into the global settings to allow for adjustment of the font for text found within annotations and labels.
Version 1.6.4 - 09.07.2020
- Added Dutch Corners to garage doors within the garage door module.
Version 1.6.3 - 09.06.2020
- Added (segmental) arched garage doors to the garage door module.
Version 1.6.2 - 09.01.2020
- Added three additional parameters to the "User Interface" section of the General tab of the global settings. This allows the customization (colors) of the HTML menus.
Version 1.6.1 - 08.26.2020
- All gable wall types (gable, hip, shed) now include the option to enter in the wall slope as a pitch or angle.
Version 1.6.0 - 08.23.2020
- Enabled variable king stud and trimmer stud widths for garage doors (non-portal frame).
- Added the ability to create, load and delete garage door presets within the Edit and Draw (HTML) Menus.
- Fixed a bug with reading in presets from the door and window edit menus.
Version 1.5.9 - 08.18.2020 thru 08.19.2020
- Added the "Basic Options" parameters to the Wall tab of the Global Settings.
- Fixed a bug with gypsum when applied to the end condition for interior shed walls.
- Fixed a floating point rounding error in the blocking and cavity insulation modules for all walls.
Version 1.5.8 - 08.01.2020 thru 08.02.2020
- Fixed a bug with all wall assemblies when auto-assignment of materials is turned off in the global settings.
- Added a semi-transparent polygon fill to the draw wall tool wireframe.
- Added an option for vertical ZIP Systems© 7/16" and 1/2" wall sheathing materials.
Version 1.5.7 - 07.21.2020 thru 07.23.2020
- Enabled the gable wall tool with the ability to draw and edit hip walls.
- Updated the gable wall module to allow for zero wall height hip walls.
- Fixed a bug with the trimming of Simpson Strong-Tie wood shear walls (WSW).
- Fixed a bug with certain wall sheathing materials as applied to gable, hip and shed walls.
Version 1.5.6 - 07.16.2020
- Updated the gable wall module to allow for zero wall height shed walls.
- Added triple single hung windows to the window module.
Version 1.5.5 - 07.14.2020
- Enabled the gable wall tool with the ability to draw and edit shed walls.
Version 1.5.4 - 07.08.2020 thru 07.11.2020
- Added the gable wall tool with the ability to draw and edit standard gable walls.
- Fixed a bug with the wall move tool when moving gable walls.
- Added tee intersection blocking for gable walls: 3-stud, 2-stud, 2-stud w/ blocking, ladder blocking.
- Enabled auto-corner configuration for gable walls.
- Fixed a bug in the gable wall draw menu for metric templates.
- Updated the gable wall module to allow for zero wall height (triangular and trapzoidal walls).
Version 1.5.3 - 06.22.2020
- Added the ability to create, load and delete door presets within the Edit and Draw (HTML) Menus.
Version 1.5.2 - 06.21.2020
- Added the ability to create, load and delete window presets within the Edit and Draw (HTML) Menus.
Version 1.5.1 - 06.18.2020
- Converted the "Draw Door" menu to HTML.
- Fixed a bug with arched door sidelites.
Version 1.5.0 - 06.15.2020
- Converted the "Draw Window" menu to HTML.
Version 1.4.9 - 06.11.2020
- Converted the "Draw Garage Door" menu to HTML.
Version 1.4.8 - 06.05.2020
- Added Quoins as an option for exterior walls.
Version 1.4.7 - 06.02.2020
- Enabled the "Wall Join" tool within the Medeek Wall Tools toolbar.
Version 1.4.6 - 05.30.2020
- Enabled the "Wall Stretch" tool within the Medeek Wall Tools toolbar.
Version 1.4.5 - 05.29.2020
- Fixed a number of minor issues with the ladder blocking option for tee intersections.
- Tee intersection blocking is now assigned to the blocking layer if the advanced layer option is turned on.
Version 1.4.4 - 05.24.2020
- Added I-Joist blocks to the the blocking module: TJI, BCI, LPI, Red-I, PKI.
Version 1.4.3 - 05.17.2020 thru 05.21.2020
- Added a blocking tool/module for inserting custom blocks into Medeek walls, roofs, floors or generic groups.
- Added the Blocking toolbar and icons.
- Removed the Fixtures toolbar and icons.
- Added the "Shift" hotkey to the blocking draw tool in order to toggle the block rotation between zero and ninety degrees.
- Fixed a bug for metric templates with the blocking draw tool.
Version 1.4.2 - 05.14.2020
- Added a layer for posts to the advanced layer options (Layer tab of the global settings).
- Added a layer for blocking to the advanced layer options (Layer tab of the global settings).
Version 1.4.1 - 05.12.2020 thru 05.13.2020
- Enabled a tapered wrap for a free standing columns.
- Added a HardiPlank Colonial (Rough Sawn) built-in material into the material library.
- Added a "Style2" hardware option (Lever & Lock) to the garage door module.
Version 1.4.0 - 05.01.2020
- Enabled a second layer of gypsum for interior and exterior walls.
- Fixed a bug with the tee intersection ladder blocking with walls with no openings.
- Added a "Rustic Shiplap" built-in material into the material library.
Version 1.3.9 - 04.28.2020
- Added a "Terminal" end wall condition.
Version 1.3.8 - 04.26.2020
- Added additional logic to the blocking and insulation modules for short wall panels.
Version 1.3.7 - 04.25.2020
- Fixed the HTML tabs of the global settings (page 2).
- Added a Global Reset button in the General tab of the Global Settings.
Version 1.3.6 - 04.22.2020
- Resolved an issue with UTF-8 encoding.
Version 1.3.5 - 04.18.2020
- Enabled single and double sidelites for arched doors with a transom.
- Added a leg height parameter to the door edit menu for arched doors.
- Enabled double sidelites for arched doors without a transom.
Version 1.3.4 - 04.14.2020 thru 04.15.2020
- Added transoms for all rectangular door types.
- Enabled all grille options for door transoms.
- Added transoms for arched door types.
Version 1.3.3 - 04.05.2020 thru 04.09.2020
- Added a classical column option to the post module: Tuscan, Doric
- Added the following classical column types: Tuscan /w Astragal, Doric /w Astragal, Ionic, Corinthian
- Corrected the abacus of the Tuscan and Doric capitals
- Added a fluting option for the following column types: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
Version 1.3.2 - 03.31.2020 thru 04.02.2020
- Added the ability to draw and edit free standing columns with the Beams/Column Toolset.
- Added an indexing parameter for posts to the General tab of the global settings.
- Added the built-in materials (red brick) for post wrap and wainscot and (concrete) for post ledges.
- Added labels and callouts for all post types.
Version 1.3.1 - 03.15.2020
- Added a "Style4" door hardware option (Lever & Deadbolt) to the door module.
- Fixed a bug with the door opening tool for man doors.
Version 1.3.0 - 03.07.2020
- Fixed a critical bug with custom materials that was caused by the change in the location of the plugin's data sub-folder.
Version 1.2.9 - 02.28.2020
- Addressed the issue where upgrading the plugin would delete custom materials, custom headers and wall presets. These items are now stored outside of the plugin sub-folder.
Version 1.2.8 - 02.24.2020 thru 02.25.2020
- Added tee intersection ladder blocking as an additional option for tee intersection wall framing.
- Added a user entry error check for single and double quotes within Wall Preset names.
- Added double slider windows to the window module.
- Added twin single hung windows to the window module.
Version 1.2.7 - 02.21.2020
- Enabled tee intersection blocking/gypsum backers: 3-stud, 2-stud w/ blocking, 2-stud.
- Added a tee intersection parameter to the Walls tab of the Global Settings.
Version 1.2.6 - 02.20.2020
- Added a "Style C" trim option for rectangular windows.
- Fixed a critical bug with the door module for metric templates.
Version 1.2.5 - 02.15.2020 thru 02.17.2020
- Enabled custom materials (Material Library) for all doors and windows: Trim, Casing, Door Frame, Door, Window Frame, Shutters.
- Addressed a minor bug with multiple walls coming together at a corner.
- Fixed a critical bug with the recently updated window and door edit menus.
Version 1.2.4 - 02.07.2020 thru 02.08.2020
- Fixed a bug with the gypsum wrap for rectangular and arched door openings of interior walls.
- Added a T1-11 built-in material into the material library.
- Fixed the move wall tool so that it no longer requires a negative number for offseting to the exterior side of the wall.
- Enabled the display of the offset dimension next to the blue movement arrow for the move wall tool.
Version 1.2.3 - 01.30.2020
- Enabled up to four king and/or four trimmer studs for windows.
- Enabled up to four king and/or four trimmer studs for doors.
- Enabled up to four king and/or four trimmer studs for garage doors.
Version 1.2.2 - 01.25.2020
- Added (segmental and half round) arched half glass double doors to the door module.
- Added (segmental and half round) arched full glass double doors to the door module.
Version 1.2.1 - 01.17.2020 thru 01.18.2020
- Added FLUSH:MITER and MITER:FLUSH options to the Wall Cladding Corners parameter.
- Fixed a second bug with wall presets introduced with the addition of the stud spacing offset parameter.
- Added (segmental and half round) arched double doors to the door module.
- Fixed a number of bugs related to stacked doors, door sidelites and backward compatibility with previous versions.
- Added (segmental and half round) arched half glass doors to the door module.
- Fixed the praire and perimeter grille style for arched half glass and full glass doors.
- Added (segmental and half round) arched full glass doors to the door module.
Version 1.2.0 - 01.15.2020 thru 01.16.2020
- Added (segmental and half round) arched doors to the door module.
- Enabled variable king stud and trimmer stud widths for doors.
- Enabled built-up headers for doors.
- Enabled the trimmer extend option for doors.
- Added casing "Style C" for rectangle and arched doors (gypsum wrap for interior wall openings).
- Fixed a bug with wall presets introduced with the addition of the stud spacing offset parameter.
Version 1.1.9 - 01.09.2020
- Enabled stacked windows over doors within a wall panel.
Version 1.1.8 - 01.06.2020
- Added a "Stud Spacing Offset" parameter which allows for custom stud spacing/placement.
- Enabled stacked windows within a wall panel.
Version 1.1.7 - 12.21.2019 thru 12.25.2019
- Enabled the "Wall Split" tool within the Medeek Wall Tools toolbar.
- Enabled temporary (construction) dimensions for the wall split tool.
- Added a vertical offset to the holdown symbol(s) to eliminate Z-fighting with the wall panel top plate.
Version 1.1.6 - 12.08.2019 thru 12.11.2019
- Improved the stability and execution speed of the wall edit menu and the window edit menu.
- Improved the stability and execution speed of the wall draw menu and the loading of wall presets.
- Updated the garage door edit menu and the door edit menu.
- Added standard sizes of LVL headers (1-3/4") to the built-in header library: 7-1/4, 9-1/4, 11-1/4, 11-7/8, 14, 16.
Version 1.1.5 - 11.27.2019
- Added a rotation parameter for in-wall columns.
Version 1.1.4 - 09.28.2019
- Fixed a critical performance bug that affects all the modules within the extension.
Version 1.1.3 - 09.23.2019
- Fixed a bug with the placement of Simpson's DTT2Z holdown and replaced the included component with a new low poly version.
- Added the option for Titen HD holdown anchor bolts: THD50500H, THD50600H, THD50800H, THD501200H, THD501400H, THD501500H.
Version 1.1.2 - 06.25.2019
- Fixed an HTML/javascript bug with the wall edit menu (specific to Internet Explorer).
- Fixed an HTML/javascript bug in the General tab of the Global Settings (specific to Internet Explorer).
Version 1.1.1 - 06.19.2019
- Corrected the code for raising and logging exceptions.
Version 1.1.0 - 04.26.2019
- Fixed the show_modal bug for macOS in the Materials and Headers tabs of the global settings.
Version 1.0.9 - 04.01.2019 thru 04.03.2019
- Fixed a bug with exterior wainscoting.
- Fixed a bug with midspan blocking and wall presets.
- Added the Shearwall toolbar and icons.
- Fixed a bug with the data logging module.
Version 1.0.8 - 03.12.2019 thru 03.13.2019
- Enabled auto-dimensioning for wall panels (to be used in conjunction with the Scene Generator for creation of framing elevations).
- Added the Dimension Offset and Framing Dimensions parameters to the General tab of the global settings.
- Added Dimension Layer 4 specfically for auto-dimensions (Layer tab of the global settings).
- Updated toolbar icons to be compatible with 4k (UHD) resolution monitors.
Version 1.0.7 - 03.09.2019 thru 03.10.2019
- Added the ability to generate wall (framing) elevations with the Create Scenes tool of the Medeek Documents module.
- Added the indexing parameter for walls and beams to the General tab of the global settings.
Version 1.0.6 - 03.06.2019 thru 03.07.2019
- Added the option for no trimmers for windows and doors (Advanced Framing).
- Fixed a bug with the HTML window edit menu.
- Parameter change highlighting enabled for wall draw menu.
- Parameter hightlight (input) color added to General tab of global settings.
Version 1.0.5 - 03.05.2019
- Added toolbar icons for "Documents" module.
- Added a Custom Header Library/Manager in the Headers tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled custom headers for doors, windows and garage doors.
- Enabled three new header materials: LVL, PSL, and Timber.
Version 1.0.4 - 02.14.2019
- Added logic to the final assembly routine to allow for electrical components (Medeek Electrical) to be retained within wall panels.
Version 1.0.3 - 02.11.2019
- Fixed a bug in the display of the toolbars (Mac and Windows).
- Added a trimmer extend option to extend trimmers up to bottom of header when a built-up header is used that has a bottom plate.
Version 1.0.2 - 01.19.2019
- Added a louver vent option for all window shapes: Rectangle, Half Round, Segmented Arch, Gothic Arch, Oval/Circle, Octagon
Version 1.0.1 - 01.18.2019
- Added octagon windows to the window draw and edit modules.
- Fixed a bug in the license and registration module.
Version 1.0.0 - 01.15.2019 thru 01.16.2019
- The Medeek Wall extension moved from BETA status to initial full release.
- Added the Open/Close (icon and function) to the Medeek Wall Tools toolbar.
- Enabled opening and closing of all man doors: 90 deg. or 45 deg.
- Enabled opening and closing of all garage doors.
Version 0.9.9 - 10.30.2018 thru 01.11.2019
- Enabled custom window header and trimmer widths within draw and edit menus.
- Added king and trimmer width parameters to the Windows tab of the global settings.
- Fixed a bug with insulation positioned above windows where trimmer quantity is greater than one.
- Enabled built-up headers within the window draw and edit menus: None, Top, Bottom or Both.
- Added the built-up header parameter to the Windows tab of the global settings.
- Resolved a non-critical error being generated by the context menu generator.
- Added a material parameter for ext. wainscot ledges.
- Added toolbar icons for "Fixtures" module.
- Removed all advertising banners from the global settings.
- Fixed a bug (metric) for window and door grilles in the global settings.
- Added two additional parameters for mid-span blocking to enable multiple rows of blocking in a wall panel.
- Added two parameters (number of rows, row spacing) for blocking into the Walls tab of the global settings.
- Added the Australian/New Zealand I-Beam (Universal Beam - UB) as another steel beam option in the beam module.
- Added hollow structural section (HSS) beams to the beam module.
- Added angle iron (L) beams to the beam module.
- Added fillet radiuses to wide flange (W) and universal (UB) beams.
- Added the following corner treatments: 3 Stud Solid, 4 Stud Solid, 3 Stud Block, 4 Stud Block, U-Cal
- Enabled a parameter in the General tab of the global settings to toggle the labeling of groups.
- Added the ability to import materials directly from the model within the Custom Material Libary/Manager in the global settings.
- Provided an additional parameter in the Wall Corners tab of the global settings for setting the thickness of corner blocking (3 and 4 Stud Block corner treatment only).
- Added an option to include 2D wall geometry in 3D modes (Framing, No Framing, CMU).
- Added an additional layer for 2D geometry.
- Added customizable colors for labels, 2D wall geometry, and 2D features (windows, doors, columns etc...)
- Added the stair module (straight run only) with the following advanced options: thrust block, landing tread, hanger board.
- Added the following options to the stair module: side spacers, skirt boards, finished floor offsets.
- Completed the Stairs tab within the global settings.
- Added the ability to draw a "Clearance Envelope" with an additional global parameter for specifying the minimum headroom.
- Added handrails to the stair module.
- Enabled "Over-the-Post" termination (single rise gooseneck and starting ease) for all handrail profiles.
- Added a "2 riser gooseneck" Over-the-Post termination option for all handrail profiles.
- Adjusted the auto-corner configuration algorithm so that wall panels can be placed within larger groups within the root of the model (wall panel isolation).
- Fixed a bug in the Over-the-Post section of the handrail/stair module.
- Added two parameters in the stair module to allow for extended stair stringers.
- Draw and Edit Wall menus now display wall height in feet and inches (fractional) when using an imperial units template.
- Added the action: "Regen Wall Assembly" in the context menu for all wall assemblies.
- Enabled temporary (construction) dimensions for wall panels in the Draw Wall tool.
- Added a section in the General tab of the global settings for configuring construction dimensions.
- Enabled temporary (construction) dimensions for beams in the Draw Beam tool.
- Enabled temporary (construction) dimensions for stairs in the Draw Stair tool.
- Added 2D construction lines for exterior wainscoting.
- When the cladding or wainscoting air gap is greater than zero the 2D construction lines are drawn in order to represent the interior surface.
- Added roof sheathing to the Medeek Estimator (common and monopitch truss assemblies).
- Version 0.9.9w - 01.04.2019
- Added Drip Edge and Hip & Ridge to the Medeek Estimator (common and monopitch truss assemblies).
- Added Concrete, Rebar and Anchor Bolts to the Medeek Estimator (slab-on-grade foundation assemblies).
- Made some improvements to the Medeek Estimator framework and user interface.
- Version 0.9.9x - 01.07.2019
- License expiration date now appears in the License tab of the Global Settings when plugin is registered.
- Added (regular) wall studs to the Medeek Estimator.
- Version 0.9.9y - 01.09.2019
- Added cripple and corner studs to the Medeek Estimator.
- Added top and bottom plates to the Medeek Estimator.
- Added window framing: header, sill plate, king studs, trimmer studs and sill trimmer studs to the Medeek Estimator.
- Version 0.9.9z - 01.11.2019
Version 0.9.8 - 10.14.2018 thru 10.30.2018
- Critical update with the global settings module.
- Critical update with the auto-corner configuration module.
- Fixed a typo/bug in the window module (casing).
- Removed the wall justification parameter from the draw and edit wall menus.
- Interior wall door casing properly configured for both sides of the wall.
- Created the gable wall matrix selector for the new gable wall module.
- Added the ability to wrap beams with gypsum and updated the beam menus with this new feature.
- Added a manufacturer's label and fields (mfr. and series) for windows.
- Added the following window manufacturers and labels: Alside, Andersen, Atrium, Harvey, Integrity, Jeld-Wen, Marvin, MI, Milgard, Pella, PGT, PlyGem, Simonton, YKK-AP
- Shutters Option added to the Windows tab of the global settings.
- "Window Trim Inset" parameter added to the Windows tab of the global settings.
- Critical fixes in the following modules: Auto-Corner Config, Shutters, Sheathing and Cladding.
- Loading wall presets changed to a two step process. Clicking the update button is no longer required to activate a loaded preset.
- Wall edit menu updated to allow for sequential selection of wall panels for quick editing.
- Corrected a bug in the Walls tab of the global settings involving the wall presets selection field.
- Added a blocking thickness parameter in the Walls tab of the global settings.
- Fixed bugs with the blocking parameter and the material manager for metric templates.
- The following tabs added to the global settings: Garage Doors, Beams, Columns, Stairs, SSW, Shearwalls, Estimating, Engineering and Updates.
- Enabled custom materials for gypsum in the HTML wall draw and edit menus.
- Felt + OSB material added to the pre-installed plugin materials.
- Advanced layers (headers, kings and trimmers) enabled for door, window and garage door framing.
Version 0.9.7 - 10.06.2018 thru 10.13.2018
- Wall labels option added to the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Wall labels can be drawn/shown in all framing modes.
- Added two additional layers to the Layers tab of the Global Settings for dimensioning and annotations.
- Wall label prefix can be customized in the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Licensee name now appears in the License tab of the Global Settings when plugin is registered.
- Fixed a bug in the door and garage door module (affects both metric and imperial templates).
- Added header and framing callouts for garage doors, windows and doors.
- Added labels and callouts for all beam types.
- Beam label prefix can be customized in the General tab of the Global Settings.
- Beam Z Floor parameter included in draw and edit menus (used to establish height of beam from sub-floor).
- "Regen Beam Assembly" action added to context menu for beams.
- Window sill qty. callout added to the framing callouts for windows.
- Created icons for the stair module.
Version 0.9.6 - 09.23.2018 thru 10.05.2018
- Created the initial framework of the Medeek Estimating Module.
- Added sheathing, cladding and gypsum to the Medeek Estimator.
- Corrected the group description for pressure treated bottom plates.
- Added the ability to export data from the Medeek Estimator in CSV format.
- Fixed a bug in the exterior wainscoting module for metric templates.
- Improved the auto-corner config and tee intersection algorithms to better handle large models (100+ wall panels).
Version 0.9.5 - 09.17.2018
- Added advanced options to the column edit menu which allows for notching out of gypsum, sheathing and cladding for beam pockets.
- Tee intersections will now automatically remove gypsum where walls meet.
- Added the garage door module with the following garage door variants: Solid, No Panels, Raised Panel, Flat Panel, Glass Raised Panel, Glass Flat Panel, Glass Panel.
- Added Portal Frames: Both, Left, Right to the garage door module.
- Removed garage door option from door draw and edit menus.
Version 0.9.4 - 08.31.2018 thru 09.03.2018
- Added additional (New Zealand) standard metric stud sizes: 45x90, 45x140, 45x190, 45x240, 45x290
- Addressed multiple bugs having to do with metric templates (glulam headers, columns, SSWs).
- Added (New Zealand) standard metric sizes for window and door headers.
- Fixed a bug with corner stud placement where corner angles are extreme values.
- Improved the Tee intersection algorithm of the auto-corner configuration module.
- Fixed a minor bug in the Windows tab of the Global Settings.
Version 0.9.3 - 08.26.2018 thru 08.30.2018
- Added a Custom Material Library/Manager in the Materials tab of the Global Settings.
- Enabled custom materials for sheathing, cladding and ext. wainscoting in the HTML wall draw and edit menus.
- Enabled the ability to group materials and control which drop down menu they will appear in.
- Added an SKM file import utility to the Material Library.
- Enabled the Wall Gypsum Corner parameter in the sheathing tab of the global settings (MITER/FLUSH).
- Interior walls now receive end treatment when gypsum enabled.
- Gypsum wrap enabled for openings in interior walls that do not have a window or door installed.
Version 0.9.2 - 08.21.2018
- Added sidelites (double and single) for all door types.
- Enabled 5-lite (full glass) and 3-lite (half glass) grilles for door sidelites.
- Enabled all grille options for sidelites.
Version 0.9.1 - 08.15.2018 thru 08.17.2018
- Added an HTML "Draw Wall" menu option. This is toggled in the global settings with the Graphical UI parameter.
- Configured the HTML "Draw Wall" menu to remember the previous settings.
- Added an option in the Walls tab of the Global Settings to auto-load a wall preset within the HTML Draw Wall menu.
Version 0.9.0 - 08.03.2018 thru 08.09.2018
- Added gothic and segmental arched windows to the window draw and edit modules.
- Added shutters: Solid, Flat Panel, Raised Panel, Louver, Board & Batten to arched and gothic arch windows.
- Enabled all interior casing styles (Style A, Style B, and Style C) for gothic and arch windows.
- Critical fix to the auto-corner configuration module which addresses a bug with multi-story construction.
- Added logic so that callouts for stacked windows are properly cascaded.
Version 0.8.9 - 07.25.2018
- Added the CMU framing mode for concrete block wall construction.
- Stud/Wall Depth and Width parameters added to the Walls tab of the Global Settings.
- Added double, triple and quad casement windows to the window draw and edit modules.
- Resolved a bug in the window and door attribute library modules.
Version 0.8.8 - 07.24.2018
- Added an additional "mode" parameter for exterior wainscoting, which allows for multiple configurations of partial wainscoting.
Version 0.8.7 - 07.18.2018 thru 07.22.2018
- Added oval and round windows to the window draw and edit modules.
- Enabled trim, casing and window installation for oval and round windows.
- Added a 5-Lite Circular Grille for all window types.
- Enabled all standard grille types for oval and round windows.
- Addressed a number of miscellaneous bugs related to metric templates.
- Added a start and end parameter for exterior wainscoting, which allows for partial wainscoting of a wall panel.
- All window grille types extended to half glass and full glass doors (single/double).
Version 0.8.6 - 07.14.2018 thru 07.16.2018
- Added shutters: Solid, Flat Panel, Raised Panel, Louver, Board & Batten to rectangular windows.
- Added shutters: Solid, Flat Panel, Raised Panel, Louver, Board & Batten to arched windows.
- Shutter geometry parameter allows for: Left, Right or Double.
Version 0.8.5 - 07.11.2018 thru 07.12.2018
- Added the Prairie Grille for picture windows.
- Added "Casement" and "Fixed" to the window installation types, these currently are modeled identical to the picture window type.
- Added a "No Header" option for windows.
- Updated the licensing system to include a 30 day limit of the trial version.
- Added Simpson Strong-Tie APL4 Beam-to-Column Tie to the beam hanger library.
- Name of plugin changed to "Medeek Wall".
- Added the following Grille Types for all windows: Prairie, Perimeter, Short Fractional, Farmhouse, Grid2x2, Grid2x3, Grid3x2, Grid3x3.
Version 0.8.4 - 07.05.2018 thru 07.09.2018
- Added frieze and skirt board options to the exterior trim module.
- Added an optional drip cap to the skirt board (dimensions can be set in the global settings).
- Similar to the band board the skirt and frieze can cut through the corner trim.
- Each wall panel now has a name assigned to it, which can be edited in the wall edit menu.
- LVL beam depths now include 22" and 24" beam sizes. LVL edge texture has been updated.
- Fixed the door handing for in-swing doors.
- Callout for in-swing doors moved to interior side of wall.
- Horizontal trim elements terminate at window and door trim.
- Added the following door types: flat four panel, flat two panel (single and double).
- Added a vertical offset parameter for doors that allows a door to be positioned below the bottom plate of the wall.
Version 0.8.3 - 07.02.2018 thru 07.04.2018
- Added a band board option to the exterior trim module.
- The "band thru corner" option allows the band board to cut through the corner trim.
- Fixed a bug with the wall edit menu so that it loads default global settings for advanced wall options as required.
- Release date and sub. revision numbers are now correctly reported in the global settings license tab.
Version 0.8.2 - 06.28.2018
- Added the ability to draw and edit beams with the Beams/Column Toolset.
- Glulam, PSL, LVL, LSL, Timber and Lumber beam types added to the beam module.
- Start and end cut options (miter,firecut) added to the advanced options for beams.
- Steel: Wide Flange (W) beam types added to the beam module.
- Added a hanger library (customizable) and the ability to place hangers at the start and/or end of a beam.
- Created a number of low polygon count Simpson Strong-Tie hanger and column caps.
Version 0.8.1 - 06.24.2018 thru 06.26.2018
- Enabled exterior wainscoting for Ext-Int walls.
- Added additional parameters to the wainscot menu for window and wall ledges.
- Wainscot "cut" parameter added to the exterior trim menu in order to optionally cut corner trim at the wainscot height.
- Added the following double door types: solid, six panel, half glass, full glass.
- Fixed a bug where wall corner trim thickness equals trim width.
Version 0.8.0 - 06.21.2018
- Added the ability to draw, move and delete pre-fab shear wall panels with the SSW Toolset.
- Added a parameter in the global settings (General tab) in order to toggle SSW annotations independent of window, door and column annotations.
- SSW annotations and representative geometry added to the 2D and 3D (no framing) modes.
- Added the ability to toggle between center, left or right positioning (by pressing the CTRL key) while drawing windows, doors, columns or SSWs.
Version 0.7.9 - 06.18.2018
- Added the ability to draw, move and delete wall columns with the Beams/Column Toolset.
- Added a parameter in the global settings (General tab) in order to toggle beam and column annotations independent of window/door annotations.
- Column annotations and representative geometry added to the 2D and 3D (no framing) modes.
- Sub-groups within wall panels can be made persistent by naming these groups or component instances to (custom1, custom2, custom3, etc...), also all other user defined geometry (ie. faces, text, lines and dimensions) are also retained when the wall panel is regenerated by the plugin.
Version 0.7.8 - 06.14.2018
- Added the ability to create, load and delete wall presets within the Edit Wall (HTML) Menu.
- Fixed a bug within the auto-corner configuration module which caused issues for walls less than 36" in height.
- The wall length in the Edit Wall Menu updated to ft-in from decimal feet (imperial templates), also fixed a bug in the wall length for metric templates.
Version 0.7.7 - 06.08.2018 thru 06.09.2018
- Created the Medeek Wall Plugin LT, a lighter version of the plugin with internal wall framing, estimating and engineering removed.
- Horizontal and Vertical OSB sheathing materials added to the pre-installed plugin materials.
- Horizontal and Vertical plywood sheathing materials added to the pre-installed plugin materials.
- Tyvek + OSB material added to the pre-installed plugin materials.
- Added 2D construction line options for sheathing, cladding and gypsum within the global settings.
- Fixed a bug within the corner trim module (trim width).
- Added additional standard metric stud sizes: 36x68, 36x98, 36x148, 36x198, 48x72, 48x98, 48x148, 48x198
Version 0.7.6 - 06.04.2018 thru 06.07.2018
- Added the option for Glulam Beams for window and door headers.
- Cladding corner treatment now has MITER and LAP available as two additional corner options.
- Sheathing corner treatment now has LAP available as an additional corner option.
- Cladding materials selection extended to include all SketchUp materials currently in model.
- Minor bug in exterior corner trim corrected.
- The update status message in HTML edit menus (wall, door and window) moved to top of form for better visibility.
- Auto-Corner Configuration algorithm revised to handle "stepped" walls and to better detect co-linear walls.
- Wall "Draw Tool" configured to retain most recent inputs from user. Parameters not shown in UI default to global settings.
- Added the option to toggle between standard stud sizes and custom (user defined width x depth) sizes with the "Walls" tab of the global settings.
- Fixed a bug with the wall sheathing and cladding so that door openings are properly cut out even when the vertical offset parameter is negative.
- Added the ability to lock the cursor to the X or Y axis for the "Draw Wall Tool" (line and polyline) by pressing the SHIFT key.
- Added the ability to lock the cursor to the 45 deg. and 135 deg. axis for the "Draw Wall Tool" (line and polyline) by pressing the CTRL key.
Version 0.7.5 - 05.31.2018
- Fixed a bug with the callout positioning method to allow for the correct placement of wall opening text.
- Intersecting walls now cut through the top plate of the primary walls at tee intersections.
- Wall cladding and sheathing materials option now added to wall creation tool.
- Default behavior for the Wall Mode parameter added the Walls tab of the global settings (Line or Polyline).
- Added DensGlass™ sheathing material to the sheathing tab of the global settings.
- Began the addition of tooltips to every parameter within the global settings.
Version 0.7.4 - 05.29.2018
- Fixed a bug with the wall polyline tool so that the wall line will snap to the X or Y axis.
- Added ZIP Systems© 7/16" and 1/2" wall sheathing materials to the sheathing tab of the global settings.
- Added the Z Height option to the wall creation tools. The Z height parameter and option to enable this feature are found in the walls tab of the global settings.
- Created icons and added toolbars for the Simpson Strong-Wall module and the Columns module, both of which are still under construction.
Version 0.7.3 - 05.27.2018
- Fixed a bug which limited window height to only 48 inches.
Version 0.7.2 - 05.25.2018
- Created the Medeek Wall Plugin, utilizing SketchUp's Ruby API.
- Added the rectangular wall tool with the ability to create window and door openings.
- Created the wall move tool which allows walls to be moved in or out.
For a more in depth look at the development of the plugin and related discussions please visit the Medeek Forum.
If you have any questions about the Medeek Wall Plugin or its development please contact us.